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1 /*
2  * Copyright 2016 The gRPC Authors
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package io.grpc;
19 import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
20 import com.google.common.base.Objects;
21 import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
22 import java.util.Collections;
23 import java.util.List;
24 import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
25 import javax.annotation.Nullable;
26 import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
27 import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
28 import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
30 /**
31  * A pluggable component that receives resolved addresses from {@link NameResolver} and provides the
32  * channel a usable subchannel when asked.
33  *
34  * <h3>Overview</h3>
35  *
36  * <p>A LoadBalancer typically implements three interfaces:
37  * <ol>
38  *   <li>{@link LoadBalancer} is the main interface.  All methods on it are invoked sequentially
39  *       from the Channel Executor.  It receives the results from the {@link NameResolver}, updates
40  *       of subchannels' connectivity states, and the channel's request for the LoadBalancer to
41  *       shutdown.</li>
42  *   <li>{@link SubchannelPicker SubchannelPicker} does the actual load-balancing work.  It selects
43  *       a {@link Subchannel Subchannel} for each new RPC.</li>
44  *   <li>{@link Factory Factory} creates a new {@link LoadBalancer} instance.
45  * </ol>
46  *
47  * <p>{@link Helper Helper} is implemented by gRPC library and provided to {@link Factory
48  * Factory}. It provides functionalities that a {@code LoadBalancer} implementation would typically
49  * need.
50  *
51  * <h3>Channel Executor</h3>
52  *
53  * <p>Channel Executor is an internal executor of the channel, which is used to serialize all the
54  * callback methods on the {@link LoadBalancer} interface, thus the balancer implementation doesn't
55  * need to worry about synchronization among them.  However, the actual thread of the Channel
56  * Executor is typically the network thread, thus the following rules must be followed to prevent
57  * blocking or even dead-locking in a network
58  *
59  * <ol>
60  *
61  *   <li><strong>Never block in Channel Executor</strong>.  The callback methods must return
62  *   quickly.  Examples or work that must be avoided: CPU-intensive calculation, waiting on
63  *   synchronization primitives, blocking I/O, blocking RPCs, etc.</li>
64  *
65  *   <li><strong>Avoid calling into other components with lock held</strong>.  Channel Executor may
66  *   run callbacks under a lock, e.g., the transport lock of OkHttp.  If your LoadBalancer has a
67  *   lock, holds the lock in a callback method (e.g., {@link #handleSubchannelState
68  *   handleSubchannelState()}) while calling into another class that may involve locks, be cautious
69  *   of deadlock.  Generally you wouldn't need any locking in the LoadBalancer.</li>
70  *
71  * </ol>
72  *
73  * <p>{@link Helper#runSerialized Helper.runSerialized()} allows you to schedule a task to be run in
74  * the Channel Executor.
75  *
76  * <h3>The canonical implementation pattern</h3>
77  *
78  * <p>A {@link LoadBalancer} keeps states like the latest addresses from NameResolver, the
79  * Subchannel(s) and their latest connectivity states.  These states are mutated within the Channel
80  * Executor.
81  *
82  * <p>A typical {@link SubchannelPicker SubchannelPicker} holds a snapshot of these states.  It may
83  * have its own states, e.g., a picker from a round-robin load-balancer may keep a pointer to the
84  * next Subchannel, which are typically mutated by multiple threads.  The picker should only mutate
85  * its own state, and should not mutate or re-acquire the states of the LoadBalancer.  This way the
86  * picker only needs to synchronize its own states, which is typically trivial to implement.
87  *
88  * <p>When the LoadBalancer states changes, e.g., Subchannels has become or stopped being READY, and
89  * we want subsequent RPCs to use the latest list of READY Subchannels, LoadBalancer would create
90  * a new picker, which holds a snapshot of the latest Subchannel list.  Refer to the javadoc of
91  * {@link #handleSubchannelState handleSubchannelState()} how to do this properly.
92  *
93  * <p>No synchronization should be necessary between LoadBalancer and its pickers if you follow
94  * the pattern above.  It may be possible to implement in a different way, but that would usually
95  * result in more complicated threading.
96  *
97  * @since 1.2.0
98  */
99 @ExperimentalApi("https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java/issues/1771")
100 @NotThreadSafe
101 public abstract class LoadBalancer {
102   /**
103    * Handles newly resolved server groups and metadata attributes from name resolution system.
104    * {@code servers} contained in {@link EquivalentAddressGroup} should be considered equivalent
105    * but may be flattened into a single list if needed.
106    *
107    * <p>Implementations should not modify the given {@code servers}.
108    *
109    * @param servers the resolved server addresses, never empty.
110    * @param attributes extra metadata from naming system.
111    * @since 1.2.0
112    */
handleResolvedAddressGroups( List<EquivalentAddressGroup> servers, Attributes attributes)113   public abstract void handleResolvedAddressGroups(
114       List<EquivalentAddressGroup> servers, Attributes attributes);
116   /**
117    * Handles an error from the name resolution system.
118    *
119    * @param error a non-OK status
120    * @since 1.2.0
121    */
handleNameResolutionError(Status error)122   public abstract void handleNameResolutionError(Status error);
124   /**
125    * Handles a state change on a Subchannel.
126    *
127    * <p>The initial state of a Subchannel is IDLE. You won't get a notification for the initial IDLE
128    * state.
129    *
130    * <p>If the new state is not SHUTDOWN, this method should create a new picker and call {@link
131    * Helper#updateBalancingState Helper.updateBalancingState()}.  Failing to do so may result in
132    * unnecessary delays of RPCs. Please refer to {@link PickResult#withSubchannel
133    * PickResult.withSubchannel()}'s javadoc for more information.
134    *
135    * <p>SHUTDOWN can only happen in two cases.  One is that LoadBalancer called {@link
136    * Subchannel#shutdown} earlier, thus it should have already discarded this Subchannel.  The other
137    * is that Channel is doing a {@link ManagedChannel#shutdownNow forced shutdown} or has already
138    * terminated, thus there won't be further requests to LoadBalancer.  Therefore, SHUTDOWN can be
139    * safely ignored.
140    *
141    * @param subchannel the involved Subchannel
142    * @param stateInfo the new state
143    * @since 1.2.0
144    */
handleSubchannelState( Subchannel subchannel, ConnectivityStateInfo stateInfo)145   public abstract void handleSubchannelState(
146       Subchannel subchannel, ConnectivityStateInfo stateInfo);
148   /**
149    * The channel asks the load-balancer to shutdown.  No more callbacks will be called after this
150    * method.  The implementation should shutdown all Subchannels and OOB channels, and do any other
151    * cleanup as necessary.
152    *
153    * @since 1.2.0
154    */
shutdown()155   public abstract void shutdown();
157   /**
158    * The main balancing logic.  It <strong>must be thread-safe</strong>. Typically it should only
159    * synchronize on its own state, and avoid synchronizing with the LoadBalancer's state.
160    *
161    * @since 1.2.0
162    */
163   @ThreadSafe
164   public abstract static class SubchannelPicker {
165     /**
166      * Make a balancing decision for a new RPC.
167      *
168      * @param args the pick arguments
169      * @since 1.3.0
170      */
pickSubchannel(PickSubchannelArgs args)171     public abstract PickResult pickSubchannel(PickSubchannelArgs args);
173     /**
174      * Tries to establish connections now so that the upcoming RPC may then just pick a ready
175      * connection without having to connect first.
176      *
177      * <p>No-op if unsupported.
178      *
179      * @since 1.11.0
180      */
requestConnection()181     public void requestConnection() {}
182   }
184   /**
185    * Provides arguments for a {@link SubchannelPicker#pickSubchannel(
186    * LoadBalancer.PickSubchannelArgs)}.
187    *
188    * @since 1.2.0
189    */
190   public abstract static class PickSubchannelArgs {
192     /**
193      * Call options.
194      *
195      * @since 1.2.0
196      */
getCallOptions()197     public abstract CallOptions getCallOptions();
199     /**
200      * Headers of the call. {@link SubchannelPicker#pickSubchannel} may mutate it before before
201      * returning.
202      *
203      * @since 1.2.0
204      */
getHeaders()205     public abstract Metadata getHeaders();
207     /**
208      * Call method.
209      *
210      * @since 1.2.0
211      */
getMethodDescriptor()212     public abstract MethodDescriptor<?, ?> getMethodDescriptor();
213   }
215   /**
216    * A balancing decision made by {@link SubchannelPicker SubchannelPicker} for an RPC.
217    *
218    * <p>The outcome of the decision will be one of the following:
219    * <ul>
220    *   <li>Proceed: if a Subchannel is provided via {@link #withSubchannel withSubchannel()}, and is
221    *       in READY state when the RPC tries to start on it, the RPC will proceed on that
222    *       Subchannel.</li>
223    *   <li>Error: if an error is provided via {@link #withError withError()}, and the RPC is not
224    *       wait-for-ready (i.e., {@link CallOptions#withWaitForReady} was not called), the RPC will
225    *       fail immediately with the given error.</li>
226    *   <li>Buffer: in all other cases, the RPC will be buffered in the Channel, until the next
227    *       picker is provided via {@link Helper#updateBalancingState Helper.updateBalancingState()},
228    *       when the RPC will go through the same picking process again.</li>
229    * </ul>
230    *
231    * @since 1.2.0
232    */
233   @Immutable
234   public static final class PickResult {
235     private static final PickResult NO_RESULT = new PickResult(null, null, Status.OK, false);
237     @Nullable private final Subchannel subchannel;
238     @Nullable private final ClientStreamTracer.Factory streamTracerFactory;
239     // An error to be propagated to the application if subchannel == null
240     // Or OK if there is no error.
241     // subchannel being null and error being OK means RPC needs to wait
242     private final Status status;
243     // True if the result is created by withDrop()
244     private final boolean drop;
PickResult( @ullable Subchannel subchannel, @Nullable ClientStreamTracer.Factory streamTracerFactory, Status status, boolean drop)246     private PickResult(
247         @Nullable Subchannel subchannel, @Nullable ClientStreamTracer.Factory streamTracerFactory,
248         Status status, boolean drop) {
249       this.subchannel = subchannel;
250       this.streamTracerFactory = streamTracerFactory;
251       this.status = Preconditions.checkNotNull(status, "status");
252       this.drop = drop;
253     }
255     /**
256      * A decision to proceed the RPC on a Subchannel.
257      *
258      * <p>Only Subchannels returned by {@link Helper#createSubchannel Helper.createSubchannel()}
259      * will work.  DO NOT try to use your own implementations of Subchannels, as they won't work.
260      *
261      * <p>When the RPC tries to use the return Subchannel, which is briefly after this method
262      * returns, the state of the Subchannel will decide where the RPC would go:
263      *
264      * <ul>
265      *   <li>READY: the RPC will proceed on this Subchannel.</li>
266      *   <li>IDLE: the RPC will be buffered.  Subchannel will attempt to create connection.</li>
267      *   <li>All other states: the RPC will be buffered.</li>
268      * </ul>
269      *
270      * <p><strong>All buffered RPCs will stay buffered</strong> until the next call of {@link
271      * Helper#updateBalancingState Helper.updateBalancingState()}, which will trigger a new picking
272      * process.
273      *
274      * <p>Note that Subchannel's state may change at the same time the picker is making the
275      * decision, which means the decision may be made with (to-be) outdated information.  For
276      * example, a picker may return a Subchannel known to be READY, but it has become IDLE when is
277      * about to be used by the RPC, which makes the RPC to be buffered.  The LoadBalancer will soon
278      * learn about the Subchannels' transition from READY to IDLE, create a new picker and allow the
279      * RPC to use another READY transport if there is any.
280      *
281      * <p>You will want to avoid running into a situation where there are READY Subchannels out
282      * there but some RPCs are still buffered for longer than a brief time.
283      * <ul>
284      *   <li>This can happen if you return Subchannels with states other than READY and IDLE.  For
285      *       example, suppose you round-robin on 2 Subchannels, in READY and CONNECTING states
286      *       respectively.  If the picker ignores the state and pick them equally, 50% of RPCs will
287      *       be stuck in buffered state until both Subchannels are READY.</li>
288      *   <li>This can also happen if you don't create a new picker at key state changes of
289      *       Subchannels.  Take the above round-robin example again.  Suppose you do pick only READY
290      *       and IDLE Subchannels, and initially both Subchannels are READY.  Now one becomes IDLE,
291      *       then CONNECTING and stays CONNECTING for a long time.  If you don't create a new picker
292      *       in response to the CONNECTING state to exclude that Subchannel, 50% of RPCs will hit it
293      *       and be buffered even though the other Subchannel is READY.</li>
294      * </ul>
295      *
296      * <p>In order to prevent unnecessary delay of RPCs, the rules of thumb are:
297      * <ol>
298      *   <li>The picker should only pick Subchannels that are known as READY or IDLE.  Whether to
299      *       pick IDLE Subchannels depends on whether you want Subchannels to connect on-demand or
300      *       actively:
301      *       <ul>
302      *         <li>If you want connect-on-demand, include IDLE Subchannels in your pick results,
303      *             because when an RPC tries to use an IDLE Subchannel, the Subchannel will try to
304      *             connect.</li>
305      *         <li>If you want Subchannels to be always connected even when there is no RPC, you
306      *             would call {@link Subchannel#requestConnection Subchannel.requestConnection()}
307      *             whenever the Subchannel has transitioned to IDLE, then you don't need to include
308      *             IDLE Subchannels in your pick results.</li>
309      *       </ul></li>
310      *   <li>Always create a new picker and call {@link Helper#updateBalancingState
311      *       Helper.updateBalancingState()} whenever {@link #handleSubchannelState
312      *       handleSubchannelState()} is called, unless the new state is SHUTDOWN. See
313      *       {@code handleSubchannelState}'s javadoc for more details.</li>
314      * </ol>
315      *
316      * @param subchannel the picked Subchannel
317      * @param streamTracerFactory if not null, will be used to trace the activities of the stream
318      *                            created as a result of this pick. Note it's possible that no
319      *                            stream is created at all in some cases.
320      * @since 1.3.0
321      */
withSubchannel( Subchannel subchannel, @Nullable ClientStreamTracer.Factory streamTracerFactory)322     public static PickResult withSubchannel(
323         Subchannel subchannel, @Nullable ClientStreamTracer.Factory streamTracerFactory) {
324       return new PickResult(
325           Preconditions.checkNotNull(subchannel, "subchannel"), streamTracerFactory, Status.OK,
326           false);
327     }
329     /**
330      * Equivalent to {@code withSubchannel(subchannel, null)}.
331      *
332      * @since 1.2.0
333      */
withSubchannel(Subchannel subchannel)334     public static PickResult withSubchannel(Subchannel subchannel) {
335       return withSubchannel(subchannel, null);
336     }
338     /**
339      * A decision to report a connectivity error to the RPC.  If the RPC is {@link
340      * CallOptions#withWaitForReady wait-for-ready}, it will stay buffered.  Otherwise, it will fail
341      * with the given error.
342      *
343      * @param error the error status.  Must not be OK.
344      * @since 1.2.0
345      */
withError(Status error)346     public static PickResult withError(Status error) {
347       Preconditions.checkArgument(!error.isOk(), "error status shouldn't be OK");
348       return new PickResult(null, null, error, false);
349     }
351     /**
352      * A decision to fail an RPC immediately.  This is a final decision and will ignore retry
353      * policy.
354      *
355      * @param status the status with which the RPC will fail.  Must not be OK.
356      * @since 1.8.0
357      */
withDrop(Status status)358     public static PickResult withDrop(Status status) {
359       Preconditions.checkArgument(!status.isOk(), "drop status shouldn't be OK");
360       return new PickResult(null, null, status, true);
361     }
363     /**
364      * No decision could be made.  The RPC will stay buffered.
365      *
366      * @since 1.2.0
367      */
withNoResult()368     public static PickResult withNoResult() {
369       return NO_RESULT;
370     }
372     /**
373      * The Subchannel if this result was created by {@link #withSubchannel withSubchannel()}, or
374      * null otherwise.
375      *
376      * @since 1.2.0
377      */
378     @Nullable
getSubchannel()379     public Subchannel getSubchannel() {
380       return subchannel;
381     }
383     /**
384      * The stream tracer factory this result was created with.
385      *
386      * @since 1.3.0
387      */
388     @Nullable
getStreamTracerFactory()389     public ClientStreamTracer.Factory getStreamTracerFactory() {
390       return streamTracerFactory;
391     }
393     /**
394      * The status associated with this result.  Non-{@code OK} if created with {@link #withError
395      * withError}, or {@code OK} otherwise.
396      *
397      * @since 1.2.0
398      */
getStatus()399     public Status getStatus() {
400       return status;
401     }
403     /**
404      * Returns {@code true} if this result was created by {@link #withDrop withDrop()}.
405      *
406      * @since 1.8.0
407      */
isDrop()408     public boolean isDrop() {
409       return drop;
410     }
412     @Override
toString()413     public String toString() {
414       return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
415           .add("subchannel", subchannel)
416           .add("streamTracerFactory", streamTracerFactory)
417           .add("status", status)
418           .add("drop", drop)
419           .toString();
420     }
422     @Override
hashCode()423     public int hashCode() {
424       return Objects.hashCode(subchannel, status, streamTracerFactory, drop);
425     }
427     /**
428      * Returns true if the {@link Subchannel}, {@link Status}, and
429      * {@link ClientStreamTracer.Factory} all match.
430      */
431     @Override
equals(Object other)432     public boolean equals(Object other) {
433       if (!(other instanceof PickResult)) {
434         return false;
435       }
436       PickResult that = (PickResult) other;
437       return Objects.equal(subchannel, that.subchannel) && Objects.equal(status, that.status)
438           && Objects.equal(streamTracerFactory, that.streamTracerFactory)
439           && drop == that.drop;
440     }
441   }
443   /**
444    * Provides essentials for LoadBalancer implementations.
445    *
446    * @since 1.2.0
447    */
448   @ThreadSafe
449   public abstract static class Helper {
450     /**
451      * Creates a Subchannel, which is a logical connection to the given group of addresses which are
452      * considered equivalent.  The {@code attrs} are custom attributes associated with this
453      * Subchannel, and can be accessed later through {@link Subchannel#getAttributes
454      * Subchannel.getAttributes()}.
455      *
456      * <p>The LoadBalancer is responsible for closing unused Subchannels, and closing all
457      * Subchannels within {@link #shutdown}.
458      *
459      * <p>The default implementation calls {@link #createSubchannel(List, Attributes)}.
460      * Implementations should not override this method.
461      *
462      * @since 1.2.0
463      */
createSubchannel(EquivalentAddressGroup addrs, Attributes attrs)464     public Subchannel createSubchannel(EquivalentAddressGroup addrs, Attributes attrs) {
465       Preconditions.checkNotNull(addrs, "addrs");
466       return createSubchannel(Collections.singletonList(addrs), attrs);
467     }
469     /**
470      * Creates a Subchannel, which is a logical connection to the given group of addresses which are
471      * considered equivalent.  The {@code attrs} are custom attributes associated with this
472      * Subchannel, and can be accessed later through {@link Subchannel#getAttributes
473      * Subchannel.getAttributes()}.
474      *
475      * <p>The LoadBalancer is responsible for closing unused Subchannels, and closing all
476      * Subchannels within {@link #shutdown}.
477      *
478      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code addrs} is empty
479      * @since 1.14.0
480      */
createSubchannel(List<EquivalentAddressGroup> addrs, Attributes attrs)481     public Subchannel createSubchannel(List<EquivalentAddressGroup> addrs, Attributes attrs) {
482       throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
483     }
485     /**
486      * Replaces the existing addresses used with {@code subchannel}. This method is superior to
487      * {@link #createSubchannel} when the new and old addresses overlap, since the subchannel can
488      * continue using an existing connection.
489      *
490      * <p>The default implementation calls {@link #updateSubchannelAddresses(
491      * LoadBalancer.Subchannel, List)}. Implementations should not override this method.
492      *
493      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subchannel} was not returned from {@link
494      *     #createSubchannel}
495      * @since 1.4.0
496      */
updateSubchannelAddresses( Subchannel subchannel, EquivalentAddressGroup addrs)497     public void updateSubchannelAddresses(
498         Subchannel subchannel, EquivalentAddressGroup addrs) {
499       Preconditions.checkNotNull(addrs, "addrs");
500       updateSubchannelAddresses(subchannel, Collections.singletonList(addrs));
501     }
503     /**
504      * Replaces the existing addresses used with {@code subchannel}. This method is superior to
505      * {@link #createSubchannel} when the new and old addresses overlap, since the subchannel can
506      * continue using an existing connection.
507      *
508      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subchannel} was not returned from {@link
509      *     #createSubchannel} or {@code addrs} is empty
510      * @since 1.14.0
511      */
updateSubchannelAddresses( Subchannel subchannel, List<EquivalentAddressGroup> addrs)512     public void updateSubchannelAddresses(
513         Subchannel subchannel, List<EquivalentAddressGroup> addrs) {
514       throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
515     }
517     /**
518      * Out-of-band channel for LoadBalancer’s own RPC needs, e.g., talking to an external
519      * load-balancer service.
520      *
521      * <p>The LoadBalancer is responsible for closing unused OOB channels, and closing all OOB
522      * channels within {@link #shutdown}.
523      *
524      * @since 1.4.0
525      */
526     // TODO(ejona): Allow passing a List<EAG> here and to updateOobChannelAddresses, but want to
527     // wait until https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java/issues/4469 is done.
528     // https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java/issues/4618
createOobChannel(EquivalentAddressGroup eag, String authority)529     public abstract ManagedChannel createOobChannel(EquivalentAddressGroup eag, String authority);
531     /**
532      * Updates the addresses used for connections in the {@code Channel}. This is supperior to
533      * {@link #createOobChannel} when the old and new addresses overlap, since the channel can
534      * continue using an existing connection.
535      *
536      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code channel} was not returned from {@link
537      *     #createOobChannel}
538      * @since 1.4.0
539      */
updateOobChannelAddresses(ManagedChannel channel, EquivalentAddressGroup eag)540     public void updateOobChannelAddresses(ManagedChannel channel, EquivalentAddressGroup eag) {
541       throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
542     }
544     /**
545      * Set a new state with a new picker to the channel.
546      *
547      * <p>When a new picker is provided via {@code updateBalancingState()}, the channel will apply
548      * the picker on all buffered RPCs, by calling {@link SubchannelPicker#pickSubchannel(
549      * LoadBalancer.PickSubchannelArgs)}.
550      *
551      * <p>The channel will hold the picker and use it for all RPCs, until {@code
552      * updateBalancingState()} is called again and a new picker replaces the old one.  If {@code
553      * updateBalancingState()} has never been called, the channel will buffer all RPCs until a
554      * picker is provided.
555      *
556      * <p>The passed state will be the channel's new state. The SHUTDOWN state should not be passed
557      * and its behavior is undefined.
558      *
559      * @since 1.6.0
560      */
updateBalancingState( @onnull ConnectivityState newState, @Nonnull SubchannelPicker newPicker)561     public abstract void updateBalancingState(
562         @Nonnull ConnectivityState newState, @Nonnull SubchannelPicker newPicker);
564     /**
565      * Schedule a task to be run in the Channel Executor, which serializes the task with the
566      * callback methods on the {@link LoadBalancer} interface.
567      *
568      * @since 1.2.0
569      */
runSerialized(Runnable task)570     public abstract void runSerialized(Runnable task);
572     /**
573      * Returns the NameResolver of the channel.
574      *
575      * @since 1.2.0
576      */
getNameResolverFactory()577     public abstract NameResolver.Factory getNameResolverFactory();
579     /**
580      * Returns the authority string of the channel, which is derived from the DNS-style target name.
581      *
582      * @since 1.2.0
583      */
getAuthority()584     public abstract String getAuthority();
585   }
587   /**
588    * A logical connection to a server, or a group of equivalent servers represented by an {@link
589    * EquivalentAddressGroup}.
590    *
591    * <p>It maintains at most one physical connection (aka transport) for sending new RPCs, while
592    * also keeps track of previous transports that has been shut down but not terminated yet.
593    *
594    * <p>If there isn't an active transport yet, and an RPC is assigned to the Subchannel, it will
595    * create a new transport.  It won't actively create transports otherwise.  {@link
596    * #requestConnection requestConnection()} can be used to ask Subchannel to create a transport if
597    * there isn't any.
598    *
599    * @since 1.2.0
600    */
601   @ThreadSafe
602   public abstract static class Subchannel {
603     /**
604      * Shuts down the Subchannel.  After this method is called, this Subchannel should no longer
605      * be returned by the latest {@link SubchannelPicker picker}, and can be safely discarded.
606      *
607      * @since 1.2.0
608      */
shutdown()609     public abstract void shutdown();
611     /**
612      * Asks the Subchannel to create a connection (aka transport), if there isn't an active one.
613      *
614      * @since 1.2.0
615      */
requestConnection()616     public abstract void requestConnection();
618     /**
619      * Returns the addresses that this Subchannel is bound to. The default implementation calls
620      * getAllAddresses().
621      *
622      * <p>The default implementation calls {@link #getAllAddresses()}. Implementations should not
623      * override this method.
624      *
625      * @throws IllegalStateException if this subchannel has more than one EquivalentAddressGroup.
626      *     Use getAllAddresses() instead
627      * @since 1.2.0
628      */
getAddresses()629     public EquivalentAddressGroup getAddresses() {
630       List<EquivalentAddressGroup> groups = getAllAddresses();
631       Preconditions.checkState(groups.size() == 1, "Does not have exactly one group");
632       return groups.get(0);
633     }
635     /**
636      * Returns the addresses that this Subchannel is bound to. The returned list will not be empty.
637      *
638      * @since 1.14.0
639      */
getAllAddresses()640     public List<EquivalentAddressGroup> getAllAddresses() {
641       throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
642     }
644     /**
645      * The same attributes passed to {@link Helper#createSubchannel Helper.createSubchannel()}.
646      * LoadBalancer can use it to attach additional information here, e.g., the shard this
647      * Subchannel belongs to.
648      *
649      * @since 1.2.0
650      */
getAttributes()651     public abstract Attributes getAttributes();
652   }
654   /**
655    * Factory to create {@link LoadBalancer} instance.
656    *
657    * @since 1.2.0
658    */
659   @ThreadSafe
660   public abstract static class Factory {
661     /**
662      * Creates a {@link LoadBalancer} that will be used inside a channel.
663      *
664      * @since 1.2.0
665      */
newLoadBalancer(Helper helper)666     public abstract LoadBalancer newLoadBalancer(Helper helper);
667   }
668 }