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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package com.replica.replicaisland;
19 import java.util.Comparator;
21 import com.replica.replicaisland.CollisionParameters.HitType;
23 /**
24  * A system for calculating collisions between moving game objects.  This system accepts collision
25  * volumes from game objects each frame and performs a series of tests to see which of them
26  * overlap.  Collisions are only considered between offending "attack" volumes and receiving
27  * "vulnerability" volumes.  This implementation works by using a sweep-and-prune algorithm:
28  * objects to be considered are sorted in the x axis and then compared in one dimension for
29  * overlaps.  A bounding volume that encompasses all attack and vulnerability volumes is used for
30  * this test, and when an intersection is found the actual offending and receiving volumes are
31  * compared.  If an intersection is detected both objects receive notification via a
32  * HitReactionComponent, if one has been specified.
33  */
34 public class GameObjectCollisionSystem extends BaseObject {
35     private static final int MAX_COLLIDING_OBJECTS = 256;
36     private static final int COLLISION_RECORD_POOL_SIZE = 256;
37     private static final CollisionVolumeComparator sCollisionVolumeComparator
38         = new CollisionVolumeComparator();
39     private static CollisionVolume.FlipInfo sFlip = new CollisionVolume.FlipInfo();
40     private static CollisionVolume.FlipInfo sOtherFlip = new CollisionVolume.FlipInfo();
42     FixedSizeArray<CollisionVolumeRecord> mObjects;
43     CollisionVolumeRecordPool mRecordPool;
44 	private boolean mDrawDebugBoundingVolume = false;
45 	private boolean mDrawDebugCollisionVolumes = false;
GameObjectCollisionSystem()48     public GameObjectCollisionSystem() {
49         super();
50         mObjects = new FixedSizeArray<CollisionVolumeRecord>(MAX_COLLIDING_OBJECTS);
51         mObjects.setComparator(sCollisionVolumeComparator);
52         //mObjects.setSorter(new ShellSorter<CollisionVolumeRecord>());
53         mRecordPool = new CollisionVolumeRecordPool(COLLISION_RECORD_POOL_SIZE);
54     }
56     @Override
reset()57     public void reset() {
58         final int count = mObjects.getCount();
60         for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) {
61             mRecordPool.release(mObjects.get(x));
62         }
63         mObjects.clear();
65         mDrawDebugBoundingVolume = false;
66         mDrawDebugCollisionVolumes = false;
67     }
69     /**
70      * Adds a game object, and its related volumes, to the dynamic collision world for one frame.
71      * Once registered for collisions the object may damage other objects via attack volumes or
72      * receive damage from other volumes via vulnerability volumes.
73      * @param object  The object to consider for collision.
74      * @param reactionComponent  A HitReactionComponent to notify when an intersection is calculated.
75      * If null, the intersection will still occur and no notification will be sent.
76      * @param boundingVolume  A volume that describes the game object in space.  It should encompass
77      * all of the attack and vulnerability volumes.
78      * @param attackVolumes  A list of volumes that can hit other game objects.  May be null.
79      * @param vulnerabilityVolumes  A list of volumes that can receive hits from other game objects.
80      * May be null.
81      */
registerForCollisions(GameObject object, HitReactionComponent reactionComponent, CollisionVolume boundingVolume, FixedSizeArray<CollisionVolume> attackVolumes, FixedSizeArray<CollisionVolume> vulnerabilityVolumes)82     public void registerForCollisions(GameObject object,
83             HitReactionComponent reactionComponent,
84             CollisionVolume boundingVolume,
85             FixedSizeArray<CollisionVolume> attackVolumes,
86             FixedSizeArray<CollisionVolume> vulnerabilityVolumes) {
87         CollisionVolumeRecord record = mRecordPool.allocate();
88         if (record != null && object != null && boundingVolume != null
89                 && (attackVolumes != null || vulnerabilityVolumes != null)) {
90             record.object = object;
91             record.boundingVolume = boundingVolume;
92             record.attackVolumes = attackVolumes;
93             record.vulnerabilityVolumes = vulnerabilityVolumes;
94             record.reactionComponent = reactionComponent;
95             mObjects.add(record);
96         }
97     }
99     @Override
update(float timeDelta, BaseObject parent)100     public void update(float timeDelta, BaseObject parent) {
101         // Sort the objects by their x position.
102         mObjects.sort(true);
104         final int count = mObjects.getCount();
105         for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) {
106             final CollisionVolumeRecord record = mObjects.get(x);
107             final Vector2 position = record.object.getPosition();
108             sFlip.flipX = (record.object.facingDirection.x < 0.0f);
109             sFlip.flipY = (record.object.facingDirection.y < 0.0f);
110             sFlip.parentWidth = record.object.width;
111             sFlip.parentHeight = record.object.height;
113             if (sSystemRegistry.debugSystem != null) {
114             	drawDebugVolumes(record);
115             }
117             final float maxX = record.boundingVolume.getMaxXPosition(sFlip) + position.x;
118             for (int y = x + 1; y < count; y++) {
119                 final CollisionVolumeRecord other = mObjects.get(y);
120                 final Vector2 otherPosition = other.object.getPosition();
121                 sOtherFlip.flipX = (other.object.facingDirection.x < 0.0f);
122                 sOtherFlip.flipY = (other.object.facingDirection.y < 0.0f);
123                 sOtherFlip.parentWidth = other.object.width;
124                 sOtherFlip.parentHeight = other.object.height;
126                 if (otherPosition.x + other.boundingVolume.getMinXPosition(sOtherFlip) > maxX) {
127                     // These objects can't possibly be colliding.  And since the list is sorted,
128                     // there are no potentially colliding objects after this object
129                     // either, so we're done!
130                     break;
131                 } else {
132                 	final boolean testRequired = (record.attackVolumes != null && other.vulnerabilityVolumes != null) ||
133                 		(record.vulnerabilityVolumes != null && other.attackVolumes != null);
134                     if (testRequired && record.boundingVolume.intersects(position, sFlip,
135                         other.boundingVolume, otherPosition, sOtherFlip)) {
136                         // These two objects are potentially colliding.
137                         // Now we must test all attack vs vulnerability boxes.
138                         final int hit = testAttackAgainstVulnerability(
139                                 record.attackVolumes,
140                                 other.vulnerabilityVolumes,
141                                 position,
142                                 otherPosition,
143                                 sFlip,
144                                 sOtherFlip);
145                         if (hit != HitType.INVALID) {
146                             boolean hitAccepted = false;
147                             if (other.reactionComponent != null) {
148                                 hitAccepted = other.reactionComponent.receivedHit(
149                                         other.object, record.object, hit);
150                             }
151                             if (record.reactionComponent != null) {
152                                 record.reactionComponent.hitVictim(
153                                         record.object, other.object, hit, hitAccepted);
154                             }
156                         }
158                         final int hit2 = testAttackAgainstVulnerability(
159                                 other.attackVolumes,
160                                 record.vulnerabilityVolumes,
161                                 otherPosition,
162                                 position,
163                                 sOtherFlip,
164                                 sFlip);
165                         if (hit2 != HitType.INVALID) {
166                             boolean hitAccepted = false;
167                             if (record.reactionComponent != null) {
168                                 hitAccepted = record.reactionComponent.receivedHit(
169                                         record.object, other.object, hit2);
170                             }
171                             if (other.reactionComponent != null) {
172                                 other.reactionComponent.hitVictim(
173                                         other.object, record.object, hit2, hitAccepted);
174                             }
176                         }
177                     }
178                 }
179             }
180             // This is a little tricky.  Since we always sweep forward in the list it's safe
181             // to invalidate the current record after we've tested it.  This way we don't have to
182             // iterate over the object list twice.
183             mRecordPool.release(record);
184         }
186         mObjects.clear();
187     }
189     /** Compares the passed list of attack volumes against the passed list of vulnerability volumes
190      * and returns a hit type if an intersection is found.
191      * @param attackVolumes  Offensive collision volumes.
192      * @param vulnerabilityVolumes  Receiving collision volumes.
193      * @param attackPosition  The world position of the attacking object.
194      * @param vulnerabilityPosition  The world position of the receiving object.
195      * @return  The hit type of the first attacking volume that intersects a vulnerability volume,
196      * or HitType.INVALID if no intersections are found.
197      */
testAttackAgainstVulnerability( FixedSizeArray<CollisionVolume> attackVolumes, FixedSizeArray<CollisionVolume> vulnerabilityVolumes, Vector2 attackPosition, Vector2 vulnerabilityPosition, CollisionVolume.FlipInfo attackFlip, CollisionVolume.FlipInfo vulnerabilityFlip)198     private int testAttackAgainstVulnerability(
199             FixedSizeArray<CollisionVolume> attackVolumes,
200             FixedSizeArray<CollisionVolume> vulnerabilityVolumes,
201             Vector2 attackPosition,
202             Vector2 vulnerabilityPosition,
203             CollisionVolume.FlipInfo attackFlip,
204             CollisionVolume.FlipInfo vulnerabilityFlip) {
205         int intersectionType = HitType.INVALID;
206         if (attackVolumes != null && vulnerabilityVolumes != null) {
207             final int attackCount = attackVolumes.getCount();
208             for (int x = 0; x < attackCount && intersectionType == HitType.INVALID; x++) {
209                 final CollisionVolume attackVolume = attackVolumes.get(x);
210                 final int hitType = attackVolume.getHitType();
211                 if (hitType != HitType.INVALID) {
212                     final int vulnerabilityCount = vulnerabilityVolumes.getCount();
213                     for (int y = 0; y < vulnerabilityCount; y++) {
214                         final CollisionVolume vulnerabilityVolume = vulnerabilityVolumes.get(y);
215                         final int vulnerableType = vulnerabilityVolume.getHitType();
216                         if (vulnerableType == HitType.INVALID || vulnerableType == hitType) {
217                             if (attackVolume.intersects(attackPosition, attackFlip,
218                                     vulnerabilityVolume, vulnerabilityPosition,
219                                     vulnerabilityFlip)) {
220                                 intersectionType = hitType;
221                                 break;
222                             }
223                         }
224                     }
225                 }
226             }
227         }
229         return intersectionType;
230     }
drawDebugVolumes(CollisionVolumeRecord record)232     private final void drawDebugVolumes(CollisionVolumeRecord record) {
233     	final Vector2 position = record.object.getPosition();
234     	if (mDrawDebugBoundingVolume) {
235 	    	final CollisionVolume boundingVolume = record.boundingVolume;
236 	    	sSystemRegistry.debugSystem.drawShape(
237 	    			position.x + boundingVolume.getMinXPosition(sFlip), position.y + boundingVolume.getMinYPosition(sFlip),
238 	    			boundingVolume.getMaxX() - boundingVolume.getMinX(),
239 	    			boundingVolume.getMaxY() - boundingVolume.getMinY(),
240 	    			DebugSystem.SHAPE_CIRCLE,
241 	    			DebugSystem.COLOR_OUTLINE);
242     	}
243     	if (mDrawDebugCollisionVolumes) {
244 	    	if (record.attackVolumes != null) {
245 	    		final int attackVolumeCount = record.attackVolumes.getCount();
246 	    		for (int y = 0; y < attackVolumeCount; y++) {
247 	    			CollisionVolume volume = record.attackVolumes.get(y);
248 	    			sSystemRegistry.debugSystem.drawShape(
249 	    					position.x + volume.getMinXPosition(sFlip), position.y + volume.getMinYPosition(sFlip),
250 	    					volume.getMaxX() - volume.getMinX(),
251 	    					volume.getMaxY() - volume.getMinY(),
252 	    	    			volume.getClass() == AABoxCollisionVolume.class ? DebugSystem.SHAPE_BOX : DebugSystem.SHAPE_CIRCLE,
253 	    	    			DebugSystem.COLOR_RED);
254 	    		}
255 	    	}
257 	    	if (record.vulnerabilityVolumes != null) {
258 	    		final int vulnVolumeCount = record.vulnerabilityVolumes.getCount();
259 	    		for (int y = 0; y < vulnVolumeCount; y++) {
260 	    			CollisionVolume volume = record.vulnerabilityVolumes.get(y);
261 	    			sSystemRegistry.debugSystem.drawShape(
262 	    					position.x + volume.getMinXPosition(sFlip), position.y + volume.getMinYPosition(sFlip),
263 	    					volume.getMaxX() - volume.getMinX(),
264 	    					volume.getMaxY() - volume.getMinY(),
265 	    	    			volume.getClass() == AABoxCollisionVolume.class ? DebugSystem.SHAPE_BOX : DebugSystem.SHAPE_CIRCLE,
266 	    	    			DebugSystem.COLOR_BLUE);
267 	    		}
268 	    	}
269     	}
270     }
setDebugPrefs(boolean drawBoundingVolumes, boolean drawCollisionVolumes)272     public void setDebugPrefs(boolean drawBoundingVolumes, boolean drawCollisionVolumes) {
273 		mDrawDebugBoundingVolume = drawBoundingVolumes;
274 		mDrawDebugCollisionVolumes = drawCollisionVolumes;
275 	}
277     /** A record of a single game object and its associated collision info.  */
278     private class CollisionVolumeRecord extends AllocationGuard {
279         public GameObject object;
280         public HitReactionComponent reactionComponent;
281         public CollisionVolume boundingVolume;
282         public FixedSizeArray<CollisionVolume> attackVolumes;
283         public FixedSizeArray<CollisionVolume> vulnerabilityVolumes;
reset()285         public void reset() {
286             object = null;
287             attackVolumes = null;
288             vulnerabilityVolumes = null;
289             boundingVolume = null;
290             reactionComponent = null;
291         }
292     }
294     /** A pool of collision volume records.  */
295     private class CollisionVolumeRecordPool extends TObjectPool<CollisionVolumeRecord> {
CollisionVolumeRecordPool(int count)297         public CollisionVolumeRecordPool(int count) {
298             super(count);
299         }
301         @Override
fill()302         protected void fill() {
303             for (int x = 0; x < getSize(); x++) {
304                 getAvailable().add(new CollisionVolumeRecord());
305             }
306         }
308         @Override
release(Object entry)309         public void release(Object entry) {
310             ((CollisionVolumeRecord)entry).reset();
311             super.release(entry);
312         }
314     }
316     /**
317      * Comparator for game objects that considers the world position of the object's bounding
318      * volume and sorts objects from left to right on the x axis. */
319     public final static class CollisionVolumeComparator implements Comparator<CollisionVolumeRecord> {
320         private static CollisionVolume.FlipInfo sCompareFlip = new CollisionVolume.FlipInfo();
compare(CollisionVolumeRecord object1, CollisionVolumeRecord object2)321         public int compare(CollisionVolumeRecord object1, CollisionVolumeRecord object2) {
322             int result = 0;
323             if (object1 == null && object2 != null) {
324                 result = 1;
325             } else if (object1 != null && object2 == null) {
326                 result = -1;
327             } else if (object1 != null && object2 != null) {
328                 sCompareFlip.flipX = (object1.object.facingDirection.x < 0.0f);
329                 sCompareFlip.flipY = (object1.object.facingDirection.y < 0.0f);
330                 sCompareFlip.parentWidth = object1.object.width;
331                 sCompareFlip.parentHeight = object1.object.height;
333                 final float minX1 = object1.object.getPosition().x
334                     + object1.boundingVolume.getMinXPosition(sCompareFlip);
336                 sCompareFlip.flipX = (object2.object.facingDirection.x < 0.0f);
337                 sCompareFlip.flipY = (object2.object.facingDirection.y < 0.0f);
338                 sCompareFlip.parentWidth = object2.object.width;
339                 sCompareFlip.parentHeight = object2.object.height;
341                 final float minX2 = object2.object.getPosition().x
342                     + object2.boundingVolume.getMinXPosition(sCompareFlip);
344                 final float delta = minX1 - minX2;
345                 if (delta < 0.0f) {
346                     result = -1;
347                 } else if (delta > 0.0f) {
348                     result = 1;
349                 }
350             }
351             return result;
352         }
353     }
357 }