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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  * See the README.md in the parent (../../..) directory.
17  */
19 #ifndef ESE_APP_BOOT_H_
20 #define ESE_APP_BOOT_H_ 1
22 #include "../../../../../libese/include/ese/ese.h"
23 #include "../../../../../libese/include/ese/log.h"
24 #include "../../../../../libese-sysdeps/include/ese/sysdeps.h"
26 #include "../../../../include/ese/app/result.h"
28 #ifdef __cplusplus
29 extern "C" {
30 #endif
32 /**
33  * EseBootSession carries the necessary start for interfacing
34  * with the methods below.
35  *
36  * Its usage follows a lifecycle like:
37  *
38  *   EseAppResult res;
39  *   EseBootSession session;
40  *   ese_boot_session_init(&session);
41  *   res = ese_boot_session_open(ese, &session);
42  *   if (res != ESE_APP_RESULT_OK) {
43  *     ... handle error (especially cooldown) ...
44  *   }
45  *   ... ese_boot_* ...
46  *   ese_boot_session_close(&session);
47  *
48  */
49 struct EseBootSession {
50   struct EseInterface *ese;
51   bool active;
52   uint8_t channel_id;
53 };
55 /**
56  * The Storage applet supports up to 8 64-bit storage slots for storing
57  * rollback protection indices.
58  */
59 const uint8_t kEseBootRollbackSlotCount = 8;
60 /**
61  * When using the LOCK_OWNER, a key, or other relevant value, must be supplied.
62  * It may be at most OWNER_LOCK_METADATA_SIZE as defined in
63  * card/src/com/android/verifiedboot/storage/Storage.java.
64  */
65 const uint16_t kEseBootOwnerKeyMax = 2048;
67 /* Keep in sync with card/src/com/android/verifiedboot/storage/Storage.java */
68 /**
69  * This enum reflects the types of Locks that are supported by
70  * the ese_boot_lock_* calls.
71  */
72 typedef enum {
73   kEseBootLockIdCarrier = 0,
74   kEseBootLockIdDevice,
75   kEseBootLockIdBoot,
76   kEseBootLockIdOwner,
77   kEseBootLockIdMax = kEseBootLockIdOwner,
78 } EseBootLockId;
81 /**
82  * Initializes a pre-allocated |session| for use.
83  */
84 void ese_boot_session_init(struct EseBootSession *session);
86 /**
87  * Configures a communication session with the Storage applet using a logical
88  * channel on an already open |ese| object.
89  *
90  * @returns ESE_APP_RESULT_OK on success.
91  */
92 EseAppResult ese_boot_session_open(struct EseInterface *ese, struct EseBootSession *session);
94 /**
95  * Shuts down the logical channel with the Storage applet and invalidates
96  * the |session| internal state.
97  *
98  * @returns ESE_APP_RESULT_OK on success.
99  */
100 EseAppResult ese_boot_session_close(struct EseBootSession *session);
102 /**
103  * Retrieves the uint8_t value stored for the lock specified by |lockId|.
104  * On success, the value is stored in |lockVal|.  If the byte is 0x0, then
105  * the lock is cleared (or unlocked).  If it is any non-zero value, then it
106  * is locked.  Any specific byte value may have additional meaning to the
107  * caller.
108  *
109  * @returns ESE_APP_RESULT_OK if |lockVal| contains a valid byte.
110  */
111 EseAppResult ese_boot_lock_get(struct EseBootSession *session, EseBootLockId lockId, uint8_t *lockVal);
112 /**
113  * Retrieves extended lock data for the lock specified by |lockId|.
114  *
115  * |maxSize| specifies how many bytes may be written to |lockData|. |dataLen|
116  * will be updated to hold the length of the data received from the applet on
117  * success.
118  *
119  * The first byte of |lockData| will be the lock's value.  The remaining bytes
120  * are the associated metadata.  See the README.md for more details
121  * on each lock's behavior.
122  *
123  * @returns ESE_APP_RESULT_OK on success.
124  */
125 EseAppResult ese_boot_lock_xget(
126     struct EseBootSession *session, EseBootLockId lockId, uint8_t *lockData,
127     uint16_t maxSize, uint16_t *dataLen);
129 /**
130  * Sets the lock specified by |lockId| to |lockVal|.
131  *
132  * @returns ESE_APP_RESULT_OK on success.
133  */
135 EseAppResult ese_boot_lock_set(struct EseBootSession *session, EseBootLockId lockId, uint8_t lockVal);
136 /**
137  * Sets the lock and its metadata specified by |lockId| and |lockData|,
138  * respectively.  |dataLen| indicates the length of |lockData|.
139  *
140  * The first byte of |lockData| will be treated as the new value for the lock.
141  *
142  * @returns ESE_APP_RESULT_OK on success.
143  */
144 EseAppResult ese_boot_lock_xset(struct EseBootSession *session, EseBootLockId lockId, const uint8_t *lockData, uint16_t dataLen);
146 /**
147  * Performs a test of the carrier unlock code by allowing the caller to specify
148  * a fake internal nonce value, fake internal device data, as well as an actual
149  * unlock token (made up of a nonce and signature).
150  *
151  * @returns ESE_APP_RESULT_OK on success.  On failure, it is worthwhile to
152  *          check the upper two bytes in the result code if the lower two bytes
153  *          are ESE_APP_RESULT_ERROR_APPLET as it will provide an error
154  *          specific to the code path.  These applet codes are not (yet)
155  *          considered API and should be relied on for debugging.
156  */
157 EseAppResult ese_boot_carrier_lock_test(struct EseBootSession *session, const uint8_t *testdata, uint16_t len);
159 /**
160  * Transitions the applet from "factory" mode to "production" mode.
161  * This can only be done if the bootloader gpio has not been cleared.
162  *
163  * When not in production mode, the applet will ignore the bootloader gpio
164  * and allow for all the locks to be provisioned.  Once |mode| is set
165  * to true, LOCK_CARRIER can not be "lock"ed once cleared and any locks
166  * that depend on being in the bootloader (gpio not cleared) will respect
167  * that value.
168  */
169 EseAppResult ese_boot_set_production(struct EseBootSession *session, bool production_mode);
171 /**
172  * Debugging helper that emits the internal value of production, bootloader gpio,
173  * and lock initialization and storage.  It is not insecure in the field, but
174  * it is not expected to be needed during normal operation.
175  */
176 EseAppResult ese_boot_get_state(struct EseBootSession *session, uint8_t *state, uint16_t maxSize);
178 /**
179  * Stores |value| in the specified |slot| in the applet.
180  *
181  * @returns ESE_APP_RESULT_OK on success
182  */
183 EseAppResult ese_boot_rollback_index_write(struct EseBootSession *session, uint8_t slot, uint64_t value);
185 /**
186  * Reads a uint64_t from |slot| into |value|.
187  *
188  * @returns ESE_APP_RESULT_OK on success.
189  */
190 EseAppResult ese_boot_rollback_index_read(struct EseBootSession *session, uint8_t slot, uint64_t *value);
193 /**
194  * Resets all lock state -- including internal metadata.
195  * This should only be called in factory or under test.
196  *
197  * @returns ESE_APP_RESULT_OK on success.
198  */
199 EseAppResult ese_boot_reset_locks(struct EseBootSession *session);
201 #ifdef __cplusplus
202 }  /* extern "C" */
203 #endif
205 #endif  /* ESE_APP_BOOT_H_ */