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1# Copyright 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15import matplotlib
18import its.error
19import sys
20from PIL import Image
21import numpy
22import math
23import unittest
24import cStringIO
25import copy
26import random
28DEFAULT_YUV_TO_RGB_CCM = numpy.matrix([
29                                [1.000,  0.000,  1.402],
30                                [1.000, -0.344, -0.714],
31                                [1.000,  1.772,  0.000]])
33DEFAULT_YUV_OFFSETS = numpy.array([0, 128, 128])
35DEFAULT_GAMMA_LUT = numpy.array(
36        [math.floor(65535 * math.pow(i/65535.0, 1/2.2) + 0.5)
37         for i in xrange(65536)])
39DEFAULT_INVGAMMA_LUT = numpy.array(
40        [math.floor(65535 * math.pow(i/65535.0, 2.2) + 0.5)
41         for i in xrange(65536)])
43MAX_LUT_SIZE = 65536
45NUM_TRYS = 2
49def convert_capture_to_rgb_image(cap,
50                                 ccm_yuv_to_rgb=DEFAULT_YUV_TO_RGB_CCM,
51                                 yuv_off=DEFAULT_YUV_OFFSETS,
52                                 props=None):
53    """Convert a captured image object to a RGB image.
55    Args:
56        cap: A capture object as returned by its.device.do_capture.
57        ccm_yuv_to_rgb: (Optional) the 3x3 CCM to convert from YUV to RGB.
58        yuv_off: (Optional) offsets to subtract from each of Y,U,V values.
59        props: (Optional) camera properties object (of static values);
60            required for processing raw images.
62    Returns:
63        RGB float-3 image array, with pixel values in [0.0, 1.0].
64    """
65    w = cap["width"]
66    h = cap["height"]
67    if cap["format"] == "raw10":
68        assert(props is not None)
69        cap = unpack_raw10_capture(cap, props)
70    if cap["format"] == "raw12":
71        assert(props is not None)
72        cap = unpack_raw12_capture(cap, props)
73    if cap["format"] == "yuv":
74        y = cap["data"][0:w*h]
75        u = cap["data"][w*h:w*h*5/4]
76        v = cap["data"][w*h*5/4:w*h*6/4]
77        return convert_yuv420_planar_to_rgb_image(y, u, v, w, h)
78    elif cap["format"] == "jpeg":
79        return decompress_jpeg_to_rgb_image(cap["data"])
80    elif cap["format"] == "raw" or cap["format"] == "rawStats":
81        assert(props is not None)
82        r,gr,gb,b = convert_capture_to_planes(cap, props)
83        return convert_raw_to_rgb_image(r,gr,gb,b, props, cap["metadata"])
84    elif cap["format"] == "y8":
85        y = cap["data"][0:w*h]
86        return convert_y8_to_rgb_image(y, w, h)
87    else:
88        raise its.error.Error('Invalid format %s' % (cap["format"]))
91def unpack_rawstats_capture(cap):
92    """Unpack a rawStats capture to the mean and variance images.
94    Args:
95        cap: A capture object as returned by its.device.do_capture.
97    Returns:
98        Tuple (mean_image var_image) of float-4 images, with non-normalized
99        pixel values computed from the RAW16 images on the device
100    """
101    assert(cap["format"] == "rawStats")
102    w = cap["width"]
103    h = cap["height"]
104    img = numpy.ndarray(shape=(2*h*w*4,), dtype='<f', buffer=cap["data"])
105    analysis_image = img.reshape(2,h,w,4)
106    mean_image = analysis_image[0,:,:,:].reshape(h,w,4)
107    var_image = analysis_image[1,:,:,:].reshape(h,w,4)
108    return mean_image, var_image
111def unpack_raw10_capture(cap, props):
112    """Unpack a raw-10 capture to a raw-16 capture.
114    Args:
115        cap: A raw-10 capture object.
116        props: Camera properties object.
118    Returns:
119        New capture object with raw-16 data.
120    """
121    # Data is packed as 4x10b pixels in 5 bytes, with the first 4 bytes holding
122    # the MSPs of the pixels, and the 5th byte holding 4x2b LSBs.
123    w,h = cap["width"], cap["height"]
124    if w % 4 != 0:
125        raise its.error.Error('Invalid raw-10 buffer width')
126    cap = copy.deepcopy(cap)
127    cap["data"] = unpack_raw10_image(cap["data"].reshape(h,w*5/4))
128    cap["format"] = "raw"
129    return cap
132def unpack_raw10_image(img):
133    """Unpack a raw-10 image to a raw-16 image.
135    Output image will have the 10 LSBs filled in each 16b word, and the 6 MSBs
136    will be set to zero.
138    Args:
139        img: A raw-10 image, as a uint8 numpy array.
141    Returns:
142        Image as a uint16 numpy array, with all row padding stripped.
143    """
144    if img.shape[1] % 5 != 0:
145        raise its.error.Error('Invalid raw-10 buffer width')
146    w = img.shape[1]*4/5
147    h = img.shape[0]
148    # Cut out the 4x8b MSBs and shift to bits [9:2] in 16b words.
149    msbs = numpy.delete(img, numpy.s_[4::5], 1)
150    msbs = msbs.astype(numpy.uint16)
151    msbs = numpy.left_shift(msbs, 2)
152    msbs = msbs.reshape(h,w)
153    # Cut out the 4x2b LSBs and put each in bits [1:0] of their own 8b words.
154    lsbs = img[::, 4::5].reshape(h,w/4)
155    lsbs = numpy.right_shift(
156            numpy.packbits(numpy.unpackbits(lsbs).reshape(h,w/4,4,2),3), 6)
157    # Pair the LSB bits group to 0th pixel instead of 3rd pixel
158    lsbs = lsbs.reshape(h,w/4,4)[:,:,::-1]
159    lsbs = lsbs.reshape(h,w)
160    # Fuse the MSBs and LSBs back together
161    img16 = numpy.bitwise_or(msbs, lsbs).reshape(h,w)
162    return img16
165def unpack_raw12_capture(cap, props):
166    """Unpack a raw-12 capture to a raw-16 capture.
168    Args:
169        cap: A raw-12 capture object.
170        props: Camera properties object.
172    Returns:
173        New capture object with raw-16 data.
174    """
175    # Data is packed as 4x10b pixels in 5 bytes, with the first 4 bytes holding
176    # the MSBs of the pixels, and the 5th byte holding 4x2b LSBs.
177    w,h = cap["width"], cap["height"]
178    if w % 2 != 0:
179        raise its.error.Error('Invalid raw-12 buffer width')
180    cap = copy.deepcopy(cap)
181    cap["data"] = unpack_raw12_image(cap["data"].reshape(h,w*3/2))
182    cap["format"] = "raw"
183    return cap
186def unpack_raw12_image(img):
187    """Unpack a raw-12 image to a raw-16 image.
189    Output image will have the 12 LSBs filled in each 16b word, and the 4 MSBs
190    will be set to zero.
192    Args:
193        img: A raw-12 image, as a uint8 numpy array.
195    Returns:
196        Image as a uint16 numpy array, with all row padding stripped.
197    """
198    if img.shape[1] % 3 != 0:
199        raise its.error.Error('Invalid raw-12 buffer width')
200    w = img.shape[1]*2/3
201    h = img.shape[0]
202    # Cut out the 2x8b MSBs and shift to bits [11:4] in 16b words.
203    msbs = numpy.delete(img, numpy.s_[2::3], 1)
204    msbs = msbs.astype(numpy.uint16)
205    msbs = numpy.left_shift(msbs, 4)
206    msbs = msbs.reshape(h,w)
207    # Cut out the 2x4b LSBs and put each in bits [3:0] of their own 8b words.
208    lsbs = img[::, 2::3].reshape(h,w/2)
209    lsbs = numpy.right_shift(
210            numpy.packbits(numpy.unpackbits(lsbs).reshape(h,w/2,2,4),3), 4)
211    # Pair the LSB bits group to pixel 0 instead of pixel 1
212    lsbs = lsbs.reshape(h,w/2,2)[:,:,::-1]
213    lsbs = lsbs.reshape(h,w)
214    # Fuse the MSBs and LSBs back together
215    img16 = numpy.bitwise_or(msbs, lsbs).reshape(h,w)
216    return img16
219def convert_capture_to_planes(cap, props=None):
220    """Convert a captured image object to separate image planes.
222    Decompose an image into multiple images, corresponding to different planes.
224    For YUV420 captures ("yuv"):
225        Returns Y,U,V planes, where the Y plane is full-res and the U,V planes
226        are each 1/2 x 1/2 of the full res.
228    For Bayer captures ("raw", "raw10", "raw12", or "rawStats"):
229        Returns planes in the order R,Gr,Gb,B, regardless of the Bayer pattern
230        layout. For full-res raw images ("raw", "raw10", "raw12"), each plane
231        is 1/2 x 1/2 of the full res. For "rawStats" images, the mean image
232        is returned.
234    For JPEG captures ("jpeg"):
235        Returns R,G,B full-res planes.
237    Args:
238        cap: A capture object as returned by its.device.do_capture.
239        props: (Optional) camera properties object (of static values);
240            required for processing raw images.
242    Returns:
243        A tuple of float numpy arrays (one per plane), consisting of pixel
244            values in the range [0.0, 1.0].
245    """
246    w = cap["width"]
247    h = cap["height"]
248    if cap["format"] == "raw10":
249        assert(props is not None)
250        cap = unpack_raw10_capture(cap, props)
251    if cap["format"] == "raw12":
252        assert(props is not None)
253        cap = unpack_raw12_capture(cap, props)
254    if cap["format"] == "yuv":
255        y = cap["data"][0:w*h]
256        u = cap["data"][w*h:w*h*5/4]
257        v = cap["data"][w*h*5/4:w*h*6/4]
258        return ((y.astype(numpy.float32) / 255.0).reshape(h, w, 1),
259                (u.astype(numpy.float32) / 255.0).reshape(h/2, w/2, 1),
260                (v.astype(numpy.float32) / 255.0).reshape(h/2, w/2, 1))
261    elif cap["format"] == "jpeg":
262        rgb = decompress_jpeg_to_rgb_image(cap["data"]).reshape(w*h*3)
263        return (rgb[::3].reshape(h,w,1),
264                rgb[1::3].reshape(h,w,1),
265                rgb[2::3].reshape(h,w,1))
266    elif cap["format"] == "raw":
267        assert(props is not None)
268        white_level = float(props['android.sensor.info.whiteLevel'])
269        img = numpy.ndarray(shape=(h*w,), dtype='<u2',
270                            buffer=cap["data"][0:w*h*2])
271        img = img.astype(numpy.float32).reshape(h,w) / white_level
272        # Crop the raw image to the active array region.
273        if props.has_key("android.sensor.info.preCorrectionActiveArraySize") \
274                and props["android.sensor.info.preCorrectionActiveArraySize"] is not None \
275                and props.has_key("android.sensor.info.pixelArraySize") \
276                and props["android.sensor.info.pixelArraySize"] is not None:
277            # Note that the Rect class is defined such that the left,top values
278            # are "inside" while the right,bottom values are "outside"; that is,
279            # it's inclusive of the top,left sides only. So, the width is
280            # computed as right-left, rather than right-left+1, etc.
281            wfull = props["android.sensor.info.pixelArraySize"]["width"]
282            hfull = props["android.sensor.info.pixelArraySize"]["height"]
283            xcrop = props["android.sensor.info.preCorrectionActiveArraySize"]["left"]
284            ycrop = props["android.sensor.info.preCorrectionActiveArraySize"]["top"]
285            wcrop = props["android.sensor.info.preCorrectionActiveArraySize"]["right"]-xcrop
286            hcrop = props["android.sensor.info.preCorrectionActiveArraySize"]["bottom"]-ycrop
287            assert(wfull >= wcrop >= 0)
288            assert(hfull >= hcrop >= 0)
289            assert(wfull - wcrop >= xcrop >= 0)
290            assert(hfull - hcrop >= ycrop >= 0)
291            if w == wfull and h == hfull:
292                # Crop needed; extract the center region.
293                img = img[ycrop:ycrop+hcrop,xcrop:xcrop+wcrop]
294                w = wcrop
295                h = hcrop
296            elif w == wcrop and h == hcrop:
297                # No crop needed; image is already cropped to the active array.
298                None
299            else:
300                raise its.error.Error('Invalid image size metadata')
301        # Separate the image planes.
302        imgs = [img[::2].reshape(w*h/2)[::2].reshape(h/2,w/2,1),
303                img[::2].reshape(w*h/2)[1::2].reshape(h/2,w/2,1),
304                img[1::2].reshape(w*h/2)[::2].reshape(h/2,w/2,1),
305                img[1::2].reshape(w*h/2)[1::2].reshape(h/2,w/2,1)]
306        idxs = get_canonical_cfa_order(props)
307        return [imgs[i] for i in idxs]
308    elif cap["format"] == "rawStats":
309        assert(props is not None)
310        white_level = float(props['android.sensor.info.whiteLevel'])
311        mean_image, var_image = its.image.unpack_rawstats_capture(cap)
312        idxs = get_canonical_cfa_order(props)
313        return [mean_image[:,:,i] / white_level for i in idxs]
314    else:
315        raise its.error.Error('Invalid format %s' % (cap["format"]))
318def get_canonical_cfa_order(props):
319    """Returns a mapping from the Bayer 2x2 top-left grid in the CFA to
320    the standard order R,Gr,Gb,B.
322    Args:
323        props: Camera properties object.
325    Returns:
326        List of 4 integers, corresponding to the positions in the 2x2 top-
327            left Bayer grid of R,Gr,Gb,B, where the 2x2 grid is labeled as
328            0,1,2,3 in row major order.
329    """
330    # Note that raw streams aren't croppable, so the cropRegion doesn't need
331    # to be considered when determining the top-left pixel color.
332    cfa_pat = props['android.sensor.info.colorFilterArrangement']
333    if cfa_pat == 0:
334        # RGGB
335        return [0,1,2,3]
336    elif cfa_pat == 1:
337        # GRBG
338        return [1,0,3,2]
339    elif cfa_pat == 2:
340        # GBRG
341        return [2,3,0,1]
342    elif cfa_pat == 3:
343        # BGGR
344        return [3,2,1,0]
345    else:
346        raise its.error.Error("Not supported")
349def get_gains_in_canonical_order(props, gains):
350    """Reorders the gains tuple to the canonical R,Gr,Gb,B order.
352    Args:
353        props: Camera properties object.
354        gains: List of 4 values, in R,G_even,G_odd,B order.
356    Returns:
357        List of gains values, in R,Gr,Gb,B order.
358    """
359    cfa_pat = props['android.sensor.info.colorFilterArrangement']
360    if cfa_pat in [0,1]:
361        # RGGB or GRBG, so G_even is Gr
362        return gains
363    elif cfa_pat in [2,3]:
364        # GBRG or BGGR, so G_even is Gb
365        return [gains[0], gains[2], gains[1], gains[3]]
366    else:
367        raise its.error.Error("Not supported")
370def convert_raw_to_rgb_image(r_plane, gr_plane, gb_plane, b_plane,
371                             props, cap_res):
372    """Convert a Bayer raw-16 image to an RGB image.
374    Includes some extremely rudimentary demosaicking and color processing
375    operations; the output of this function shouldn't be used for any image
376    quality analysis.
378    Args:
379        r_plane,gr_plane,gb_plane,b_plane: Numpy arrays for each color plane
380            in the Bayer image, with pixels in the [0.0, 1.0] range.
381        props: Camera properties object.
382        cap_res: Capture result (metadata) object.
384    Returns:
385        RGB float-3 image array, with pixel values in [0.0, 1.0]
386    """
387    # Values required for the RAW to RGB conversion.
388    assert(props is not None)
389    white_level = float(props['android.sensor.info.whiteLevel'])
390    black_levels = props['android.sensor.blackLevelPattern']
391    gains = cap_res['android.colorCorrection.gains']
392    ccm = cap_res['android.colorCorrection.transform']
394    # Reorder black levels and gains to R,Gr,Gb,B, to match the order
395    # of the planes.
396    black_levels = [get_black_level(i,props,cap_res) for i in range(4)]
397    gains = get_gains_in_canonical_order(props, gains)
399    # Convert CCM from rational to float, as numpy arrays.
400    ccm = numpy.array(its.objects.rational_to_float(ccm)).reshape(3,3)
402    # Need to scale the image back to the full [0,1] range after subtracting
403    # the black level from each pixel.
404    scale = white_level / (white_level - max(black_levels))
406    # Three-channel black levels, normalized to [0,1] by white_level.
407    black_levels = numpy.array([b/white_level for b in [
408            black_levels[i] for i in [0,1,3]]])
410    # Three-channel gains.
411    gains = numpy.array([gains[i] for i in [0,1,3]])
413    h,w = r_plane.shape[:2]
414    img = numpy.dstack([r_plane,(gr_plane+gb_plane)/2.0,b_plane])
415    img = (((img.reshape(h,w,3) - black_levels) * scale) * gains).clip(0.0,1.0)
416    img = numpy.dot(img.reshape(w*h,3), ccm.T).reshape(h,w,3).clip(0.0,1.0)
417    return img
420def get_black_level(chan, props, cap_res=None):
421    """Return the black level to use for a given capture.
423    Uses a dynamic value from the capture result if available, else falls back
424    to the static global value in the camera characteristics.
426    Args:
427        chan: The channel index, in canonical order (R, Gr, Gb, B).
428        props: The camera properties object.
429        cap_res: A capture result object.
431    Returns:
432        The black level value for the specified channel.
433    """
434    if (cap_res is not None and cap_res.has_key('android.sensor.dynamicBlackLevel') and
435            cap_res['android.sensor.dynamicBlackLevel'] is not None):
436        black_levels = cap_res['android.sensor.dynamicBlackLevel']
437    else:
438        black_levels = props['android.sensor.blackLevelPattern']
439    idxs = its.image.get_canonical_cfa_order(props)
440    ordered_black_levels = [black_levels[i] for i in idxs]
441    return ordered_black_levels[chan]
444def convert_yuv420_planar_to_rgb_image(y_plane, u_plane, v_plane,
445                                       w, h,
446                                       ccm_yuv_to_rgb=DEFAULT_YUV_TO_RGB_CCM,
447                                       yuv_off=DEFAULT_YUV_OFFSETS):
448    """Convert a YUV420 8-bit planar image to an RGB image.
450    Args:
451        y_plane: The packed 8-bit Y plane.
452        u_plane: The packed 8-bit U plane.
453        v_plane: The packed 8-bit V plane.
454        w: The width of the image.
455        h: The height of the image.
456        ccm_yuv_to_rgb: (Optional) the 3x3 CCM to convert from YUV to RGB.
457        yuv_off: (Optional) offsets to subtract from each of Y,U,V values.
459    Returns:
460        RGB float-3 image array, with pixel values in [0.0, 1.0].
461    """
462    y = numpy.subtract(y_plane, yuv_off[0])
463    u = numpy.subtract(u_plane, yuv_off[1]).view(numpy.int8)
464    v = numpy.subtract(v_plane, yuv_off[2]).view(numpy.int8)
465    u = u.reshape(h/2, w/2).repeat(2, axis=1).repeat(2, axis=0)
466    v = v.reshape(h/2, w/2).repeat(2, axis=1).repeat(2, axis=0)
467    yuv = numpy.dstack([y, u.reshape(w*h), v.reshape(w*h)])
468    flt = numpy.empty([h, w, 3], dtype=numpy.float32)
469    flt.reshape(w*h*3)[:] = yuv.reshape(h*w*3)[:]
470    flt = numpy.dot(flt.reshape(w*h,3), ccm_yuv_to_rgb.T).clip(0, 255)
471    rgb = numpy.empty([h, w, 3], dtype=numpy.uint8)
472    rgb.reshape(w*h*3)[:] = flt.reshape(w*h*3)[:]
473    return rgb.astype(numpy.float32) / 255.0
475def convert_y8_to_rgb_image(y_plane, w, h):
476    """Convert a Y 8-bit image to an RGB image.
478    Args:
479        y_plane: The packed 8-bit Y plane.
480        w: The width of the image.
481        h: The height of the image.
483    Returns:
484        RGB float-3 image array, with pixel values in [0.0, 1.0].
485    """
486    y3 = numpy.dstack([y_plane, y_plane, y_plane])
487    rgb = numpy.empty([h, w, 3], dtype=numpy.uint8)
488    rgb.reshape(w*h*3)[:] = y3.reshape(w*h*3)[:]
489    return rgb.astype(numpy.float32) / 255.0
491def load_rgb_image(fname):
492    """Load a standard image file (JPG, PNG, etc.).
494    Args:
495        fname: The path of the file to load.
497    Returns:
498        RGB float-3 image array, with pixel values in [0.0, 1.0].
499    """
500    img = Image.open(fname)
501    w = img.size[0]
502    h = img.size[1]
503    a = numpy.array(img)
504    if len(a.shape) == 3 and a.shape[2] == 3:
505        # RGB
506        return a.reshape(h,w,3) / 255.0
507    elif len(a.shape) == 2 or len(a.shape) == 3 and a.shape[2] == 1:
508        # Greyscale; convert to RGB
509        return a.reshape(h*w).repeat(3).reshape(h,w,3) / 255.0
510    else:
511        raise its.error.Error('Unsupported image type')
514def load_yuv420_to_rgb_image(yuv_fname,
515                             w, h,
516                             layout="planar",
517                             ccm_yuv_to_rgb=DEFAULT_YUV_TO_RGB_CCM,
518                             yuv_off=DEFAULT_YUV_OFFSETS):
519    """Load a YUV420 image file, and return as an RGB image.
521    Supported layouts include "planar" and "nv21". The "yuv" formatted captures
522    returned from the device via do_capture are in the "planar" layout; other
523    layouts may only be needed for loading files from other sources.
525    Args:
526        yuv_fname: The path of the YUV420 file.
527        w: The width of the image.
528        h: The height of the image.
529        layout: (Optional) the layout of the YUV data (as a string).
530        ccm_yuv_to_rgb: (Optional) the 3x3 CCM to convert from YUV to RGB.
531        yuv_off: (Optional) offsets to subtract from each of Y,U,V values.
533    Returns:
534        RGB float-3 image array, with pixel values in [0.0, 1.0].
535    """
536    with open(yuv_fname, "rb") as f:
537        if layout == "planar":
538            # Plane of Y, plane of V, plane of U.
539            y = numpy.fromfile(f, numpy.uint8, w*h, "")
540            v = numpy.fromfile(f, numpy.uint8, w*h/4, "")
541            u = numpy.fromfile(f, numpy.uint8, w*h/4, "")
542        elif layout == "nv21":
543            # Plane of Y, plane of interleaved VUVUVU...
544            y = numpy.fromfile(f, numpy.uint8, w*h, "")
545            vu = numpy.fromfile(f, numpy.uint8, w*h/2, "")
546            v = vu[0::2]
547            u = vu[1::2]
548        else:
549            raise its.error.Error('Unsupported image layout')
550        return convert_yuv420_planar_to_rgb_image(
551                y,u,v,w,h,ccm_yuv_to_rgb,yuv_off)
554def load_yuv420_planar_to_yuv_planes(yuv_fname, w, h):
555    """Load a YUV420 planar image file, and return Y, U, and V plane images.
557    Args:
558        yuv_fname: The path of the YUV420 file.
559        w: The width of the image.
560        h: The height of the image.
562    Returns:
563        Separate Y, U, and V images as float-1 Numpy arrays, pixels in [0,1].
564        Note that pixel (0,0,0) is not black, since U,V pixels are centered at
565        0.5, and also that the Y and U,V plane images returned are different
566        sizes (due to chroma subsampling in the YUV420 format).
567    """
568    with open(yuv_fname, "rb") as f:
569        y = numpy.fromfile(f, numpy.uint8, w*h, "")
570        v = numpy.fromfile(f, numpy.uint8, w*h/4, "")
571        u = numpy.fromfile(f, numpy.uint8, w*h/4, "")
572        return ((y.astype(numpy.float32) / 255.0).reshape(h, w, 1),
573                (u.astype(numpy.float32) / 255.0).reshape(h/2, w/2, 1),
574                (v.astype(numpy.float32) / 255.0).reshape(h/2, w/2, 1))
577def decompress_jpeg_to_rgb_image(jpeg_buffer):
578    """Decompress a JPEG-compressed image, returning as an RGB image.
580    Args:
581        jpeg_buffer: The JPEG stream.
583    Returns:
584        A numpy array for the RGB image, with pixels in [0,1].
585    """
586    img = Image.open(cStringIO.StringIO(jpeg_buffer))
587    w = img.size[0]
588    h = img.size[1]
589    return numpy.array(img).reshape(h,w,3) / 255.0
592def apply_lut_to_image(img, lut):
593    """Applies a LUT to every pixel in a float image array.
595    Internally converts to a 16b integer image, since the LUT can work with up
596    to 16b->16b mappings (i.e. values in the range [0,65535]). The lut can also
597    have fewer than 65536 entries, however it must be sized as a power of 2
598    (and for smaller luts, the scale must match the bitdepth).
600    For a 16b lut of 65536 entries, the operation performed is:
602        lut[r * 65535] / 65535 -> r'
603        lut[g * 65535] / 65535 -> g'
604        lut[b * 65535] / 65535 -> b'
606    For a 10b lut of 1024 entries, the operation becomes:
608        lut[r * 1023] / 1023 -> r'
609        lut[g * 1023] / 1023 -> g'
610        lut[b * 1023] / 1023 -> b'
612    Args:
613        img: Numpy float image array, with pixel values in [0,1].
614        lut: Numpy table encoding a LUT, mapping 16b integer values.
616    Returns:
617        Float image array after applying LUT to each pixel.
618    """
619    n = len(lut)
620    if n <= 0 or n > MAX_LUT_SIZE or (n & (n - 1)) != 0:
621        raise its.error.Error('Invalid arg LUT size: %d' % (n))
622    m = float(n-1)
623    return (lut[(img * m).astype(numpy.uint16)] / m).astype(numpy.float32)
626def apply_matrix_to_image(img, mat):
627    """Multiplies a 3x3 matrix with each float-3 image pixel.
629    Each pixel is considered a column vector, and is left-multiplied by
630    the given matrix:
632        [     ]   r    r'
633        [ mat ] * g -> g'
634        [     ]   b    b'
636    Args:
637        img: Numpy float image array, with pixel values in [0,1].
638        mat: Numpy 3x3 matrix.
640    Returns:
641        The numpy float-3 image array resulting from the matrix mult.
642    """
643    h = img.shape[0]
644    w = img.shape[1]
645    img2 = numpy.empty([h, w, 3], dtype=numpy.float32)
646    img2.reshape(w*h*3)[:] = (numpy.dot(img.reshape(h*w, 3), mat.T)
647                             ).reshape(w*h*3)[:]
648    return img2
651def get_image_patch(img, xnorm, ynorm, wnorm, hnorm):
652    """Get a patch (tile) of an image.
654    Args:
655        img: Numpy float image array, with pixel values in [0,1].
656        xnorm,ynorm,wnorm,hnorm: Normalized (in [0,1]) coords for the tile.
658    Returns:
659        Float image array of the patch.
660    """
661    hfull = img.shape[0]
662    wfull = img.shape[1]
663    xtile = int(math.ceil(xnorm * wfull))
664    ytile = int(math.ceil(ynorm * hfull))
665    wtile = int(math.floor(wnorm * wfull))
666    htile = int(math.floor(hnorm * hfull))
667    if len(img.shape)==2:
668        return img[ytile:ytile+htile,xtile:xtile+wtile].copy()
669    else:
670        return img[ytile:ytile+htile,xtile:xtile+wtile,:].copy()
673def compute_image_means(img):
674    """Calculate the mean of each color channel in the image.
676    Args:
677        img: Numpy float image array, with pixel values in [0,1].
679    Returns:
680        A list of mean values, one per color channel in the image.
681    """
682    means = []
683    chans = img.shape[2]
684    for i in xrange(chans):
685        means.append(numpy.mean(img[:,:,i], dtype=numpy.float64))
686    return means
689def compute_image_variances(img):
690    """Calculate the variance of each color channel in the image.
692    Args:
693        img: Numpy float image array, with pixel values in [0,1].
695    Returns:
696        A list of mean values, one per color channel in the image.
697    """
698    variances = []
699    chans = img.shape[2]
700    for i in xrange(chans):
701        variances.append(numpy.var(img[:,:,i], dtype=numpy.float64))
702    return variances
705def compute_image_snrs(img):
706    """Calculate the SNR (db) of each color channel in the image.
708    Args:
709        img: Numpy float image array, with pixel values in [0,1].
711    Returns:
712        A list of SNR value, one per color channel in the image.
713    """
714    means = compute_image_means(img)
715    variances = compute_image_variances(img)
716    std_devs = [math.sqrt(v) for v in variances]
717    snr = [20 * math.log10(m/s) for m,s in zip(means, std_devs)]
718    return snr
721def compute_image_max_gradients(img):
722    """Calculate the maximum gradient of each color channel in the image.
724    Args:
725        img: Numpy float image array, with pixel values in [0,1].
727    Returns:
728        A list of gradient max values, one per color channel in the image.
729    """
730    grads = []
731    chans = img.shape[2]
732    for i in xrange(chans):
733        grads.append(numpy.amax(numpy.gradient(img[:, :, i])))
734    return grads
737def write_image(img, fname, apply_gamma=False):
738    """Save a float-3 numpy array image to a file.
740    Supported formats: PNG, JPEG, and others; see PIL docs for more.
742    Image can be 3-channel, which is interpreted as RGB, or can be 1-channel,
743    which is greyscale.
745    Can optionally specify that the image should be gamma-encoded prior to
746    writing it out; this should be done if the image contains linear pixel
747    values, to make the image look "normal".
749    Args:
750        img: Numpy image array data.
751        fname: Path of file to save to; the extension specifies the format.
752        apply_gamma: (Optional) apply gamma to the image prior to writing it.
753    """
754    if apply_gamma:
755        img = apply_lut_to_image(img, DEFAULT_GAMMA_LUT)
756    (h, w, chans) = img.shape
757    if chans == 3:
758        Image.fromarray((img * 255.0).astype(numpy.uint8), "RGB").save(fname)
759    elif chans == 1:
760        img3 = (img * 255.0).astype(numpy.uint8).repeat(3).reshape(h,w,3)
761        Image.fromarray(img3, "RGB").save(fname)
762    else:
763        raise its.error.Error('Unsupported image type')
766def downscale_image(img, f):
767    """Shrink an image by a given integer factor.
769    This function computes output pixel values by averaging over rectangular
770    regions of the input image; it doesn't skip or sample pixels, and all input
771    image pixels are evenly weighted.
773    If the downscaling factor doesn't cleanly divide the width and/or height,
774    then the remaining pixels on the right or bottom edge are discarded prior
775    to the downscaling.
777    Args:
778        img: The input image as an ndarray.
779        f: The downscaling factor, which should be an integer.
781    Returns:
782        The new (downscaled) image, as an ndarray.
783    """
784    h,w,chans = img.shape
785    f = int(f)
786    assert(f >= 1)
787    h = (h/f)*f
788    w = (w/f)*f
789    img = img[0:h:,0:w:,::]
790    chs = []
791    for i in xrange(chans):
792        ch = img.reshape(h*w*chans)[i::chans].reshape(h,w)
793        ch = ch.reshape(h,w/f,f).mean(2).reshape(h,w/f)
794        ch = ch.T.reshape(w/f,h/f,f).mean(2).T.reshape(h/f,w/f)
795        chs.append(ch.reshape(h*w/(f*f)))
796    img = numpy.vstack(chs).T.reshape(h/f,w/f,chans)
797    return img
800def compute_image_sharpness(img):
801    """Calculate the sharpness of input image.
803    Args:
804        img: Numpy float RGB/luma image array, with pixel values in [0,1].
806    Returns:
807        A sharpness estimation value based on the average of gradient magnitude.
808        Larger value means the image is sharper.
809    """
810    chans = img.shape[2]
811    assert(chans == 1 or chans == 3)
812    if (chans == 1):
813        luma = img[:, :, 0]
814    elif (chans == 3):
815        luma = 0.299 * img[:,:,0] + 0.587 * img[:,:,1] + 0.114 * img[:,:,2]
817    [gy, gx] = numpy.gradient(luma)
818    return numpy.average(numpy.sqrt(gy*gy + gx*gx))
821def normalize_img(img):
822    """Normalize the image values to between 0 and 1.
824    Args:
825        img: 2-D numpy array of image values
826    Returns:
827        Normalized image
828    """
829    return (img - numpy.amin(img))/(numpy.amax(img) - numpy.amin(img))
832def chart_located_per_argv():
833    """Determine if chart already located outside of test.
835    If chart info provided, return location and size. If not, return None.
837    Args:
838        None
839    Returns:
840        chart_loc:  float converted xnorm,ynorm,wnorm,hnorm,scale from argv text.
841                    argv is of form 'chart_loc=0.45,0.45,0.1,0.1,1.0'
842    """
843    for s in sys.argv[1:]:
844        if s[:10] == "chart_loc=" and len(s) > 10:
845            chart_loc = s[10:].split(",")
846            return map(float, chart_loc)
847    return None, None, None, None, None
850def rotate_img_per_argv(img):
851    """Rotate an image 180 degrees if "rotate" is in argv
853    Args:
854        img: 2-D numpy array of image values
855    Returns:
856        Rotated image
857    """
858    img_out = img
859    if "rotate180" in sys.argv:
860        img_out = numpy.fliplr(numpy.flipud(img_out))
861    return img_out
864def stationary_lens_cap(cam, req, fmt):
865    """Take up to NUM_TRYS caps and save the 1st one with lens stationary.
867    Args:
868        cam:    open device session
869        req:    capture request
870        fmt:    format for capture
872    Returns:
873        capture
874    """
875    trys = 0
876    done = False
877    reqs = [req] * NUM_FRAMES
878    while not done:
879        print 'Waiting for lens to move to correct location...'
880        cap = cam.do_capture(reqs, fmt)
881        done = (cap[NUM_FRAMES-1]['metadata']['android.lens.state'] == 0)
882        print ' status: ', done
883        trys += 1
884        if trys == NUM_TRYS:
885            raise its.error.Error('Cannot settle lens after %d trys!' % trys)
886    return cap[NUM_FRAMES-1]
889class __UnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
890    """Run a suite of unit tests on this module.
891    """
893    # TODO: Add more unit tests.
895    def test_apply_matrix_to_image(self):
896        """Unit test for apply_matrix_to_image.
898        Test by using a canned set of values on a 1x1 pixel image.
900            [ 1 2 3 ]   [ 0.1 ]   [ 1.4 ]
901            [ 4 5 6 ] * [ 0.2 ] = [ 3.2 ]
902            [ 7 8 9 ]   [ 0.3 ]   [ 5.0 ]
903               mat         x         y
904        """
905        mat = numpy.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]])
906        x = numpy.array([0.1,0.2,0.3]).reshape(1,1,3)
907        y = apply_matrix_to_image(x, mat).reshape(3).tolist()
908        y_ref = [1.4,3.2,5.0]
909        passed = all([math.fabs(y[i] - y_ref[i]) < 0.001 for i in xrange(3)])
910        self.assertTrue(passed)
912    def test_apply_lut_to_image(self):
913        """Unit test for apply_lut_to_image.
915        Test by using a canned set of values on a 1x1 pixel image. The LUT will
916        simply double the value of the index:
918            lut[x] = 2*x
919        """
920        lut = numpy.array([2*i for i in xrange(65536)])
921        x = numpy.array([0.1,0.2,0.3]).reshape(1,1,3)
922        y = apply_lut_to_image(x, lut).reshape(3).tolist()
923        y_ref = [0.2,0.4,0.6]
924        passed = all([math.fabs(y[i] - y_ref[i]) < 0.001 for i in xrange(3)])
925        self.assertTrue(passed)
927    def test_unpack_raw10_image(self):
928        """Unit test for unpack_raw10_image.
930        RAW10 bit packing format
931                bit 7   bit 6   bit 5   bit 4   bit 3   bit 2   bit 1   bit 0
932        Byte 0: P0[9]   P0[8]   P0[7]   P0[6]   P0[5]   P0[4]   P0[3]   P0[2]
933        Byte 1: P1[9]   P1[8]   P1[7]   P1[6]   P1[5]   P1[4]   P1[3]   P1[2]
934        Byte 2: P2[9]   P2[8]   P2[7]   P2[6]   P2[5]   P2[4]   P2[3]   P2[2]
935        Byte 3: P3[9]   P3[8]   P3[7]   P3[6]   P3[5]   P3[4]   P3[3]   P3[2]
936        Byte 4: P3[1]   P3[0]   P2[1]   P2[0]   P1[1]   P1[0]   P0[1]   P0[0]
937        """
938        # test by using a random 4x4 10-bit image
939        H = 4
940        W = 4
941        check_list = random.sample(range(0, 1024), H*W)
942        img_check = numpy.array(check_list).reshape(H, W)
943        # pack bits
944        for row_start in range(0, len(check_list), W):
945            msbs = []
946            lsbs = ""
947            for pixel in range(W):
948                val = numpy.binary_repr(check_list[row_start+pixel], 10)
949                msbs.append(int(val[:8], base=2))
950                lsbs = val[8:] + lsbs
951            packed = msbs
952            packed.append(int(lsbs, base=2))
953            chunk_raw10 = numpy.array(packed, dtype="uint8").reshape(1, 5)
954            if row_start == 0:
955                img_raw10 = chunk_raw10
956            else:
957                img_raw10 = numpy.vstack((img_raw10, chunk_raw10))
958        # unpack and check against original
959        self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(unpack_raw10_image(img_raw10),
960                                          img_check))
962if __name__ == "__main__":
963    unittest.main()