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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2009 The Guava Authors
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package com.google.common.primitives;
19 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
20 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
22 import com.google.common.annotations.Beta;
23 import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
25 import java.util.Comparator;
27 /**
28  * Static utility methods pertaining to {@code byte} primitives that interpret
29  * values as <i>unsigned</i> (that is, any negative value {@code b} is treated
30  * as the positive value {@code 256 + b}). The corresponding methods that treat
31  * the values as signed are found in {@link SignedBytes}, and the methods for
32  * which signedness is not an issue are in {@link Bytes}.
33  *
34  * <p>See the Guava User Guide article on <a href=
35  * "http://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/wiki/PrimitivesExplained">
36  * primitive utilities</a>.
37  *
38  * @author Kevin Bourrillion
39  * @author Martin Buchholz
40  * @author Hiroshi Yamauchi
41  * @author Louis Wasserman
42  * @since 1.0
43  */
44 public final class UnsignedBytes {
UnsignedBytes()45   private UnsignedBytes() {}
47   /**
48    * The largest power of two that can be represented as an unsigned {@code
49    * byte}.
50    *
51    * @since 10.0
52    */
53   public static final byte MAX_POWER_OF_TWO = (byte) 0x80;
55   /**
56    * The largest value that fits into an unsigned byte.
57    *
58    * @since 13.0
59    */
60   public static final byte MAX_VALUE = (byte) 0xFF;
62   private static final int UNSIGNED_MASK = 0xFF;
64   /**
65    * Returns the value of the given byte as an integer, when treated as
66    * unsigned. That is, returns {@code value + 256} if {@code value} is
67    * negative; {@code value} itself otherwise.
68    *
69    * @since 6.0
70    */
toInt(byte value)71   public static int toInt(byte value) {
72     return value & UNSIGNED_MASK;
73   }
75   /**
76    * Returns the {@code byte} value that, when treated as unsigned, is equal to
77    * {@code value}, if possible.
78    *
79    * @param value a value between 0 and 255 inclusive
80    * @return the {@code byte} value that, when treated as unsigned, equals
81    *     {@code value}
82    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is negative or greater
83    *     than 255
84    */
checkedCast(long value)85   public static byte checkedCast(long value) {
86     if ((value >> Byte.SIZE) != 0) {
87       // don't use checkArgument here, to avoid boxing
88       throw new IllegalArgumentException("Out of range: " + value);
89     }
90     return (byte) value;
91   }
93   /**
94    * Returns the {@code byte} value that, when treated as unsigned, is nearest
95    * in value to {@code value}.
96    *
97    * @param value any {@code long} value
98    * @return {@code (byte) 255} if {@code value >= 255}, {@code (byte) 0} if
99    *     {@code value <= 0}, and {@code value} cast to {@code byte} otherwise
100    */
saturatedCast(long value)101   public static byte saturatedCast(long value) {
102     if (value > toInt(MAX_VALUE)) {
103       return MAX_VALUE; // -1
104     }
105     if (value < 0) {
106       return (byte) 0;
107     }
108     return (byte) value;
109   }
111   /**
112    * Compares the two specified {@code byte} values, treating them as unsigned
113    * values between 0 and 255 inclusive. For example, {@code (byte) -127} is
114    * considered greater than {@code (byte) 127} because it is seen as having
115    * the value of positive {@code 129}.
116    *
117    * @param a the first {@code byte} to compare
118    * @param b the second {@code byte} to compare
119    * @return a negative value if {@code a} is less than {@code b}; a positive
120    *     value if {@code a} is greater than {@code b}; or zero if they are equal
121    */
compare(byte a, byte b)122   public static int compare(byte a, byte b) {
123     return toInt(a) - toInt(b);
124   }
126   /**
127    * Returns the least value present in {@code array}.
128    *
129    * @param array a <i>nonempty</i> array of {@code byte} values
130    * @return the value present in {@code array} that is less than or equal to
131    *     every other value in the array
132    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code array} is empty
133    */
min(byte... array)134   public static byte min(byte... array) {
135     checkArgument(array.length > 0);
136     int min = toInt(array[0]);
137     for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
138       int next = toInt(array[i]);
139       if (next < min) {
140         min = next;
141       }
142     }
143     return (byte) min;
144   }
146   /**
147    * Returns the greatest value present in {@code array}.
148    *
149    * @param array a <i>nonempty</i> array of {@code byte} values
150    * @return the value present in {@code array} that is greater than or equal
151    *     to every other value in the array
152    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code array} is empty
153    */
max(byte... array)154   public static byte max(byte... array) {
155     checkArgument(array.length > 0);
156     int max = toInt(array[0]);
157     for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
158       int next = toInt(array[i]);
159       if (next > max) {
160         max = next;
161       }
162     }
163     return (byte) max;
164   }
166   /**
167    * Returns a string representation of x, where x is treated as unsigned.
168    *
169    * @since 13.0
170    */
171   @Beta
toString(byte x)172   public static String toString(byte x) {
173     return toString(x, 10);
174   }
176   /**
177    * Returns a string representation of {@code x} for the given radix, where {@code x} is treated
178    * as unsigned.
179    *
180    * @param x the value to convert to a string.
181    * @param radix the radix to use while working with {@code x}
182    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code radix} is not between {@link Character#MIN_RADIX}
183    *         and {@link Character#MAX_RADIX}.
184    * @since 13.0
185    */
186   @Beta
toString(byte x, int radix)187   public static String toString(byte x, int radix) {
188     checkArgument(radix >= Character.MIN_RADIX && radix <= Character.MAX_RADIX,
189         "radix (%s) must be between Character.MIN_RADIX and Character.MAX_RADIX", radix);
190     // Benchmarks indicate this is probably not worth optimizing.
191     return Integer.toString(toInt(x), radix);
192   }
194   /**
195    * Returns the unsigned {@code byte} value represented by the given decimal string.
196    *
197    * @throws NumberFormatException if the string does not contain a valid unsigned {@code byte}
198    *         value
199    * @throws NullPointerException if {@code s} is null
200    *         (in contrast to {@link Byte#parseByte(String)})
201    * @since 13.0
202    */
203   @Beta
parseUnsignedByte(String string)204   public static byte parseUnsignedByte(String string) {
205     return parseUnsignedByte(string, 10);
206   }
208   /**
209    * Returns the unsigned {@code byte} value represented by a string with the given radix.
210    *
211    * @param string the string containing the unsigned {@code byte} representation to be parsed.
212    * @param radix the radix to use while parsing {@code string}
213    * @throws NumberFormatException if the string does not contain a valid unsigned {@code byte}
214    *         with the given radix, or if {@code radix} is not between {@link Character#MIN_RADIX}
215    *         and {@link Character#MAX_RADIX}.
216    * @throws NullPointerException if {@code s} is null
217    *         (in contrast to {@link Byte#parseByte(String)})
218    * @since 13.0
219    */
220   @Beta
parseUnsignedByte(String string, int radix)221   public static byte parseUnsignedByte(String string, int radix) {
222     int parse = Integer.parseInt(checkNotNull(string), radix);
223     // We need to throw a NumberFormatException, so we have to duplicate checkedCast. =(
224     if (parse >> Byte.SIZE == 0) {
225       return (byte) parse;
226     } else {
227       throw new NumberFormatException("out of range: " + parse);
228     }
229   }
231   /**
232    * Returns a string containing the supplied {@code byte} values separated by
233    * {@code separator}. For example, {@code join(":", (byte) 1, (byte) 2,
234    * (byte) 255)} returns the string {@code "1:2:255"}.
235    *
236    * @param separator the text that should appear between consecutive values in
237    *     the resulting string (but not at the start or end)
238    * @param array an array of {@code byte} values, possibly empty
239    */
join(String separator, byte... array)240   public static String join(String separator, byte... array) {
241     checkNotNull(separator);
242     if (array.length == 0) {
243       return "";
244     }
246     // For pre-sizing a builder, just get the right order of magnitude
247     StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(array.length * (3 + separator.length()));
248     builder.append(toInt(array[0]));
249     for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
250       builder.append(separator).append(toString(array[i]));
251     }
252     return builder.toString();
253   }
255   /**
256    * Returns a comparator that compares two {@code byte} arrays
257    * lexicographically. That is, it compares, using {@link
258    * #compare(byte, byte)}), the first pair of values that follow any common
259    * prefix, or when one array is a prefix of the other, treats the shorter
260    * array as the lesser. For example, {@code [] < [0x01] < [0x01, 0x7F] <
261    * [0x01, 0x80] < [0x02]}. Values are treated as unsigned.
262    *
263    * <p>The returned comparator is inconsistent with {@link
264    * Object#equals(Object)} (since arrays support only identity equality), but
265    * it is consistent with {@link java.util.Arrays#equals(byte[], byte[])}.
266    *
267    * @see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexicographical_order">
268    *     Lexicographical order article at Wikipedia</a>
269    * @since 2.0
270    */
lexicographicalComparator()271   public static Comparator<byte[]> lexicographicalComparator() {
272     return LexicographicalComparatorHolder.BEST_COMPARATOR;
273   }
275   @VisibleForTesting
lexicographicalComparatorJavaImpl()276   static Comparator<byte[]> lexicographicalComparatorJavaImpl() {
277     return LexicographicalComparatorHolder.PureJavaComparator.INSTANCE;
278   }
280   /**
281    * Provides a pure Java lexicographical comparator implementation.
282    */
283   @VisibleForTesting
284   static class LexicographicalComparatorHolder {
286     static final Comparator<byte[]> BEST_COMPARATOR = lexicographicalComparatorJavaImpl();
288     enum PureJavaComparator implements Comparator<byte[]> {
289       INSTANCE;
compare(byte[] left, byte[] right)291       @Override public int compare(byte[] left, byte[] right) {
292         int minLength = Math.min(left.length, right.length);
293         for (int i = 0; i < minLength; i++) {
294           int result = UnsignedBytes.compare(left[i], right[i]);
295           if (result != 0) {
296             return result;
297           }
298         }
299         return left.length - right.length;
300       }
301     }
302   }
303 }