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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #define LOG_TAG "memtrack_hidl_hal_test"
18 #include <android-base/logging.h>
19 #include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
21 #include <android/hardware/memtrack/1.0/IMemtrack.h>
23 #include <VtsHalHidlTargetTestBase.h>
24 #include <VtsHalHidlTargetTestEnvBase.h>
26 #include <fcntl.h>
27 #include <algorithm>
28 #include <vector>
30 using ::android::hardware::memtrack::V1_0::IMemtrack;
31 using ::android::hardware::memtrack::V1_0::MemtrackRecord;
32 using ::android::hardware::memtrack::V1_0::MemtrackFlag;
33 using ::android::hardware::memtrack::V1_0::MemtrackType;
34 using ::android::hardware::memtrack::V1_0::MemtrackStatus;
35 using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec;
36 using ::android::hardware::Return;
37 using ::android::sp;
38 using ::android::base::unique_fd;
39 using std::vector;
40 using std::count_if;
42 // Test environment for Memtrack HIDL HAL.
43 class MemtrackHidlEnvironment : public ::testing::VtsHalHidlTargetTestEnvBase {
44    public:
45     // get the test environment singleton
Instance()46     static MemtrackHidlEnvironment* Instance() {
47         static MemtrackHidlEnvironment* instance = new MemtrackHidlEnvironment;
48         return instance;
49     }
registerTestServices()51     virtual void registerTestServices() override { registerTestService<IMemtrack>(); }
52 };
54 class MemtrackHidlTest : public ::testing::VtsHalHidlTargetTestBase {
55  public:
SetUp()56   virtual void SetUp() override {
57       memtrack = ::testing::VtsHalHidlTargetTestBase::getService<IMemtrack>(
58           MemtrackHidlEnvironment::Instance()->getServiceName<IMemtrack>());
59       ASSERT_NE(memtrack, nullptr);
60   }
TearDown()62   virtual void TearDown() override {}
64   sp<IMemtrack> memtrack;
65 };
67 /* Returns true if flags contains at least min, and no more than max,
68  * of the flags in flagSet. Returns false otherwise.
69  */
rightFlagCount(uint32_t flags,vector<MemtrackFlag> flagSet,uint32_t min,uint32_t max)70 bool rightFlagCount(uint32_t flags, vector<MemtrackFlag> flagSet, uint32_t min,
71                     uint32_t max) {
72   uint32_t count =
73       count_if(flagSet.begin(), flagSet.end(),
74                [&](MemtrackFlag f) { return flags & (uint32_t)f; });
75   return (min <= count && count <= max);
76 }
78 /* Returns true when passed a valid, defined status, false otherwise.
79  */
validStatus(MemtrackStatus s)80 bool validStatus(MemtrackStatus s) {
81   vector<MemtrackStatus> statusVec = {
82       MemtrackStatus::SUCCESS, MemtrackStatus::MEMORY_TRACKING_NOT_SUPPORTED,
83       MemtrackStatus::TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED};
84   return std::find(statusVec.begin(), statusVec.end(), s) != statusVec.end();
85 }
generate_cb(MemtrackStatus * s,hidl_vec<MemtrackRecord> * v)87 auto generate_cb(MemtrackStatus *s, hidl_vec<MemtrackRecord> *v) {
88   return [=](MemtrackStatus status, hidl_vec<MemtrackRecord> vec) {
89     *s = status;
90     *v = vec;
91   };
92 }
94 /* Sanity check results when getMemory() is passed a negative PID
95  */
TEST_F(MemtrackHidlTest,BadPidTest)96 TEST_F(MemtrackHidlTest, BadPidTest) {
97   MemtrackStatus s;
98   hidl_vec<MemtrackRecord> v;
99   auto cb = generate_cb(&s, &v);
100   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < static_cast<uint32_t>(MemtrackType::NUM_TYPES);
101        i++) {
102     Return<void> ret =
103         memtrack->getMemory(-1, static_cast<MemtrackType>(i), cb);
104     ASSERT_TRUE(ret.isOk());
105     ASSERT_TRUE(validStatus(s));
106   }
107 }
109 /* Sanity check results when getMemory() is passed a bad memory usage type
110  */
TEST_F(MemtrackHidlTest,BadTypeTest)111 TEST_F(MemtrackHidlTest, BadTypeTest) {
112   MemtrackStatus s;
113   hidl_vec<MemtrackRecord> v;
114   auto cb = generate_cb(&s, &v);
115   Return<void> ret = memtrack->getMemory(getpid(), MemtrackType::NUM_TYPES, cb);
116   ASSERT_TRUE(ret.isOk());
117   ASSERT_TRUE(validStatus(s));
118 }
120 /* Call memtrack on this process and check that the results are reasonable
121  * for all memory types, including valid flag combinations for every
122  * MemtrackRecord returned.
123  */
TEST_F(MemtrackHidlTest,GetMemoryTest)124 TEST_F(MemtrackHidlTest, GetMemoryTest) {
125   /* Opening this device causes the kernel to provide memtrack with memory
126    * info for this process.
127    */
128   unique_fd fd(open("/dev/kgsl-3d0", O_RDWR));
130   MemtrackStatus s;
131   hidl_vec<MemtrackRecord> v;
132   auto cb = generate_cb(&s, &v);
133   uint32_t unsupportedCount = 0;
134   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < static_cast<uint32_t>(MemtrackType::NUM_TYPES);
135        i++) {
136     Return<void> ret =
137         memtrack->getMemory(getpid(), static_cast<MemtrackType>(i), cb);
138     ASSERT_TRUE(ret.isOk());
140     switch (s) {
141       case MemtrackStatus::MEMORY_TRACKING_NOT_SUPPORTED:
142         unsupportedCount++;
143         break;
144       case MemtrackStatus::TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED:
145         break;
146       case MemtrackStatus::SUCCESS: {
147         for (uint32_t j = 0; j < v.size(); j++) {
148           // Enforce flag constraints
149           vector<MemtrackFlag> smapFlags = {MemtrackFlag::SMAPS_ACCOUNTED,
150                                             MemtrackFlag::SMAPS_UNACCOUNTED};
151           EXPECT_TRUE(rightFlagCount(v[j].flags, smapFlags, 1, 1));
152           vector<MemtrackFlag> shareFlags = {MemtrackFlag::SHARED,
153                                              MemtrackFlag::SHARED_PSS,
154                                              MemtrackFlag::PRIVATE};
155           EXPECT_TRUE(rightFlagCount(v[j].flags, shareFlags, 0, 1));
156           vector<MemtrackFlag> systemFlags = {MemtrackFlag::SYSTEM,
157                                               MemtrackFlag::DEDICATED};
158           EXPECT_TRUE(rightFlagCount(v[j].flags, systemFlags, 0, 1));
159           vector<MemtrackFlag> secureFlags = {MemtrackFlag::SECURE,
160                                               MemtrackFlag::NONSECURE};
161           EXPECT_TRUE(rightFlagCount(v[j].flags, secureFlags, 0, 1));
162         }
163         break;
164       }
165       default:
166         FAIL();
167     }
168   }
169   // If tracking is not supported this should be returned for all types.
170   ASSERT_TRUE(unsupportedCount == 0 ||
171               unsupportedCount ==
172                   static_cast<uint32_t>(MemtrackType::NUM_TYPES));
173 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)175 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
176     ::testing::AddGlobalTestEnvironment(MemtrackHidlEnvironment::Instance());
177     ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
178     MemtrackHidlEnvironment::Instance()->init(&argc, argv);
179     int status = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
180     LOG(INFO) << "Test result = " << status;
181     return status;
182 }