/external/javaparser/javaparser-core/src/main/java/com/github/javaparser/ast/expr/ |
D | Expression.java | 91 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an AnnotationExpr", this)); in asAnnotationExpr() 101 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an ArrayAccessExpr", this)); in asArrayAccessExpr() 111 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an ArrayCreationExpr", this)); in asArrayCreationExpr() 121 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an ArrayInitializerExpr", this)); in asArrayInitializerExpr() 131 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an AssignExpr", this)); in asAssignExpr() 141 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an BinaryExpr", this)); in asBinaryExpr() 151 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an BooleanLiteralExpr", this)); in asBooleanLiteralExpr() 161 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an CastExpr", this)); in asCastExpr() 171 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an CharLiteralExpr", this)); in asCharLiteralExpr() 181 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an ClassExpr", this)); in asClassExpr() [all …]
/external/okhttp/repackaged/okio/okio/src/main/java/com/android/okhttp/okio/ |
D | RealBufferedSink.java | 45 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in write() 51 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in write() 57 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in writeUtf8() 64 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in writeUtf8() 70 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in writeUtf8CodePoint() 76 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in writeString() 83 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in writeString() 89 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in write() 95 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in write() 121 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in writeByte() [all …]
/external/okhttp/okio/okio/src/main/java/okio/ |
D | RealBufferedSink.java | 44 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in write() 50 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in write() 56 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in writeUtf8() 63 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in writeUtf8() 69 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in writeUtf8CodePoint() 75 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in writeString() 82 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in writeString() 88 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in write() 94 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in write() 120 if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); in writeByte() [all …]
/external/javaparser/javaparser-core/src/main/java/com/github/javaparser/ast/stmt/ |
D | Statement.java | 90 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an AssertStmt", this)); in asAssertStmt() 100 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an BlockStmt", this)); in asBlockStmt() 110 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an BreakStmt", this)); in asBreakStmt() 120 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an ContinueStmt", this)); in asContinueStmt() 130 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an DoStmt", this)); in asDoStmt() 140 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an EmptyStmt", this)); in asEmptyStmt() 150 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt", this)); in asExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt() 160 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an ExpressionStmt", this)); in asExpressionStmt() 170 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an ForStmt", this)); in asForStmt() 180 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an ForeachStmt", this)); in asForeachStmt() [all …]
/external/libjpeg-turbo/java/org/libjpegturbo/turbojpeg/ |
D | YUVImage.java | 320 throw new IllegalStateException(NO_ASSOC_ERROR); in getWidth() 331 throw new IllegalStateException(NO_ASSOC_ERROR); in getHeight() 343 throw new IllegalStateException(NO_ASSOC_ERROR); in getPad() 345 throw new IllegalStateException("Image is not stored in a unified buffer"); in getPad() 356 throw new IllegalStateException(NO_ASSOC_ERROR); in getStrides() 369 throw new IllegalStateException(NO_ASSOC_ERROR); in getOffsets() 381 throw new IllegalStateException(NO_ASSOC_ERROR); in getSubsamp() 393 throw new IllegalStateException(NO_ASSOC_ERROR); in getPlanes() 405 throw new IllegalStateException(NO_ASSOC_ERROR); in getBuf() 409 throw new IllegalStateException("Image is not stored in a unified buffer"); in getBuf() [all …]
D | TJDecompressor.java | 148 throw new IllegalStateException(NO_ASSOC_ERROR); in getWidth() 163 throw new IllegalStateException(NO_ASSOC_ERROR); in getHeight() 179 throw new IllegalStateException(NO_ASSOC_ERROR); in getSubsamp() 181 throw new IllegalStateException("JPEG header information is invalid"); in getSubsamp() 197 throw new IllegalStateException(NO_ASSOC_ERROR); in getColorspace() 199 throw new IllegalStateException("JPEG header information is invalid"); in getColorspace() 210 throw new IllegalStateException(NO_ASSOC_ERROR); in getJPEGBuf() 223 throw new IllegalStateException(NO_ASSOC_ERROR); in getJPEGSize() 248 throw new IllegalStateException(NO_ASSOC_ERROR); in getScaledWidth() 289 throw new IllegalStateException(NO_ASSOC_ERROR); in getScaledHeight() [all …]
/external/proguard/src/proguard/classfile/ |
D | ProgramClass.java | 120 …throw ((IllegalStateException)new IllegalStateException("Expected Utf8Constant at index ["+constan… in getString() 132 …throw ((IllegalStateException)new IllegalStateException("Expected StringConstant at index ["+const… in getStringString() 144 …throw ((IllegalStateException)new IllegalStateException("Expected ClassConstant at index ["+consta… in getClassName() 156 …throw ((IllegalStateException)new IllegalStateException("Expected NameAndTypeConstant at index ["+… in getName() 168 …throw ((IllegalStateException)new IllegalStateException("Expected NameAndTypeConstant at index ["+… in getType() 181 …throw ((IllegalStateException)new IllegalStateException("Expected RefConstant at index ["+constant… in getRefClassName() 193 …throw ((IllegalStateException)new IllegalStateException("Expected RefConstant at index ["+constant… in getRefName() 205 …throw ((IllegalStateException)new IllegalStateException("Expected RefConstant at index ["+constant… in getRefType()
/external/okhttp/okhttp/src/main/java/com/squareup/okhttp/internal/http/ |
D | Http1xStream.java | 98 throw new IllegalStateException( in createRequestBody() 166 if (state != STATE_IDLE) throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state); in writeRequest() 181 throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state); in readResponse() 218 if (state != STATE_OPEN_REQUEST_BODY) throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state); in newChunkedSink() 224 if (state != STATE_OPEN_REQUEST_BODY) throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state); in newFixedLengthSink() 230 if (state != STATE_OPEN_REQUEST_BODY) throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state); in writeRequestBody() 236 if (state != STATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_BODY) throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state); in newFixedLengthSource() 242 if (state != STATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_BODY) throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state); in newChunkedSource() 248 if (state != STATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_BODY) throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state); in newUnknownLengthSource() 249 if (streamAllocation == null) throw new IllegalStateException("streamAllocation == null"); in newUnknownLengthSource() [all …]
/external/okhttp/okhttp/src/main/java/com/squareup/okhttp/internal/tls/ |
D | DistinguishedNameParser.java | 67 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in nextAT() 80 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in nextAT() 111 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in quotedAV() 140 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in hexAV() 174 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in hexAV() 235 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in getEscaped() 313 throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + dn); in getByte() 326 throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + dn); in getByte() 337 throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + dn); in getByte() 397 throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + dn); in findMostSpecific() [all …]
/external/javaparser/javaparser-core/src/main/java/com/github/javaparser/ast/body/ |
D | BodyDeclaration.java | 138 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an AnnotationDeclaration", this)); in asAnnotationDeclaration() 148 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an AnnotationMemberDeclaration", this)); in asAnnotationMemberDeclaration() 158 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an CallableDeclaration", this)); in asCallableDeclaration() 168 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration", this)); in asClassOrInterfaceDeclaration() 178 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an ConstructorDeclaration", this)); in asConstructorDeclaration() 188 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an EnumConstantDeclaration", this)); in asEnumConstantDeclaration() 198 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an EnumDeclaration", this)); in asEnumDeclaration() 208 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an FieldDeclaration", this)); in asFieldDeclaration() 218 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an InitializerDeclaration", this)); in asInitializerDeclaration() 228 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an MethodDeclaration", this)); in asMethodDeclaration() [all …]
/external/grpc-grpc-java/okhttp/third_party/okhttp/main/java/io/grpc/okhttp/internal/ |
D | DistinguishedNameParser.java | 70 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in nextAT() 83 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in nextAT() 114 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in quotedAV() 144 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in hexAV() 178 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in hexAV() 239 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in getEscaped() 317 throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + dn); in getByte() 330 throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + dn); in getByte() 341 throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + dn); in getByte() 401 throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + dn); in findMostSpecific() [all …]
/external/okhttp/repackaged/okhttp/src/main/java/com/android/okhttp/internal/tls/ |
D | DistinguishedNameParser.java | 68 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in nextAT() 81 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in nextAT() 112 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in quotedAV() 141 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in hexAV() 175 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in hexAV() 236 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + dn); in getEscaped() 314 throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + dn); in getByte() 327 throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + dn); in getByte() 338 throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + dn); in getByte() 398 throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + dn); in findMostSpecific() [all …]
/external/okhttp/repackaged/okhttp/src/main/java/com/android/okhttp/internal/http/ |
D | Http1xStream.java | 100 throw new IllegalStateException( in createRequestBody() 168 if (state != STATE_IDLE) throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state); in writeRequest() 183 throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state); in readResponse() 220 if (state != STATE_OPEN_REQUEST_BODY) throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state); in newChunkedSink() 226 if (state != STATE_OPEN_REQUEST_BODY) throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state); in newFixedLengthSink() 232 if (state != STATE_OPEN_REQUEST_BODY) throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state); in writeRequestBody() 238 if (state != STATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_BODY) throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state); in newFixedLengthSource() 244 if (state != STATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_BODY) throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state); in newChunkedSource() 250 if (state != STATE_OPEN_RESPONSE_BODY) throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state); in newUnknownLengthSource() 251 if (streamAllocation == null) throw new IllegalStateException("streamAllocation == null"); in newUnknownLengthSource() [all …]
/external/brotli/java/org/brotli/wrapper/enc/ |
D | EncoderJNI.java | 50 throw new IllegalStateException("brotli encoder is already destroyed"); in push() 53 throw new IllegalStateException("pushing input to encoder in unexpected state"); in push() 56 throw new IllegalStateException("pushing input to encoder over previous input"); in push() 84 throw new IllegalStateException("brotli encoder is already destroyed"); in pull() 87 throw new IllegalStateException("pulling while data is not ready"); in pull() 97 throw new IllegalStateException("brotli encoder is already destroyed"); in destroy()
/external/javaparser/javaparser-core/src/main/java/com/github/javaparser/ast/type/ |
D | Type.java | 167 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an ArrayType", this)); in asArrayType() 177 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an ClassOrInterfaceType", this)); in asClassOrInterfaceType() 187 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an IntersectionType", this)); in asIntersectionType() 197 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an PrimitiveType", this)); in asPrimitiveType() 207 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an ReferenceType", this)); in asReferenceType() 217 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an TypeParameter", this)); in asTypeParameter() 227 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an UnionType", this)); in asUnionType() 237 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an UnknownType", this)); in asUnknownType() 247 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an VoidType", this)); in asVoidType() 257 throw new IllegalStateException(f("%s is not an WildcardType", this)); in asWildcardType() [all …]
/external/guava/guava-tests/test/com/google/common/cache/ |
D | CacheBuilderTest.java | 80 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {} in testInitialCapacity_setTwice() 132 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {} in testConcurrencyLevel_setTwice() 163 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {} in testMaximumSize_setTwice() 172 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {} in testMaximumSize_andWeight() 191 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {} in testMaximumWeight_setTwice() 195 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {} in testMaximumWeight_setTwice() 205 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {} in testMaximumWeight_withoutWeigher() 215 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {} in testWeigher_withoutMaximumWeight() 225 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {} in testWeigher_withMaximumSize() 231 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {} in testWeigher_withMaximumSize() [all …]
/external/brotli/java/org/brotli/wrapper/dec/ |
D | DecoderJNI.java | 47 throw new IllegalStateException("brotli decoder is already destroyed"); in push() 50 throw new IllegalStateException("pushing input to decoder in " + lastStatus + " state"); in push() 53 throw new IllegalStateException("pushing input to decoder in OK state"); in push() 88 throw new IllegalStateException("brotli decoder is already destroyed"); in pull() 91 throw new IllegalStateException("pulling output from decoder in " + lastStatus + " state"); in pull() 103 throw new IllegalStateException("brotli decoder is already destroyed"); in destroy()
/external/apache-http/src/org/apache/http/impl/conn/ |
D | AbstractPoolEntry.java | 155 throw new IllegalStateException("Connection already open."); in open() 213 throw new IllegalStateException("Connection not open."); in tunnelTarget() 216 throw new IllegalStateException in tunnelTarget() 258 throw new IllegalStateException("Connection not open."); in tunnelProxy() 287 throw new IllegalStateException("Connection not open."); in layerProtocol() 291 throw new IllegalStateException in layerProtocol() 295 throw new IllegalStateException in layerProtocol()
/external/guava/guava/src/com/google/common/io/ |
D | ByteStreams.java | 216 throw new IllegalStateException(e); in readFully() 224 throw new IllegalStateException(e); in readFully() 232 throw new IllegalStateException(e); in skipBytes() 240 throw new IllegalStateException(e); in readBoolean() 248 throw new IllegalStateException(e); in readByte() 258 throw new IllegalStateException(e); in readUnsignedByte() 266 throw new IllegalStateException(e); in readShort() 274 throw new IllegalStateException(e); in readUnsignedShort() 282 throw new IllegalStateException(e); in readChar() 290 throw new IllegalStateException(e); in readInt() [all …]
/external/slf4j/slf4j-api/src/main/java/org/slf4j/ |
D | MDC.java | 127 throw new IllegalStateException("MDCAdapter cannot be null. See also " + NULL_MDCA_URL); in put() 183 throw new IllegalStateException("MDCAdapter cannot be null. See also " + NULL_MDCA_URL); in get() 204 throw new IllegalStateException("MDCAdapter cannot be null. See also " + NULL_MDCA_URL); in remove() 214 throw new IllegalStateException("MDCAdapter cannot be null. See also " + NULL_MDCA_URL); in clear() 228 throw new IllegalStateException("MDCAdapter cannot be null. See also " + NULL_MDCA_URL); in getCopyOfContextMap() 244 throw new IllegalStateException("MDCAdapter cannot be null. See also " + NULL_MDCA_URL); in setContextMap()
/external/mockftpserver/tags/2.5/src/main/java/org/mockftpserver/core/ |
D | IllegalStateException.java | 25 public class IllegalStateException extends MockFtpServerException { class 30 public IllegalStateException(String message) { in IllegalStateException() method in IllegalStateException 37 public IllegalStateException(Throwable cause) { in IllegalStateException() method in IllegalStateException 45 public IllegalStateException(String message, Throwable cause) { in IllegalStateException() method in IllegalStateException
/external/mockftpserver/tags/2.1/src/main/java/org/mockftpserver/core/ |
D | IllegalStateException.java | 25 public class IllegalStateException extends MockFtpServerException { class 30 public IllegalStateException(String message) { in IllegalStateException() method in IllegalStateException 37 public IllegalStateException(Throwable cause) { in IllegalStateException() method in IllegalStateException 45 public IllegalStateException(String message, Throwable cause) { in IllegalStateException() method in IllegalStateException
/external/mockftpserver/tags/2.0-rc1/src/main/java/org/mockftpserver/core/ |
D | IllegalStateException.java | 25 public class IllegalStateException extends MockFtpServerException { class 30 public IllegalStateException(String message) { in IllegalStateException() method in IllegalStateException 37 public IllegalStateException(Throwable cause) { in IllegalStateException() method in IllegalStateException 45 public IllegalStateException(String message, Throwable cause) { in IllegalStateException() method in IllegalStateException
/external/mockftpserver/tags/2.0/src/main/java/org/mockftpserver/core/ |
D | IllegalStateException.java | 25 public class IllegalStateException extends MockFtpServerException { class 30 public IllegalStateException(String message) { in IllegalStateException() method in IllegalStateException 37 public IllegalStateException(Throwable cause) { in IllegalStateException() method in IllegalStateException 45 public IllegalStateException(String message, Throwable cause) { in IllegalStateException() method in IllegalStateException
/external/mockftpserver/tags/2.0.2/src/main/java/org/mockftpserver/core/ |
D | IllegalStateException.java | 25 public class IllegalStateException extends MockFtpServerException { class 30 public IllegalStateException(String message) { in IllegalStateException() method in IllegalStateException 37 public IllegalStateException(Throwable cause) { in IllegalStateException() method in IllegalStateException 45 public IllegalStateException(String message, Throwable cause) { in IllegalStateException() method in IllegalStateException