/cts/hostsidetests/securitybulletin/securityPatch/CVE-2017-0415/ |
D | poc.cpp | 28 volatile int quit = 1; variable 40 while (quit) { in start2() 59 while (quit) { in main() 63 quit = 0; in main() 67 quit = 0; in main()
/cts/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/bluetooth/ |
D | TestTaskQueue.java | 44 public synchronized void quit() { in quit() method in TestTaskQueue 52 mHandler.getLooper().quit(); in quit()
/cts/tests/tests/os/src/android/os/cts/ |
D | MessengerTest.java | 227 mLooper.quit(); in doTest() 244 quit(); in success() 252 quit(); in failure() 280 private void quit() { in quit() method in MessengerTest.MessengerTestHelper
D | LooperTest.java | 185 mLooper.quit(); in testQuit() 236 Looper.myLooper().quit(); in run() 240 Looper.myLooper().quit(); in stop()
D | MessageQueueTest.java | 54 assertTrue("The looper should have been running.", looperThread.quit()); in testAddIdleHandler() 67 assertTrue("The looper should have been running.", looperThread.quit()); in testRemoveIdleHandler() 872 mLooper.quit(); in doTest() 910 quit(); in success() 918 quit(); in failure() 922 private void quit() { in quit() method in MessageQueueTest.OrderTestHelper
D | TokenWatcherTest.java | 102 mLooper.quit(); in tearDown()
/cts/tests/tests/telephony/current/LocationAccessingApp/src/android/telephony/cts/locationaccessingapp/ |
D | CtsLocationAccessService.java | 106 handlerThread.quit(); in listenForCellInfo() 130 handlerThread.quit(); in listenForCellLocation() 158 handlerThread.quit(); in listenForServiceState()
/cts/tests/tests/database/src/android/database/cts/ |
D | ContentObserverTest.java | 69 looper.quit(); in testContentObserver() 115 looper.quit(); in testContentObserverWithUri()
D | DatabaseCursorTest.java | 288 boolean quit = false; field in DatabaseCursorTest.TestObserver 305 quit = true; in onChanged() 306 Looper.myLooper().quit(); in onChanged()
/cts/tests/tests/media/src/android/media/cts/ |
D | AudioRecordingConfigurationTest.java | 100 mLooper.quit(); in tearDown() 217 h.getLooper().quit(); in doCallbackTest()
D | RoutingTest.java | 296 myLooper.quit(); in test_audioTrack_RoutingListener() 390 myLooper.quit(); in test_audioRecord_RoutingListener() 659 myLooper.quit(); in test_MediaPlayer_RoutingListener() 880 myLooper.quit(); in test_mediaRecorder_RoutingListener()
D | StreamingMediaPlayerTest.java | 537 public void quit() { in quit() method in StreamingMediaPlayerTest.WorkerWithPlayer 538 mLooper.quit(); in quit() 582 worker.quit(); in testBlockingReadRelease()
D | MediaDrmMockTest.java | 731 mLooper.quit(); in testEventNoSessionNoData() 804 mLooper.quit(); in testEventWithSessionAndData() 886 mLooper.quit(); in testExpirationUpdate() 986 mLooper.quit(); in testKeyStatusChange()
D | EnumDevicesTest.java | 223 myLooper.quit(); in test_deviceCallback()
D | AudioPlaybackConfigurationTest.java | 241 h.getLooper().quit(); in doTestCallbackMediaPlayer() 293 h.getLooper().quit(); in testCallbackMediaPlayerRelease()
D | PresetReverbTest.java | 383 mLooper.quit(); in terminateListenerLooper()
/cts/hostsidetests/devicepolicy/app/ManagedProfile/src/com/android/cts/managedprofile/ |
D | PhoneAccountTest.java | 130 handlerThread.quit(); in internalTestOutgoingCall() 212 handlerThread.quit(); in internalTestIncomingCall()
/cts/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/sensors/ |
D | RVCVRecordActivity.java | 99 mController.quit(); in startRecordcontroller() 108 mController.quit(); in stopRecordcontroller() 139 mController.quit(); in onPause() 1104 public void quit() { in quit() method in RVCVRecordActivity.RecordProcedureController
/cts/tests/camera/src/android/hardware/cts/ |
D | CameraTestCase.java | 97 mLooper.quit(); in terminateMessageLooper()
/cts/tests/tests/telephony/current/src/android/telephony/embms/cts/ |
D | MbmsStreamingTestBase.java | 133 mHandlerThread.quit(); in tearDown()
D | MbmsDownloadTestBase.java | 153 mHandlerThread.quit(); in tearDown()
D | MbmsGroupCallTestBase.java | 154 mHandlerThread.quit(); in tearDown()
/cts/tests/camera/src/android/hardware/camera2/cts/ |
D | IdleUidTest.java | 68 sCallbackThread.quit(); in stopHandlerThread()
/cts/hostsidetests/devicepolicy/app/IntentReceiver/src/com/android/cts/intent/receiver/ |
D | IntentReceiverActivity.java | 138 handlerThread.quit(); in onCreate()
/cts/hostsidetests/devicepolicy/app/IntentSender/src/com/android/cts/intent/sender/ |
D | ContentTest.java | 202 handlerThread.quit(); in testCanNotifyAcrossProfiles()