// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package android import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "sort" "strings" "github.com/google/blueprint" "github.com/google/blueprint/bootstrap" ) func init() { RegisterAndroidMkBuildComponents(InitRegistrationContext) } func RegisterAndroidMkBuildComponents(ctx RegistrationContext) { ctx.RegisterSingletonType("androidmk", AndroidMkSingleton) } // Deprecated: consider using AndroidMkEntriesProvider instead, especially if you're not going to // use the Custom function. type AndroidMkDataProvider interface { AndroidMk() AndroidMkData BaseModuleName() string } type AndroidMkData struct { Class string SubName string DistFile OptionalPath OutputFile OptionalPath Disabled bool Include string Required []string Host_required []string Target_required []string Custom func(w io.Writer, name, prefix, moduleDir string, data AndroidMkData) Extra []AndroidMkExtraFunc preamble bytes.Buffer } type AndroidMkExtraFunc func(w io.Writer, outputFile Path) // Allows modules to customize their Android*.mk output. type AndroidMkEntriesProvider interface { AndroidMkEntries() []AndroidMkEntries BaseModuleName() string } type AndroidMkEntries struct { Class string SubName string DistFile OptionalPath OutputFile OptionalPath Disabled bool Include string Required []string Host_required []string Target_required []string header bytes.Buffer footer bytes.Buffer ExtraEntries []AndroidMkExtraEntriesFunc ExtraFooters []AndroidMkExtraFootersFunc EntryMap map[string][]string entryOrder []string } type AndroidMkExtraEntriesFunc func(entries *AndroidMkEntries) type AndroidMkExtraFootersFunc func(w io.Writer, name, prefix, moduleDir string, entries *AndroidMkEntries) func (a *AndroidMkEntries) SetString(name, value string) { if _, ok := a.EntryMap[name]; !ok { a.entryOrder = append(a.entryOrder, name) } a.EntryMap[name] = []string{value} } func (a *AndroidMkEntries) SetPath(name string, path Path) { if _, ok := a.EntryMap[name]; !ok { a.entryOrder = append(a.entryOrder, name) } a.EntryMap[name] = []string{path.String()} } func (a *AndroidMkEntries) SetOptionalPath(name string, path OptionalPath) { if path.Valid() { a.SetPath(name, path.Path()) } } func (a *AndroidMkEntries) AddPath(name string, path Path) { if _, ok := a.EntryMap[name]; !ok { a.entryOrder = append(a.entryOrder, name) } a.EntryMap[name] = append(a.EntryMap[name], path.String()) } func (a *AndroidMkEntries) AddOptionalPath(name string, path OptionalPath) { if path.Valid() { a.AddPath(name, path.Path()) } } func (a *AndroidMkEntries) SetPaths(name string, paths Paths) { if _, ok := a.EntryMap[name]; !ok { a.entryOrder = append(a.entryOrder, name) } a.EntryMap[name] = paths.Strings() } func (a *AndroidMkEntries) SetOptionalPaths(name string, paths Paths) { if len(paths) > 0 { a.SetPaths(name, paths) } } func (a *AndroidMkEntries) AddPaths(name string, paths Paths) { if _, ok := a.EntryMap[name]; !ok { a.entryOrder = append(a.entryOrder, name) } a.EntryMap[name] = append(a.EntryMap[name], paths.Strings()...) } func (a *AndroidMkEntries) SetBoolIfTrue(name string, flag bool) { if flag { if _, ok := a.EntryMap[name]; !ok { a.entryOrder = append(a.entryOrder, name) } a.EntryMap[name] = []string{"true"} } } func (a *AndroidMkEntries) SetBool(name string, flag bool) { if _, ok := a.EntryMap[name]; !ok { a.entryOrder = append(a.entryOrder, name) } if flag { a.EntryMap[name] = []string{"true"} } else { a.EntryMap[name] = []string{"false"} } } func (a *AndroidMkEntries) AddStrings(name string, value ...string) { if len(value) == 0 { return } if _, ok := a.EntryMap[name]; !ok { a.entryOrder = append(a.entryOrder, name) } a.EntryMap[name] = append(a.EntryMap[name], value...) } func (a *AndroidMkEntries) fillInEntries(config Config, bpPath string, mod blueprint.Module) { a.EntryMap = make(map[string][]string) amod := mod.(Module).base() name := amod.BaseModuleName() if a.Include == "" { a.Include = "$(BUILD_PREBUILT)" } a.Required = append(a.Required, amod.commonProperties.Required...) a.Host_required = append(a.Host_required, amod.commonProperties.Host_required...) a.Target_required = append(a.Target_required, amod.commonProperties.Target_required...) // Fill in the header part. if len(amod.commonProperties.Dist.Targets) > 0 { distFile := a.DistFile if !distFile.Valid() { distFile = a.OutputFile } if distFile.Valid() { dest := filepath.Base(distFile.String()) if amod.commonProperties.Dist.Dest != nil { var err error if dest, err = validateSafePath(*amod.commonProperties.Dist.Dest); err != nil { // This was checked in ModuleBase.GenerateBuildActions panic(err) } } if amod.commonProperties.Dist.Suffix != nil { ext := filepath.Ext(dest) suffix := *amod.commonProperties.Dist.Suffix dest = strings.TrimSuffix(dest, ext) + suffix + ext } if amod.commonProperties.Dist.Dir != nil { var err error if dest, err = validateSafePath(*amod.commonProperties.Dist.Dir, dest); err != nil { // This was checked in ModuleBase.GenerateBuildActions panic(err) } } goals := strings.Join(amod.commonProperties.Dist.Targets, " ") fmt.Fprintln(&a.header, ".PHONY:", goals) fmt.Fprintf(&a.header, "$(call dist-for-goals,%s,%s:%s)\n", goals, distFile.String(), dest) } } fmt.Fprintln(&a.header, "\ninclude $(CLEAR_VARS)") // Collect make variable assignment entries. a.SetString("LOCAL_PATH", filepath.Dir(bpPath)) a.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE", name+a.SubName) a.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS", a.Class) a.SetString("LOCAL_PREBUILT_MODULE_FILE", a.OutputFile.String()) a.AddStrings("LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES", a.Required...) a.AddStrings("LOCAL_HOST_REQUIRED_MODULES", a.Host_required...) a.AddStrings("LOCAL_TARGET_REQUIRED_MODULES", a.Target_required...) if am, ok := mod.(ApexModule); ok { a.SetBoolIfTrue("LOCAL_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_PLATFORM", am.NotAvailableForPlatform()) } archStr := amod.Arch().ArchType.String() host := false switch amod.Os().Class { case Host: // Make cannot identify LOCAL_MODULE_HOST_ARCH:= common. if amod.Arch().ArchType != Common { a.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_HOST_ARCH", archStr) } host = true case HostCross: // Make cannot identify LOCAL_MODULE_HOST_CROSS_ARCH:= common. if amod.Arch().ArchType != Common { a.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_HOST_CROSS_ARCH", archStr) } host = true case Device: // Make cannot identify LOCAL_MODULE_TARGET_ARCH:= common. if amod.Arch().ArchType != Common { if amod.Target().NativeBridge { hostArchStr := amod.Target().NativeBridgeHostArchName if hostArchStr != "" { a.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_TARGET_ARCH", hostArchStr) } } else { a.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_TARGET_ARCH", archStr) } } a.AddStrings("LOCAL_INIT_RC", amod.commonProperties.Init_rc...) a.AddStrings("LOCAL_VINTF_FRAGMENTS", amod.commonProperties.Vintf_fragments...) a.SetBoolIfTrue("LOCAL_PROPRIETARY_MODULE", Bool(amod.commonProperties.Proprietary)) if Bool(amod.commonProperties.Vendor) || Bool(amod.commonProperties.Soc_specific) { a.SetString("LOCAL_VENDOR_MODULE", "true") } a.SetBoolIfTrue("LOCAL_ODM_MODULE", Bool(amod.commonProperties.Device_specific)) a.SetBoolIfTrue("LOCAL_PRODUCT_MODULE", Bool(amod.commonProperties.Product_specific)) a.SetBoolIfTrue("LOCAL_SYSTEM_EXT_MODULE", Bool(amod.commonProperties.System_ext_specific)) if amod.commonProperties.Owner != nil { a.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_OWNER", *amod.commonProperties.Owner) } } if amod.noticeFile.Valid() { a.SetString("LOCAL_NOTICE_FILE", amod.noticeFile.String()) } if host { makeOs := amod.Os().String() if amod.Os() == Linux || amod.Os() == LinuxBionic { makeOs = "linux" } a.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_HOST_OS", makeOs) a.SetString("LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE", "true") } prefix := "" if amod.ArchSpecific() { switch amod.Os().Class { case Host: prefix = "HOST_" case HostCross: prefix = "HOST_CROSS_" case Device: prefix = "TARGET_" } if amod.Arch().ArchType != config.Targets[amod.Os()][0].Arch.ArchType { prefix = "2ND_" + prefix } } for _, extra := range a.ExtraEntries { extra(a) } // Write to footer. fmt.Fprintln(&a.footer, "include "+a.Include) blueprintDir := filepath.Dir(bpPath) for _, footerFunc := range a.ExtraFooters { footerFunc(&a.footer, name, prefix, blueprintDir, a) } } func (a *AndroidMkEntries) write(w io.Writer) { if a.Disabled { return } if !a.OutputFile.Valid() { return } w.Write(a.header.Bytes()) for _, name := range a.entryOrder { fmt.Fprintln(w, name+" := "+strings.Join(a.EntryMap[name], " ")) } w.Write(a.footer.Bytes()) } func (a *AndroidMkEntries) FooterLinesForTests() []string { return strings.Split(string(a.footer.Bytes()), "\n") } func AndroidMkSingleton() Singleton { return &androidMkSingleton{} } type androidMkSingleton struct{} func (c *androidMkSingleton) GenerateBuildActions(ctx SingletonContext) { if !ctx.Config().EmbeddedInMake() { return } var androidMkModulesList []blueprint.Module ctx.VisitAllModulesBlueprint(func(module blueprint.Module) { androidMkModulesList = append(androidMkModulesList, module) }) sort.SliceStable(androidMkModulesList, func(i, j int) bool { return ctx.ModuleName(androidMkModulesList[i]) < ctx.ModuleName(androidMkModulesList[j]) }) transMk := PathForOutput(ctx, "Android"+String(ctx.Config().productVariables.Make_suffix)+".mk") if ctx.Failed() { return } err := translateAndroidMk(ctx, absolutePath(transMk.String()), androidMkModulesList) if err != nil { ctx.Errorf(err.Error()) } ctx.Build(pctx, BuildParams{ Rule: blueprint.Phony, Output: transMk, }) } func translateAndroidMk(ctx SingletonContext, mkFile string, mods []blueprint.Module) error { buf := &bytes.Buffer{} fmt.Fprintln(buf, "LOCAL_MODULE_MAKEFILE := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))") type_stats := make(map[string]int) for _, mod := range mods { err := translateAndroidMkModule(ctx, buf, mod) if err != nil { os.Remove(mkFile) return err } if amod, ok := mod.(Module); ok && ctx.PrimaryModule(amod) == amod { type_stats[ctx.ModuleType(amod)] += 1 } } keys := []string{} fmt.Fprintln(buf, "\nSTATS.SOONG_MODULE_TYPE :=") for k := range type_stats { keys = append(keys, k) } sort.Strings(keys) for _, mod_type := range keys { fmt.Fprintln(buf, "STATS.SOONG_MODULE_TYPE +=", mod_type) fmt.Fprintf(buf, "STATS.SOONG_MODULE_TYPE.%s := %d\n", mod_type, type_stats[mod_type]) } // Don't write to the file if it hasn't changed if _, err := os.Stat(absolutePath(mkFile)); !os.IsNotExist(err) { if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(absolutePath(mkFile)); err == nil { matches := buf.Len() == len(data) if matches { for i, value := range buf.Bytes() { if value != data[i] { matches = false break } } } if matches { return nil } } } return ioutil.WriteFile(absolutePath(mkFile), buf.Bytes(), 0666) } func translateAndroidMkModule(ctx SingletonContext, w io.Writer, mod blueprint.Module) error { defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("%s in translateAndroidMkModule for module %s variant %s", r, ctx.ModuleName(mod), ctx.ModuleSubDir(mod))) } }() switch x := mod.(type) { case AndroidMkDataProvider: return translateAndroidModule(ctx, w, mod, x) case bootstrap.GoBinaryTool: return translateGoBinaryModule(ctx, w, mod, x) case AndroidMkEntriesProvider: return translateAndroidMkEntriesModule(ctx, w, mod, x) default: return nil } } func translateGoBinaryModule(ctx SingletonContext, w io.Writer, mod blueprint.Module, goBinary bootstrap.GoBinaryTool) error { name := ctx.ModuleName(mod) fmt.Fprintln(w, ".PHONY:", name) fmt.Fprintln(w, name+":", goBinary.InstallPath()) fmt.Fprintln(w, "") return nil } func (data *AndroidMkData) fillInData(config Config, bpPath string, mod blueprint.Module) { // Get the preamble content through AndroidMkEntries logic. entries := AndroidMkEntries{ Class: data.Class, SubName: data.SubName, DistFile: data.DistFile, OutputFile: data.OutputFile, Disabled: data.Disabled, Include: data.Include, Required: data.Required, Host_required: data.Host_required, Target_required: data.Target_required, } entries.fillInEntries(config, bpPath, mod) // preamble doesn't need the footer content. entries.footer = bytes.Buffer{} entries.write(&data.preamble) // copy entries back to data since it is used in Custom data.Required = entries.Required data.Host_required = entries.Host_required data.Target_required = entries.Target_required } func translateAndroidModule(ctx SingletonContext, w io.Writer, mod blueprint.Module, provider AndroidMkDataProvider) error { amod := mod.(Module).base() if shouldSkipAndroidMkProcessing(amod) { return nil } data := provider.AndroidMk() if data.Include == "" { data.Include = "$(BUILD_PREBUILT)" } data.fillInData(ctx.Config(), ctx.BlueprintFile(mod), mod) prefix := "" if amod.ArchSpecific() { switch amod.Os().Class { case Host: prefix = "HOST_" case HostCross: prefix = "HOST_CROSS_" case Device: prefix = "TARGET_" } if amod.Arch().ArchType != ctx.Config().Targets[amod.Os()][0].Arch.ArchType { prefix = "2ND_" + prefix } } name := provider.BaseModuleName() blueprintDir := filepath.Dir(ctx.BlueprintFile(mod)) if data.Custom != nil { data.Custom(w, name, prefix, blueprintDir, data) } else { WriteAndroidMkData(w, data) } return nil } func WriteAndroidMkData(w io.Writer, data AndroidMkData) { if data.Disabled { return } if !data.OutputFile.Valid() { return } w.Write(data.preamble.Bytes()) for _, extra := range data.Extra { extra(w, data.OutputFile.Path()) } fmt.Fprintln(w, "include "+data.Include) } func translateAndroidMkEntriesModule(ctx SingletonContext, w io.Writer, mod blueprint.Module, provider AndroidMkEntriesProvider) error { if shouldSkipAndroidMkProcessing(mod.(Module).base()) { return nil } for _, entries := range provider.AndroidMkEntries() { entries.fillInEntries(ctx.Config(), ctx.BlueprintFile(mod), mod) entries.write(w) } return nil } func shouldSkipAndroidMkProcessing(module *ModuleBase) bool { if !module.commonProperties.NamespaceExportedToMake { // TODO(jeffrygaston) do we want to validate that there are no modules being // exported to Kati that depend on this module? return true } return !module.Enabled() || module.commonProperties.SkipInstall || // Make does not understand LinuxBionic module.Os() == LinuxBionic }