/external/autotest/client/site_tests/platform_InitLoginPerf/ |
D | platform_InitLoginPerf.py | 29 def uptime_from_timestamp(name, occurence=-1): argument 45 if len(output) < abs(occurence) + 1: 48 timestamp = output[occurence].split()[0]
/external/deqp/external/openglcts/modules/gles31/ |
D | es31cExplicitUniformLocationTest.cpp | 104 } occurence; member in glcts::__anon6abdc1140111::DefOccurence 106 DefOccurence(DefOccurenceEnum _occurence) : occurence(_occurence) in DefOccurence() 112 if (occurence == NONE_SH) in occurs() 116 if (occurence == ALL_SH) in occurs() 120 if (occurence == FSH_OR_CSH) in occurs() 124 if (occurence == VSH) in occurs() 128 if (occurence == ALL_BUT_FSH) in occurs() 132 if (occurence == ALL_BUT_VSH) in occurs() 159 : val(_val), numSys(_numSys), occurence(_occurence) in LayoutSpecifierBase() 168 implicit &= !occurence.occurs(stages[i]); in isImplicit() [all …]
/external/ImageMagick/m4/ |
D | pkg.m4 | 89 dnl only at the first occurence in configure.ac, so if the first place
/external/python/cpython3/ |
D | aclocal.m4 | 103 dnl only at the first occurence in configure.ac, so if the first place
/external/python/cpython2/ |
D | aclocal.m4 | 103 dnl only at the first occurence in configure.ac, so if the first place
/external/icu/icu4c/source/ |
D | aclocal.m4 | 103 dnl only at the first occurence in configure.ac, so if the first place
/external/eigen/cmake/ |
D | EigenTesting.cmake | 243 # where N runs from 1 to the greatest occurence found in the source file. Each of these
/external/u-boot/scripts/ |
D | spelling.txt | 785 occurence||occurrence
/external/libpcap/ |
D | INSTALL.md | 191 occurence of:
/external/icu/android_icu4j/src/main/tests/android/icu/dev/test/rbbi/ |
D | rbbitst.txt | 19 # Applies until a following occurence of <word>, <sent>, etc. or anot… 20 # <locale locale_name> Switch to the named locale at the next occurence of <word>, <sent>, etc.
/external/icu/icu4c/source/test/testdata/ |
D | rbbitst.txt | 19 # Applies until a following occurence of <word>, <sent>, etc. or anot… 20 # <locale locale_name> Switch to the named locale at the next occurence of <word>, <sent>, etc.
/external/icu/icu4j/main/tests/core/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/test/rbbi/ |
D | rbbitst.txt | 19 # Applies until a following occurence of <word>, <sent>, etc. or anot… 20 # <locale locale_name> Switch to the named locale at the next occurence of <word>, <sent>, etc.
/external/libnetfilter_conntrack/ |
D | aclocal.m4 | 78 # only at the first occurence in configure.ac, so if the first place
/external/speex/ |
D | aclocal.m4 | 78 # only at the first occurence in configure.ac, so if the first place
/external/pcre/dist2/ |
D | aclocal.m4 | 111 dnl only at the first occurence in configure.ac, so if the first place
/external/e2fsprogs/doc/ |
D | texinfo.tex | 407 % Each occurence of `\^^M' or `<space>\^^M' is replaced by a single space.
/external/e2fsprogs/lib/et/ |
D | texinfo.tex | 407 % Each occurence of `\^^M' or `<space>\^^M' is replaced by a single space.
/external/apache-commons-bcel/docs/verifier/ |
D | JustIce.lyx | 8407 one for each occurence of a
/external/cldr/tools/java/org/unicode/cldr/util/data/transforms/ |
D | internal_raw_IPA-old.txt | 139470 occurence %10817