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1- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
2-   LLDB for Renderscript Test Suite
4-   16/03/2016
5- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
9    The LLDB for Renderscript test suite is written in python and relies on
10    LLDB's python bindings.  The test suite will push several test app's onto
11    a target device, and makes coordinated use of LLDB and ADB to run automated
12    debug sessions.
14Set up the test suite:
16    Check out the AOSP and build it for your target. Navigate to
17    /frameworks/rs/test/lldb and type mm.  This should successfully build the
18    binaries that the testsuite uses. They will be placed in
19    <path to out folder>/target/product/<product code name>/data/app, system/lib
20    and system/bin.
24    An lldb-server executable must be present on your device/emulator.
25    LLDB must be compiled on your host machine along with its python interface.
26    lldb-server and lldb should be built from the same source revisions.
28Running the test suite:
30    The test suite can be run via the following command:
32        > python run_tests.py [-h]
33                              [--config path]
34                              [--device DEVICE]
35                              [--test path]
36                              [--install-only]
37                              [--no-install]
38                              [--no-uninstall]
39                              [--print-to-stdout]
40                              [--verbose]
41                              [--wimpy]
42                              [--run-emu]
43                              [--adb-path ADB_PATH]
44                              [--aosp-product-path AOSP_PRODUCT_PATH]
45                              [--blacklist BLACKLIST [BLACKLIST ...]]
46                              [--device-port DEVICE_PORT]
47                              [--emu-cmd EMU_CMD]
48                              [--host-port HOST_PORT]
49                              [--lldb-path LLDB_PATH]
50                              [--lldb-server-path-device LLDB_SERVER_PATH_DEVICE]
51                              [--lldb-server-path-host LLDB_SERVER_PATH_HOST]
52                              [--log-file-path LOG_FILE_PATH]
53                              [--results-file-path RESULTS_FILE_PATH]
54                              [--timeout TIMEOUT]
56        optional arguments:
57          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
58          --config path, -c path
59                                Path to a custom config file.
60          --device DEVICE, -d DEVICE
61                                Specify the device id of the device to test on.
62          --test path, -t path  Specify a specific test to run.
63          --install-only        It only runs the pre-run stage of the test suite. It
64                                installs the required APKs but does not execute the
65                                tests.
66          --no-install, -n      Stop the test suite installing apks to device.
67          --no-uninstall        Stop the test suite uninstalling apks after
68                                completion.
69          --print-to-stdout     Print all logging information to standard out.
70          --verbose, -v         Store extra info in the log.
71          --wimpy, -w           Test only a core subset of features.
72          --run-emu             Spawn an emulator and run the test suite on that.
73                                Specify the emulator command line in the config file
74                                or with -emu-cmd.
75          --adb-path ADB_PATH   Path to android debug bridge on the host.
76          --aosp-product-path AOSP_PRODUCT_PATH
77                                The path to the "out" folder of the AOSP repository.
78          --blacklist BLACKLIST [BLACKLIST ...]
79                                Provide a test blacklist for skipping specific tests.
80                                To specify the blacklist from the command line the
81                                following can be used: --blacklist test1.py test2.py
82                                ...
83          --device-port DEVICE_PORT
84                                Specify the port number that lldb-server (on the
85                                device) listens on. When lldb-server is spawned on the
86                                device it will listen on this port. Each successive
87                                test will increment onwards from this port.
88          --emu-cmd EMU_CMD     The command line for the emulator (if using -run-emu).
89          --host-port HOST_PORT
90                                Specify host port which lldb-server will be forwarded
91                                to. Specify the starting host port number that lldb-
92                                server (on the target) will be forwarded to on the
93                                host. Each successive test will increment onwards from
94                                this initial port.
95          --lldb-path LLDB_PATH
96                                The path to lldb executable on the host.
97          --lldb-server-path-device LLDB_SERVER_PATH_DEVICE
98                                Path to the lldb-server executable on the device.
99          --lldb-server-path-host LLDB_SERVER_PATH_HOST
100                                Path to the lldb-server executable on host (if using
101                                -run-emu).
102          --log-file-path LOG_FILE_PATH
103                                The path to the file where the log will be written.
104          --results-file-path RESULTS_FILE_PATH
105                                The path to the file where junit results.xml will be
106                                written.
107          --timeout TIMEOUT     Timeout period for a single command, expressed in
108                                seconds
110    An optional config file can be passed to the test suite which will provide
111    details of your specific environment. The user file should define a custom
112    class inheriting from Config in config.py. The class Config presents the
113    default set of options, available to be overridden.
115    All options in the config file can also be specified on the command line.
117    If your config and command line do not specify a path to the host lldb,
118    the PYTHONPATH environment variable must be set.  The appropriate value to
119    set this to can be obtained by running the following command:
121        > lldb -P
123    This will print out a path to the lldb python bindings on your local machine.
125Build Requirements:
128    The following revisions are from the llvm git mirror:
130    llvm : 5786b73
131    clang: b6d0b32
132    lldb : 98712eb
134    lldb has the following dependencies:
136      Python2.7.6
137      swig2.0
138      lldb-server
140Building LLDB python bindings:
142    Linux:
144        Build instructions for Linux lldb can be found on the official lldb web
145        page:
147          http://lldb.llvm.org/build.html
149        The following CMake variables should be enabled when generating:
153        As a post build step, swig will generate the python bindings for lldb.
155    Windows:
157        Prerequisites:
159            Visual Studio 2015
160            Custom x64 Python2.7.10 package:
161                http://p-nand-q.com/python/2015.08.07-Python2710-x64-vs2015.7z
162            Swig Version 3.0.5 (Added to the $PATH)
163            Cmake 3.4.0 (So we can generate Visual Studio 2015 solutions)
165        Build Python for Windows:
167            http://p-nand-q.com/python/building-python-27-with-vs2010.html
169            The important thing here is that the above python distribution
170            contains debug versions of the libraries and is built with the same
171            Visual Studio version we are using so the runtimes do not conflict.
173        Build LLDB on Windows:
175            Select the Cmake generator "Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Win64".
176            The following CMake variables should be enabled when generating:
178                LLDB_DISABLE_PYTHON=False
179                LLDB_RELOCATABLE_PYTHON=False
180                PYTHON_HOME=<path to the above python release>
182            Using cmake-gui is a good idea and lets you make sure that swig has
183            been correctly detected.
185            In the CMake configure step, you should see something similar to the
186            following:
187            -- Found Python version 2.7.9
188            -- LLDB Found PythonExecutable: E:/Python27/python.exe and
189            E:/Python27/python_d.exe
190            -- LLDB Found PythonLibs: E:/Python27/libs/python27.lib and
191            E:/Python27/libs/python27_d.lib
192            -- LLDB Found PythonDLL: E:/Python27/python27.dll and
193            E:/Python27/python27_d.dll
194            -- LLDB Found PythonIncludeDirs: E:/Python27/Include
195            LLDB version: 3.8.0
196            Could NOT find Doxygen (missing:  DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE)
197            Found PythonInterp:
198            $<$<CONFIG:Debug>:E:/Python27/python_d.exe>$<$<NOT:$<CONFIG:Debug>>:E:/Python27/python.exe>
199            (found version "1.4")
201            Build LLDB as a RelWithDebInfo build, because debug builds of lldb
202            produce an lldb_d.pyd file, but the __init__.py still refers to
203            lldb.pyd.
205            The LLDB python bindings should have built in
206            "llvm_build\RelWithDebInfo\lib\site-packages\lldb". Point the test
207            suite towards "llvm_build\RelWithDebInfo\bin\lldb.exe".
208            When running the test suite itself, make sure to use the python
209            executable from the custom package.
211A typical test transcript:
213    Located ADB
214    Located device ZX1G427S2S
215    Pushing all tests...
216    Pushed all tests
217    Pre run complete
218    Found 86 tests
219    Running test_allocation_dump_2_cpp.py: PASS
220    Running test_breakpoint_fileline_multiple_rs_files_cpp.py: PASS
221    Running test_read_local_cpp.py: PASS
222    Running test_breakpoint_kernel_multiple_rs_files_cpp.py: PASS
223    Running test_multiple_rs_files_cpp.py: PASS
224    Running test_breakpoint_kernel_all_multiple_rs_files_cpp.py: PASS
225    Running test_dwarf_lang_cpp.py: PASS
226    Running test_write_global_element_cpp.py: PASS
227    Running test_allocation_list_cpp.py: PASS
228    Running test_breakpoint_coordinate_cpp.py: PASS
229    Running test_rs_consts_cpp.py: PASS
230    Running test_allocation_file_cpp.py: PASS
231    Running test_allocation_dump_1_cpp.py: PASS
232    Running test_source_step_cpp.py: PASS
233    Running test_breakpoint_kernel_2_cpp.py: PASS
234    Running test_backtrace_cpp.py: PASS
235    Running test_language_subcmds_no_debug_cpp.py: PASS
236    Running test_breakpoint_kernel_1_cpp.py: PASS
237    Running test_language_subcmds_cpp.py: PASS
238    Running test_write_global_cpp.py: PASS
239    Running test_invoke_fun_cpp.py: PASS
240    Running test_breakpoint_fileline_cpp.py: PASS
241    Running test_write_local_cpp.py: PASS
242    Running test_breakpoint_kernel_all_cpp.py: PASS
243    Running test_write_local_element_cpp.py: PASS
244    Running test_call_api_funs_cpp.py: PASS
245    Running test_coordinates_cpp.py: PASS
246    Running test_read_global_cpp.py: PASS
247    Running test_language_subcmds.py: PASS
248    Running test_coordinates.py: PASS
249    Running test_language_subcmds_no_debug.py: PASS
250    Running test_read_local.py: PASS
251    Running test_call_api_funs.py: PASS
252    Running test_breakpoint_kernel_1.py: PASS
253    Running test_breakpoint_fileline.py: PASS
254    Running test_breakpoint_fileline_multiple_rs_files.py: PASS
255    Running test_rs_consts.py: PASS
256    Running test_invoke_fun.py: PASS
257    Running test_write_local_element.py: PASS
258    Running test_source_step.py: PASS
259    Running test_allocation_file.py: PASS
260    Running test_allocation_list.py: PASS
261    Running test_breakpoint_kernel_multiple_rs_files.py: PASS
262    Running test_allocation_dump_1.py: PASS
263    Running test_breakpoint_kernel_all.py: PASS
264    Running test_allocation_dump_2.py: PASS
265    Running test_allocation_dump_struct.py: PASS
266    Running test_read_global.py: PASS
267    Running test_language.py: PASS
268    Running test_dwarf_lang.py: PASS
269    Running test_breakpoint_coordinate.py: PASS
270    Running test_write_global.py: PASS
271    Running test_multiple_rs_files.py: PASS
272    Running test_write_global_element.py: PASS
273    Running test_breakpoint_kernel_all_multiple_rs_files.py: PASS
274    Running test_breakpoint_kernel_2.py: PASS
275    Running test_write_local.py: PASS
276    Running test_backtrace.py: PASS
277    Running test_call_api_funs_jni.py: PASS
278    Running test_invoke_fun_jni.py: PASS
279    Running test_allocation_dump_1_jni.py: PASS
280    Running test_breakpoint_fileline_multiple_rs_files_jni.py: PASS
281    Running test_allocation_file_jni.py: PASS
282    Running test_breakpoint_fileline_jni.py: PASS
283    Running test_source_step_jni.py: PASS
284    Running test_coordinates_jni.py: PASS
285    Running test_rs_consts_jni.py: PASS
286    Running test_breakpoint_kernel_all_multiple_rs_files_jni.py: PASS
287    Running test_multiple_rs_files_jni.py: PASS
288    Running test_allocation_dump_2_jni.py: PASS
289    Running test_allocation_list_jni.py: PASS
290    Running test_write_local_element_jni.py: PASS
291    Running test_breakpoint_kernel_all_jni.py: PASS
292    Running test_breakpoint_coordinate_jni.py: PASS
293    Running test_language_subcmds_no_debug_jni.py: PASS
294    Running test_read_local_jni.py: PASS
295    Running test_dwarf_lang_jni.py: PASS
296    Running test_breakpoint_kernel_2_jni.py: PASS
297    Running test_breakpoint_kernel_multiple_rs_files_jni.py: PASS
298    Running test_write_global_element_jni.py: PASS
299    Running test_breakpoint_kernel_1_jni.py: PASS
300    Running test_read_global_jni.py: PASS
301    Running test_language_subcmds_jni.py: PASS
302    Running test_write_global_jni.py: PASS
303    Running test_backtrace_jni.py: PASS
304    Running test_write_local_jni.py: PASS
305    Uninstalled/Deleted all tests
306    86 of 86 passed
307    100% rate