#!/usr/bin/python2 # Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import dbus import logging import logging.handlers import multiprocessing import common from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros.network import xmlrpc_datatypes from autotest_lib.client.cros import xmlrpc_server from autotest_lib.client.cros import constants from autotest_lib.client.cros import cros_ui from autotest_lib.client.cros import tpm_store from autotest_lib.client.cros.networking import shill_proxy from autotest_lib.client.cros.networking import wifi_proxy from autotest_lib.client.cros.power import sys_power class ShillXmlRpcDelegate(xmlrpc_server.XmlRpcDelegate): """Exposes methods called remotely during WiFi autotests. All instance methods of this object without a preceding '_' are exposed via an XMLRPC server. This is not a stateless handler object, which means that if you store state inside the delegate, that state will remain around for future calls. """ DEFAULT_TEST_PROFILE_NAME = 'test' DBUS_DEVICE = 'Device' def __init__(self): self._wifi_proxy = wifi_proxy.WifiProxy() self._tpm_store = tpm_store.TPMStore() def __enter__(self): super(ShillXmlRpcDelegate, self).__enter__() if not cros_ui.stop(allow_fail=True): logging.error('UI did not stop, there could be trouble ahead.') self._tpm_store.__enter__() def __exit__(self, exception, value, traceback): super(ShillXmlRpcDelegate, self).__exit__(exception, value, traceback) self._tpm_store.__exit__(exception, value, traceback) self.enable_ui() @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def create_profile(self, profile_name): """Create a shill profile. @param profile_name string name of profile to create. @return True on success, False otherwise. """ self._wifi_proxy.manager.CreateProfile(profile_name) return True @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def push_profile(self, profile_name): """Push a shill profile. @param profile_name string name of profile to push. @return True on success, False otherwise. """ self._wifi_proxy.manager.PushProfile(profile_name) return True @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def pop_profile(self, profile_name): """Pop a shill profile. @param profile_name string name of profile to pop. @return True on success, False otherwise. """ if profile_name is None: self._wifi_proxy.manager.PopAnyProfile() else: self._wifi_proxy.manager.PopProfile(profile_name) return True @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def remove_profile(self, profile_name): """Remove a profile from disk. @param profile_name string name of profile to remove. @return True on success, False otherwise. """ self._wifi_proxy.manager.RemoveProfile(profile_name) return True @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def clean_profiles(self): """Pop and remove shill profiles above the default profile. @return True on success, False otherwise. """ while True: active_profile = self._wifi_proxy.get_active_profile() profile_name = self._wifi_proxy.dbus2primitive( active_profile.GetProperties(utf8_strings=True)['Name']) if profile_name == 'default': return True self._wifi_proxy.manager.PopProfile(profile_name) self._wifi_proxy.manager.RemoveProfile(profile_name) @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def configure_service_by_guid(self, raw_params): """Configure a service referenced by a GUID. @param raw_params serialized ConfigureServiceParameters. """ params = xmlrpc_datatypes.deserialize(raw_params) shill = self._wifi_proxy properties = {} if params.autoconnect is not None: properties[shill.SERVICE_PROPERTY_AUTOCONNECT] = params.autoconnect if params.passphrase is not None: properties[shill.SERVICE_PROPERTY_PASSPHRASE] = params.passphrase if properties: self._wifi_proxy.configure_service_by_guid(params.guid, properties) return True @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def configure_wifi_service(self, raw_params): """Configure a WiFi service @param raw_params serialized AssociationParameters. @return True on success, False otherwise. """ params = xmlrpc_datatypes.deserialize(raw_params) return self._wifi_proxy.configure_wifi_service( params.ssid, params.security, params.security_parameters, save_credentials=params.save_credentials, station_type=params.station_type, hidden_network=params.is_hidden, guid=params.guid, autoconnect=params.autoconnect) def connect_wifi(self, raw_params): """Block and attempt to connect to wifi network. @param raw_params serialized AssociationParameters. @return serialized AssociationResult """ logging.debug('connect_wifi()') params = xmlrpc_datatypes.deserialize(raw_params) params.security_config.install_client_credentials(self._tpm_store) wifi_if = params.bgscan_config.interface if wifi_if is None: logging.info('Using default interface for bgscan configuration') interfaces = self.list_controlled_wifi_interfaces() if not interfaces: return xmlrpc_datatypes.AssociationResult( failure_reason='No wifi interfaces found?') if len(interfaces) > 1: logging.error('Defaulting to first interface of %r', interfaces) wifi_if = interfaces[0] if not self._wifi_proxy.configure_bgscan( wifi_if, method=params.bgscan_config.method, short_interval=params.bgscan_config.short_interval, long_interval=params.bgscan_config.long_interval, signal=params.bgscan_config.signal): return xmlrpc_datatypes.AssociationResult( failure_reason='Failed to configure bgscan') raw = self._wifi_proxy.connect_to_wifi_network( params.ssid, params.security, params.security_parameters, params.save_credentials, station_type=params.station_type, hidden_network=params.is_hidden, guid=params.guid, discovery_timeout_seconds=params.discovery_timeout, association_timeout_seconds=params.association_timeout, configuration_timeout_seconds=params.configuration_timeout) result = xmlrpc_datatypes.AssociationResult.from_dbus_proxy_output(raw) return result @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def delete_entries_for_ssid(self, ssid): """Delete a profile entry. @param ssid string of WiFi service for which to delete entries. @return True on success, False otherwise. """ shill = self._wifi_proxy for profile in shill.get_profiles(): profile_properties = shill.dbus2primitive( profile.GetProperties(utf8_strings=True)) entry_ids = profile_properties[shill.PROFILE_PROPERTY_ENTRIES] for entry_id in entry_ids: entry = profile.GetEntry(entry_id) if shill.dbus2primitive(entry[shill.ENTRY_FIELD_NAME]) == ssid: profile.DeleteEntry(entry_id) return True def init_test_network_state(self): """Create a clean slate for tests with respect to remembered networks. For shill, this means popping and removing profiles, removing all WiFi entries from the default profile, and pushing a 'test' profile. @return True iff operation succeeded, False otherwise. """ self.clean_profiles() self._wifi_proxy.remove_all_wifi_entries() self.remove_profile(self.DEFAULT_TEST_PROFILE_NAME) worked = self.create_profile(self.DEFAULT_TEST_PROFILE_NAME) if worked: worked = self.push_profile(self.DEFAULT_TEST_PROFILE_NAME) return worked @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(None) def list_controlled_wifi_interfaces(self): """List WiFi interfaces controlled by shill. @return list of string WiFi device names (e.g. ['mlan0']) """ ret = [] devices = self._wifi_proxy.get_devices() for device in devices: properties = self._wifi_proxy.dbus2primitive( device.GetProperties(utf8_strings=True)) if properties[self._wifi_proxy.DEVICE_PROPERTY_TYPE] != 'wifi': continue ret.append(properties[self._wifi_proxy.DEVICE_PROPERTY_NAME]) return ret @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def disconnect(self, ssid): """Attempt to disconnect from the given ssid. Blocks until disconnected or operation has timed out. Returns True iff disconnect was successful. @param ssid string network to disconnect from. @return bool True on success, False otherwise. """ logging.debug('disconnect()') result = self._wifi_proxy.disconnect_from_wifi_network(ssid) successful, duration, message = result if successful: level = logging.info else: level = logging.error level('Disconnect result: %r, duration: %d, reason: %s', successful, duration, message) return successful is True def wait_for_service_states(self, ssid, states, timeout_seconds): """Wait for service to achieve one state out of a list of states. @param ssid string the network to connect to (e.g. 'GoogleGuest'). @param states tuple the states for which to wait @param timeout_seconds int seconds to wait for a state """ return self._wifi_proxy.wait_for_service_states( ssid, states, timeout_seconds) @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(None) def get_service_order(self): """Get the shill service order. @return string service order on success, None otherwise. """ return str(self._wifi_proxy.manager.GetServiceOrder()) @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def set_service_order(self, order): """Set the shill service order. @param order string comma-delimited service order (eg. 'ethernet,wifi') @return bool True on success, False otherwise. """ self._wifi_proxy.manager.SetServiceOrder(dbus.String(order)) return True @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(None) def get_service_properties(self, ssid): """Get a dict of properties for a service. @param ssid string service to get properties for. @return dict of Python friendly native types or None on failures. """ discovery_params = {self._wifi_proxy.SERVICE_PROPERTY_TYPE: 'wifi', self._wifi_proxy.SERVICE_PROPERTY_NAME: ssid} service_path = self._wifi_proxy.manager.FindMatchingService( discovery_params) service_object = self._wifi_proxy.get_dbus_object( self._wifi_proxy.DBUS_TYPE_SERVICE, service_path) service_properties = service_object.GetProperties( utf8_strings=True) return self._wifi_proxy.dbus2primitive(service_properties) @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(None) def get_manager_properties(self): manager_props = self._wifi_proxy.manager.GetProperties(utf8_strings=True) return self._wifi_proxy.dbus2primitive(manager_props) @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(None) def get_manager_property(self, property_name): prop_value = self._wifi_proxy.get_dbus_property( self._wifi_proxy.manager, property_name) return self._wifi_proxy.dbus2primitive(prop_value) @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def set_manager_property(self, property_name, property_value): self._wifi_proxy.set_dbus_property(self._wifi_proxy.manager, property_name, property_value) return True @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def set_optional_manager_property(self, property_name, property_value): """Set optional manager property. @param property_name String name of property to set @param property_value String value to set property to @return True on success, False otherwise. """ self._wifi_proxy.set_optional_dbus_property( self._wifi_proxy.manager, property_name, property_value) return True @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def get_active_wifi_SSIDs(self): """@return list of string SSIDs with at least one BSS we've scanned.""" return self._wifi_proxy.get_active_wifi_SSIDs() @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def set_sched_scan(self, enable): """Configure scheduled scan. @param enable bool flag indicating to enable/disable scheduled scan. @return True on success, False otherwise. """ self._wifi_proxy.manager.set_sched_scan(enable) return True def enable_ui(self): """@return True iff the UI was successfully started.""" return cros_ui.start(allow_fail=True, wait_for_login_prompt=False) == 0 def sync_time_to(self, epoch_seconds): """Sync time on the DUT to |epoch_seconds| from the epoch. @param epoch_seconds: float number of seconds from the epoch. """ utils.run('date -u --set=@%f' % epoch_seconds) return True @staticmethod def do_suspend(seconds): """Suspend DUT using the power manager. @param seconds: The number of seconds to suspend the device. """ return sys_power.do_suspend(seconds) @staticmethod def do_suspend_bg(seconds): """Suspend DUT using the power manager - non-blocking. @param seconds int The number of seconds to suspend the device. """ process = multiprocessing.Process(target=sys_power.do_suspend, args=(seconds, 1)) process.start() return True @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(None) def get_dbus_property_on_device(self, wifi_interface, prop_name): """Get a property for the given WiFi device. @param wifi_interface: string name of interface being queried. @param prop_name: the name of the property. @return the current value of the property. """ dbus_object = self._wifi_proxy.find_object( self.DBUS_DEVICE, {'Name': wifi_interface}) if dbus_object is None: return None object_properties = dbus_object.GetProperties(utf8_strings=True) if prop_name not in object_properties: return None return self._wifi_proxy.dbus2primitive( object_properties[prop_name]) @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def set_dbus_property_on_device(self, wifi_interface, prop_name, value): """Set a property on the given WiFi device. @param wifi_interface: the device to set a property for. @param prop_name: the name of the property. @param value: the desired value of the property. @return True if successful, False otherwise. """ device_object = self._wifi_proxy.find_object( self.DBUS_DEVICE, {'Name': wifi_interface}) if device_object is None: return False shill_proxy.ShillProxy.set_dbus_property(device_object, prop_name, value) return True @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def request_roam_dbus(self, bssid, interface): """Request that we roam to the specified BSSID. Note that this operation assumes that: 1) We're connected to an SSID for which |bssid| is a member. 2) There is a BSS with an appropriate ID in our scan results. @param bssid: string BSSID of BSS to roam to. @param interface: string name of interface to request roam for. """ device_object = self._wifi_proxy.find_object( self.DBUS_DEVICE, {'Name': interface}) if device_object is None: return False device_object.RequestRoam(bssid) return True @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def set_device_enabled(self, wifi_interface, enabled): """Enable or disable the WiFi device. @param wifi_interface: string name of interface being modified. @param enabled: boolean; true if this device should be enabled, false if this device should be disabled. @return True if it worked; false, otherwise """ interface = {'Name': wifi_interface} dbus_object = self._wifi_proxy.find_object(self.DBUS_DEVICE, interface) if dbus_object is None: return False if enabled: dbus_object.Enable() else: dbus_object.Disable() return True @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def add_wake_packet_source(self, wifi_interface, source_ip): """Set up the NIC to wake on packets from the given source IP. @param wifi_interface: string name of interface to establish WoWLAN on. @param source_ip: string IP address of packet source, i.e. "" @return True on success, False otherwise. """ device_object = self._wifi_proxy.find_object( self.DBUS_DEVICE, {'Name': wifi_interface}) if device_object is None: return False device_object.AddWakeOnPacketConnection(source_ip) return True @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def remove_wake_packet_source(self, wifi_interface, source_ip): """Stop waking on packets from the given source IP. @param wifi_interface: string name of interface to establish WoWLAN on. @param source_ip: string IP address of packet source, i.e. "" @return True on success, False otherwise. """ device_object = self._wifi_proxy.find_object( self.DBUS_DEVICE, {'Name': wifi_interface}) if device_object is None: return False device_object.RemoveWakeOnPacketConnection(source_ip) return True @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def remove_all_wake_packet_sources(self, wifi_interface): """Stop waking on packets from any IP. @param wifi_interface: string name of interface to establish WoWLAN on. @return True on success, False otherwise. """ device_object = self._wifi_proxy.find_object( self.DBUS_DEVICE, {'Name': wifi_interface}) if device_object is None: return False device_object.RemoveAllWakeOnPacketConnections() return True @xmlrpc_server.dbus_safe(False) def request_scan(self): """Request a scan from shill. @return True on success, False otherwise. """ self._wifi_proxy.manager.RequestScan('wifi') return True if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address = '/dev/log') formatter = logging.Formatter( 'shill_xmlrpc_server: [%(levelname)s] %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) logging.getLogger().addHandler(handler) logging.debug('shill_xmlrpc_server main...') server = xmlrpc_server.XmlRpcServer('localhost', constants.SHILL_XMLRPC_SERVER_PORT) server.register_delegate(ShillXmlRpcDelegate()) server.run()