1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
3 * Copyright (C) 2012-2014, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * Not a Contribution, Apache license notifications and license are
6 * retained for attribution purposes only.
7 *
8 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 *
12 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 *
14 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
16 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
17 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
18 * limitations under the License.
19 */
21 #define DEBUG_FBUPDATE 0
22 #include <cutils/properties.h>
23 #include <gralloc_priv.h>
24 #include <overlay.h>
25 #include <overlayRotator.h>
26 #include "hwc_fbupdate.h"
27 #include "mdp_version.h"
28 #include "external.h"
29 #include "virtual.h"
31 using namespace qdutils;
32 using namespace overlay;
33 using overlay::Rotator;
34 using namespace overlay::utils;
36 namespace qhwc {
38 namespace ovutils = overlay::utils;
getObject(hwc_context_t * ctx,const int & dpy)40 IFBUpdate* IFBUpdate::getObject(hwc_context_t *ctx, const int& dpy) {
41 if(qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().isSrcSplit()) {
42 return new FBSrcSplit(ctx, dpy);
43 } else if(isDisplaySplit(ctx, dpy)) {
44 return new FBUpdateSplit(ctx, dpy);
45 }
46 return new FBUpdateNonSplit(ctx, dpy);
47 }
IFBUpdate(hwc_context_t * ctx,const int & dpy)49 IFBUpdate::IFBUpdate(hwc_context_t *ctx, const int& dpy) : mDpy(dpy) {
50 size_t size = 0;
51 getBufferAttributes(ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].xres,
52 ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].yres,
54 0,
55 mAlignedFBWidth,
56 mAlignedFBHeight,
57 mTileEnabled, size);
58 }
reset()60 void IFBUpdate::reset() {
61 mModeOn = false;
62 mRot = NULL;
63 }
prepareAndValidate(hwc_context_t * ctx,hwc_display_contents_1 * list,int fbZorder)65 bool IFBUpdate::prepareAndValidate(hwc_context_t *ctx,
66 hwc_display_contents_1 *list, int fbZorder) {
67 hwc_layer_1_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[list->numHwLayers - 1];
68 mModeOn = prepare(ctx, list, layer->displayFrame, fbZorder) &&
69 ctx->mOverlay->validateAndSet(mDpy, ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].fd);
70 return mModeOn;
71 }
73 //================= Low res====================================
FBUpdateNonSplit(hwc_context_t * ctx,const int & dpy)74 FBUpdateNonSplit::FBUpdateNonSplit(hwc_context_t *ctx, const int& dpy):
75 IFBUpdate(ctx, dpy) {}
reset()77 void FBUpdateNonSplit::reset() {
78 IFBUpdate::reset();
79 mDest = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
80 }
preRotateExtDisplay(hwc_context_t * ctx,hwc_layer_1_t * layer,ovutils::Whf & info,hwc_rect_t & sourceCrop,ovutils::eMdpFlags & mdpFlags,int & rotFlags)82 bool FBUpdateNonSplit::preRotateExtDisplay(hwc_context_t *ctx,
83 hwc_layer_1_t *layer,
84 ovutils::Whf &info,
85 hwc_rect_t& sourceCrop,
86 ovutils::eMdpFlags& mdpFlags,
87 int& rotFlags)
88 {
89 int extOrient = getExtOrientation(ctx);
90 ovutils::eTransform orient = static_cast<ovutils::eTransform >(extOrient);
91 if(mDpy && (extOrient & HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_90)) {
92 mRot = ctx->mRotMgr->getNext();
93 if(mRot == NULL) return false;
94 ctx->mLayerRotMap[mDpy]->add(layer, mRot);
95 // Composed FB content will have black bars, if the viewFrame of the
96 // external is different from {0, 0, fbWidth, fbHeight}, so intersect
97 // viewFrame with sourceCrop to avoid those black bars
98 sourceCrop = getIntersection(sourceCrop, ctx->mViewFrame[mDpy]);
99 //Configure rotator for pre-rotation
100 if(configRotator(mRot, info, sourceCrop, mdpFlags, orient, 0) < 0) {
101 ALOGE("%s: configRotator Failed!", __FUNCTION__);
102 mRot = NULL;
103 return false;
104 }
105 info.format = (mRot)->getDstFormat();
106 updateSource(orient, info, sourceCrop);
107 rotFlags |= ovutils::ROT_PREROTATED;
108 }
109 return true;
110 }
prepare(hwc_context_t * ctx,hwc_display_contents_1 * list,hwc_rect_t fbUpdatingRect,int fbZorder)112 bool FBUpdateNonSplit::prepare(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1 *list,
113 hwc_rect_t fbUpdatingRect, int fbZorder) {
114 if(!ctx->mMDP.hasOverlay) {
115 ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_FBUPDATE, "%s, this hw doesnt support overlays",
116 __FUNCTION__);
117 return false;
118 }
119 mModeOn = configure(ctx, list, fbUpdatingRect, fbZorder);
120 return mModeOn;
121 }
123 // Configure
configure(hwc_context_t * ctx,hwc_display_contents_1 * list,hwc_rect_t fbUpdatingRect,int fbZorder)124 bool FBUpdateNonSplit::configure(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1 *list,
125 hwc_rect_t fbUpdatingRect, int fbZorder) {
126 bool ret = false;
127 hwc_layer_1_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[list->numHwLayers - 1];
128 if (LIKELY(ctx->mOverlay)) {
129 int extOnlyLayerIndex = ctx->listStats[mDpy].extOnlyLayerIndex;
130 // ext only layer present..
131 if(extOnlyLayerIndex != -1) {
132 layer = &list->hwLayers[extOnlyLayerIndex];
133 layer->compositionType = HWC_OVERLAY;
134 }
135 overlay::Overlay& ov = *(ctx->mOverlay);
137 ovutils::Whf info(mAlignedFBWidth, mAlignedFBHeight,
138 ovutils::getMdpFormat(HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888,
139 mTileEnabled));
141 Overlay::PipeSpecs pipeSpecs;
142 pipeSpecs.formatClass = Overlay::FORMAT_RGB;
143 pipeSpecs.needsScaling = qhwc::needsScaling(layer);
144 pipeSpecs.dpy = mDpy;
145 pipeSpecs.mixer = Overlay::MIXER_DEFAULT;
146 pipeSpecs.fb = true;
148 ovutils::eDest dest = ov.getPipe(pipeSpecs);
149 if(dest == ovutils::OV_INVALID) { //None available
150 ALOGE("%s: No pipes available to configure fb for dpy %d",
151 __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
152 return false;
153 }
154 mDest = dest;
156 if((mDpy && ctx->deviceOrientation) &&
157 ctx->listStats[mDpy].isDisplayAnimating) {
158 fbZorder = 0;
159 }
161 ovutils::eMdpFlags mdpFlags = ovutils::OV_MDP_BLEND_FG_PREMULT;
162 ovutils::eIsFg isFg = ovutils::IS_FG_OFF;
163 ovutils::eZorder zOrder = static_cast<ovutils::eZorder>(fbZorder);
165 hwc_rect_t sourceCrop = integerizeSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf);
166 hwc_rect_t displayFrame = layer->displayFrame;
168 // No FB update optimization on (1) Custom FB resolution,
169 // (2) External Mirror mode, (3) External orientation
170 if(!ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].customFBSize && !ctx->mBufferMirrorMode
171 && !ctx->mExtOrientation) {
172 sourceCrop = fbUpdatingRect;
173 displayFrame = fbUpdatingRect;
174 }
176 int transform = layer->transform;
177 int rotFlags = ovutils::ROT_FLAGS_NONE;
179 ovutils::eTransform orient =
180 static_cast<ovutils::eTransform>(transform);
181 // use ext orientation if any
182 int extOrient = getExtOrientation(ctx);
184 // Do not use getNonWormholeRegion() function to calculate the
185 // sourceCrop during animation on external display and
186 // Dont do wormhole calculation when extorientation is set on External
187 // Dont do wormhole calculation when extDownscale is enabled on External
188 if(ctx->listStats[mDpy].isDisplayAnimating && mDpy) {
189 sourceCrop = layer->displayFrame;
190 } else if((!mDpy ||
191 (mDpy && !extOrient
192 && !ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].mDownScaleMode))
193 && (extOnlyLayerIndex == -1)) {
194 if(!qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x26() &&
195 !ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].customFBSize) {
196 getNonWormholeRegion(list, sourceCrop);
197 displayFrame = sourceCrop;
198 }
199 }
200 calcExtDisplayPosition(ctx, NULL, mDpy, sourceCrop, displayFrame,
201 transform, orient);
202 //Store the displayFrame, will be used in getDisplayViewFrame
203 ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].mDstRect = displayFrame;
204 setMdpFlags(layer, mdpFlags, 0, transform);
205 // For External use rotator if there is a rotation value set
206 ret = preRotateExtDisplay(ctx, layer, info,
207 sourceCrop, mdpFlags, rotFlags);
208 if(!ret) {
209 ALOGE("%s: preRotate for external Failed!", __FUNCTION__);
210 return false;
211 }
212 //For the mdp, since either we are pre-rotating or MDP does flips
213 orient = ovutils::OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_0;
214 transform = 0;
215 ovutils::PipeArgs parg(mdpFlags, info, zOrder, isFg,
216 static_cast<ovutils::eRotFlags>(rotFlags),
218 (ovutils::eBlending)
219 getBlending(layer->blending));
220 ret = true;
221 if(configMdp(ctx->mOverlay, parg, orient, sourceCrop, displayFrame,
222 NULL, mDest) < 0) {
223 ALOGE("%s: configMdp failed for dpy %d", __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
224 ret = false;
225 }
226 }
227 return ret;
228 }
draw(hwc_context_t * ctx,private_handle_t * hnd)230 bool FBUpdateNonSplit::draw(hwc_context_t *ctx, private_handle_t *hnd)
231 {
232 if(!mModeOn) {
233 return true;
234 }
235 bool ret = true;
236 overlay::Overlay& ov = *(ctx->mOverlay);
237 ovutils::eDest dest = mDest;
238 int fd = hnd->fd;
239 uint32_t offset = (uint32_t)hnd->offset;
240 if(mRot) {
241 if(!mRot->queueBuffer(fd, offset))
242 return false;
243 fd = mRot->getDstMemId();
244 offset = mRot->getDstOffset();
245 }
246 if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, dest)) {
247 ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for FBUpdate", __FUNCTION__);
248 ret = false;
249 }
250 return ret;
251 }
253 //================= High res====================================
FBUpdateSplit(hwc_context_t * ctx,const int & dpy)254 FBUpdateSplit::FBUpdateSplit(hwc_context_t *ctx, const int& dpy):
255 IFBUpdate(ctx, dpy) {}
reset()257 void FBUpdateSplit::reset() {
258 IFBUpdate::reset();
259 mDestLeft = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
260 mDestRight = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
261 mRot = NULL;
262 }
prepare(hwc_context_t * ctx,hwc_display_contents_1 * list,hwc_rect_t fbUpdatingRect,int fbZorder)264 bool FBUpdateSplit::prepare(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1 *list,
265 hwc_rect_t fbUpdatingRect, int fbZorder) {
266 if(!ctx->mMDP.hasOverlay) {
267 ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_FBUPDATE, "%s, this hw doesnt support overlays",
268 __FUNCTION__);
269 return false;
270 }
271 ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_FBUPDATE, "%s, mModeOn = %d", __FUNCTION__, mModeOn);
272 mModeOn = configure(ctx, list, fbUpdatingRect, fbZorder);
273 return mModeOn;
274 }
276 // Configure
configure(hwc_context_t * ctx,hwc_display_contents_1 * list,hwc_rect_t fbUpdatingRect,int fbZorder)277 bool FBUpdateSplit::configure(hwc_context_t *ctx,
278 hwc_display_contents_1 *list, hwc_rect_t fbUpdatingRect, int fbZorder) {
279 bool ret = false;
280 hwc_layer_1_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[list->numHwLayers - 1];
281 if (LIKELY(ctx->mOverlay)) {
282 /* External only layer present */
283 int extOnlyLayerIndex = ctx->listStats[mDpy].extOnlyLayerIndex;
284 if(extOnlyLayerIndex != -1) {
285 layer = &list->hwLayers[extOnlyLayerIndex];
286 layer->compositionType = HWC_OVERLAY;
287 }
288 ovutils::Whf info(mAlignedFBWidth, mAlignedFBHeight,
289 ovutils::getMdpFormat(HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888,
290 mTileEnabled));
292 overlay::Overlay& ov = *(ctx->mOverlay);
293 ovutils::eMdpFlags mdpFlags = ovutils::OV_MDP_BLEND_FG_PREMULT;
294 ovutils::eZorder zOrder = static_cast<ovutils::eZorder>(fbZorder);
295 ovutils::eTransform orient =
296 static_cast<ovutils::eTransform>(layer->transform);
297 const int hw_w = ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].xres;
298 const int hw_h = ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].yres;
299 const int lSplit = getLeftSplit(ctx, mDpy);
300 mDestLeft = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
301 mDestRight = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
303 hwc_rect_t sourceCrop = fbUpdatingRect;
304 hwc_rect_t displayFrame = fbUpdatingRect;
306 ret = true;
307 Overlay::PipeSpecs pipeSpecs;
308 pipeSpecs.formatClass = Overlay::FORMAT_RGB;
309 pipeSpecs.needsScaling = qhwc::needsScaling(layer);
310 pipeSpecs.dpy = mDpy;
311 pipeSpecs.fb = true;
313 /* Configure left pipe */
314 if(displayFrame.left < lSplit) {
315 pipeSpecs.mixer = Overlay::MIXER_LEFT;
316 ovutils::eDest destL = ov.getPipe(pipeSpecs);
317 if(destL == ovutils::OV_INVALID) { //None available
318 ALOGE("%s: No pipes available to configure fb for dpy %d's left"
319 " mixer", __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
320 return false;
321 }
323 mDestLeft = destL;
325 //XXX: FB layer plane alpha is currently sent as zero from
326 //surfaceflinger
327 ovutils::PipeArgs pargL(mdpFlags,
328 info,
329 zOrder,
330 ovutils::IS_FG_OFF,
331 ovutils::ROT_FLAGS_NONE,
333 (ovutils::eBlending)
334 getBlending(layer->blending));
335 hwc_rect_t cropL = sourceCrop;
336 hwc_rect_t dstL = displayFrame;
337 hwc_rect_t scissorL = {0, 0, lSplit, hw_h };
338 qhwc::calculate_crop_rects(cropL, dstL, scissorL, 0);
340 if (configMdp(ctx->mOverlay, pargL, orient, cropL,
341 dstL, NULL, destL)< 0) {
342 ALOGE("%s: configMdp fails for left FB", __FUNCTION__);
343 ret = false;
344 }
345 }
347 /* Configure right pipe */
348 if(displayFrame.right > lSplit) {
349 pipeSpecs.mixer = Overlay::MIXER_RIGHT;
350 ovutils::eDest destR = ov.getPipe(pipeSpecs);
351 if(destR == ovutils::OV_INVALID) { //None available
352 ALOGE("%s: No pipes available to configure fb for dpy %d's"
353 " right mixer", __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
354 return false;
355 }
357 mDestRight = destR;
358 ovutils::eMdpFlags mdpFlagsR = mdpFlags;
359 ovutils::setMdpFlags(mdpFlagsR, ovutils::OV_MDSS_MDP_RIGHT_MIXER);
361 //XXX: FB layer plane alpha is currently sent as zero from
362 //surfaceflinger
363 ovutils::PipeArgs pargR(mdpFlagsR,
364 info,
365 zOrder,
366 ovutils::IS_FG_OFF,
367 ovutils::ROT_FLAGS_NONE,
369 (ovutils::eBlending)
370 getBlending(layer->blending));
372 hwc_rect_t cropR = sourceCrop;
373 hwc_rect_t dstR = displayFrame;
374 hwc_rect_t scissorR = {lSplit, 0, hw_w, hw_h };
375 qhwc::calculate_crop_rects(cropR, dstR, scissorR, 0);
377 dstR.left -= lSplit;
378 dstR.right -= lSplit;
380 if (configMdp(ctx->mOverlay, pargR, orient, cropR,
381 dstR, NULL, destR) < 0) {
382 ALOGE("%s: configMdp fails for right FB", __FUNCTION__);
383 ret = false;
384 }
385 }
386 }
387 return ret;
388 }
draw(hwc_context_t * ctx,private_handle_t * hnd)390 bool FBUpdateSplit::draw(hwc_context_t *ctx, private_handle_t *hnd)
391 {
392 if(!mModeOn) {
393 return true;
394 }
395 bool ret = true;
396 overlay::Overlay& ov = *(ctx->mOverlay);
397 if(mDestLeft != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
398 if (!ov.queueBuffer(hnd->fd, (uint32_t)hnd->offset, mDestLeft)) {
399 ALOGE("%s: queue failed for left of dpy = %d",
400 __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
401 ret = false;
402 }
403 }
404 if(mDestRight != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
405 if (!ov.queueBuffer(hnd->fd, (uint32_t)hnd->offset, mDestRight)) {
406 ALOGE("%s: queue failed for right of dpy = %d",
407 __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
408 ret = false;
409 }
410 }
411 return ret;
412 }
414 //=================FBSrcSplit====================================
FBSrcSplit(hwc_context_t * ctx,const int & dpy)415 FBSrcSplit::FBSrcSplit(hwc_context_t *ctx, const int& dpy):
416 FBUpdateSplit(ctx, dpy) {}
configure(hwc_context_t * ctx,hwc_display_contents_1 * list,hwc_rect_t fbUpdatingRect,int fbZorder)418 bool FBSrcSplit::configure(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1 *list,
419 hwc_rect_t fbUpdatingRect, int fbZorder) {
420 hwc_layer_1_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[list->numHwLayers - 1];
421 int extOnlyLayerIndex = ctx->listStats[mDpy].extOnlyLayerIndex;
422 // ext only layer present..
423 if(extOnlyLayerIndex != -1) {
424 layer = &list->hwLayers[extOnlyLayerIndex];
425 layer->compositionType = HWC_OVERLAY;
426 }
428 overlay::Overlay& ov = *(ctx->mOverlay);
430 ovutils::Whf info(mAlignedFBWidth,
431 mAlignedFBHeight,
432 ovutils::getMdpFormat(HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888,
433 mTileEnabled));
435 ovutils::eMdpFlags mdpFlags = OV_MDP_BLEND_FG_PREMULT;
436 ovutils::eZorder zOrder = static_cast<ovutils::eZorder>(fbZorder);
438 ovutils::PipeArgs parg(mdpFlags,
439 info,
440 zOrder,
441 ovutils::IS_FG_OFF,
442 ovutils::ROT_FLAGS_NONE,
444 (ovutils::eBlending)
445 getBlending(layer->blending));
447 int transform = layer->transform;
448 ovutils::eTransform orient =
449 static_cast<ovutils::eTransform>(transform);
451 hwc_rect_t cropL = fbUpdatingRect;
452 hwc_rect_t cropR = fbUpdatingRect;
454 //Request left pipe (or 1 by default)
455 Overlay::PipeSpecs pipeSpecs;
456 pipeSpecs.formatClass = Overlay::FORMAT_RGB;
457 pipeSpecs.needsScaling = qhwc::needsScaling(layer);
458 pipeSpecs.dpy = mDpy;
459 pipeSpecs.mixer = Overlay::MIXER_DEFAULT;
460 pipeSpecs.fb = true;
461 ovutils::eDest destL = ov.getPipe(pipeSpecs);
462 if(destL == ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
463 ALOGE("%s: No pipes available to configure fb for dpy %d's left"
464 " mixer", __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
465 return false;
466 }
468 ovutils::eDest destR = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
470 /* Use 2 pipes IF
471 a) FB's width is > 2048 or
472 b) On primary, driver has indicated with caps to split always. This is
473 based on an empirically derived value of panel height.
474 */
476 bool primarySplitAlways = (mDpy == HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY) and
477 qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().isSrcSplitAlways();
478 int lSplit = getLeftSplit(ctx, mDpy);
480 if(((fbUpdatingRect.right - fbUpdatingRect.left) >
481 qdutils::MAX_DISPLAY_DIM) or
482 ((fbUpdatingRect.right - fbUpdatingRect.left) > lSplit and
483 primarySplitAlways)) {
484 destR = ov.getPipe(pipeSpecs);
485 if(destR == ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
486 ALOGE("%s: No pipes available to configure fb for dpy %d's right"
487 " mixer", __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
488 return false;
489 }
491 if(ctx->mOverlay->comparePipePriority(destL, destR) == -1) {
492 qhwc::swap(destL, destR);
493 }
495 //Split crop equally when using 2 pipes
496 cropL.right = (fbUpdatingRect.right + fbUpdatingRect.left) / 2;
497 cropR.left = cropL.right;
498 }
500 mDestLeft = destL;
501 mDestRight = destR;
503 if(destL != OV_INVALID) {
504 if(configMdp(ctx->mOverlay, parg, orient,
505 cropL, cropL, NULL /*metadata*/, destL) < 0) {
506 ALOGE("%s: commit failed for left mixer config", __FUNCTION__);
507 return false;
508 }
509 }
511 //configure right pipe
512 if(destR != OV_INVALID) {
513 if(configMdp(ctx->mOverlay, parg, orient,
514 cropR, cropR, NULL /*metadata*/, destR) < 0) {
515 ALOGE("%s: commit failed for right mixer config", __FUNCTION__);
516 return false;
517 }
518 }
520 return true;
521 }
523 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
524 }; //namespace qhwc