/external/guava/guava/src/com/google/common/cache/ |
D | CacheBuilder.java | 21 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 293 checkState(keyEquivalence == null, "key equivalence was already set to %s", keyEquivalence); in keyEquivalence() 311 checkState(valueEquivalence == null, in valueEquivalence() 332 checkState(this.initialCapacity == UNSET_INT, "initial capacity was already set to %s", in initialCapacity() 374 checkState(this.concurrencyLevel == UNSET_INT, "concurrency level was already set to %s", in concurrencyLevel() 401 checkState(this.maximumSize == UNSET_INT, "maximum size was already set to %s", in maximumSize() 403 checkState(this.maximumWeight == UNSET_INT, "maximum weight was already set to %s", in maximumSize() 405 checkState(this.weigher == null, "maximum size can not be combined with weigher"); in maximumSize() 437 checkState(this.maximumWeight == UNSET_INT, "maximum weight was already set to %s", in maximumWeight() 439 checkState(this.maximumSize == UNSET_INT, "maximum size was already set to %s", in maximumWeight() [all …]
/external/guice/core/src/com/google/inject/internal/ |
D | CycleDetectingLock.java | 150 checkState(); in lockOrDetectPotentialLocksCycle() 169 checkState(); in lockOrDetectPotentialLocksCycle() 185 checkState(); in unlock() 186 Preconditions.checkState( in unlock() 188 Preconditions.checkState( in unlock() 200 Preconditions.checkState( in unlock() 212 void checkState() throws IllegalStateException { in checkState() method in CycleDetectingLock.CycleDetectingLockFactory.ReentrantCycleDetectingLock 214 Preconditions.checkState( in checkState() 219 Preconditions.checkState( in checkState() 222 Preconditions.checkState( in checkState() [all …]
D | EncounterImpl.java | 19 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 66 checkState(valid, "Encounters may not be used after hear() returns."); in bindInterceptor() 91 checkState(valid, "Encounters may not be used after hear() returns."); in register() 102 checkState(valid, "Encounters may not be used after hear() returns."); in register() 113 checkState(valid, "Encounters may not be used after hear() returns."); in addError() 119 checkState(valid, "Encounters may not be used after hear() returns."); in addError() 125 checkState(valid, "Encounters may not be used after hear() returns."); in addError() 131 checkState(valid, "Encounters may not be used after hear() returns."); in getProvider() 142 checkState(valid, "Encounters may not be used after hear() returns."); in getMembersInjector()
/external/guava/guava-gwt/src-super/com/google/common/cache/super/com/google/common/cache/ |
D | CacheBuilder.java | 21 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 264 checkState(this.initialCapacity == UNSET_INT, "initial capacity was already set to %s", in initialCapacity() 306 checkState(this.concurrencyLevel == UNSET_INT, "concurrency level was already set to %s", in concurrencyLevel() 333 checkState(this.maximumSize == UNSET_INT, "maximum size was already set to %s", in maximumSize() 335 checkState(this.maximumWeight == UNSET_INT, "maximum weight was already set to %s", in maximumSize() 337 checkState(this.weigher == null, "maximum size can not be combined with weigher"); in maximumSize() 357 checkState(keyStrength == null, "Key strength was already set to %s", keyStrength); in setKeyStrength() 367 checkState(valueStrength == null, "Value strength was already set to %s", valueStrength); in setValueStrength() 396 checkState(expireAfterWriteNanos == UNSET_INT, "expireAfterWrite was already set to %s ns", in expireAfterWrite() 430 checkState(expireAfterAccessNanos == UNSET_INT, "expireAfterAccess was already set to %s ns", in expireAfterAccess() [all …]
/external/grpc-grpc-java/alts/src/main/java/io/grpc/alts/internal/ |
D | AltsTsiHandshaker.java | 19 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 75 checkState(!isClient, "Client handshaker should not process any frame at the beginning."); in processBytesFromPeer() 90 checkState(bytes.remaining() < remaining, "Handshaker did not consume any bytes."); in processBytesFromPeer() 101 Preconditions.checkState(!isInProgress(), "Handshake is not complete."); 117 Preconditions.checkState(!isInProgress(), "Handshake is not complete."); 176 Preconditions.checkState(!isInProgress(), "Handshake is not complete."); in createFrameProtector() 179 Preconditions.checkState(key.length == AltsChannelCrypter.getKeyLength(), "Bad key length."); in createFrameProtector()
D | NettyTsiHandshaker.java | 20 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 46 checkState(unwrapper != null, "protector already created"); in getBytesToSendToPeer() 78 checkState(unwrapper != null, "protector already created"); in processBytesFromPeer() 116 checkState(!internalHandshaker.isInProgress()); in extractPeer() 126 checkState(!internalHandshaker.isInProgress()); in extractPeerObject()
D | TsiFrameHandler.java | 20 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 71 checkState(this.protector == null); in setProtector() 77 checkState(protector != null, "Cannot read frames while the TSI handshake is in progress"); in decode() 84 checkState(protector != null, "Cannot write frames while the TSI handshake is in progress"); in write() 147 checkState(protector != null, "Cannot write frames while the TSI handshake is in progress"); in flush()
/external/grpc-grpc-java/core/src/main/java/io/grpc/internal/ |
D | MetadataApplierImpl.java | 21 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 64 checkState(!finalized, "apply() or fail() already called"); in apply() 80 checkState(!finalized, "apply() or fail() already called"); in fail() 85 checkState(!finalized, "already finalized"); in finalizeWith() 97 checkState(delayedStream != null, "delayedStream is null"); in finalizeWith()
D | GzipInflatingBuffer.java | 19 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 191 checkState(!closed, "GzipInflatingBuffer is closed"); in isStalled() 201 checkState(!closed, "GzipInflatingBuffer is closed"); in hasPartialData() 210 checkState(!closed, "GzipInflatingBuffer is closed"); in addGzippedBytes() 261 checkState(!closed, "GzipInflatingBuffer is closed"); in inflateBytes() 414 checkState(inflater != null, "inflater is null"); in inflate() 442 checkState(inflater != null, "inflater is null"); in fill() 443 checkState(inflaterInputStart == inflaterInputEnd, "inflaterInput has unconsumed bytes"); in fill()
D | ServerCallImpl.java | 21 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 88 checkState(!sendHeadersCalled, "sendHeaders has already been called"); in sendHeaders() 89 checkState(!closeCalled, "call is closed"); in sendHeaders() 128 checkState(sendHeadersCalled, "sendHeaders has not been called"); in sendMessage() 129 checkState(!closeCalled, "call is closed"); in sendMessage() 159 checkState(!sendHeadersCalled, "sendHeaders has been called"); in setCompression() 172 checkState(!closeCalled, "call already closed"); in close()
D | ClientCallImpl.java | 21 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 181 checkState(stream == null, "Already started"); in start() 182 checkState(!cancelCalled, "call was cancelled"); in start() 367 checkState(stream != null, "Not started"); in request() 404 checkState(stream != null, "Not started"); in halfClose() 405 checkState(!cancelCalled, "call was cancelled"); in halfClose() 406 checkState(!halfCloseCalled, "call already half-closed"); in halfClose() 413 checkState(stream != null, "Not started"); in sendMessage() 414 checkState(!cancelCalled, "call was cancelled"); in sendMessage() 415 checkState(!halfCloseCalled, "call was half-closed"); in sendMessage() [all …]
D | JsonParser.java | 19 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 61 checkState(jr.hasNext(), "unexpected end of JSON"); in parseRecursive() 88 checkState(jr.peek() == JsonToken.END_OBJECT, "Bad token: " + jr.getPath()); in parseJsonObject() 100 checkState(jr.peek() == JsonToken.END_ARRAY, "Bad token: " + jr.getPath()); in parseJsonArray()
/external/robolectric-shadows/robolectric/src/main/java/org/robolectric/android/internal/ |
D | LocalActivityInvoker.java | 6 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 54 checkState(controller.get().isFinishing(), "You must finish your Activity first"); in getActivityResult() 62 checkState(controller.get() == activity); in resumeActivity() 83 checkState(controller.get() == activity); in pauseActivity() 100 checkState(controller.get() == activity); in stopActivity() 121 checkState(controller.get() == activity); in recreateActivity() 167 checkState(controller.get() == activity); in finishActivity()
/external/guava/guava-tests/test/com/google/common/base/ |
D | PreconditionsTest.java | 82 Preconditions.checkState(true); in testCheckState_simple_success() 87 Preconditions.checkState(false); in testCheckState_simple_failure() 94 Preconditions.checkState(true, IGNORE_ME); in testCheckState_simpleMessage_success() 99 Preconditions.checkState(false, new Message()); in testCheckState_simpleMessage_failure() 108 Preconditions.checkState(false, null); in testCheckState_nullMessage_failure() 116 Preconditions.checkState(true, "%s", IGNORE_ME); in testCheckState_complexMessage_success() 121 Preconditions.checkState(false, FORMAT, 5); in testCheckState_complexMessage_failure()
/external/guava/guava-gwt/test-super/com/google/common/base/super/com/google/common/base/ |
D | PreconditionsTest.java | 80 Preconditions.checkState(true); in testCheckState_simple_success() 85 Preconditions.checkState(false); in testCheckState_simple_failure() 92 Preconditions.checkState(true, IGNORE_ME); in testCheckState_simpleMessage_success() 97 Preconditions.checkState(false, new Message()); in testCheckState_simpleMessage_failure() 106 Preconditions.checkState(false, null); in testCheckState_nullMessage_failure() 114 Preconditions.checkState(true, "%s", IGNORE_ME); in testCheckState_complexMessage_success() 119 Preconditions.checkState(false, FORMAT, 5); in testCheckState_complexMessage_failure()
/external/grpc-grpc-java/alts/src/test/java/io/grpc/alts/internal/ |
D | FakeChannelCrypter.java | 19 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 39 checkState(!destroyCalled); in encrypt() 51 checkState(!destroyCalled); in decrypt() 64 checkState(!destroyCalled); in decrypt()
/external/guava/guava-tests/benchmark/com/google/common/cache/ |
D | SegmentBenchmark.java | 19 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 46 checkState(cache.segments.length == 1); in setUp() 48 checkState(segment.table.length() == capacity); in setUp() 52 checkState(segment.table.length() == capacity); in setUp()
/external/guice/extensions/servlet/src/com/google/inject/servlet/ |
D | ServletModule.java | 19 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 43 checkState(filtersModuleBuilder == null, "Re-entry is not allowed."); in configure() 44 checkState(servletsModuleBuilder == null, "Re-entry is not allowed."); in configure() 242 checkState( in getFiltersModuleBuilder() 248 checkState( in getServletModuleBuilder()
/external/guava/guava/src/com/google/common/collect/ |
D | MapMaker.java | 19 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 148 checkState(keyEquivalence == null, "key equivalence was already set to %s", keyEquivalence); in keyEquivalence() 170 checkState(this.initialCapacity == UNSET_INT, "initial capacity was already set to %s", in initialCapacity() 207 checkState(this.maximumSize == UNSET_INT, "maximum size was already set to %s", in maximumSize() 240 checkState(this.concurrencyLevel == UNSET_INT, "concurrency level was already set to %s", in concurrencyLevel() 269 checkState(keyStrength == null, "Key strength was already set to %s", keyStrength); in setKeyStrength() 339 checkState(valueStrength == null, "Value strength was already set to %s", valueStrength); in setValueStrength() 391 checkState(expireAfterWriteNanos == UNSET_INT, "expireAfterWrite was already set to %s ns", in checkExpiration() 393 checkState(expireAfterAccessNanos == UNSET_INT, "expireAfterAccess was already set to %s ns", in checkExpiration() 482 checkState(this.removalListener == null); in removalListener()
/external/opencensus-java/exporters/trace/jaeger/src/main/java/io/opencensus/exporter/trace/jaeger/ |
D | JaegerTraceExporter.java | 19 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 64 checkState(handler == null, "Jaeger exporter is already registered."); in createAndRegister() 82 checkState(handler == null, "Jaeger exporter is already registered."); in createWithSender() 120 checkState(handler != null, "Jaeger exporter is not registered."); in unregister()
/external/dagger2/compiler/src/main/java/dagger/internal/codegen/ |
D | ResolvedBindings.java | 28 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 105 checkState(bindingKey().kind().equals(BindingKey.Kind.CONTRIBUTION)); in contributionBindings() 116 checkState(bindingKey().kind().equals(BindingKey.Kind.CONTRIBUTION)); in ownedContributionBindings() 127 checkState(bindingKey().kind().equals(BindingKey.Kind.MEMBERS_INJECTION)); in membersInjectionBinding() 142 checkState(bindingKey().kind().equals(BindingKey.Kind.MEMBERS_INJECTION)); in ownedMembersInjectionBinding()
/external/guice/extensions/persist/src/com/google/inject/persist/jpa/ |
D | JpaPersistService.java | 58 Preconditions.checkState( in get() 73 Preconditions.checkState( in begin() 106 Preconditions.checkState(null == emFactory, "Persistence service was already initialized."); in start() 118 Preconditions.checkState(emFactory.isOpen(), "Persistence service was already shut down."); in stop()
/external/caliper/caliper/src/test/java/com/google/caliper/runner/ |
D | InMemoryResultsUploader.java | 19 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 47 checkState(!isClosed); in close() 52 checkState(!isClosed); in processTrial()
/external/caliper/caliper/src/main/java/com/google/caliper/model/ |
D | Scenario.java | 21 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 138 checkState(host != null); in build() 139 checkState(vmSpec != null); in build() 140 checkState(benchmarkSpec != null); in build()
/external/desugar/java/com/google/devtools/build/android/desugar/ |
D | LambdaDesugaring.java | 18 import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; 93 checkState(internalName == null, "not intended for reuse but reused for %s", name); in visit() 104 checkState( in visitEnd() 110 checkState( in visitEnd() 244 checkState( in queueUpBridgeMethodIfNeeded() 249 checkState( in queueUpBridgeMethodIfNeeded() 296 checkState(old == null, "Already had bridge %s so we don't also want %s", old, result); in queueUpBridgeMethodIfNeeded() 441 checkState(capturedTypes.length == 0); in visitInvokeDynamicInsn() 506 checkState( in attemptAllocationBeforeArgumentLoads() 520 checkState( in attemptAllocationBeforeArgumentLoads() [all …]