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1 /* NOLINT(build/header_guard) */
2 /* Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4    Distributed under MIT license.
5    See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
6 */
8 /* template parameters: FN, BUCKET_BITS, MAX_TREE_COMP_LENGTH,
9                         MAX_TREE_SEARCH_DEPTH */
11 /* A (forgetful) hash table where each hash bucket contains a binary tree of
12    sequences whose first 4 bytes share the same hash code.
13    Each sequence is MAX_TREE_COMP_LENGTH long and is identified by its starting
14    position in the input data. The binary tree is sorted by the lexicographic
15    order of the sequences, and it is also a max-heap with respect to the
16    starting positions. */
18 #define HashToBinaryTree HASHER()
20 #define BUCKET_SIZE (1 << BUCKET_BITS)
FN(HashTypeLength)22 static BROTLI_INLINE size_t FN(HashTypeLength)(void) { return 4; }
FN(StoreLookahead)23 static BROTLI_INLINE size_t FN(StoreLookahead)(void) {
25 }
FN(HashBytes)27 static uint32_t FN(HashBytes)(const uint8_t* data) {
28   uint32_t h = BROTLI_UNALIGNED_LOAD32LE(data) * kHashMul32;
29   /* The higher bits contain more mixture from the multiplication,
30      so we take our results from there. */
31   return h >> (32 - BUCKET_BITS);
32 }
34 typedef struct HashToBinaryTree {
35   /* The window size minus 1 */
36   size_t window_mask_;
38   /* Hash table that maps the 4-byte hashes of the sequence to the last
39      position where this hash was found, which is the root of the binary
40      tree of sequences that share this hash bucket. */
41   uint32_t buckets_[BUCKET_SIZE];
43   /* A position used to mark a non-existent sequence, i.e. a tree is empty if
44      its root is at invalid_pos_ and a node is a leaf if both its children
45      are at invalid_pos_. */
46   uint32_t invalid_pos_;
48   /* --- Dynamic size members --- */
50   /* The union of the binary trees of each hash bucket. The root of the tree
51      corresponding to a hash is a sequence starting at buckets_[hash] and
52      the left and right children of a sequence starting at pos are
53      forest_[2 * pos] and forest_[2 * pos + 1]. */
54   /* uint32_t forest[2 * num_nodes] */
55 } HashToBinaryTree;
FN(Self)57 static BROTLI_INLINE HashToBinaryTree* FN(Self)(HasherHandle handle) {
58   return (HashToBinaryTree*)&(GetHasherCommon(handle)[1]);
59 }
FN(Forest)61 static BROTLI_INLINE uint32_t* FN(Forest)(HashToBinaryTree* self) {
62   return (uint32_t*)(&self[1]);
63 }
FN(Initialize)65 static void FN(Initialize)(
66     HasherHandle handle, const BrotliEncoderParams* params) {
67   HashToBinaryTree* self = FN(Self)(handle);
68   self->window_mask_ = (1u << params->lgwin) - 1u;
69   self->invalid_pos_ = (uint32_t)(0 - self->window_mask_);
70 }
FN(Prepare)72 static void FN(Prepare)(HasherHandle handle, BROTLI_BOOL one_shot,
73     size_t input_size, const uint8_t* data) {
74   HashToBinaryTree* self = FN(Self)(handle);
75   uint32_t invalid_pos = self->invalid_pos_;
76   uint32_t i;
77   BROTLI_UNUSED(data);
78   BROTLI_UNUSED(one_shot);
79   BROTLI_UNUSED(input_size);
80   for (i = 0; i < BUCKET_SIZE; i++) {
81     self->buckets_[i] = invalid_pos;
82   }
83 }
FN(HashMemAllocInBytes)85 static BROTLI_INLINE size_t FN(HashMemAllocInBytes)(
86     const BrotliEncoderParams* params, BROTLI_BOOL one_shot,
87     size_t input_size) {
88   size_t num_nodes = (size_t)1 << params->lgwin;
89   if (one_shot && input_size < num_nodes) {
90     num_nodes = input_size;
91   }
92   return sizeof(HashToBinaryTree) + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t) * num_nodes;
93 }
FN(LeftChildIndex)95 static BROTLI_INLINE size_t FN(LeftChildIndex)(HashToBinaryTree* self,
96     const size_t pos) {
97   return 2 * (pos & self->window_mask_);
98 }
FN(RightChildIndex)100 static BROTLI_INLINE size_t FN(RightChildIndex)(HashToBinaryTree* self,
101     const size_t pos) {
102   return 2 * (pos & self->window_mask_) + 1;
103 }
105 /* Stores the hash of the next 4 bytes and in a single tree-traversal, the
106    hash bucket's binary tree is searched for matches and is re-rooted at the
107    current position.
109    If less than MAX_TREE_COMP_LENGTH data is available, the hash bucket of the
110    current position is searched for matches, but the state of the hash table
111    is not changed, since we can not know the final sorting order of the
112    current (incomplete) sequence.
114    This function must be called with increasing cur_ix positions. */
FN(StoreAndFindMatches)115 static BROTLI_INLINE BackwardMatch* FN(StoreAndFindMatches)(
116     HashToBinaryTree* self, const uint8_t* const BROTLI_RESTRICT data,
117     const size_t cur_ix, const size_t ring_buffer_mask, const size_t max_length,
118     const size_t max_backward, size_t* const BROTLI_RESTRICT best_len,
119     BackwardMatch* BROTLI_RESTRICT matches) {
120   const size_t cur_ix_masked = cur_ix & ring_buffer_mask;
121   const size_t max_comp_len =
122       BROTLI_MIN(size_t, max_length, MAX_TREE_COMP_LENGTH);
123   const BROTLI_BOOL should_reroot_tree =
124       TO_BROTLI_BOOL(max_length >= MAX_TREE_COMP_LENGTH);
125   const uint32_t key = FN(HashBytes)(&data[cur_ix_masked]);
126   uint32_t* forest = FN(Forest)(self);
127   size_t prev_ix = self->buckets_[key];
128   /* The forest index of the rightmost node of the left subtree of the new
129      root, updated as we traverse and re-root the tree of the hash bucket. */
130   size_t node_left = FN(LeftChildIndex)(self, cur_ix);
131   /* The forest index of the leftmost node of the right subtree of the new
132      root, updated as we traverse and re-root the tree of the hash bucket. */
133   size_t node_right = FN(RightChildIndex)(self, cur_ix);
134   /* The match length of the rightmost node of the left subtree of the new
135      root, updated as we traverse and re-root the tree of the hash bucket. */
136   size_t best_len_left = 0;
137   /* The match length of the leftmost node of the right subtree of the new
138      root, updated as we traverse and re-root the tree of the hash bucket. */
139   size_t best_len_right = 0;
140   size_t depth_remaining;
141   if (should_reroot_tree) {
142     self->buckets_[key] = (uint32_t)cur_ix;
143   }
144   for (depth_remaining = MAX_TREE_SEARCH_DEPTH; ; --depth_remaining) {
145     const size_t backward = cur_ix - prev_ix;
146     const size_t prev_ix_masked = prev_ix & ring_buffer_mask;
147     if (backward == 0 || backward > max_backward || depth_remaining == 0) {
148       if (should_reroot_tree) {
149         forest[node_left] = self->invalid_pos_;
150         forest[node_right] = self->invalid_pos_;
151       }
152       break;
153     }
154     {
155       const size_t cur_len = BROTLI_MIN(size_t, best_len_left, best_len_right);
156       size_t len;
158       len = cur_len +
159           FindMatchLengthWithLimit(&data[cur_ix_masked + cur_len],
160                                    &data[prev_ix_masked + cur_len],
161                                    max_length - cur_len);
162       BROTLI_DCHECK(
163           0 == memcmp(&data[cur_ix_masked], &data[prev_ix_masked], len));
164       if (matches && len > *best_len) {
165         *best_len = len;
166         InitBackwardMatch(matches++, backward, len);
167       }
168       if (len >= max_comp_len) {
169         if (should_reroot_tree) {
170           forest[node_left] = forest[FN(LeftChildIndex)(self, prev_ix)];
171           forest[node_right] = forest[FN(RightChildIndex)(self, prev_ix)];
172         }
173         break;
174       }
175       if (data[cur_ix_masked + len] > data[prev_ix_masked + len]) {
176         best_len_left = len;
177         if (should_reroot_tree) {
178           forest[node_left] = (uint32_t)prev_ix;
179         }
180         node_left = FN(RightChildIndex)(self, prev_ix);
181         prev_ix = forest[node_left];
182       } else {
183         best_len_right = len;
184         if (should_reroot_tree) {
185           forest[node_right] = (uint32_t)prev_ix;
186         }
187         node_right = FN(LeftChildIndex)(self, prev_ix);
188         prev_ix = forest[node_right];
189       }
190     }
191   }
192   return matches;
193 }
195 /* Finds all backward matches of &data[cur_ix & ring_buffer_mask] up to the
196    length of max_length and stores the position cur_ix in the hash table.
198    Sets *num_matches to the number of matches found, and stores the found
199    matches in matches[0] to matches[*num_matches - 1]. The matches will be
200    sorted by strictly increasing length and (non-strictly) increasing
201    distance. */
FN(FindAllMatches)202 static BROTLI_INLINE size_t FN(FindAllMatches)(HasherHandle handle,
203     const BrotliEncoderDictionary* dictionary, const uint8_t* data,
204     const size_t ring_buffer_mask, const size_t cur_ix,
205     const size_t max_length, const size_t max_backward,
206     const size_t gap, const BrotliEncoderParams* params,
207     BackwardMatch* matches) {
208   BackwardMatch* const orig_matches = matches;
209   const size_t cur_ix_masked = cur_ix & ring_buffer_mask;
210   size_t best_len = 1;
211   const size_t short_match_max_backward =
212       params->quality != HQ_ZOPFLIFICATION_QUALITY ? 16 : 64;
213   size_t stop = cur_ix - short_match_max_backward;
214   uint32_t dict_matches[BROTLI_MAX_STATIC_DICTIONARY_MATCH_LEN + 1];
215   size_t i;
216   if (cur_ix < short_match_max_backward) { stop = 0; }
217   for (i = cur_ix - 1; i > stop && best_len <= 2; --i) {
218     size_t prev_ix = i;
219     const size_t backward = cur_ix - prev_ix;
220     if (BROTLI_PREDICT_FALSE(backward > max_backward)) {
221       break;
222     }
223     prev_ix &= ring_buffer_mask;
224     if (data[cur_ix_masked] != data[prev_ix] ||
225         data[cur_ix_masked + 1] != data[prev_ix + 1]) {
226       continue;
227     }
228     {
229       const size_t len =
230           FindMatchLengthWithLimit(&data[prev_ix], &data[cur_ix_masked],
231                                    max_length);
232       if (len > best_len) {
233         best_len = len;
234         InitBackwardMatch(matches++, backward, len);
235       }
236     }
237   }
238   if (best_len < max_length) {
239     matches = FN(StoreAndFindMatches)(FN(Self)(handle), data, cur_ix,
240         ring_buffer_mask, max_length, max_backward, &best_len, matches);
241   }
242   for (i = 0; i <= BROTLI_MAX_STATIC_DICTIONARY_MATCH_LEN; ++i) {
243     dict_matches[i] = kInvalidMatch;
244   }
245   {
246     size_t minlen = BROTLI_MAX(size_t, 4, best_len + 1);
247     if (BrotliFindAllStaticDictionaryMatches(dictionary,
248         &data[cur_ix_masked], minlen, max_length, &dict_matches[0])) {
249       size_t maxlen = BROTLI_MIN(
250           size_t, BROTLI_MAX_STATIC_DICTIONARY_MATCH_LEN, max_length);
251       size_t l;
252       for (l = minlen; l <= maxlen; ++l) {
253         uint32_t dict_id = dict_matches[l];
254         if (dict_id < kInvalidMatch) {
255           size_t distance = max_backward + gap + (dict_id >> 5) + 1;
256           if (distance <= params->dist.max_distance) {
257             InitDictionaryBackwardMatch(matches++, distance, l, dict_id & 31);
258           }
259         }
260       }
261     }
262   }
263   return (size_t)(matches - orig_matches);
264 }
266 /* Stores the hash of the next 4 bytes and re-roots the binary tree at the
267    current sequence, without returning any matches.
268    REQUIRES: ix + MAX_TREE_COMP_LENGTH <= end-of-current-block */
FN(Store)269 static BROTLI_INLINE void FN(Store)(HasherHandle handle, const uint8_t* data,
270     const size_t mask, const size_t ix) {
271   HashToBinaryTree* self = FN(Self)(handle);
272   /* Maximum distance is window size - 16, see section 9.1. of the spec. */
273   const size_t max_backward = self->window_mask_ - BROTLI_WINDOW_GAP + 1;
274   FN(StoreAndFindMatches)(self, data, ix, mask, MAX_TREE_COMP_LENGTH,
275       max_backward, NULL, NULL);
276 }
FN(StoreRange)278 static BROTLI_INLINE void FN(StoreRange)(HasherHandle handle,
279     const uint8_t* data, const size_t mask, const size_t ix_start,
280     const size_t ix_end) {
281   size_t i = ix_start;
282   size_t j = ix_start;
283   if (ix_start + 63 <= ix_end) {
284     i = ix_end - 63;
285   }
286   if (ix_start + 512 <= i) {
287     for (; j < i; j += 8) {
288       FN(Store)(handle, data, mask, j);
289     }
290   }
291   for (; i < ix_end; ++i) {
292     FN(Store)(handle, data, mask, i);
293   }
294 }
FN(StitchToPreviousBlock)296 static BROTLI_INLINE void FN(StitchToPreviousBlock)(HasherHandle handle,
297     size_t num_bytes, size_t position, const uint8_t* ringbuffer,
298     size_t ringbuffer_mask) {
299   HashToBinaryTree* self = FN(Self)(handle);
300   if (num_bytes >= FN(HashTypeLength)() - 1 &&
301       position >= MAX_TREE_COMP_LENGTH) {
302     /* Store the last `MAX_TREE_COMP_LENGTH - 1` positions in the hasher.
303        These could not be calculated before, since they require knowledge
304        of both the previous and the current block. */
305     const size_t i_start = position - MAX_TREE_COMP_LENGTH + 1;
306     const size_t i_end = BROTLI_MIN(size_t, position, i_start + num_bytes);
307     size_t i;
308     for (i = i_start; i < i_end; ++i) {
309       /* Maximum distance is window size - 16, see section 9.1. of the spec.
310          Furthermore, we have to make sure that we don't look further back
311          from the start of the next block than the window size, otherwise we
312          could access already overwritten areas of the ring-buffer. */
313       const size_t max_backward =
314           self->window_mask_ - BROTLI_MAX(size_t,
315                                           BROTLI_WINDOW_GAP - 1,
316                                           position - i);
317       /* We know that i + MAX_TREE_COMP_LENGTH <= position + num_bytes, i.e. the
318          end of the current block and that we have at least
319          MAX_TREE_COMP_LENGTH tail in the ring-buffer. */
320       FN(StoreAndFindMatches)(self, ringbuffer, i, ringbuffer_mask,
321           MAX_TREE_COMP_LENGTH, max_backward, NULL, NULL);
322     }
323   }
324 }
326 #undef BUCKET_SIZE
328 #undef HashToBinaryTree