# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Khronos OpenGL CTS # ------------------ # # Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import sys import xml.dom.minidom import re import subprocess ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..", "..")) sys.path.append(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "scripts", "verify")) sys.path.append(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "scripts", "build")) sys.path.append(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "scripts", "log")) from package import getPackageDescription from verify import * from message import * from common import * from log_parser import * from summary import * def getConfigCaseName (type): configs = { "es32" : ["CTS-Configs.es32", "CTS-Configs.es31", "CTS-Configs.es3", "CTS-Configs.es2"], "es31" : ["CTS-Configs.es31", "CTS-Configs.es3", "CTS-Configs.es2"], "es3" : ["CTS-Configs.es3", "CTS-Configs.es2"], "es2" : ["CTS-Configs.es2"]} return configs[type] def retrieveReportedConfigs(caseName, log): doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(log) sectionItems = doc.getElementsByTagName('Section') sectionName = None configs = [] for sectionItem in sectionItems: sectionName = sectionItem.getAttributeNode('Name').nodeValue if sectionName == "Configs": assert len(configs) == 0 textItems = sectionItem.getElementsByTagName('Text') for textItem in textItems: configs.append(getNodeText(textItem)) res = {caseName : configs} return res def compareConfigs(filename, baseConfigs, cmpConfigs): messages = [] assert len(list(baseConfigs.keys())) == 1 assert len(list(cmpConfigs.keys())) == 1 baseKey = list(baseConfigs.keys())[0] cmpKey = list(cmpConfigs.keys())[0] if cmp(baseConfigs[baseKey], cmpConfigs[cmpKey]) != 0: messages.append(error(filename, "Confomant configs reported for %s and %s do not match" % (baseKey,cmpKey))) return messages def numGitLogStatusFile (releaseTag): KC_CTS_RELEASE = ["opengl-es-cts-3\.2\.[2-3]\.[0-9]*", "opengl-cts-4\.6\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*"] for r in KC_CTS_RELEASE: if re.match(r, releaseTag): return 2 return 1 def verifyConfigFile (filename, type): messages = [] caseNames = getConfigCaseName(type) parser = BatchResultParser() results = parser.parseFile(filename) baseConfigs = None for caseName in caseNames: caseResult = None print("Verifying %s in %s" % (caseName, filename)) for result in results: if result.name == caseName: caseResult = result break; if caseResult == None: messages.append(error(filename, "Missing %s" % caseName)) else: configs = retrieveReportedConfigs(caseName, result.log) if baseConfigs == None: baseConfigs = configs else: messages += compareConfigs(filename, baseConfigs, configs) if not caseResult.statusCode in ALLOWED_STATUS_CODES: messages.append(error(filename, "%s failed" % caseResult)) return messages def verifyMustpassCases(package, mustpassCases, type): messages = [] apiToTest = { "es32" : ["gles32", "gles31", "gles3", "gles2", "egl"], "es31" : ["gles31", "gles3", "gles2", "egl"], "es3" : ["gles3", "gles2", "egl"], "es2" : ["gles2", "egl"]} for mustpass in mustpassCases: mustpassXML = os.path.join(mustpass, "mustpass.xml") doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(mustpassXML) testConfigs = doc.getElementsByTagName("Configuration") # check that all configs that must be tested are present for testConfig in testConfigs: caseListFile = testConfig.getAttributeNode("caseListFile").nodeValue # identify APIs that must be tested for the given type apis = apiToTest[type] # identify API tested by the current config configAPI = caseListFile.split('-')[0] if configAPI in apis: # the API in this config is expected to be tested mustTest = True else: mustTest = False pattern = "config-" + os.path.splitext(caseListFile)[0] + "-cfg-[0-9]*"+"-run-[0-9]*" cmdLine = testConfig.getAttributeNode("commandLine").nodeValue cfgItems = {'height':None, 'width':None, 'seed':None, 'rotation':None} for arg in cmdLine.split(): val = arg.split('=')[1] if "deqp-surface-height" in arg: cfgItems['height'] = val elif "deqp-surface-width" in arg: cfgItems['width'] = val elif "deqp-base-seed" in arg: cfgItems['seed'] = val elif "deqp-screen-rotation" in arg: cfgItems['rotation'] = val pattern += "-width-" + cfgItems['width'] + "-height-" + cfgItems['height'] if cfgItems['seed'] != None: pattern += "-seed-" + cfgItems['seed'] pattern += ".qpa" p = re.compile(pattern) matches = [m for l in mustpassCases[mustpass] for m in (p.match(l),) if m] if len(matches) == 0 and mustTest == True: conformOs = testConfig.getAttributeNode("os").nodeValue txt = "Configuration %s %s was not executed" % (caseListFile, cmdLine) if conformOs == "any" or (package.conformOs != None and conformOs in package.conformOs.lower()): msg = error(mustpassXML, txt) else: msg = warning(mustpassXML, txt) messages.append(msg) elif len(matches) != 0 and mustTest == False: messages.append(error(mustpassXML, "Configuration %s %s was not expected to be tested but present in cts-run-summary.xml" % (caseListFile, cmdLine))) return messages def verifyTestLogs (package): messages = [] try: execute(['git', 'checkout', '--quiet', package.conformVersion]) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) print("Failed to checkout release tag %s." % package.conformVersion) return messages messages = [] summary = parseRunSummary(os.path.join(package.basePath, package.summary)) mustpassDirs = [] # Check Conformant attribute if not summary.isConformant: messages.append(error(package.summary, "Runner reported conformance failure (Conformant=\"False\" in )")) # Verify config list messages += verifyConfigFile(os.path.join(package.basePath, summary.configLogFilename), summary.type) mustpassCases = {} # Verify that all run files passed for runLog in summary.runLogAndCaselist: sys.stdout.write("Verifying %s -" % runLog) sys.stdout.flush() mustpassFile = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "external", "openglcts", summary.runLogAndCaselist[runLog]) key = os.path.dirname(mustpassFile) if key in mustpassCases: mpCase = mustpassCases[key] else: mpCase = [] mpCase.append(runLog) mustpassCases[os.path.dirname(mustpassFile)] = mpCase mustpass = readMustpass(mustpassFile) messages_log = verifyTestLog(os.path.join(package.basePath, runLog), mustpass) errors = [m for m in messages_log if m.type == ValidationMessage.TYPE_ERROR] warnings = [m for m in messages_log if m.type == ValidationMessage.TYPE_WARNING] if len(errors) > 0: sys.stdout.write(" finished with ERRRORS") if len(warnings) > 0: sys.stdout.write(" finished with WARNINGS") if len(errors) == 0 and len(warnings) == 0: sys.stdout.write(" OK") sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.flush() messages += messages_log messages += verifyMustpassCases(package, mustpassCases, summary.type) return messages def verifyGitStatusFiles (package): messages = [] errorDict = {1 : 'one git status file', 2 : 'two git status files'} numFiles = numGitLogStatusFile(package.conformVersion) if len(package.gitStatus) != numFiles: messages.append(error(package.basePath, "Exactly %s must be present, found %s" % (errorDict[numFiles], len(package.gitStatus)))) messages += verifyGitStatus(package) return messages def isGitLogFileEmpty (package, modulePath, gitLog): logPath = os.path.join(package.basePath, gitLog) log = readFile(logPath) args = ['git', 'log', '-1', package.conformVersion] process = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=modulePath, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = process.communicate()[0] if process.returncode != 0: raise Exception("Failed to execute '%s', got %d" % (str(args), process.returncode)) return log == output def verifyGitLogFile (package): messages = [] if len(package.gitLog) > 0: for log, path in package.gitLog: try: isEmpty = isGitLogFileEmpty(package, path, log) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) isEmpty = False if not isEmpty: messages.append(warning(os.path.join(package.basePath, log), "Log is not empty")) else: messages.append(error(package.basePath, "Missing git log files")) return messages def verifyPatchFiles (package): messages = [] hasPatches = len(package.patches) logEmpty = True for log, path in package.gitLog: logEmpty &= isGitLogFileEmpty(package, path, log) if hasPatches and logEmpty: messages.append(error(package.basePath, "Package includes patches but log is empty")) elif not hasPatches and not logEmpty: messages.append(error(package.basePath, "Test log is not empty but package doesn't contain patches")) return messages def verifyGitLogFiles (package): messages = [] errorDict = {1 : 'one git log file', 2 : 'two git log files'} numFiles = numGitLogStatusFile(package.conformVersion) if len(package.gitLog) != numFiles: messages.append(error(package.basePath, "Exactly %s must be present, found %s" % (errorDict[numFiles], len(package.gitLog)))) for i, gitLog in enumerate(package.gitLog): if "kc-cts" in gitLog[0] and numFiles > 1: package.gitLog[i] = gitLog[:1] + ("external/kc-cts/src",) + gitLog[2:] messages += verifyGitLogFile(package) return messages def verifyPackage (package): messages = [] messages += verifyStatement(package) messages += verifyGitStatusFiles(package) messages += verifyGitLogFiles(package) messages += verifyPatchFiles(package) for item in package.otherItems: messages.append(warning(os.path.join(package.basePath, item), "Unknown file")) return messages def verifyESSubmission(argv): if len(argv) != 2: print("%s: [extracted submission package directory]" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(-1) try: execute(['git', 'ls-remote', 'origin', '--quiet']) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) print("This script must be executed inside VK-GL-CTS directory.") sys.exit(-1) packagePath = os.path.normpath(sys.argv[1]) package = getPackageDescription(packagePath) messages = verifyPackage(package) messages += verifyTestLogs(package) errors = [m for m in messages if m.type == ValidationMessage.TYPE_ERROR] warnings = [m for m in messages if m.type == ValidationMessage.TYPE_WARNING] for message in messages: print(str(message)) print("") if len(errors) > 0: print("Found %d validation errors and %d warnings!" % (len(errors), len(warnings))) sys.exit(-2) elif len(warnings) > 0: print("Found %d warnings, manual review required" % len(warnings)) sys.exit(-1) else: print("All validation checks passed") if __name__ == "__main__": verifyESSubmission(sys.argv)