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1#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
3#   Copyright 2019 - The Android Open Source Project
5#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15#   limitations under the License.
17import bokeh, bokeh.plotting
18import collections
19import logging
20import math
21import re
22import statistics
23import time
24from acts.controllers.android_device import AndroidDevice
25from acts.controllers.utils_lib import ssh
26from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
31STATION_DUMP = 'iw wlan0 station dump'
32SCAN = 'wpa_cli scan'
33SCAN_RESULTS = 'wpa_cli scan_results'
34SIGNAL_POLL = 'wpa_cli signal_poll'
35WPA_CLI_STATUS = 'wpa_cli status'
36CONST_3dB = 3.01029995664
37RSSI_ERROR_VAL = float('nan')
38RTT_REGEX = re.compile(r'^\[(?P<timestamp>\S+)\] .*? time=(?P<rtt>\S+)')
39LOSS_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?P<loss>\S+)% packet loss')
42# Threading decorator
43def nonblocking(f):
44    """Creates a decorator transforming function calls to non-blocking"""
46    def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
47        executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
48        thread_future = executor.submit(f, *args, **kwargs)
49        # Ensure resources are freed up when executor ruturns or raises
50        executor.shutdown(wait=False)
51        return thread_future
53    return wrap
56# Plotting Utilities
57class BokehFigure():
58    def __init__(self,
59                 title=None,
60                 x_label=None,
61                 primary_y=None,
62                 secondary_y=None,
63                 height=700,
64                 width=1300,
65                 title_size=15,
66                 axis_label_size=12):
67        self.figure_data = []
68        self.fig_property = {
69            'title': title,
70            'x_label': x_label,
71            'primary_y_label': primary_y,
72            'secondary_y_label': secondary_y,
73            'num_lines': 0,
74            'title_size': '{}pt'.format(title_size),
75            'axis_label_size': '{}pt'.format(axis_label_size)
76        }
77        self.TOOLS = (
78            'box_zoom,box_select,pan,crosshair,redo,undo,reset,hover,save')
79        self.COLORS = [
80            'black',
81            'blue',
82            'blueviolet',
83            'brown',
84            'burlywood',
85            'cadetblue',
86            'cornflowerblue',
87            'crimson',
88            'cyan',
89            'darkblue',
90            'darkgreen',
91            'darkmagenta',
92            'darkorange',
93            'darkred',
94            'deepskyblue',
95            'goldenrod',
96            'green',
97            'grey',
98            'indigo',
99            'navy',
100            'olive',
101            'orange',
102            'red',
103            'salmon',
104            'teal',
105            'yellow',
106        ]
107        self.MARKERS = [
108            'asterisk', 'circle', 'circle_cross', 'circle_x', 'cross',
109            'diamond', 'diamond_cross', 'hex', 'inverted_triangle', 'square',
110            'square_x', 'square_cross', 'triangle', 'x'
111        ]
112        self.plot = bokeh.plotting.figure(
113            plot_width=width,
114            plot_height=height,
115            title=title,
116            tools=self.TOOLS,
117            output_backend='webgl')
118        self.plot.add_tools(
119            bokeh.models.tools.WheelZoomTool(dimensions='width'))
120        self.plot.add_tools(
121            bokeh.models.tools.WheelZoomTool(dimensions='height'))
123    def add_line(self,
124                 x_data,
125                 y_data,
126                 legend,
127                 color=None,
128                 width=3,
129                 style='solid',
130                 marker=None,
131                 marker_size=10,
132                 shaded_region=None,
133                 y_axis='default'):
134        if y_axis not in ['default', 'secondary']:
135            raise ValueError('y_axis must be default or secondary')
136        if color == None:
137            color = self.COLORS[self.fig_property['num_lines'] % len(
138                self.COLORS)]
139        if style == 'dashed':
140            style = [5, 5]
141        self.figure_data.append({
142            'x_data': x_data,
143            'y_data': y_data,
144            'legend': legend,
145            'color': color,
146            'width': width,
147            'style': style,
148            'marker': marker,
149            'marker_size': marker_size,
150            'shaded_region': shaded_region,
151            'y_range_name': y_axis
152        })
153        self.fig_property['num_lines'] += 1
155    def generate_figure(self, output_file=None):
156        two_axes = False
157        for line in self.figure_data:
158            self.plot.line(
159                line['x_data'],
160                line['y_data'],
161                legend=line['legend'],
162                line_width=line['width'],
163                color=line['color'],
164                line_dash=line['style'],
165                name=line['y_range_name'],
166                y_range_name=line['y_range_name'])
167            if line['shaded_region']:
168                band_x = line['shaded_region']['x_vector']
169                band_x.extend(line['shaded_region']['x_vector'][::-1])
170                band_y = line['shaded_region']['lower_limit']
171                band_y.extend(line['shaded_region']['upper_limit'][::-1])
172                self.plot.patch(
173                    band_x,
174                    band_y,
175                    color='#7570B3',
176                    line_alpha=0.1,
177                    fill_alpha=0.1)
178            if line['marker'] in self.MARKERS:
179                marker_func = getattr(self.plot, line['marker'])
180                marker_func(
181                    line['x_data'],
182                    line['y_data'],
183                    size=line['marker_size'],
184                    legend=line['legend'],
185                    fill_color=line['color'],
186                    name=line['y_range_name'],
187                    y_range_name=line['y_range_name'])
188            if line['y_range_name'] == 'secondary':
189                two_axes = True
191        #x-axis formatting
192        self.plot.xaxis.axis_label = self.fig_property['x_label']
193        self.plot.x_range.range_padding = 0
194        self.plot.xaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = self.fig_property[
195            'axis_label_size']
196        #y-axis formatting
197        self.plot.yaxis[0].axis_label = self.fig_property['primary_y_label']
198        self.plot.yaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = self.fig_property[
199            'axis_label_size']
200        self.plot.y_range = bokeh.models.DataRange1d(names=['default'])
201        if two_axes and 'secondary' not in self.plot.extra_y_ranges:
202            self.plot.extra_y_ranges = {
203                'secondary': bokeh.models.DataRange1d(names=['secondary'])
204            }
205            self.plot.add_layout(
206                bokeh.models.LinearAxis(
207                    y_range_name='secondary',
208                    axis_label=self.fig_property['secondary_y_label'],
209                    axis_label_text_font_size=self.
210                    fig_property['axis_label_size']), 'right')
211        # plot formatting
212        self.plot.legend.location = 'top_right'
213        self.plot.legend.click_policy = 'hide'
214        self.plot.title.text_font_size = self.fig_property['title_size']
216        if output_file is not None:
217            bokeh.plotting.output_file(output_file)
218            bokeh.plotting.save(self.plot)
219        return self.plot
221    def save_figure(self, output_file):
222        bokeh.plotting.output_file(output_file)
223        bokeh.plotting.save(self.plot)
226def bokeh_plot(data_sets,
227               legends,
228               fig_property,
229               shaded_region=None,
230               output_file_path=None):
231    """Plot bokeh figs.
232        Args:
233            data_sets: data sets including lists of x_data and lists of y_data
234                       ex: [[[x_data1], [x_data2]], [[y_data1],[y_data2]]]
235            legends: list of legend for each curve
236            fig_property: dict containing the plot property, including title,
237                      lables, linewidth, circle size, etc.
238            shaded_region: optional dict containing data for plot shading
239            output_file_path: optional path at which to save figure
240        Returns:
241            plot: bokeh plot figure object
242    """
243    TOOLS = ('box_zoom,box_select,pan,crosshair,redo,undo,reset,hover,save')
244    plot = bokeh.plotting.figure(
245        plot_width=1300,
246        plot_height=700,
247        title=fig_property['title'],
248        tools=TOOLS,
249        output_backend='webgl')
250    plot.add_tools(bokeh.models.tools.WheelZoomTool(dimensions='width'))
251    plot.add_tools(bokeh.models.tools.WheelZoomTool(dimensions='height'))
252    colors = [
253        'red', 'green', 'blue', 'olive', 'orange', 'salmon', 'black', 'navy',
254        'yellow', 'darkred', 'goldenrod'
255    ]
256    if shaded_region:
257        band_x = shaded_region['x_vector']
258        band_x.extend(shaded_region['x_vector'][::-1])
259        band_y = shaded_region['lower_limit']
260        band_y.extend(shaded_region['upper_limit'][::-1])
261        plot.patch(
262            band_x, band_y, color='#7570B3', line_alpha=0.1, fill_alpha=0.1)
264    for x_data, y_data, legend in zip(data_sets[0], data_sets[1], legends):
265        index_now = legends.index(legend)
266        color = colors[index_now % len(colors)]
267        plot.line(
268            x_data,
269            y_data,
270            legend=str(legend),
271            line_width=fig_property['linewidth'],
272            color=color)
273        plot.circle(
274            x_data,
275            y_data,
276            size=fig_property['markersize'],
277            legend=str(legend),
278            fill_color=color)
280    # Plot properties
281    plot.xaxis.axis_label = fig_property['x_label']
282    plot.yaxis.axis_label = fig_property['y_label']
283    plot.legend.location = 'top_right'
284    plot.legend.click_policy = 'hide'
285    plot.title.text_font_size = {'value': '15pt'}
286    if output_file_path is not None:
287        bokeh.plotting.output_file(output_file_path)
288        bokeh.plotting.save(plot)
289    return plot
292def save_bokeh_plots(plot_array, output_file_path):
293    all_plots = bokeh.layouts.column(children=plot_array)
294    bokeh.plotting.output_file(output_file_path)
295    bokeh.plotting.save(all_plots)
298class PingResult(object):
299    """An object that contains the results of running ping command.
301    Attributes:
302        connected: True if a connection was made. False otherwise.
303        packet_loss_percentage: The total percentage of packets lost.
304        transmission_times: The list of PingTransmissionTimes containing the
305            timestamps gathered for transmitted packets.
306        rtts: An list-like object enumerating all round-trip-times of
307            transmitted packets.
308        timestamps: A list-like object enumerating the beginning timestamps of
309            each packet transmission.
310        ping_interarrivals: A list-like object enumerating the amount of time
311            between the beginning of each subsequent transmission.
312    """
314    def __init__(self, ping_output):
315        self.packet_loss_percentage = 100
316        self.transmission_times = []
318        self.rtts = _ListWrap(self.transmission_times, lambda entry: entry.rtt)
319        self.timestamps = _ListWrap(
320            self.transmission_times, lambda entry: entry.timestamp)
321        self.ping_interarrivals = _PingInterarrivals(self.transmission_times)
323        for line in ping_output:
324            if 'loss' in line:
325                match = re.search(LOSS_REGEX, line)
326                self.packet_loss_percentage = float(match.group('loss'))
327            if 'time=' in line:
328                match = re.search(RTT_REGEX, line)
329                self.transmission_times.append(
330                    PingTransmissionTimes(
331                        float(match.group('timestamp')),
332                        float(match.group('rtt'))))
333        self.connected = len(
334            ping_output) > 1 and self.packet_loss_percentage < 100
336    def __getitem__(self, item):
337        if item == 'rtt':
338            return self.rtts
339        if item == 'connected':
340            return self.connected
341        if item == 'packet_loss_percentage':
342            return self.packet_loss_percentage
343        raise ValueError('Invalid key. Please use an attribute instead.')
345    def as_dict(self):
346        return {
347            'connected': 1 if self.connected else 0,
348            'rtt': list(self.rtts),
349            'time_stamp': list(self.timestamps),
350            'ping_interarrivals': list(self.ping_interarrivals),
351            'packet_loss_percentage': self.packet_loss_percentage
352        }
355class PingTransmissionTimes(object):
356    """A class that holds the timestamps for a packet sent via the ping command.
358    Attributes:
359        rtt: The round trip time for the packet sent.
360        timestamp: The timestamp the packet started its trip.
361    """
363    def __init__(self, timestamp, rtt):
364        self.rtt = rtt
365        self.timestamp = timestamp
368class _ListWrap(object):
369    """A convenient helper class for treating list iterators as native lists."""
371    def __init__(self, wrapped_list, func):
372        self.__wrapped_list = wrapped_list
373        self.__func = func
375    def __getitem__(self, key):
376        return self.__func(self.__wrapped_list[key])
378    def __iter__(self):
379        for item in self.__wrapped_list:
380            yield self.__func(item)
382    def __len__(self):
383        return len(self.__wrapped_list)
386class _PingInterarrivals(object):
387    """A helper class for treating ping interarrivals as a native list."""
389    def __init__(self, ping_entries):
390        self.__ping_entries = ping_entries
392    def __getitem__(self, key):
393        return (self.__ping_entries[key + 1].timestamp -
394                self.__ping_entries[key].timestamp)
396    def __iter__(self):
397        for index in range(len(self.__ping_entries) - 1):
398            yield self[index]
400    def __len__(self):
401        return max(0, len(self.__ping_entries) - 1)
404def get_ping_stats(src_device, dest_address, ping_duration, ping_interval,
405                   ping_size):
406    """Run ping to or from the DUT.
408    The function computes either pings the DUT or pings a remote ip from
409    DUT.
411    Args:
412        src_device: object representing device to ping from
413        dest_address: ip address to ping
414        ping_duration: timeout to set on the the ping process (in seconds)
415        ping_interval: time between pings (in seconds)
416        ping_size: size of ping packet payload
417    Returns:
418        ping_result: dict containing ping results and other meta data
419    """
420    ping_cmd = 'ping -w {} -i {} -s {} -D'.format(
421        ping_duration,
422        ping_interval,
423        ping_size,
424    )
425    if isinstance(src_device, AndroidDevice):
426        ping_cmd = '{} {}'.format(ping_cmd, dest_address)
427        ping_output = src_device.adb.shell(
428            ping_cmd, timeout=ping_duration + TEST_TIMEOUT, ignore_status=True)
429    elif isinstance(src_device, ssh.connection.SshConnection):
430        ping_cmd = 'sudo {} {}'.format(ping_cmd, dest_address)
431        ping_output = src_device.run(ping_cmd, ignore_status=True).stdout
432    else:
433        raise TypeError(
434            'Unable to ping using src_device of type %s.' % type(src_device))
435    return PingResult(ping_output.splitlines())
439def get_ping_stats_nb(src_device, dest_address, ping_duration, ping_interval,
440                      ping_size):
441    return get_ping_stats(src_device, dest_address, ping_duration,
442                          ping_interval, ping_size)
446def start_iperf_client_nb(iperf_client, iperf_server_address, iperf_args, tag,
447                          timeout):
448    return iperf_client.start(iperf_server_address, iperf_args, tag, timeout)
451# Rssi Utilities
452def empty_rssi_result():
453    return collections.OrderedDict([('data', []), ('mean', None),
454                                    ('stdev', None)])
457def get_connected_rssi(dut,
458                       num_measurements=1,
459                       polling_frequency=SHORT_SLEEP,
460                       first_measurement_delay=0):
461    """Gets all RSSI values reported for the connected access point/BSSID.
463    Args:
464        dut: android device object from which to get RSSI
465        num_measurements: number of scans done, and RSSIs collected
466        polling_frequency: time to wait between RSSI measurements
467    Returns:
468        connected_rssi: dict containing the measurements results for
469        all reported RSSI values (signal_poll, per chain, etc.) and their
470        statistics
471    """
472    # yapf: disable
473    connected_rssi = collections.OrderedDict(
474        [('time_stamp', []),
475         ('bssid', []), ('frequency', []),
476         ('signal_poll_rssi', empty_rssi_result()),
477         ('signal_poll_avg_rssi', empty_rssi_result()),
478         ('chain_0_rssi', empty_rssi_result()),
479         ('chain_1_rssi', empty_rssi_result())])
480    # yapf: enable
481    t0 = time.time()
482    time.sleep(first_measurement_delay)
483    for idx in range(num_measurements):
484        measurement_start_time = time.time()
485        connected_rssi['time_stamp'].append(measurement_start_time - t0)
486        # Get signal poll RSSI
487        status_output = dut.adb.shell(WPA_CLI_STATUS)
488        match = re.search('bssid=.*', status_output)
489        if match:
490            bssid = match.group(0).split('=')[1]
491            connected_rssi['bssid'].append(bssid)
492        else:
493            connected_rssi['bssid'].append(RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
494        signal_poll_output = dut.adb.shell(SIGNAL_POLL)
495        match = re.search('FREQUENCY=.*', signal_poll_output)
496        if match:
497            frequency = int(match.group(0).split('=')[1])
498            connected_rssi['frequency'].append(frequency)
499        else:
500            connected_rssi['frequency'].append(RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
501        match = re.search('RSSI=.*', signal_poll_output)
502        if match:
503            temp_rssi = int(match.group(0).split('=')[1])
504            if temp_rssi == -9999 or temp_rssi == 0:
505                connected_rssi['signal_poll_rssi']['data'].append(
506                    RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
507            else:
508                connected_rssi['signal_poll_rssi']['data'].append(temp_rssi)
509        else:
510            connected_rssi['signal_poll_rssi']['data'].append(RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
511        match = re.search('AVG_RSSI=.*', signal_poll_output)
512        if match:
513            connected_rssi['signal_poll_avg_rssi']['data'].append(
514                int(match.group(0).split('=')[1]))
515        else:
516            connected_rssi['signal_poll_avg_rssi']['data'].append(
517                RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
518        # Get per chain RSSI
519        per_chain_rssi = dut.adb.shell(STATION_DUMP)
520        match = re.search('.*signal avg:.*', per_chain_rssi)
521        if match:
522            per_chain_rssi = per_chain_rssi[per_chain_rssi.find('[') +
523                                            1:per_chain_rssi.find(']')]
524            per_chain_rssi = per_chain_rssi.split(', ')
525            connected_rssi['chain_0_rssi']['data'].append(
526                int(per_chain_rssi[0]))
527            connected_rssi['chain_1_rssi']['data'].append(
528                int(per_chain_rssi[1]))
529        else:
530            connected_rssi['chain_0_rssi']['data'].append(RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
531            connected_rssi['chain_1_rssi']['data'].append(RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
532        measurement_elapsed_time = time.time() - measurement_start_time
533        time.sleep(max(0, polling_frequency - measurement_elapsed_time))
535    # Compute mean RSSIs. Only average valid readings.
536    # Output RSSI_ERROR_VAL if no valid connected readings found.
537    for key, val in connected_rssi.copy().items():
538        if 'data' not in val:
539            continue
540        filtered_rssi_values = [x for x in val['data'] if not math.isnan(x)]
541        if filtered_rssi_values:
542            connected_rssi[key]['mean'] = statistics.mean(filtered_rssi_values)
543            if len(filtered_rssi_values) > 1:
544                connected_rssi[key]['stdev'] = statistics.stdev(
545                    filtered_rssi_values)
546            else:
547                connected_rssi[key]['stdev'] = 0
548        else:
549            connected_rssi[key]['mean'] = RSSI_ERROR_VAL
550            connected_rssi[key]['stdev'] = RSSI_ERROR_VAL
551    return connected_rssi
555def get_connected_rssi_nb(dut,
556                          num_measurements=1,
557                          polling_frequency=SHORT_SLEEP,
558                          first_measurement_delay=0):
559    return get_connected_rssi(dut, num_measurements, polling_frequency,
560                              first_measurement_delay)
563def get_scan_rssi(dut, tracked_bssids, num_measurements=1):
564    """Gets scan RSSI for specified BSSIDs.
566    Args:
567        dut: android device object from which to get RSSI
568        tracked_bssids: array of BSSIDs to gather RSSI data for
569        num_measurements: number of scans done, and RSSIs collected
570    Returns:
571        scan_rssi: dict containing the measurement results as well as the
572        statistics of the scan RSSI for all BSSIDs in tracked_bssids
573    """
574    scan_rssi = collections.OrderedDict()
575    for bssid in tracked_bssids:
576        scan_rssi[bssid] = empty_rssi_result()
577    for idx in range(num_measurements):
578        scan_output = dut.adb.shell(SCAN)
579        time.sleep(MED_SLEEP)
580        scan_output = dut.adb.shell(SCAN_RESULTS)
581        for bssid in tracked_bssids:
582            bssid_result = re.search(
583                bssid + '.*', scan_output, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
584            if bssid_result:
585                bssid_result = bssid_result.group(0).split('\t')
586                scan_rssi[bssid]['data'].append(int(bssid_result[2]))
587            else:
588                scan_rssi[bssid]['data'].append(RSSI_ERROR_VAL)
589    # Compute mean RSSIs. Only average valid readings.
590    # Output RSSI_ERROR_VAL if no readings found.
591    for key, val in scan_rssi.items():
592        filtered_rssi_values = [x for x in val['data'] if not math.isnan(x)]
593        if filtered_rssi_values:
594            scan_rssi[key]['mean'] = statistics.mean(filtered_rssi_values)
595            if len(filtered_rssi_values) > 1:
596                scan_rssi[key]['stdev'] = statistics.stdev(
597                    filtered_rssi_values)
598            else:
599                scan_rssi[key]['stdev'] = 0
600        else:
601            scan_rssi[key]['mean'] = RSSI_ERROR_VAL
602            scan_rssi[key]['stdev'] = RSSI_ERROR_VAL
603    return scan_rssi
607def get_scan_rssi_nb(dut, tracked_bssids, num_measurements=1):
608    return get_scan_rssi(dut, tracked_bssids, num_measurements)
611## Attenuator Utilities
612def atten_by_label(atten_list, path_label, atten_level):
613    """Attenuate signals according to their path label.
615    Args:
616        atten_list: list of attenuators to iterate over
617        path_label: path label on which to set desired attenuation
618        atten_level: attenuation desired on path
619    """
620    for atten in atten_list:
621        if path_label in atten.path:
622            atten.set_atten(atten_level)
625def get_server_address(ssh_connection, subnet):
626    """Get server address on a specific subnet
628    Args:
629        ssh_connection: object representing server for which we want an ip
630        subnet: string in ip address format, i.e., xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,
631        representing the subnet of interest.
632    """
633    subnet_str = subnet.split('.')[:-1]
634    subnet_str = '.'.join(subnet_str)
635    cmd = "ifconfig | grep 'inet addr:{}'".format(subnet_str)
636    try:
637        if_output = ssh_connection.run(cmd).stdout
638        ip_line = if_output.split('inet addr:')[1]
639        ip_address = ip_line.split(' ')[0]
640    except:
641        logging.warning('Could not find ip in requested subnet.')
642    return ip_address