# Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re import common class EdifyGenerator(object): """Class to generate scripts in the 'edify' recovery script language used from donut onwards.""" def __init__(self, version, info, fstab=None): self.script = [] self.mounts = set() self._required_cache = 0 self.version = version self.info = info if fstab is None: self.fstab = self.info.get("fstab", None) else: self.fstab = fstab @property def required_cache(self): """Return the minimum cache size to apply the update.""" return self._required_cache @staticmethod def WordWrap(cmd, linelen=80): """'cmd' should be a function call with null characters after each parameter (eg, "somefun(foo,\0bar,\0baz)"). This function wraps cmd to a given line length, replacing nulls with spaces and/or newlines to format it nicely.""" indent = cmd.index("(")+1 out = [] first = True x = re.compile("^(.{,%d})\0" % (linelen-indent,)) while True: if not first: out.append(" " * indent) first = False m = x.search(cmd) if not m: parts = cmd.split("\0", 1) out.append(parts[0]+"\n") if len(parts) == 1: break else: cmd = parts[1] continue out.append(m.group(1)+"\n") cmd = cmd[m.end():] return "".join(out).replace("\0", " ").rstrip("\n") def AppendScript(self, other): """Append the contents of another script (which should be created with temporary=True) to this one.""" self.script.extend(other.script) def AssertOemProperty(self, name, values, oem_no_mount): """Assert that a property on the OEM paritition matches allowed values.""" if not name: raise ValueError("must specify an OEM property") if not values: raise ValueError("must specify the OEM value") if oem_no_mount: get_prop_command = 'getprop("%s")' % name else: get_prop_command = 'file_getprop("/oem/oem.prop", "%s")' % name cmd = '' for value in values: cmd += '%s == "%s" || ' % (get_prop_command, value) cmd += ( 'abort("E{code}: This package expects the value \\"{values}\\" for ' '\\"{name}\\"; this has value \\"" + ' '{get_prop_command} + "\\".");').format( code=common.ErrorCode.OEM_PROP_MISMATCH, get_prop_command=get_prop_command, name=name, values='\\" or \\"'.join(values)) self.script.append(cmd) def AssertSomeFingerprint(self, *fp): """Assert that the current recovery build fingerprint is one of *fp.""" if not fp: raise ValueError("must specify some fingerprints") cmd = (' ||\n '.join([('getprop("ro.build.fingerprint") == "%s"') % i for i in fp]) + ' ||\n abort("E%d: Package expects build fingerprint of %s; ' 'this device has " + getprop("ro.build.fingerprint") + ".");') % ( common.ErrorCode.FINGERPRINT_MISMATCH, " or ".join(fp)) self.script.append(cmd) def AssertSomeThumbprint(self, *fp): """Assert that the current recovery build thumbprint is one of *fp.""" if not fp: raise ValueError("must specify some thumbprints") cmd = (' ||\n '.join([('getprop("ro.build.thumbprint") == "%s"') % i for i in fp]) + ' ||\n abort("E%d: Package expects build thumbprint of %s; this ' 'device has " + getprop("ro.build.thumbprint") + ".");') % ( common.ErrorCode.THUMBPRINT_MISMATCH, " or ".join(fp)) self.script.append(cmd) def AssertFingerprintOrThumbprint(self, fp, tp): """Assert that the current recovery build fingerprint is fp, or thumbprint is tp.""" cmd = ('getprop("ro.build.fingerprint") == "{fp}" ||\n' ' getprop("ro.build.thumbprint") == "{tp}" ||\n' ' abort("Package expects build fingerprint of {fp} or ' 'thumbprint of {tp}; this device has a fingerprint of " ' '+ getprop("ro.build.fingerprint") + " and a thumbprint of " ' '+ getprop("ro.build.thumbprint") + ".");').format(fp=fp, tp=tp) self.script.append(cmd) def AssertOlderBuild(self, timestamp, timestamp_text): """Assert that the build on the device is older (or the same as) the given timestamp.""" self.script.append( ('(!less_than_int(%s, getprop("ro.build.date.utc"))) || ' 'abort("E%d: Can\'t install this package (%s) over newer ' 'build (" + getprop("ro.build.date") + ").");') % ( timestamp, common.ErrorCode.OLDER_BUILD, timestamp_text)) def AssertDevice(self, device): """Assert that the device identifier is the given string.""" cmd = ('getprop("ro.product.device") == "%s" || ' 'abort("E%d: This package is for \\"%s\\" devices; ' 'this is a \\"" + getprop("ro.product.device") + "\\".");') % ( device, common.ErrorCode.DEVICE_MISMATCH, device) self.script.append(cmd) def AssertSomeBootloader(self, *bootloaders): """Asert that the bootloader version is one of *bootloaders.""" cmd = ("assert(" + " ||\0".join(['getprop("ro.bootloader") == "%s"' % (b,) for b in bootloaders]) + ");") self.script.append(self.WordWrap(cmd)) def ShowProgress(self, frac, dur): """Update the progress bar, advancing it over 'frac' over the next 'dur' seconds. 'dur' may be zero to advance it via SetProgress commands instead of by time.""" self.script.append("show_progress(%f, %d);" % (frac, int(dur))) def SetProgress(self, frac): """Set the position of the progress bar within the chunk defined by the most recent ShowProgress call. 'frac' should be in [0,1].""" self.script.append("set_progress(%f);" % (frac,)) def PatchCheck(self, filename, *sha1): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Checks that the given partition has the desired checksum. The call to this function is being deprecated in favor of PatchPartitionCheck(). It will try to parse and handle the old format, unless the format is unknown. """ tokens = filename.split(':') assert len(tokens) == 6 and tokens[0] == 'EMMC', \ "Failed to handle unknown format. Use PatchPartitionCheck() instead." source = '{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2], tokens[3]) target = '{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[4], tokens[5]) self.PatchPartitionCheck(target, source) def PatchPartitionCheck(self, target, source): """Checks whether updater can patch the given partitions. It checks the checksums of the given partitions. If none of them matches the expected checksum, updater will additionally look for a backup on /cache. """ self._CheckSecondTokenNotSlotSuffixed(target, "PatchPartitionExprCheck") self._CheckSecondTokenNotSlotSuffixed(source, "PatchPartitionExprCheck") self.PatchPartitionExprCheck('"%s"' % target, '"%s"' % source) def PatchPartitionExprCheck(self, target_expr, source_expr): """Checks whether updater can patch the given partitions. It checks the checksums of the given partitions. If none of them matches the expected checksum, updater will additionally look for a backup on /cache. Args: target_expr: an Edify expression that serves as the target arg to patch_partition. Must be evaluated to a string in the form of foo:bar:baz:quux source_expr: an Edify expression that serves as the source arg to patch_partition. Must be evaluated to a string in the form of foo:bar:baz:quux """ self.script.append(self.WordWrap(( 'patch_partition_check({target},\0{source}) ||\n abort(' 'concat("E{code}: \\"",{target},"\\" or \\"",{source},"\\" has ' 'unexpected contents."));').format( target=target_expr, source=source_expr, code=common.ErrorCode.BAD_PATCH_FILE))) def CacheFreeSpaceCheck(self, amount): """Check that there's at least 'amount' space that can be made available on /cache.""" self._required_cache = max(self._required_cache, amount) self.script.append(('apply_patch_space(%d) || abort("E%d: Not enough free ' 'space on /cache to apply patches.");') % ( amount, common.ErrorCode.INSUFFICIENT_CACHE_SPACE)) def Mount(self, mount_point, mount_options_by_format=""): """Mount the partition with the given mount_point. mount_options_by_format: [fs_type=option[,option]...[|fs_type=option[,option]...]...] where option is optname[=optvalue] E.g. ext4=barrier=1,nodelalloc,errors=panic|f2fs=errors=recover """ fstab = self.fstab if fstab: p = fstab[mount_point] mount_dict = {} if mount_options_by_format is not None: for option in mount_options_by_format.split("|"): if "=" in option: key, value = option.split("=", 1) mount_dict[key] = value mount_flags = mount_dict.get(p.fs_type, "") if p.context is not None: mount_flags = p.context + ("," + mount_flags if mount_flags else "") self.script.append('mount("%s", "%s", %s, "%s", "%s");' % ( p.fs_type, common.PARTITION_TYPES[p.fs_type], self._GetSlotSuffixDeviceForEntry(p), p.mount_point, mount_flags)) self.mounts.add(p.mount_point) def Comment(self, comment): """Write a comment into the update script.""" self.script.append("") for i in comment.split("\n"): self.script.append("# " + i) self.script.append("") def Print(self, message): """Log a message to the screen (if the logs are visible).""" self.script.append('ui_print("%s");' % (message,)) def TunePartition(self, partition, *options): fstab = self.fstab if fstab: p = fstab[partition] if p.fs_type not in ("ext2", "ext3", "ext4"): raise ValueError("Partition %s cannot be tuned\n" % (partition,)) self.script.append( 'tune2fs(' + "".join(['"%s", ' % (i,) for i in options]) + '%s) || abort("E%d: Failed to tune partition %s");' % ( self._GetSlotSuffixDeviceForEntry(p), common.ErrorCode.TUNE_PARTITION_FAILURE, partition)) def FormatPartition(self, partition): """Format the given partition, specified by its mount point (eg, "/system").""" fstab = self.fstab if fstab: p = fstab[partition] self.script.append('format("%s", "%s", %s, "%s", "%s");' % (p.fs_type, common.PARTITION_TYPES[p.fs_type], self._GetSlotSuffixDeviceForEntry(p), p.length, p.mount_point)) def WipeBlockDevice(self, partition): if partition not in ("/system", "/vendor"): raise ValueError(("WipeBlockDevice doesn't work on %s\n") % (partition,)) fstab = self.fstab size = self.info.get(partition.lstrip("/") + "_size", None) device = self._GetSlotSuffixDeviceForEntry(fstab[partition]) self.script.append('wipe_block_device(%s, %s);' % (device, size)) def ApplyPatch(self, srcfile, tgtfile, tgtsize, tgtsha1, *patchpairs): """Apply binary patches (in *patchpairs) to the given srcfile to produce tgtfile (which may be "-" to indicate overwriting the source file. This edify function is being deprecated in favor of PatchPartition(). It will try to redirect calls to PatchPartition() if possible. On unknown / invalid inputs, raises an exception. """ tokens = srcfile.split(':') assert (len(tokens) == 6 and tokens[0] == 'EMMC' and tgtfile == '-' and len(patchpairs) == 2), \ "Failed to handle unknown format. Use PatchPartition() instead." # Also sanity check the args. assert tokens[3] == patchpairs[0], \ "Found mismatching values for source SHA-1: {} vs {}".format( tokens[3], patchpairs[0]) assert int(tokens[4]) == tgtsize, \ "Found mismatching values for target size: {} vs {}".format( tokens[4], tgtsize) assert tokens[5] == tgtsha1, \ "Found mismatching values for target SHA-1: {} vs {}".format( tokens[5], tgtsha1) source = '{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2], tokens[3]) target = '{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[4], tokens[5]) patch = patchpairs[1] self.PatchPartition(target, source, patch) def PatchPartition(self, target, source, patch): """ Applies the patch to the source partition and writes it to target. Args: target: the target arg to patch_partition. Must be in the form of foo:bar:baz:quux source: the source arg to patch_partition. Must be in the form of foo:bar:baz:quux patch: the patch arg to patch_partition. Must be an unquoted string. """ self._CheckSecondTokenNotSlotSuffixed(target, "PatchPartitionExpr") self._CheckSecondTokenNotSlotSuffixed(source, "PatchPartitionExpr") self.PatchPartitionExpr('"%s"' % target, '"%s"' % source, '"%s"' % patch) def PatchPartitionExpr(self, target_expr, source_expr, patch_expr): """ Applies the patch to the source partition and writes it to target. Args: target_expr: an Edify expression that serves as the target arg to patch_partition. Must be evaluated to a string in the form of foo:bar:baz:quux source_expr: an Edify expression that serves as the source arg to patch_partition. Must be evaluated to a string in the form of foo:bar:baz:quux patch_expr: an Edify expression that serves as the patch arg to patch_partition. Must be evaluated to a string. """ self.script.append(self.WordWrap(( 'patch_partition({target},\0{source},\0' 'package_extract_file({patch})) ||\n' ' abort(concat(' ' "E{code}: Failed to apply patch to ",{source}));').format( target=target_expr, source=source_expr, patch=patch_expr, code=common.ErrorCode.APPLY_PATCH_FAILURE))) def _GetSlotSuffixDeviceForEntry(self, entry=None): """ Args: entry: the fstab entry of device "foo" Returns: An edify expression. Caller must not quote result. If foo is slot suffixed, it returns 'add_slot_suffix("foo")' Otherwise it returns '"foo"' (quoted) """ assert entry is not None if entry.slotselect: return 'add_slot_suffix("%s")' % entry.device return '"%s"' % entry.device def _CheckSecondTokenNotSlotSuffixed(self, s, fn): lst = s.split(':') assert(len(lst) == 4), "{} does not contain 4 tokens".format(s) if self.fstab: entry = common.GetEntryForDevice(self.fstab, lst[1]) if entry is not None: assert not entry.slotselect, \ "Use %s because %s is slot suffixed" % (fn, lst[1]) def WriteRawImage(self, mount_point, fn, mapfn=None): """Write the given package file into the partition for the given mount point.""" fstab = self.fstab if fstab: p = fstab[mount_point] partition_type = common.PARTITION_TYPES[p.fs_type] device = self._GetSlotSuffixDeviceForEntry(p) args = {'device': device, 'fn': fn} if partition_type == "EMMC": if mapfn: args["map"] = mapfn self.script.append( 'package_extract_file("%(fn)s", %(device)s, "%(map)s");' % args) else: self.script.append( 'package_extract_file("%(fn)s", %(device)s);' % args) else: raise ValueError( "don't know how to write \"%s\" partitions" % p.fs_type) def AppendExtra(self, extra): """Append text verbatim to the output script.""" self.script.append(extra) def Unmount(self, mount_point): self.script.append('unmount("%s");' % mount_point) self.mounts.remove(mount_point) def UnmountAll(self): for p in sorted(self.mounts): self.script.append('unmount("%s");' % (p,)) self.mounts = set() def AddToZip(self, input_zip, output_zip, input_path=None): """Write the accumulated script to the output_zip file. input_zip is used as the source for the 'updater' binary needed to run script. If input_path is not None, it will be used as a local path for the binary instead of input_zip.""" self.UnmountAll() common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script", "\n".join(self.script) + "\n") if input_path is None: data = input_zip.read("OTA/bin/updater") else: data = open(input_path, "rb").read() common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary", data, perms=0o755)