// okay #version 100 int a[3] = { 2, 3, 4, }; // ERROR (lots) #version 100 int uint; attribute vec4 v[3]; // ERROR float f = 2; // ERROR uniform block { // ERROR int x; }; void foo(float); void main() { foo(3); // ERROR int s = 1 << 4; // ERROR s = 16 >> 2; // ERROR if (a == a); // ERROR int b, c; b = c & 4; // ERROR b = c % 4; // ERROR b = c | 4; // ERROR b >>= 2; // ERROR b <<= 2; // ERROR b %= 3; // ERROR struct S { float f; float a[10]; } s1, s2; s1 = s2; // ERROR if (s1 == s2); // ERROR if (s1 != s2); // ERROR switch(b) { // ERROR } } invariant gl_FragColor; float fa[]; // ERROR float f13; invariant f13; // ERROR struct S { int a; }; invariant S; // ERROR, not an input or output invariant float fi; // ERROR varying vec4 av; invariant av; // okay in v100 void foo10() { invariant f; // ERROR invariant float f2; // ERROR float f3; invariant f3; // ERROR } uniform vec2 uv2; invariant uv2; // ERROR invariant uniform vec3 uv3; // ERROR sampler2D glob2D; // ERROR void f11(sampler2D p2d) { sampler2D v2D; // ERROR } varying sampler2D vary2D; // ERROR struct sp { highp float f; in float g; // ERROR uniform float h; // ERROR invariant float i; // ERROR }; uniform sampler3D s3D; // ERROR #extension GL_OES_texture_3D : enable precision highp sampler3D; uniform sampler3D s3D2; void foo234() { texture3D(s3D2, vec3(0.2), 0.2); texture3DProj(s3D2, v[1], 0.4); dFdx(v[0]); // ERROR dFdy(3.2); // ERROR fwidth(f13); // ERROR } #extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable void foo236() { dFdx(v[0]); dFdy(3.2); fwidth(f13); gl_FragDepth = f13; // ERROR gl_FragDepthEXT = f13; // ERROR } #extension GL_EXT_frag_depth : enable void foo239() { gl_FragDepth = f13; // ERROR gl_FragDepthEXT = f13; } #extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : enable uniform samplerExternalOES sExt; void foo245() { texture2D(sExt, vec2(0.2)); texture2DProj(sExt, vec3(f13)); texture2DProj(sExt, v[2]); } precision mediump samplerExternalOES; uniform samplerExternalOES mediumExt; uniform highp samplerExternalOES highExt; void foo246() { texture2D(mediumExt, vec2(0.2)); texture2DProj(highExt, v[2]); texture3D(sExt, vec3(f13)); // ERROR texture2DProjLod(sExt, vec3(f13), f13); // ERROR int a; ~a; // ERROR a | a; // ERROR a & a; // ERROR } #extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : disable uniform sampler2D s2Dg; int foo203940(int a, float b, float a) // ERROR, a redefined { texture2DProjGradEXT(s2Dg, vec3(f13), uv2, uv2); // ERROR, extension not enabled return a; } float f123 = 4.0f; // ERROR float f124 = 5e10F; // ERROR #extension GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod : enable uniform samplerCube sCube; void foo323433() { texture2DLodEXT(s2Dg, uv2, f13); texture2DProjGradEXT(s2Dg, vec3(f13), uv2, uv2); texture2DGradEXT(s2Dg, uv2, uv2, uv2); textureCubeGradEXT(sCube, vec3(f13), vec3(f13), vec3(f13)); } int fgfg(float f, mediump int i); int fgfg(float f, highp int i) { return 2; } // ERROR, precision qualifier difference int fffg(float f); int fffg(float f); // ERROR, can't have multiple prototypes int gggf(float f); int gggf(float f) { return 2; } int agggf(float f) { return 2; } int agggf(float f); int agggf(float f); // ERROR, second prototype varying struct SSS { float f; } s; // ERROR int vf(void); int vf2(); int vf3(void v); // ERROR int vf4(int, void); // ERROR int vf5(int, void v); // ERROR void badswizzle() { vec3 a[5]; a.y; // ERROR, no array swizzle a.zy; // ERROR, no array swizzle a.nothing; // ERROR a.length(); // ERROR, not this version a.method(); // ERROR } float fooinit(); float fooinittest() { return fooinit(); } // Test extra-function initializers const float fi1 = 3.0; const float fi2 = 4.0; const float fi3 = 5.0; float fooinit() { return fi1 + fi2 + fi3; // should make a constant of 12.0 } int init1 = gl_FrontFacing ? 1 : 2; // ERROR, non-const initializer #ifdef GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers #extension GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers : enable #endif int init2 = gl_FrontFacing ? 1 : 2; #define A__B // error int a__b; // error #pragma STDGL invariant(all) #line 3000 #error line of this error should be 3000 uniform samplerExternalOES badExt; // syntax ERROR