/external/deqp/external/openglcts/scripts/ |
D | mustpass.py | 87 def getSrcDir (mustpass): argument 88 return os.path.join(mustpass.project.path, mustpass.version, "src") 90 def getTmpDir (mustpass): argument 91 return os.path.join(mustpass.project.path, mustpass.version, "tmp") 99 def getDstDir(mustpass): argument 100 return os.path.join(mustpass.project.path, mustpass.version) 102 def getDstCaseListPath (mustpass, package, configuration): argument 103 return os.path.join(getDstDir(mustpass), getCaseListFileName(package, configuration)) 199 def readPatternLists (mustpass): argument 201 for package in mustpass.packages: [all …]
D | build_mustpass.py | 28 from mustpass import Project, Package, Mustpass, Configuration, include, exclude, genMustpassLists 1104 …mustpass = [Mustpass(project = GL_CTS_KHR_MP_PROJECT, version = "4.6.0.x", isCurrent=False, packag… 1109 return mustpass
/external/deqp/scripts/ |
D | mustpass.py | 105 def getSrcDir (mustpass): argument 106 return os.path.join(mustpass.project.path, mustpass.version, "src") 108 def getTmpDir (mustpass): argument 109 return os.path.join(mustpass.project.path, mustpass.version, "tmp") 118 def getDstCaseListPath (mustpass, package, configuration): argument 119 …return os.path.join(mustpass.project.path, mustpass.version, getCaseListFileName(package, configur… 208 def readPatternLists (mustpass): argument 210 for package in mustpass.packages: 214 lists[filter.filename] = readPatternList(os.path.join(getSrcDir(mustpass), filter.filename)) 276 def insertXMLHeaders (mustpass, doc): argument [all …]
D | build_android_mustpass.py | 26 from mustpass import Project, Package, Mustpass, Configuration, include, exclude, genMustpassLists,…
/external/deqp/external/vulkancts/scripts/ |
D | verify_submission.py | 52 def verifyTestLogs (package, mustpass): argument 56 messages += verifyTestLog(os.path.join(package.basePath, testLogFile), mustpass) 63 def verifyPackage (package, mustpass): argument 70 messages += verifyTestLogs(package, mustpass) 85 mustpass = readMustpass(mustpassPath) variable 86 messages = verifyPackage(package, mustpass)
D | build_mustpass.py | 31 from mustpass import Project, Package, Mustpass, Configuration, include, exclude, genMustpassLists,…
/external/deqp/scripts/verify/ |
D | verify.py | 53 def verifyTestLog (filename, mustpass): argument 59 assert len(mustpass) == len(set(mustpass)) 62 if len(results) != len(mustpass): 63 …r(filename, "Wrong number of test results, expected %d, found %d" % (len(mustpass), len(results)))) 74 for ndx in xrange(len(mustpass)): 75 caseName = mustpass[ndx] 89 if len(results) == len(mustpass) and not resultOrderOk:
/external/autotest/test_suites/ |
D | control.bvt-tast-chrome-pfq | 20 The only Autotest tests executed by this suite are tast.mustpass-chrome and 21 tast.mustpass-android, which are server tests that execute the tast executable. 23 then the corresponding tast.mustpass test (and this suite) fail.
D | control.bvt-tast-cq | 20 The only Autotest tests executed by this suite are tast.mustpass-*, which are 23 tast.mustpass test (and this suite) fail.
D | control.bvt-tast-android-pfq | 19 The only Autotest test executed by this suite is tast.mustpass-android, which is 21 individual Tast tests. If any of these Tast tests fail, then tast.mustpass.arc
/external/deqp/external/openglcts/scripts/verify/ |
D | verify_es.py | 119 for mustpass in mustpassCases: 120 mustpassXML = os.path.join(mustpass, "mustpass.xml") 153 matches = [m for l in mustpassCases[mustpass] for m in (p.match(l),) if m] 202 mustpass = readMustpass(mustpassFile) 203 messages_log = verifyTestLog(os.path.join(package.basePath, runLog), mustpass)
/external/deqp/external/vulkancts/mustpass/ |
D | .gitignore | 2 mustpass.xml
/external/deqp/external/vulkancts/mustpass/1.1.3/src/ |
D | android-tests.txt | 2 # tests are excluded from Khronos CTS mustpass as they are
/external/deqp/external/vulkancts/ |
D | README.md | 112 Current mustpass is checked into repository and can be found at: 114 external/vulkancts/mustpass/1.1.3/vk-default.txt 116 Vulkan CTS mustpass can be re-generated by running: 146 --deqp-caselist-file=<vulkancts>/external/vulkancts/mustpass/1.1.3/vk-default.txt 190 adb push <vulkancts>/external/vulkancts/mustpass/1.1.3/vk-default.txt /sdcard/vk-default.txt 322 and path to current mustpass list. For example: 324 …kancts/scripts/verify_submission.py VK_11_Khronos_1/ external/vulkancts/mustpass/1.1.3/vk-default.…
/external/autotest/server/site_tests/tast/ |
D | control.mustpass-android | 6 NAME = 'tast.mustpass-android'
D | control.mustpass-system | 6 NAME = 'tast.mustpass-system'
D | control.mustpass-chrome | 6 NAME = 'tast.mustpass-chrome'
/external/deqp/android/cts/master/src/ |
D | vk-test-issues.txt | 30 # Not in 1.1.3 khronos mustpass