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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 /*
18  * NCI Interface
19  */
24 /*
25  ################################################################################
26  ***************************** Header File Inclusion
27  ****************************
28  ################################################################################
29  */
30 #include <phNfcStatus.h>
32 /*
33  ################################################################################
34  ****************************** Macro Definitions
35  *******************************
36  ################################################################################
37  */
39 /* Maximum length of ATR_RES (General Bytes) length expected */
41 #define PH_NCINFCTYPES_ATQA_LENGTH (0x02U) /* ATQA length */
43   (0x0FU) /* Max Historical bytes returned by Type A tag */
45 /*
46  * Enum definition contains supported RF Protocols
47  */
48 typedef enum {
49   phNciNfc_e_RfProtocolsUnknownProtocol = 0x00, /* Protocol is not known */
50   phNciNfc_e_RfProtocolsT1tProtocol = 0x01,     /* Type 1 Tag protocol */
51   phNciNfc_e_RfProtocolsT2tProtocol = 0x02,     /* Type 2 Tag protocol */
52   phNciNfc_e_RfProtocolsT3tProtocol = 0x03,     /* Type 3 Tag protocol */
53   phNciNfc_e_RfProtocolsIsoDepProtocol = 0x04,  /* ISO DEP protocol */
54   phNciNfc_e_RfProtocolsNfcDepProtocol = 0x05,  /* NFC DEP protocol */
55   phNciNfc_e_RfProtocols15693Protocol = 0x06,   /* 15693 protocol */
56   phNciNfc_e_RfProtocolsMifCProtocol = 0x80,    /* Mifare Classic protocol */
57   phNciNfc_e_RfProtocolsHidProtocol = 0x81,     /* Hid protocol */
58   phNciNfc_e_RfProtocolsEpcGen2Protocol = 0x82, /* EpcGen2 protocol */
59   phNciNfc_e_RfProtocolsKovioProtocol = 0x83    /* Kovio protocol */
60 } phNciNfc_RfProtocols_t;
62 /*
63  * Supported RF Interfaces
64  */
65 typedef enum {
66   phNciNfc_e_RfInterfacesNfceeDirect_RF = 0x00, /* Nfcee Direct RF Interface */
67   phNciNfc_e_RfInterfacesFrame_RF = 0x01,       /* Frame RF Interface */
68   phNciNfc_e_RfInterfacesISODEP_RF = 0x02,      /* ISO DEP RF Interface */
69   phNciNfc_e_RfInterfacesNFCDEP_RF = 0x03,      /* NFC DEP RF Interface */
70   phNciNfc_e_RfInterfacesTagCmd_RF = 0x80, /* Tag-Cmd RF Interface (Nxp prop) */
71   phNciNfc_e_RfInterfacesHID_RF = 0x81     /* Hid RF Interface (Nxp prop) */
72 } phNciNfc_RfInterfaces_t;
74 /*
75  * Enum definition contains RF technology modes supported.
76  * This information is a part of RF_DISCOVER_NTF or RF_INTF_ACTIVATED_NTF.
77  */
78 typedef enum {
79   phNciNfc_NFCA_Poll = 0x00,        /* Nfc A Technology in Poll Mode */
80   phNciNfc_NFCB_Poll = 0x01,        /* Nfc B Technology in Poll Mode */
81   phNciNfc_NFCF_Poll = 0x02,        /* Nfc F Technology in Poll Mode */
82   phNciNfc_NFCA_Active_Poll = 0x03, /* Nfc A Technology in Active Poll Mode */
83   phNciNfc_NFCF_Active_Poll = 0x05, /* Nfc F Technology in Active Poll Mode */
84   phNciNfc_NFCISO15693_Poll = 0x06, /* Nfc ISO15693 Technology in Poll Mode */
85   phNciNfc_NxpProp_NFCHID_Poll = 0x70, /* Nfc Hid Technology in Poll Mode */
86   phNciNfc_NxpProp_NFCEPFGEN2_Poll =
87       0x71, /* Nfc EpcGen2 Technology in Poll Mode */
88   phNciNfc_NxpProp_NFCKOVIO_Poll = 0x72, /* Nfc Kovio Technology in Poll Mode */
89   phNciNfc_NFCA_Listen = 0x80,           /* Nfc A Technology in Listen Mode */
90   phNciNfc_NFCB_Listen = 0x81,           /* Nfc B Technology in Listen Mode */
91   phNciNfc_NFCF_Listen = 0x82,           /* Nfc F Technology in Listen Mode */
92   phNciNfc_NFCA_Active_Listen =
93       0x83, /* Nfc A Technology in Active Listen Mode */
94   phNciNfc_NFCF_Active_Listen =
95       0x85, /* Nfc F Technology in Active Listen Mode */
96   phNciNfc_NFCISO15693_Active_Listen =
97       0x86 /* Nfc ISO15693 Technology in Listen Mode */
98 } phNciNfc_RfTechMode_t;
100 /*
101  * This is used to identify the exact device type
102  */
103 typedef enum {
104   phNciNfc_eUnknown_DevType = 0x00U,
106   /* Generic PICC Type */
107   phNciNfc_ePICC_DevType,
108   /* Specific PICC Devices */
109   /* This PICC type explains that the card is compliant to the
110    * ISO 14443-1 and 2A specification. This type can be used for the
111    * cards that is supporting these specifications
112    */
113   phNciNfc_eISO14443_A_PICC,
114   /* This PICC type explains that the card is compliant to the
115    * ISO 14443-4A specification
116    */
117   phNciNfc_eISO14443_4A_PICC,
118   /* This PICC type explains that the card is compliant to the
119    * ISO 14443-3A specification
120    */
121   phNciNfc_eISO14443_3A_PICC,
122   /* This PICC type explains that the card is Mifare UL/1k/4k and
123    * also it is compliant to ISO 14443-3A. There can also be other
124    * ISO 14443-3A cards, so the phNciNfc_eISO14443_3A_PICC is also used for
125    * PICC detection
126    */
127   phNciNfc_eMifareUL_PICC,
128   phNciNfc_eMifare1k_PICC,
129   phNciNfc_eMifare4k_PICC,
130   phNciNfc_eMifareMini_PICC,
131   /* This PICC type explains that the card is compliant to the
132    * ISO 14443-1, 2 and 3B specification
133    */
134   phNciNfc_eISO14443_B_PICC,
135   /* This PICC type explains that the card is compliant to the
136    * ISO 14443-4B specification
137    */
138   phNciNfc_eISO14443_4B_PICC,
139   /* This PICC type explains that the card is B-Prime type */
140   phNciNfc_eISO14443_BPrime_PICC,
141   phNciNfc_eFelica_PICC,
142   phNciNfc_eJewel_PICC,
143   /* This PICC type explains that the card is ISO15693 type */
144   phNciNfc_eISO15693_PICC,
145   /* This PICC type explains that the card is EpcGen2 type */
146   phNciNfc_eEpcGen_PICC,
148   /* NFC-IP1 Device Types */
149   phNciNfc_eNfcIP1_Target,
150   phNciNfc_eNfcIP1_Initiator,
152   /* Other Sources */
153   phNciNfc_eInvalid_DevType
155 } phNciNfc_RFDevType_t;
157 /*
158  * RATS Response Params structure
159  */
160 typedef struct phNciNfc_RATSResp {
161   uint8_t bFormatByte;                              /* Format Byte */
162   uint8_t bIByteTA;                                 /* Interface Byte TA(1) */
163   uint8_t bIByteTB;                                 /* Interface Byte TB(1) */
164   uint8_t bIByteTC;                                 /* Interface Byte TC(1) */
165   uint8_t bHistByte[PH_NCINFCTYPES_MAX_HIST_BYTES]; /* Historical Bytes - Max
166                                                        size 15 */
167 } phNciNfc_RATSResp_t;
169 /*
170  * The Reader A structure includes the available information
171  * related to the discovered ISO14443A remote device. This information
172  * is updated for every device discovery.
173  */
174 typedef struct phNciNfc_Iso14443AInfo {
175   uint8_t Uid[PH_NCINFCTYPES_MAX_UID_LENGTH]; /* UID information of the TYPE A
176                                               Tag Discovered NFCID1 -
177                                               Considering max size of NFCID1*/
178   uint8_t UidLength; /* UID information length, shall not be greater
179                      than PHNCINFC_MAX_UID_LENGTH i.e., 10 */
180   uint8_t AppData[PH_NCINFCTYPES_MAX_ATR_LENGTH]; /* Application data
181                                               information of the tag discovered
182                                               (= Historical bytes for type A) */
183   uint8_t AppDataLength;                          /* Application data length */
184   uint8_t Sak; /* SAK information of the TYPE ATag Discovered
185                Mapped to SEL_RES Response*/
186   uint8_t AtqA[PH_NCINFCTYPES_ATQA_LENGTH]; /* ATQA information of the TYPE A
187                                        Tag Discovered */
188   uint8_t MaxDataRate;           /* Maximum data rate supported by the TYPE A
189                                  Tag Discovered */
190   uint8_t Fwi_Sfgt;              /* Frame waiting time and start up frame guard
191                                  time as defined in ISO/IEC 14443-4[7] for type A */
192   uint8_t bSensResResp[2];       /* SENS_RES Response */
193   uint8_t bSelResRespLen;        /* SEL_RES Response Length */
194   uint8_t bRatsRespLen;          /* Length of RATS Response */
195   phNciNfc_RATSResp_t tRatsResp; /* RATS Response Info */
196 } phNciNfc_Iso14443AInfo_t;
198 /*
199  * The Remote Device Information Union includes the available Remote Device
200  * Information structures. Following the device detected, the corresponding data
201  * structure is used.
202  */
203 typedef union phNciNfc_RemoteDevInfo {
204   phNciNfc_Iso14443AInfo_t Iso14443A_Info; /* Type A tag Info */
205 } phNciNfc_RemoteDevInfo_t;
207 /* Contains Details of Discovered Target */
208 typedef struct phNciNfc_RemoteDevInformation {
209   uint8_t SessionOpened; /* Flag indicating the validity of the handle of the
210                             remote device. */
211   phNciNfc_RFDevType_t
212       RemDevType;                /* Remote device type which says that remote
213                                   is Reader A or Reader B or NFCIP or Felica or
214                                   Reader B Prime or Jewel*/
215   uint8_t bRfDiscId;             /* ID of the Tag */
216   phNciNfc_RfInterfaces_t eRfIf; /* RF Interface */
217   phNciNfc_RfProtocols_t eRFProtocol; /* RF protocol of the target */
218   phNciNfc_RfTechMode_t
219       eRFTechMode; /* RF Technology mode of the discovered/activated target */
220   uint8_t bMaxPayLoadSize;       /* Max data payload size*/
221   uint8_t bInitialCredit;        /* Initial credit*/
222   uint8_t bTechSpecificParamLen; /* Technology Specific parameter length, for
223                                     Debugging purpose only*/
224   phNciNfc_RfTechMode_t
225       eDataXchgRFTechMode; /* Data Exchange RF Technology mode of the activated
226                               target */
227   uint8_t bTransBitRate;   /* Transmit Bit Rate */
228   uint8_t bRecvBitRate;    /* Receive Bit Rate */
229   phNciNfc_RemoteDevInfo_t
230       tRemoteDevInfo; /* Structure object to #phNciNfc_RemoteDevInfo_t*/
231 } phNciNfc_RemoteDevInformation_t,
232     *pphNciNfc_RemoteDevInformation_t; /* Pointer to Remote Dev Info*/
234 /*
235  * Structure contains buffer where payload of the received data packet
236  * shall be stored and length of the payload stored in the buffer.
237  */
238 typedef struct phNciNfc_Data {
239   uint8_t* pBuff; /* Buffer to store received data packet's payload */
240   uint16_t wLen;  /* Length of the payload */
241 } phNciNfc_Data_t, *pphNciNfc_Data_t;
243 /*
244  * Type 2 tag command list supported by NCI stack
245  * It includes command lists applicable to Mifare family cards also
246  */
247 typedef enum phNciNfc_T2TCmdList {
248   phNciNfc_eT2TRaw = 0x00, /* Performs Raw communication over T2T Tag*/
249   phNciNfc_eT2TWriteN,     /* Write Multiple blocks to T2T tag*/
250   phNciNfc_eT2TreadN,      /* Read Multiple blocks to T2T tag*/
251   phNciNfc_eT2TSectorSel,  /* Sector Select for MifareStd Cards*/
252   phNciNfc_eT2TAuth,       /* Sector Select for MifareStd Cards*/
253   phNciNfc_eT2TProxCheck,  /* Proxy Check command for MF+*/
254   phNciNfc_eT2TInvalidCmd  /* Invalid Command*/
255 } phNciNfc_T2TCmdList_t;   /* Type2 Tag and Mifare specicific command list*/
257 /* All command list for tag operation supported by NCI stack */
258 typedef union phNciNfc_TagCmdList {
259   phNciNfc_T2TCmdList_t T2TCmd; /* T2T Specific command*/
260 } phNciNfc_TagCmdList_t;        /* Tag specific command */
262 /* Transceive info */
263 typedef struct phNciNfc_TransceiveInfo {
264   phNciNfc_TagCmdList_t uCmd; /* Technology Specific commands */
265   uint8_t bAddr; /* Start address to perform operation,Valid for T1T T2T T3T and
266                     some Propriatery tags */
267   uint8_t bNumBlock;         /* Number of blocks */
268   uint16_t wTimeout;         /* Timeout value to be used during transceive */
269   phNciNfc_Data_t tSendData; /* Buffer information for sending data */
270   phNciNfc_Data_t tRecvData; /* Buffer information for receiving data */
271   /* Details for Felica To be Added if Check and Update supported */
272 } phNciNfc_TransceiveInfo_t,
273     *pphNciNfc_TransceiveInfo_t; /* pointer to struct #phNciNfc_TransceiveInfo_t
274                                   */
276 #endif /* end of #ifndef PHNCINFCTYPES_H */