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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3    markupsafe._constants
4    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
6    Highlevel implementation of the Markup string.
8    :copyright: (c) 2010 by Armin Ronacher.
9    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
14    'AElig': 198,
15    'Aacute': 193,
16    'Acirc': 194,
17    'Agrave': 192,
18    'Alpha': 913,
19    'Aring': 197,
20    'Atilde': 195,
21    'Auml': 196,
22    'Beta': 914,
23    'Ccedil': 199,
24    'Chi': 935,
25    'Dagger': 8225,
26    'Delta': 916,
27    'ETH': 208,
28    'Eacute': 201,
29    'Ecirc': 202,
30    'Egrave': 200,
31    'Epsilon': 917,
32    'Eta': 919,
33    'Euml': 203,
34    'Gamma': 915,
35    'Iacute': 205,
36    'Icirc': 206,
37    'Igrave': 204,
38    'Iota': 921,
39    'Iuml': 207,
40    'Kappa': 922,
41    'Lambda': 923,
42    'Mu': 924,
43    'Ntilde': 209,
44    'Nu': 925,
45    'OElig': 338,
46    'Oacute': 211,
47    'Ocirc': 212,
48    'Ograve': 210,
49    'Omega': 937,
50    'Omicron': 927,
51    'Oslash': 216,
52    'Otilde': 213,
53    'Ouml': 214,
54    'Phi': 934,
55    'Pi': 928,
56    'Prime': 8243,
57    'Psi': 936,
58    'Rho': 929,
59    'Scaron': 352,
60    'Sigma': 931,
61    'THORN': 222,
62    'Tau': 932,
63    'Theta': 920,
64    'Uacute': 218,
65    'Ucirc': 219,
66    'Ugrave': 217,
67    'Upsilon': 933,
68    'Uuml': 220,
69    'Xi': 926,
70    'Yacute': 221,
71    'Yuml': 376,
72    'Zeta': 918,
73    'aacute': 225,
74    'acirc': 226,
75    'acute': 180,
76    'aelig': 230,
77    'agrave': 224,
78    'alefsym': 8501,
79    'alpha': 945,
80    'amp': 38,
81    'and': 8743,
82    'ang': 8736,
83    'apos': 39,
84    'aring': 229,
85    'asymp': 8776,
86    'atilde': 227,
87    'auml': 228,
88    'bdquo': 8222,
89    'beta': 946,
90    'brvbar': 166,
91    'bull': 8226,
92    'cap': 8745,
93    'ccedil': 231,
94    'cedil': 184,
95    'cent': 162,
96    'chi': 967,
97    'circ': 710,
98    'clubs': 9827,
99    'cong': 8773,
100    'copy': 169,
101    'crarr': 8629,
102    'cup': 8746,
103    'curren': 164,
104    'dArr': 8659,
105    'dagger': 8224,
106    'darr': 8595,
107    'deg': 176,
108    'delta': 948,
109    'diams': 9830,
110    'divide': 247,
111    'eacute': 233,
112    'ecirc': 234,
113    'egrave': 232,
114    'empty': 8709,
115    'emsp': 8195,
116    'ensp': 8194,
117    'epsilon': 949,
118    'equiv': 8801,
119    'eta': 951,
120    'eth': 240,
121    'euml': 235,
122    'euro': 8364,
123    'exist': 8707,
124    'fnof': 402,
125    'forall': 8704,
126    'frac12': 189,
127    'frac14': 188,
128    'frac34': 190,
129    'frasl': 8260,
130    'gamma': 947,
131    'ge': 8805,
132    'gt': 62,
133    'hArr': 8660,
134    'harr': 8596,
135    'hearts': 9829,
136    'hellip': 8230,
137    'iacute': 237,
138    'icirc': 238,
139    'iexcl': 161,
140    'igrave': 236,
141    'image': 8465,
142    'infin': 8734,
143    'int': 8747,
144    'iota': 953,
145    'iquest': 191,
146    'isin': 8712,
147    'iuml': 239,
148    'kappa': 954,
149    'lArr': 8656,
150    'lambda': 955,
151    'lang': 9001,
152    'laquo': 171,
153    'larr': 8592,
154    'lceil': 8968,
155    'ldquo': 8220,
156    'le': 8804,
157    'lfloor': 8970,
158    'lowast': 8727,
159    'loz': 9674,
160    'lrm': 8206,
161    'lsaquo': 8249,
162    'lsquo': 8216,
163    'lt': 60,
164    'macr': 175,
165    'mdash': 8212,
166    'micro': 181,
167    'middot': 183,
168    'minus': 8722,
169    'mu': 956,
170    'nabla': 8711,
171    'nbsp': 160,
172    'ndash': 8211,
173    'ne': 8800,
174    'ni': 8715,
175    'not': 172,
176    'notin': 8713,
177    'nsub': 8836,
178    'ntilde': 241,
179    'nu': 957,
180    'oacute': 243,
181    'ocirc': 244,
182    'oelig': 339,
183    'ograve': 242,
184    'oline': 8254,
185    'omega': 969,
186    'omicron': 959,
187    'oplus': 8853,
188    'or': 8744,
189    'ordf': 170,
190    'ordm': 186,
191    'oslash': 248,
192    'otilde': 245,
193    'otimes': 8855,
194    'ouml': 246,
195    'para': 182,
196    'part': 8706,
197    'permil': 8240,
198    'perp': 8869,
199    'phi': 966,
200    'pi': 960,
201    'piv': 982,
202    'plusmn': 177,
203    'pound': 163,
204    'prime': 8242,
205    'prod': 8719,
206    'prop': 8733,
207    'psi': 968,
208    'quot': 34,
209    'rArr': 8658,
210    'radic': 8730,
211    'rang': 9002,
212    'raquo': 187,
213    'rarr': 8594,
214    'rceil': 8969,
215    'rdquo': 8221,
216    'real': 8476,
217    'reg': 174,
218    'rfloor': 8971,
219    'rho': 961,
220    'rlm': 8207,
221    'rsaquo': 8250,
222    'rsquo': 8217,
223    'sbquo': 8218,
224    'scaron': 353,
225    'sdot': 8901,
226    'sect': 167,
227    'shy': 173,
228    'sigma': 963,
229    'sigmaf': 962,
230    'sim': 8764,
231    'spades': 9824,
232    'sub': 8834,
233    'sube': 8838,
234    'sum': 8721,
235    'sup': 8835,
236    'sup1': 185,
237    'sup2': 178,
238    'sup3': 179,
239    'supe': 8839,
240    'szlig': 223,
241    'tau': 964,
242    'there4': 8756,
243    'theta': 952,
244    'thetasym': 977,
245    'thinsp': 8201,
246    'thorn': 254,
247    'tilde': 732,
248    'times': 215,
249    'trade': 8482,
250    'uArr': 8657,
251    'uacute': 250,
252    'uarr': 8593,
253    'ucirc': 251,
254    'ugrave': 249,
255    'uml': 168,
256    'upsih': 978,
257    'upsilon': 965,
258    'uuml': 252,
259    'weierp': 8472,
260    'xi': 958,
261    'yacute': 253,
262    'yen': 165,
263    'yuml': 255,
264    'zeta': 950,
265    'zwj': 8205,
266    'zwnj': 8204