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1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 #pragma once
19 #include <stdint.h>
20 #include <stdlib.h>
22 // Set TRACE_CHECKSUMHELPER to 1 to debug creation/destruction of GLprotocol
23 // instances.
27 #define LOG_CHECKSUMHELPER(x...) fprintf(stderr, x)
28 #else
29 #define LOG_CHECKSUMHELPER(x...)
30 #endif
32 // ChecksumCalculator adds checksum as an array of bytes to GL pipe communication, which
33 // size depends on the protocol version. Each pipe should use one ChecksumCalculator.
34 // It can:
35 //      (1) take a list of buffers one by one and compute their checksum string,
36 //          in this case the checksum should be as the data in those buffers are
37 //          concatenated;
38 //      (2) compute the checksum of the buffer list, then either write them into
39 //          a buffer provided by user, or compare it against a checksum provided
40 //          by user
41 //      (3) support different checksum version in future.
42 //
43 // For backward compatibility, checksum version 0 behaves the same as there is
44 // no checksum (i.e., checksumByteSize returns 0, validate always returns true,
45 // addBuffer and writeCheckSum does nothing).
46 //
47 // Notice that to detect package lost, ChecksumCalculator also keeps track of how
48 // many times it generates/validates checksums, and might use it as part of the
49 // checksum.
50 //
51 // To evaluate checksums from a list of data buffers buf1, buf2... Please call
52 // addBuffer(buf1, buf1len), addBuffer(buf2, buf2len) ... in order.
53 // Then if the checksum needs to be encoded into a buffer, one needs to allocate
54 // a checksum buffer with size checksumByteSize(), and call
55 // writeChecksum(checksumBuffer) to write the checksum to the buffer.
56 // If the checksum needs to be validated against an existing one, one needs to
57 // call validate(existChecksum, existChecksumLen).
58 //
59 // The checksum generator and validator must be set to the same version, and
60 // the validator must check ALL checksums in the order they are generated,
61 // otherwise the validation function will return false.
62 //
63 // It is allowed to change the checksum version between calculating two
64 // checksums. This is designed for backward compatibility reason.
65 //
66 // Example 1, encoding and decoding:
67 //
68 // bool testChecksum(void* buf, size_t bufLen) {
69 //     // encoding message
70 //     ChecksumCalculator encoder;
71 //     encoder.setVersion(1);
72 //     encoder.addBuffer(buf, bufLen);
73 //     std::vector<unsigned char> message(bufLen + encoder.checksumByteSize());
74 //     memcpy(&message[0], buf, bufLen);
75 //     encoder.writeChecksum(&message[0] + bufLen, encoder.checksumByteSize());
76 //
77 //     // decoding message
78 //     ChecksumCalculator decoder;
79 //     decoder.setVersion(1);
80 //     decoder.addBuffer(&message[0], bufLen);
81 //     return decoder.validate(&message[0] + bufLen, decoder.checksumByteSize());
82 // }
83 // The return value is true.
84 //
85 // Example 2, decoding will fail if the order of messages is wrong:
86 //
87 // bool testChecksumOrder(void* buf1, size_t bufLen1,
88 //                        void* buf2, size_t bufLen2) {
89 //     // encoding messages
90 //     ChecksumCalculator encoder;
91 //     encoder.setVersion(1);
92 //
93 //     std::vector<unsigned char> message1(bufLen1 + encoder.checksumByteSize());
94 //     std::vector<unsigned char> message2(bufLen2 + encoder.checksumByteSize());
95 //
96 //     encoder.addBuffer(buf1, bufLen1);
97 //     std::vector<unsigned char> message1(bufLen1 + encoder.checksumByteSize());
98 //     memcpy(&message1[0], buf1, bufLen1);
99 //     encoder.writeChecksum(&message1[0] + bufLen1, encoder.checksumByteSize());
100 //
101 //     encoder.addBuffer(buf2, bufLen2);
102 //     std::vector<unsigned char> message2(bufLen2 + encoder.checksumByteSize());
103 //     memcpy(&message2[0], buf2, bufLen2);
104 //     encoder.writeChecksum(&message2[0] + bufLen2, encoder.checksumByteSize());
105 //
106 //     // decoding messages
107 //     ChecksumCalculator decoder;
108 //     decoder.setVersion(1);
109 //     decoder.addBuffer(&message2[0], bufLen2);
110 //     // returns false because the decoding order is not consistent with
111 //     // encoding order
112 //     if (!decoder.validate(&message2[0]+bufLen2, decoder.checksumByteSize())) {
113 //         return false;
114 //     }
115 //
116 //     decoder.addBuffer(&message1[0], bufLen1);
117 //     if (!decoder.validate(&message1[0]+bufLen1, decoder.checksumByteSize())) {
118 //         return false;
119 //     }
120 //
121 //     return false;
122 // }
124 class ChecksumCalculator {
125 public:
126     enum Sizes {
127         kVersion1ChecksumSize = 8,
128         kMaxChecksumSize = kVersion1ChecksumSize
129     };
131     ChecksumCalculator();
132     // Get and set current checksum version
getVersion()133     uint32_t getVersion() const { return m_version; }
134     // Call setVersion to set a checksum version. It should be called before
135     // addBuffer(), writeChecksum() and validate(). And it should be called
136     // exact once per rendering thread if both host and guest support checksum.
137     // It won't be called if either host or guest does not support checksum.
138     bool setVersion(uint32_t version);
140     // Maximum supported checksum version
141     static uint32_t getMaxVersion();
142     // A version string that looks like "ANDROID_EMU_CHECKSUM_HELPER_v1"
143     // Used multiple times when the guest queries the maximum supported version
144     // from the host.
145     // The library owns the returned pointer. The returned pointer will be
146     // deconstructed when unloading library.
147     static const char* getMaxVersionStr();
148     static const char* getMaxVersionStrPrefix();
150     // Size of checksum in the current version
151     size_t checksumByteSize() const;
153     // Update the current checksum value from the data
154     // at |buf| of |bufLen| bytes. Once all buffers
155     // have been added, call writeChecksum() to store
156     // the final checksum value and reset its state.
157     void addBuffer(const void* buf, size_t bufLen);
158     // Write the checksum from the list of buffers to outputChecksum
159     // Will reset the list of buffers by calling resetChecksum.
160     // Return false if the buffer is not long enough
161     // Please query buffer size from checksumByteSize()
162     bool writeChecksum(void* outputChecksum, size_t outputChecksumLen);
163     // Restore the states for computing checksums.
164     // Automatically called at the end of writeChecksum and validate.
165     // Can also be used to abandon the current checksum being calculated.
166     // Notes: it doesn't update the internal read / write counter
167     void resetChecksum();
169     // Calculate the checksum from the list of buffers and
170     // compare it with the checksum encoded in expectedChecksum
171     // Will reset the list of buffers by calling resetChecksum.
172     bool validate(const void* expectedChecksum, size_t expectedChecksumLen);
173 protected:
174     uint32_t m_version;
175     // A temporary state used to compute the total length of a list of buffers,
176     // if addBuffer is called.
177     uint32_t m_numRead;
178     uint32_t m_numWrite;
179     // m_isEncodingChecksum is true when between addBuffer and writeChecksum
180     bool m_isEncodingChecksum;
181 private:
182     // Compute a 32bit checksum
183     // Used in protocol v1
184     uint32_t computeV1Checksum();
185     // The buffer used in protocol version 1 to compute checksum.
186     uint32_t m_v1BufferTotalLength;
187 };