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1 // Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "src/profiler/profile-generator.h"
7 #include "src/base/adapters.h"
8 #include "src/debug/debug.h"
9 #include "src/deoptimizer.h"
10 #include "src/global-handles.h"
11 #include "src/objects-inl.h"
12 #include "src/profiler/cpu-profiler.h"
13 #include "src/profiler/profile-generator-inl.h"
14 #include "src/tracing/trace-event.h"
15 #include "src/tracing/traced-value.h"
16 #include "src/unicode.h"
18 namespace v8 {
19 namespace internal {
SetPosition(int pc_offset,int line)21 void SourcePositionTable::SetPosition(int pc_offset, int line) {
22   DCHECK_GE(pc_offset, 0);
23   DCHECK_GT(line, 0);  // The 1-based number of the source line.
24   // Check that we are inserting in ascending order, so that the vector remains
25   // sorted.
26   DCHECK(pc_offsets_to_lines_.empty() ||
27          pc_offsets_to_lines_.back().pc_offset < pc_offset);
28   if (pc_offsets_to_lines_.empty() ||
29       pc_offsets_to_lines_.back().line_number != line) {
30     pc_offsets_to_lines_.push_back({pc_offset, line});
31   }
32 }
GetSourceLineNumber(int pc_offset) const34 int SourcePositionTable::GetSourceLineNumber(int pc_offset) const {
35   if (pc_offsets_to_lines_.empty()) {
36     return v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo;
37   }
38   auto it =
39       std::upper_bound(pc_offsets_to_lines_.begin(), pc_offsets_to_lines_.end(),
40                        PCOffsetAndLineNumber{pc_offset, 0});
41   if (it != pc_offsets_to_lines_.begin()) --it;
42   return it->line_number;
43 }
45 const char* const CodeEntry::kWasmResourceNamePrefix = "wasm ";
46 const char* const CodeEntry::kEmptyResourceName = "";
47 const char* const CodeEntry::kEmptyBailoutReason = "";
48 const char* const CodeEntry::kNoDeoptReason = "";
50 const char* const CodeEntry::kProgramEntryName = "(program)";
51 const char* const CodeEntry::kIdleEntryName = "(idle)";
52 const char* const CodeEntry::kGarbageCollectorEntryName = "(garbage collector)";
53 const char* const CodeEntry::kUnresolvedFunctionName = "(unresolved function)";
55 base::LazyDynamicInstance<CodeEntry, CodeEntry::ProgramEntryCreateTrait>::type
56     CodeEntry::kProgramEntry = LAZY_DYNAMIC_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER;
58 base::LazyDynamicInstance<CodeEntry, CodeEntry::IdleEntryCreateTrait>::type
61 base::LazyDynamicInstance<CodeEntry, CodeEntry::GCEntryCreateTrait>::type
64 base::LazyDynamicInstance<CodeEntry,
65                           CodeEntry::UnresolvedEntryCreateTrait>::type
66     CodeEntry::kUnresolvedEntry = LAZY_DYNAMIC_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER;
Create()68 CodeEntry* CodeEntry::ProgramEntryCreateTrait::Create() {
69   return new CodeEntry(Logger::FUNCTION_TAG, CodeEntry::kProgramEntryName);
70 }
Create()72 CodeEntry* CodeEntry::IdleEntryCreateTrait::Create() {
73   return new CodeEntry(Logger::FUNCTION_TAG, CodeEntry::kIdleEntryName);
74 }
Create()76 CodeEntry* CodeEntry::GCEntryCreateTrait::Create() {
77   return new CodeEntry(Logger::BUILTIN_TAG,
78                        CodeEntry::kGarbageCollectorEntryName);
79 }
Create()81 CodeEntry* CodeEntry::UnresolvedEntryCreateTrait::Create() {
82   return new CodeEntry(Logger::FUNCTION_TAG,
83                        CodeEntry::kUnresolvedFunctionName);
84 }
GetHash() const86 uint32_t CodeEntry::GetHash() const {
87   uint32_t hash = ComputeIntegerHash(tag());
88   if (script_id_ != v8::UnboundScript::kNoScriptId) {
89     hash ^= ComputeIntegerHash(static_cast<uint32_t>(script_id_));
90     hash ^= ComputeIntegerHash(static_cast<uint32_t>(position_));
91   } else {
92     hash ^= ComputeIntegerHash(
93         static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(name_)));
94     hash ^= ComputeIntegerHash(
95         static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(resource_name_)));
96     hash ^= ComputeIntegerHash(line_number_);
97   }
98   return hash;
99 }
IsSameFunctionAs(const CodeEntry * entry) const101 bool CodeEntry::IsSameFunctionAs(const CodeEntry* entry) const {
102   if (this == entry) return true;
103   if (script_id_ != v8::UnboundScript::kNoScriptId) {
104     return script_id_ == entry->script_id_ && position_ == entry->position_;
105   }
106   return name_ == entry->name_ && resource_name_ == entry->resource_name_ &&
107          line_number_ == entry->line_number_;
108 }
SetBuiltinId(Builtins::Name id)111 void CodeEntry::SetBuiltinId(Builtins::Name id) {
112   bit_field_ = TagField::update(bit_field_, CodeEventListener::BUILTIN_TAG);
113   bit_field_ = BuiltinIdField::update(bit_field_, id);
114 }
GetSourceLine(int pc_offset) const117 int CodeEntry::GetSourceLine(int pc_offset) const {
118   if (line_info_) return line_info_->GetSourceLineNumber(pc_offset);
119   return v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo;
120 }
AddInlineStack(int pc_offset,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CodeEntry>> inline_stack)122 void CodeEntry::AddInlineStack(
123     int pc_offset, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CodeEntry>> inline_stack) {
124   EnsureRareData()->inline_locations_.insert(
125       std::make_pair(pc_offset, std::move(inline_stack)));
126 }
GetInlineStack(int pc_offset) const128 const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CodeEntry>>* CodeEntry::GetInlineStack(
129     int pc_offset) const {
130   if (!rare_data_) return nullptr;
131   auto it = rare_data_->inline_locations_.find(pc_offset);
132   return it != rare_data_->inline_locations_.end() ? &it->second : nullptr;
133 }
set_deopt_info(const char * deopt_reason,int deopt_id,std::vector<CpuProfileDeoptFrame> inlined_frames)135 void CodeEntry::set_deopt_info(
136     const char* deopt_reason, int deopt_id,
137     std::vector<CpuProfileDeoptFrame> inlined_frames) {
138   DCHECK(!has_deopt_info());
139   RareData* rare_data = EnsureRareData();
140   rare_data->deopt_reason_ = deopt_reason;
141   rare_data->deopt_id_ = deopt_id;
142   rare_data->deopt_inlined_frames_ = std::move(inlined_frames);
143 }
FillFunctionInfo(SharedFunctionInfo * shared)145 void CodeEntry::FillFunctionInfo(SharedFunctionInfo* shared) {
146   if (!shared->script()->IsScript()) return;
147   Script* script = Script::cast(shared->script());
148   set_script_id(script->id());
149   set_position(shared->StartPosition());
150   if (shared->optimization_disabled()) {
151     set_bailout_reason(GetBailoutReason(shared->disable_optimization_reason()));
152   }
153 }
GetDeoptInfo()155 CpuProfileDeoptInfo CodeEntry::GetDeoptInfo() {
156   DCHECK(has_deopt_info());
158   CpuProfileDeoptInfo info;
159   info.deopt_reason = rare_data_->deopt_reason_;
160   DCHECK_NE(kNoDeoptimizationId, rare_data_->deopt_id_);
161   if (rare_data_->deopt_inlined_frames_.empty()) {
162     info.stack.push_back(CpuProfileDeoptFrame(
163         {script_id_, static_cast<size_t>(std::max(0, position()))}));
164   } else {
165     info.stack = rare_data_->deopt_inlined_frames_;
166   }
167   return info;
168 }
EnsureRareData()170 CodeEntry::RareData* CodeEntry::EnsureRareData() {
171   if (!rare_data_) {
172     rare_data_.reset(new RareData());
173   }
174   return rare_data_.get();
175 }
CollectDeoptInfo(CodeEntry * entry)177 void ProfileNode::CollectDeoptInfo(CodeEntry* entry) {
178   deopt_infos_.push_back(entry->GetDeoptInfo());
179   entry->clear_deopt_info();
180 }
FindChild(CodeEntry * entry,int line_number)182 ProfileNode* ProfileNode::FindChild(CodeEntry* entry, int line_number) {
183   auto map_entry = children_.find({entry, line_number});
184   return map_entry != children_.end() ? map_entry->second : nullptr;
185 }
FindOrAddChild(CodeEntry * entry,int line_number)187 ProfileNode* ProfileNode::FindOrAddChild(CodeEntry* entry, int line_number) {
188   auto map_entry = children_.find({entry, line_number});
189   if (map_entry == children_.end()) {
190     ProfileNode* node = new ProfileNode(tree_, entry, this, line_number);
191     children_[{entry, line_number}] = node;
192     children_list_.push_back(node);
193     return node;
194   } else {
195     return map_entry->second;
196   }
197 }
IncrementLineTicks(int src_line)200 void ProfileNode::IncrementLineTicks(int src_line) {
201   if (src_line == v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo) return;
202   // Increment a hit counter of a certain source line.
203   // Add a new source line if not found.
204   auto map_entry = line_ticks_.find(src_line);
205   if (map_entry == line_ticks_.end()) {
206     line_ticks_[src_line] = 1;
207   } else {
208     line_ticks_[src_line]++;
209   }
210 }
GetLineTicks(v8::CpuProfileNode::LineTick * entries,unsigned int length) const213 bool ProfileNode::GetLineTicks(v8::CpuProfileNode::LineTick* entries,
214                                unsigned int length) const {
215   if (entries == nullptr || length == 0) return false;
217   unsigned line_count = static_cast<unsigned>(line_ticks_.size());
219   if (line_count == 0) return true;
220   if (length < line_count) return false;
222   v8::CpuProfileNode::LineTick* entry = entries;
224   for (auto p = line_ticks_.begin(); p != line_ticks_.end(); p++, entry++) {
225     entry->line = p->first;
226     entry->hit_count = p->second;
227   }
229   return true;
230 }
Print(int indent)233 void ProfileNode::Print(int indent) {
234   int line_number = line_number_ != 0 ? line_number_ : entry_->line_number();
235   base::OS::Print("%5u %*s %s:%d %d #%d", self_ticks_, indent, "",
236                   entry_->name(), line_number, entry_->script_id(), id());
237   if (entry_->resource_name()[0] != '\0')
238     base::OS::Print(" %s:%d", entry_->resource_name(), entry_->line_number());
239   base::OS::Print("\n");
240   for (size_t i = 0; i < deopt_infos_.size(); ++i) {
241     CpuProfileDeoptInfo& info = deopt_infos_[i];
242     base::OS::Print("%*s;;; deopted at script_id: %d position: %" PRIuS
243                     " with reason '%s'.\n",
244                     indent + 10, "", info.stack[0].script_id,
245                     info.stack[0].position, info.deopt_reason);
246     for (size_t index = 1; index < info.stack.size(); ++index) {
247       base::OS::Print("%*s;;;     Inline point: script_id %d position: %" PRIuS
248                       ".\n",
249                       indent + 10, "", info.stack[index].script_id,
250                       info.stack[index].position);
251     }
252   }
253   const char* bailout_reason = entry_->bailout_reason();
254   if (bailout_reason != GetBailoutReason(BailoutReason::kNoReason) &&
255       bailout_reason != CodeEntry::kEmptyBailoutReason) {
256     base::OS::Print("%*s bailed out due to '%s'\n", indent + 10, "",
257                     bailout_reason);
258   }
259   for (auto child : children_) {
260     child.second->Print(indent + 2);
261   }
262 }
265 class DeleteNodesCallback {
266  public:
BeforeTraversingChild(ProfileNode *,ProfileNode *)267   void BeforeTraversingChild(ProfileNode*, ProfileNode*) { }
AfterAllChildrenTraversed(ProfileNode * node)269   void AfterAllChildrenTraversed(ProfileNode* node) {
270     delete node;
271   }
AfterChildTraversed(ProfileNode *,ProfileNode *)273   void AfterChildTraversed(ProfileNode*, ProfileNode*) { }
274 };
ProfileTree(Isolate * isolate)276 ProfileTree::ProfileTree(Isolate* isolate)
277     : root_entry_(CodeEventListener::FUNCTION_TAG, "(root)"),
278       next_node_id_(1),
279       root_(new ProfileNode(this, &root_entry_, nullptr)),
280       isolate_(isolate),
281       next_function_id_(1) {}
~ProfileTree()283 ProfileTree::~ProfileTree() {
284   DeleteNodesCallback cb;
285   TraverseDepthFirst(&cb);
286 }
GetFunctionId(const ProfileNode * node)289 unsigned ProfileTree::GetFunctionId(const ProfileNode* node) {
290   CodeEntry* code_entry = node->entry();
291   auto map_entry = function_ids_.find(code_entry);
292   if (map_entry == function_ids_.end()) {
293     return function_ids_[code_entry] = next_function_id_++;
294   }
295   return function_ids_[code_entry];
296 }
AddPathFromEnd(const std::vector<CodeEntry * > & path,int src_line,bool update_stats)298 ProfileNode* ProfileTree::AddPathFromEnd(const std::vector<CodeEntry*>& path,
299                                          int src_line, bool update_stats) {
300   ProfileNode* node = root_;
301   CodeEntry* last_entry = nullptr;
302   for (auto it = path.rbegin(); it != path.rend(); ++it) {
303     if (*it == nullptr) continue;
304     last_entry = *it;
305     node = node->FindOrAddChild(*it, v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo);
306   }
307   if (last_entry && last_entry->has_deopt_info()) {
308     node->CollectDeoptInfo(last_entry);
309   }
310   if (update_stats) {
311     node->IncrementSelfTicks();
312     if (src_line != v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo) {
313       node->IncrementLineTicks(src_line);
314     }
315   }
316   return node;
317 }
AddPathFromEnd(const ProfileStackTrace & path,int src_line,bool update_stats,ProfilingMode mode)319 ProfileNode* ProfileTree::AddPathFromEnd(const ProfileStackTrace& path,
320                                          int src_line, bool update_stats,
321                                          ProfilingMode mode) {
322   ProfileNode* node = root_;
323   CodeEntry* last_entry = nullptr;
324   int parent_line_number = v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo;
325   for (auto it = path.rbegin(); it != path.rend(); ++it) {
326     if ((*it).code_entry == nullptr) continue;
327     last_entry = (*it).code_entry;
328     node = node->FindOrAddChild((*it).code_entry, parent_line_number);
329     parent_line_number = mode == ProfilingMode::kCallerLineNumbers
330                              ? (*it).line_number
331                              : v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo;
332   }
333   if (last_entry && last_entry->has_deopt_info()) {
334     node->CollectDeoptInfo(last_entry);
335   }
336   if (update_stats) {
337     node->IncrementSelfTicks();
338     if (src_line != v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo) {
339       node->IncrementLineTicks(src_line);
340     }
341   }
342   return node;
343 }
346 class Position {
347  public:
Position(ProfileNode * node)348   explicit Position(ProfileNode* node)
349       : node(node), child_idx_(0) { }
current_child()350   V8_INLINE ProfileNode* current_child() {
351     return node->children()->at(child_idx_);
352   }
has_current_child()353   V8_INLINE bool has_current_child() {
354     return child_idx_ < static_cast<int>(node->children()->size());
355   }
next_child()356   V8_INLINE void next_child() { ++child_idx_; }
358   ProfileNode* node;
359  private:
360   int child_idx_;
361 };
364 // Non-recursive implementation of a depth-first post-order tree traversal.
365 template <typename Callback>
TraverseDepthFirst(Callback * callback)366 void ProfileTree::TraverseDepthFirst(Callback* callback) {
367   std::vector<Position> stack;
368   stack.emplace_back(root_);
369   while (stack.size() > 0) {
370     Position& current = stack.back();
371     if (current.has_current_child()) {
372       callback->BeforeTraversingChild(current.node, current.current_child());
373       stack.emplace_back(current.current_child());
374     } else {
375       callback->AfterAllChildrenTraversed(current.node);
376       if (stack.size() > 1) {
377         Position& parent = stack[stack.size() - 2];
378         callback->AfterChildTraversed(parent.node, current.node);
379         parent.next_child();
380       }
381       // Remove child from the stack.
382       stack.pop_back();
383     }
384   }
385 }
387 using v8::tracing::TracedValue;
389 std::atomic<uint32_t> CpuProfile::last_id_;
CpuProfile(CpuProfiler * profiler,const char * title,bool record_samples,ProfilingMode mode)391 CpuProfile::CpuProfile(CpuProfiler* profiler, const char* title,
392                        bool record_samples, ProfilingMode mode)
393     : title_(title),
394       record_samples_(record_samples),
395       mode_(mode),
396       start_time_(base::TimeTicks::HighResolutionNow()),
397       top_down_(profiler->isolate()),
398       profiler_(profiler),
399       streaming_next_sample_(0),
400       id_(++last_id_) {
401   auto value = TracedValue::Create();
402   value->SetDouble("startTime",
403                    (start_time_ - base::TimeTicks()).InMicroseconds());
405                               "Profile", id_, "data", std::move(value));
406 }
AddPath(base::TimeTicks timestamp,const ProfileStackTrace & path,int src_line,bool update_stats)408 void CpuProfile::AddPath(base::TimeTicks timestamp,
409                          const ProfileStackTrace& path, int src_line,
410                          bool update_stats) {
411   ProfileNode* top_frame_node =
412       top_down_.AddPathFromEnd(path, src_line, update_stats, mode_);
414   if (record_samples_ && !timestamp.IsNull()) {
415     timestamps_.push_back(timestamp);
416     samples_.push_back(top_frame_node);
417   }
419   const int kSamplesFlushCount = 100;
420   const int kNodesFlushCount = 10;
421   if (samples_.size() - streaming_next_sample_ >= kSamplesFlushCount ||
422       top_down_.pending_nodes_count() >= kNodesFlushCount) {
423     StreamPendingTraceEvents();
424   }
425 }
427 namespace {
BuildNodeValue(const ProfileNode * node,TracedValue * value)429 void BuildNodeValue(const ProfileNode* node, TracedValue* value) {
430   const CodeEntry* entry = node->entry();
431   value->BeginDictionary("callFrame");
432   value->SetString("functionName", entry->name());
433   if (*entry->resource_name()) {
434     value->SetString("url", entry->resource_name());
435   }
436   value->SetInteger("scriptId", entry->script_id());
437   if (entry->line_number()) {
438     value->SetInteger("lineNumber", entry->line_number() - 1);
439   }
440   if (entry->column_number()) {
441     value->SetInteger("columnNumber", entry->column_number() - 1);
442   }
443   value->EndDictionary();
444   value->SetInteger("id", node->id());
445   if (node->parent()) {
446     value->SetInteger("parent", node->parent()->id());
447   }
448   const char* deopt_reason = entry->bailout_reason();
449   if (deopt_reason && deopt_reason[0] && strcmp(deopt_reason, "no reason")) {
450     value->SetString("deoptReason", deopt_reason);
451   }
452 }
454 }  // namespace
StreamPendingTraceEvents()456 void CpuProfile::StreamPendingTraceEvents() {
457   std::vector<const ProfileNode*> pending_nodes = top_down_.TakePendingNodes();
458   if (pending_nodes.empty() && samples_.empty()) return;
459   auto value = TracedValue::Create();
461   if (!pending_nodes.empty() || streaming_next_sample_ != samples_.size()) {
462     value->BeginDictionary("cpuProfile");
463     if (!pending_nodes.empty()) {
464       value->BeginArray("nodes");
465       for (auto node : pending_nodes) {
466         value->BeginDictionary();
467         BuildNodeValue(node, value.get());
468         value->EndDictionary();
469       }
470       value->EndArray();
471     }
472     if (streaming_next_sample_ != samples_.size()) {
473       value->BeginArray("samples");
474       for (size_t i = streaming_next_sample_; i < samples_.size(); ++i) {
475         value->AppendInteger(samples_[i]->id());
476       }
477       value->EndArray();
478     }
479     value->EndDictionary();
480   }
481   if (streaming_next_sample_ != samples_.size()) {
482     value->BeginArray("timeDeltas");
483     base::TimeTicks lastTimestamp =
484         streaming_next_sample_ ? timestamps_[streaming_next_sample_ - 1]
485                                : start_time();
486     for (size_t i = streaming_next_sample_; i < timestamps_.size(); ++i) {
487       value->AppendInteger(
488           static_cast<int>((timestamps_[i] - lastTimestamp).InMicroseconds()));
489       lastTimestamp = timestamps_[i];
490     }
491     value->EndArray();
492     DCHECK_EQ(samples_.size(), timestamps_.size());
493     streaming_next_sample_ = samples_.size();
494   }
497                               "ProfileChunk", id_, "data", std::move(value));
498 }
FinishProfile()500 void CpuProfile::FinishProfile() {
501   end_time_ = base::TimeTicks::HighResolutionNow();
502   StreamPendingTraceEvents();
503   auto value = TracedValue::Create();
504   value->SetDouble("endTime", (end_time_ - base::TimeTicks()).InMicroseconds());
506                               "ProfileChunk", id_, "data", std::move(value));
507 }
Print()509 void CpuProfile::Print() {
510   base::OS::Print("[Top down]:\n");
511   top_down_.Print();
512 }
514 CodeMap::CodeMap() = default;
~CodeMap()516 CodeMap::~CodeMap() {
517   // First clean the free list as it's otherwise impossible to tell
518   // the slot type.
519   unsigned free_slot = free_list_head_;
520   while (free_slot != kNoFreeSlot) {
521     unsigned next_slot = code_entries_[free_slot].next_free_slot;
522     code_entries_[free_slot].entry = nullptr;
523     free_slot = next_slot;
524   }
525   for (auto slot : code_entries_) delete slot.entry;
526 }
AddCode(Address addr,CodeEntry * entry,unsigned size)528 void CodeMap::AddCode(Address addr, CodeEntry* entry, unsigned size) {
529   ClearCodesInRange(addr, addr + size);
530   unsigned index = AddCodeEntry(addr, entry);
531   code_map_.emplace(addr, CodeEntryMapInfo{index, size});
532   DCHECK(entry->instruction_start() == kNullAddress ||
533          addr == entry->instruction_start());
534 }
ClearCodesInRange(Address start,Address end)536 void CodeMap::ClearCodesInRange(Address start, Address end) {
537   auto left = code_map_.upper_bound(start);
538   if (left != code_map_.begin()) {
539     --left;
540     if (left->first + left->second.size <= start) ++left;
541   }
542   auto right = left;
543   for (; right != code_map_.end() && right->first < end; ++right) {
544     if (!entry(right->second.index)->used()) {
545       DeleteCodeEntry(right->second.index);
546     }
547   }
548   code_map_.erase(left, right);
549 }
FindEntry(Address addr)551 CodeEntry* CodeMap::FindEntry(Address addr) {
552   auto it = code_map_.upper_bound(addr);
553   if (it == code_map_.begin()) return nullptr;
554   --it;
555   Address start_address = it->first;
556   Address end_address = start_address + it->second.size;
557   CodeEntry* ret = addr < end_address ? entry(it->second.index) : nullptr;
558   if (ret && ret->instruction_start() != kNullAddress) {
559     DCHECK_EQ(start_address, ret->instruction_start());
560     DCHECK(addr >= start_address && addr < end_address);
561   }
562   return ret;
563 }
MoveCode(Address from,Address to)565 void CodeMap::MoveCode(Address from, Address to) {
566   if (from == to) return;
567   auto it = code_map_.find(from);
568   if (it == code_map_.end()) return;
569   CodeEntryMapInfo info = it->second;
570   code_map_.erase(it);
571   DCHECK(from + info.size <= to || to + info.size <= from);
572   ClearCodesInRange(to, to + info.size);
573   code_map_.emplace(to, info);
575   CodeEntry* entry = code_entries_[info.index].entry;
576   entry->set_instruction_start(to);
577 }
AddCodeEntry(Address start,CodeEntry * entry)579 unsigned CodeMap::AddCodeEntry(Address start, CodeEntry* entry) {
580   if (free_list_head_ == kNoFreeSlot) {
581     code_entries_.push_back(CodeEntrySlotInfo{entry});
582     return static_cast<unsigned>(code_entries_.size()) - 1;
583   }
584   unsigned index = free_list_head_;
585   free_list_head_ = code_entries_[index].next_free_slot;
586   code_entries_[index].entry = entry;
587   return index;
588 }
DeleteCodeEntry(unsigned index)590 void CodeMap::DeleteCodeEntry(unsigned index) {
591   delete code_entries_[index].entry;
592   code_entries_[index].next_free_slot = free_list_head_;
593   free_list_head_ = index;
594 }
Print()596 void CodeMap::Print() {
597   for (const auto& pair : code_map_) {
598     base::OS::Print("%p %5d %s\n", reinterpret_cast<void*>(pair.first),
599                     pair.second.size, entry(pair.second.index)->name());
600   }
601 }
CpuProfilesCollection(Isolate * isolate)603 CpuProfilesCollection::CpuProfilesCollection(Isolate* isolate)
604     : profiler_(nullptr), current_profiles_semaphore_(1) {}
StartProfiling(const char * title,bool record_samples,ProfilingMode mode)606 bool CpuProfilesCollection::StartProfiling(const char* title,
607                                            bool record_samples,
608                                            ProfilingMode mode) {
609   current_profiles_semaphore_.Wait();
610   if (static_cast<int>(current_profiles_.size()) >= kMaxSimultaneousProfiles) {
611     current_profiles_semaphore_.Signal();
612     return false;
613   }
614   for (const std::unique_ptr<CpuProfile>& profile : current_profiles_) {
615     if (strcmp(profile->title(), title) == 0) {
616       // Ignore attempts to start profile with the same title...
617       current_profiles_semaphore_.Signal();
618       // ... though return true to force it collect a sample.
619       return true;
620     }
621   }
622   current_profiles_.emplace_back(
623       new CpuProfile(profiler_, title, record_samples, mode));
624   current_profiles_semaphore_.Signal();
625   return true;
626 }
StopProfiling(const char * title)629 CpuProfile* CpuProfilesCollection::StopProfiling(const char* title) {
630   const int title_len = StrLength(title);
631   CpuProfile* profile = nullptr;
632   current_profiles_semaphore_.Wait();
634   auto it =
635       std::find_if(current_profiles_.rbegin(), current_profiles_.rend(),
636                    [&](const std::unique_ptr<CpuProfile>& p) {
637                      return title_len == 0 || strcmp(p->title(), title) == 0;
638                    });
640   if (it != current_profiles_.rend()) {
641     (*it)->FinishProfile();
642     profile = it->get();
643     finished_profiles_.push_back(std::move(*it));
644     // Convert reverse iterator to matching forward iterator.
645     current_profiles_.erase(--(it.base()));
646   }
648   current_profiles_semaphore_.Signal();
649   return profile;
650 }
IsLastProfile(const char * title)653 bool CpuProfilesCollection::IsLastProfile(const char* title) {
654   // Called from VM thread, and only it can mutate the list,
655   // so no locking is needed here.
656   if (current_profiles_.size() != 1) return false;
657   return StrLength(title) == 0
658       || strcmp(current_profiles_[0]->title(), title) == 0;
659 }
RemoveProfile(CpuProfile * profile)662 void CpuProfilesCollection::RemoveProfile(CpuProfile* profile) {
663   // Called from VM thread for a completed profile.
664   auto pos =
665       std::find_if(finished_profiles_.begin(), finished_profiles_.end(),
666                    [&](const std::unique_ptr<CpuProfile>& finished_profile) {
667                      return finished_profile.get() == profile;
668                    });
669   DCHECK(pos != finished_profiles_.end());
670   finished_profiles_.erase(pos);
671 }
AddPathToCurrentProfiles(base::TimeTicks timestamp,const ProfileStackTrace & path,int src_line,bool update_stats)673 void CpuProfilesCollection::AddPathToCurrentProfiles(
674     base::TimeTicks timestamp, const ProfileStackTrace& path, int src_line,
675     bool update_stats) {
676   // As starting / stopping profiles is rare relatively to this
677   // method, we don't bother minimizing the duration of lock holding,
678   // e.g. copying contents of the list to a local vector.
679   current_profiles_semaphore_.Wait();
680   for (const std::unique_ptr<CpuProfile>& profile : current_profiles_) {
681     profile->AddPath(timestamp, path, src_line, update_stats);
682   }
683   current_profiles_semaphore_.Signal();
684 }
ProfileGenerator(CpuProfilesCollection * profiles)686 ProfileGenerator::ProfileGenerator(CpuProfilesCollection* profiles)
687     : profiles_(profiles) {}
RecordTickSample(const TickSample & sample)689 void ProfileGenerator::RecordTickSample(const TickSample& sample) {
690   ProfileStackTrace stack_trace;
691   // Conservatively reserve space for stack frames + pc + function + vm-state.
692   // There could in fact be more of them because of inlined entries.
693   stack_trace.reserve(sample.frames_count + 3);
695   // The ProfileNode knows nothing about all versions of generated code for
696   // the same JS function. The line number information associated with
697   // the latest version of generated code is used to find a source line number
698   // for a JS function. Then, the detected source line is passed to
699   // ProfileNode to increase the tick count for this source line.
700   const int no_line_info = v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo;
701   int src_line = no_line_info;
702   bool src_line_not_found = true;
704   if (sample.pc != nullptr) {
705     if (sample.has_external_callback && sample.state == EXTERNAL) {
706       // Don't use PC when in external callback code, as it can point
707       // inside a callback's code, and we will erroneously report
708       // that a callback calls itself.
709       stack_trace.push_back(
710           {FindEntry(reinterpret_cast<Address>(sample.external_callback_entry)),
711            no_line_info});
712     } else {
713       Address attributed_pc = reinterpret_cast<Address>(sample.pc);
714       CodeEntry* pc_entry = FindEntry(attributed_pc);
715       // If there is no pc_entry, we're likely in native code. Find out if the
716       // top of the stack (the return address) was pointing inside a JS
717       // function, meaning that we have encountered a frameless invocation.
718       if (!pc_entry && !sample.has_external_callback) {
719         attributed_pc = reinterpret_cast<Address>(sample.tos);
720         pc_entry = FindEntry(attributed_pc);
721       }
722       // If pc is in the function code before it set up stack frame or after the
723       // frame was destroyed, SafeStackFrameIterator incorrectly thinks that
724       // ebp contains the return address of the current function and skips the
725       // caller's frame. Check for this case and just skip such samples.
726       if (pc_entry) {
727         int pc_offset =
728             static_cast<int>(attributed_pc - pc_entry->instruction_start());
729         // TODO(petermarshall): pc_offset can still be negative in some cases.
730         src_line = pc_entry->GetSourceLine(pc_offset);
731         if (src_line == v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo) {
732           src_line = pc_entry->line_number();
733         }
734         src_line_not_found = false;
735         stack_trace.push_back({pc_entry, src_line});
737         if (pc_entry->builtin_id() == Builtins::kFunctionPrototypeApply ||
738             pc_entry->builtin_id() == Builtins::kFunctionPrototypeCall) {
739           // When current function is either the Function.prototype.apply or the
740           // Function.prototype.call builtin the top frame is either frame of
741           // the calling JS function or internal frame.
742           // In the latter case we know the caller for sure but in the
743           // former case we don't so we simply replace the frame with
744           // 'unresolved' entry.
745           if (!sample.has_external_callback) {
746             stack_trace.push_back(
747                 {CodeEntry::unresolved_entry(), no_line_info});
748           }
749         }
750       }
751     }
753     for (unsigned i = 0; i < sample.frames_count; ++i) {
754       Address stack_pos = reinterpret_cast<Address>(sample.stack[i]);
755       CodeEntry* entry = FindEntry(stack_pos);
756       int line_number = no_line_info;
757       if (entry) {
758         // Find out if the entry has an inlining stack associated.
759         int pc_offset =
760             static_cast<int>(stack_pos - entry->instruction_start());
761         // TODO(petermarshall): pc_offset can still be negative in some cases.
762         const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CodeEntry>>* inline_stack =
763             entry->GetInlineStack(pc_offset);
764         if (inline_stack) {
765           std::transform(
766               inline_stack->rbegin(), inline_stack->rend(),
767               std::back_inserter(stack_trace),
768               [=](const std::unique_ptr<CodeEntry>& ptr) {
769                 return CodeEntryAndLineNumber{ptr.get(), no_line_info};
770               });
771         }
772         // Skip unresolved frames (e.g. internal frame) and get source line of
773         // the first JS caller.
774         if (src_line_not_found) {
775           src_line = entry->GetSourceLine(pc_offset);
776           if (src_line == v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo) {
777             src_line = entry->line_number();
778           }
779           src_line_not_found = false;
780         }
781         line_number = entry->GetSourceLine(pc_offset);
782       }
783       stack_trace.push_back({entry, line_number});
784     }
785   }
787   if (FLAG_prof_browser_mode) {
788     bool no_symbolized_entries = true;
789     for (auto e : stack_trace) {
790       if (e.code_entry != nullptr) {
791         no_symbolized_entries = false;
792         break;
793       }
794     }
795     // If no frames were symbolized, put the VM state entry in.
796     if (no_symbolized_entries) {
797       stack_trace.push_back({EntryForVMState(sample.state), no_line_info});
798     }
799   }
801   profiles_->AddPathToCurrentProfiles(sample.timestamp, stack_trace, src_line,
802                                       sample.update_stats);
803 }
EntryForVMState(StateTag tag)805 CodeEntry* ProfileGenerator::EntryForVMState(StateTag tag) {
806   switch (tag) {
807     case GC:
808       return CodeEntry::gc_entry();
809     case JS:
810     case PARSER:
811     case COMPILER:
813     // DOM events handlers are reported as OTHER / EXTERNAL entries.
814     // To avoid confusing people, let's put all these entries into
815     // one bucket.
816     case OTHER:
817     case EXTERNAL:
818       return CodeEntry::program_entry();
819     case IDLE:
820       return CodeEntry::idle_entry();
821   }
823 }
825 }  // namespace internal
826 }  // namespace v8