# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import logging import os import subprocess import tempfile from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error from autotest_lib.client.cros.audio import audio_helper from autotest_lib.client.cros.audio import cmd_utils from autotest_lib.client.cros.audio import cras_utils from autotest_lib.client.cros.audio import sox_utils _TEST_TONE_ONE = 440 _TEST_TONE_TWO = 523 class audio_CRASFormatConversion(audio_helper.cras_rms_test): """Checks that sample rate conversion works in CRAS.""" version = 1 def play_sine_tone(self, frequency, rate): """Plays a sine tone by cras and returns the processes. @param frequency: the frequency of the sine wave. @param rate: the sampling rate. """ p1 = cmd_utils.popen( sox_utils.generate_sine_tone_cmd( filename='-', rate=rate, frequencies=frequency, gain=-6), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p2 = cras_utils.playback(blocking=False, stdin=p1.stdout, playback_file='-', rate=rate) return [p1, p2] def wait_for_active_stream_count(self, expected_count): """Waits until the number of active streams matches the requested number or until a timeout occurs. @param expected_count: the exact number of streams required to be active for execution to continue. @raise TestError: if a timeout occurs. """ utils.poll_for_condition( lambda: cras_utils.get_active_stream_count() == expected_count, exception=error.TestError( 'Timeout waiting active stream count to become %d' % expected_count), timeout=1, sleep_interval=0.05) def loopback(self, noise_profile, primary, secondary): """Gets the rms value of the recorded audio of playing two different tones (the 440 and 523 Hz sine wave) at the specified sampling rate. @param noise_profile: The noise profile which is used to reduce the noise of the recored audio. @param primary: The first sample rate, HW will be set to this. @param secondary: The second sample rate, will be SRC'd to the first. """ popens = [] record_file = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'record-%s-%s.wav' % (primary, secondary)) # There should be no other active streams. self.wait_for_active_stream_count(0) # Start with the primary sample rate, then add the secondary. This # causes the secondary to be SRC'd to the primary rate. try: # Play the first audio stream and make sure it has been played popens += self.play_sine_tone(_TEST_TONE_ONE, primary) self.wait_for_active_stream_count(1) # Play the second audio stream and make sure it has been played popens += self.play_sine_tone(_TEST_TONE_TWO, secondary) self.wait_for_active_stream_count(2) cras_utils.capture(record_file, duration=1, rate=44100) # Make sure the playback is still in good shape if any(p.poll() is not None for p in popens): # We will log more details later in finally. raise error.TestFail('process unexpectly stopped') reduced_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() sox_utils.noise_reduce( record_file, reduced_file.name, noise_profile, rate=44100) sox_stat = sox_utils.get_stat(reduced_file.name, rate=44100) logging.info('The sox stat of (%d, %d) is %s', primary, secondary, str(sox_stat)) return sox_stat.rms finally: cmd_utils.kill_or_log_returncode(*popens) def run_once(self, test_sample_rates): """Runs the format conversion test. """ rms_values = {} # Record silence to use as the noise profile. noise_file = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, "noise.wav") noise_profile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() cras_utils.capture(noise_file, duration=1) sox_utils.noise_profile(noise_file, noise_profile.name) # Try all sample rate pairs. for primary in test_sample_rates: for secondary in test_sample_rates: key = 'rms_value_%d_%d' % (primary, secondary) rms_values[key] = self.loopback( noise_profile.name, primary, secondary) # Record at all sample rates record_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() for rate in test_sample_rates: cras_utils.capture(record_file.name, duration=1, rate=rate) # Add min_rms_value to the result rms_values['min_rms_value'] = min(rms_values.values()) self.write_perf_keyval(rms_values)