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1"""Tests for binary operators on subtypes of built-in types."""
3import unittest
4from test import test_support
6def gcd(a, b):
7    """Greatest common divisor using Euclid's algorithm."""
8    while a:
9        a, b = b%a, a
10    return b
12def isint(x):
13    """Test whether an object is an instance of int or long."""
14    return isinstance(x, int) or isinstance(x, long)
16def isnum(x):
17    """Test whether an object is an instance of a built-in numeric type."""
18    for T in int, long, float, complex:
19        if isinstance(x, T):
20            return 1
21    return 0
23def isRat(x):
24    """Test wheter an object is an instance of the Rat class."""
25    return isinstance(x, Rat)
27class Rat(object):
29    """Rational number implemented as a normalized pair of longs."""
31    __slots__ = ['_Rat__num', '_Rat__den']
33    def __init__(self, num=0L, den=1L):
34        """Constructor: Rat([num[, den]]).
36        The arguments must be ints or longs, and default to (0, 1)."""
37        if not isint(num):
38            raise TypeError, "Rat numerator must be int or long (%r)" % num
39        if not isint(den):
40            raise TypeError, "Rat denominator must be int or long (%r)" % den
41        # But the zero is always on
42        if den == 0:
43            raise ZeroDivisionError, "zero denominator"
44        g = gcd(den, num)
45        self.__num = long(num//g)
46        self.__den = long(den//g)
48    def _get_num(self):
49        """Accessor function for read-only 'num' attribute of Rat."""
50        return self.__num
51    num = property(_get_num, None)
53    def _get_den(self):
54        """Accessor function for read-only 'den' attribute of Rat."""
55        return self.__den
56    den = property(_get_den, None)
58    def __repr__(self):
59        """Convert a Rat to an string resembling a Rat constructor call."""
60        return "Rat(%d, %d)" % (self.__num, self.__den)
62    def __str__(self):
63        """Convert a Rat to a string resembling a decimal numeric value."""
64        return str(float(self))
66    def __float__(self):
67        """Convert a Rat to a float."""
68        return self.__num*1.0/self.__den
70    def __int__(self):
71        """Convert a Rat to an int; self.den must be 1."""
72        if self.__den == 1:
73            try:
74                return int(self.__num)
75            except OverflowError:
76                raise OverflowError, ("%s too large to convert to int" %
77                                      repr(self))
78        raise ValueError, "can't convert %s to int" % repr(self)
80    def __long__(self):
81        """Convert a Rat to an long; self.den must be 1."""
82        if self.__den == 1:
83            return long(self.__num)
84        raise ValueError, "can't convert %s to long" % repr(self)
86    def __add__(self, other):
87        """Add two Rats, or a Rat and a number."""
88        if isint(other):
89            other = Rat(other)
90        if isRat(other):
91            return Rat(self.__num*other.__den + other.__num*self.__den,
92                       self.__den*other.__den)
93        if isnum(other):
94            return float(self) + other
95        return NotImplemented
97    __radd__ = __add__
99    def __sub__(self, other):
100        """Subtract two Rats, or a Rat and a number."""
101        if isint(other):
102            other = Rat(other)
103        if isRat(other):
104            return Rat(self.__num*other.__den - other.__num*self.__den,
105                       self.__den*other.__den)
106        if isnum(other):
107            return float(self) - other
108        return NotImplemented
110    def __rsub__(self, other):
111        """Subtract two Rats, or a Rat and a number (reversed args)."""
112        if isint(other):
113            other = Rat(other)
114        if isRat(other):
115            return Rat(other.__num*self.__den - self.__num*other.__den,
116                       self.__den*other.__den)
117        if isnum(other):
118            return other - float(self)
119        return NotImplemented
121    def __mul__(self, other):
122        """Multiply two Rats, or a Rat and a number."""
123        if isRat(other):
124            return Rat(self.__num*other.__num, self.__den*other.__den)
125        if isint(other):
126            return Rat(self.__num*other, self.__den)
127        if isnum(other):
128            return float(self)*other
129        return NotImplemented
131    __rmul__ = __mul__
133    def __truediv__(self, other):
134        """Divide two Rats, or a Rat and a number."""
135        if isRat(other):
136            return Rat(self.__num*other.__den, self.__den*other.__num)
137        if isint(other):
138            return Rat(self.__num, self.__den*other)
139        if isnum(other):
140            return float(self) / other
141        return NotImplemented
143    __div__ = __truediv__
145    def __rtruediv__(self, other):
146        """Divide two Rats, or a Rat and a number (reversed args)."""
147        if isRat(other):
148            return Rat(other.__num*self.__den, other.__den*self.__num)
149        if isint(other):
150            return Rat(other*self.__den, self.__num)
151        if isnum(other):
152            return other / float(self)
153        return NotImplemented
155    __rdiv__ = __rtruediv__
157    def __floordiv__(self, other):
158        """Divide two Rats, returning the floored result."""
159        if isint(other):
160            other = Rat(other)
161        elif not isRat(other):
162            return NotImplemented
163        x = self/other
164        return x.__num // x.__den
166    def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
167        """Divide two Rats, returning the floored result (reversed args)."""
168        x = other/self
169        return x.__num // x.__den
171    def __divmod__(self, other):
172        """Divide two Rats, returning quotient and remainder."""
173        if isint(other):
174            other = Rat(other)
175        elif not isRat(other):
176            return NotImplemented
177        x = self//other
178        return (x, self - other * x)
180    def __rdivmod__(self, other):
181        """Divide two Rats, returning quotient and remainder (reversed args)."""
182        if isint(other):
183            other = Rat(other)
184        elif not isRat(other):
185            return NotImplemented
186        return divmod(other, self)
188    def __mod__(self, other):
189        """Take one Rat modulo another."""
190        return divmod(self, other)[1]
192    def __rmod__(self, other):
193        """Take one Rat modulo another (reversed args)."""
194        return divmod(other, self)[1]
196    def __eq__(self, other):
197        """Compare two Rats for equality."""
198        if isint(other):
199            return self.__den == 1 and self.__num == other
200        if isRat(other):
201            return self.__num == other.__num and self.__den == other.__den
202        if isnum(other):
203            return float(self) == other
204        return NotImplemented
206    def __ne__(self, other):
207        """Compare two Rats for inequality."""
208        return not self == other
210    # Silence Py3k warning
211    __hash__ = None
213class RatTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
214    """Unit tests for Rat class and its support utilities."""
216    def test_gcd(self):
217        self.assertEqual(gcd(10, 12), 2)
218        self.assertEqual(gcd(10, 15), 5)
219        self.assertEqual(gcd(10, 11), 1)
220        self.assertEqual(gcd(100, 15), 5)
221        self.assertEqual(gcd(-10, 2), -2)
222        self.assertEqual(gcd(10, -2), 2)
223        self.assertEqual(gcd(-10, -2), -2)
224        for i in range(1, 20):
225            for j in range(1, 20):
226                self.assertTrue(gcd(i, j) > 0)
227                self.assertTrue(gcd(-i, j) < 0)
228                self.assertTrue(gcd(i, -j) > 0)
229                self.assertTrue(gcd(-i, -j) < 0)
231    def test_constructor(self):
232        a = Rat(10, 15)
233        self.assertEqual(a.num, 2)
234        self.assertEqual(a.den, 3)
235        a = Rat(10L, 15L)
236        self.assertEqual(a.num, 2)
237        self.assertEqual(a.den, 3)
238        a = Rat(10, -15)
239        self.assertEqual(a.num, -2)
240        self.assertEqual(a.den, 3)
241        a = Rat(-10, 15)
242        self.assertEqual(a.num, -2)
243        self.assertEqual(a.den, 3)
244        a = Rat(-10, -15)
245        self.assertEqual(a.num, 2)
246        self.assertEqual(a.den, 3)
247        a = Rat(7)
248        self.assertEqual(a.num, 7)
249        self.assertEqual(a.den, 1)
250        try:
251            a = Rat(1, 0)
252        except ZeroDivisionError:
253            pass
254        else:
255            self.fail("Rat(1, 0) didn't raise ZeroDivisionError")
256        for bad in "0", 0.0, 0j, (), [], {}, None, Rat, unittest:
257            try:
258                a = Rat(bad)
259            except TypeError:
260                pass
261            else:
262                self.fail("Rat(%r) didn't raise TypeError" % bad)
263            try:
264                a = Rat(1, bad)
265            except TypeError:
266                pass
267            else:
268                self.fail("Rat(1, %r) didn't raise TypeError" % bad)
270    def test_add(self):
271        self.assertEqual(Rat(2, 3) + Rat(1, 3), 1)
272        self.assertEqual(Rat(2, 3) + 1, Rat(5, 3))
273        self.assertEqual(1 + Rat(2, 3), Rat(5, 3))
274        self.assertEqual(1.0 + Rat(1, 2), 1.5)
275        self.assertEqual(Rat(1, 2) + 1.0, 1.5)
277    def test_sub(self):
278        self.assertEqual(Rat(7, 2) - Rat(7, 5), Rat(21, 10))
279        self.assertEqual(Rat(7, 5) - 1, Rat(2, 5))
280        self.assertEqual(1 - Rat(3, 5), Rat(2, 5))
281        self.assertEqual(Rat(3, 2) - 1.0, 0.5)
282        self.assertEqual(1.0 - Rat(1, 2), 0.5)
284    def test_mul(self):
285        self.assertEqual(Rat(2, 3) * Rat(5, 7), Rat(10, 21))
286        self.assertEqual(Rat(10, 3) * 3, 10)
287        self.assertEqual(3 * Rat(10, 3), 10)
288        self.assertEqual(Rat(10, 5) * 0.5, 1.0)
289        self.assertEqual(0.5 * Rat(10, 5), 1.0)
291    def test_div(self):
292        self.assertEqual(Rat(10, 3) / Rat(5, 7), Rat(14, 3))
293        self.assertEqual(Rat(10, 3) / 3, Rat(10, 9))
294        self.assertEqual(2 / Rat(5), Rat(2, 5))
295        self.assertEqual(3.0 * Rat(1, 2), 1.5)
296        self.assertEqual(Rat(1, 2) * 3.0, 1.5)
298    def test_floordiv(self):
299        self.assertEqual(Rat(10) // Rat(4), 2)
300        self.assertEqual(Rat(10, 3) // Rat(4, 3), 2)
301        self.assertEqual(Rat(10) // 4, 2)
302        self.assertEqual(10 // Rat(4), 2)
304    def test_eq(self):
305        self.assertEqual(Rat(10), Rat(20, 2))
306        self.assertEqual(Rat(10), 10)
307        self.assertEqual(10, Rat(10))
308        self.assertEqual(Rat(10), 10.0)
309        self.assertEqual(10.0, Rat(10))
311    def test_future_div(self):
312        exec future_test
314    # XXX Ran out of steam; TO DO: divmod, div, future division
316future_test = """
317from __future__ import division
318self.assertEqual(Rat(10, 3) / Rat(5, 7), Rat(14, 3))
319self.assertEqual(Rat(10, 3) / 3, Rat(10, 9))
320self.assertEqual(2 / Rat(5), Rat(2, 5))
321self.assertEqual(3.0 * Rat(1, 2), 1.5)
322self.assertEqual(Rat(1, 2) * 3.0, 1.5)
323self.assertEqual(eval('1/2'), 0.5)
326def test_main():
327    test_support.run_unittest(RatTestCase)
330if __name__ == "__main__":
331    test_main()