/* WARNING: This is auto-generated file. Do not modify, since changes will * be lost! Modify the generating script instead. * * Generated from Khronos EGL API description (egl.xml) revision 3338ed0db494d6a4db7f76627b38f0b1892db096. */ EGLBoolean eglwBindAPI (EGLenum api) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->bindAPI(api); } EGLBoolean eglwBindTexImage (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint buffer) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->bindTexImage(dpy, surface, buffer); } EGLBoolean eglwChooseConfig (EGLDisplay dpy, const EGLint *attrib_list, EGLConfig *configs, EGLint config_size, EGLint *num_config) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->chooseConfig(dpy, attrib_list, configs, config_size, num_config); } EGLint eglwClientWaitSync (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSync sync, EGLint flags, EGLTime timeout) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLint)0; return egl->clientWaitSync(dpy, sync, flags, timeout); } EGLBoolean eglwCopyBuffers (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLNativePixmapType target) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->copyBuffers(dpy, surface, (void*)target); } EGLContext eglwCreateContext (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLContext share_context, const EGLint *attrib_list) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLContext)0; return egl->createContext(dpy, config, share_context, attrib_list); } EGLImage eglwCreateImage (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx, EGLenum target, EGLClientBuffer buffer, const EGLAttrib *attrib_list) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLImage)0; return egl->createImage(dpy, ctx, target, buffer, attrib_list); } EGLSurface eglwCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLenum buftype, EGLClientBuffer buffer, EGLConfig config, const EGLint *attrib_list) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLSurface)0; return egl->createPbufferFromClientBuffer(dpy, buftype, buffer, config, attrib_list); } EGLSurface eglwCreatePbufferSurface (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, const EGLint *attrib_list) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLSurface)0; return egl->createPbufferSurface(dpy, config, attrib_list); } EGLSurface eglwCreatePixmapSurface (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLNativePixmapType pixmap, const EGLint *attrib_list) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLSurface)0; return egl->createPixmapSurface(dpy, config, (void*)pixmap, attrib_list); } EGLSurface eglwCreatePlatformPixmapSurface (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, void *native_pixmap, const EGLAttrib *attrib_list) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLSurface)0; return egl->createPlatformPixmapSurface(dpy, config, native_pixmap, attrib_list); } EGLSurface eglwCreatePlatformWindowSurface (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, void *native_window, const EGLAttrib *attrib_list) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLSurface)0; return egl->createPlatformWindowSurface(dpy, config, native_window, attrib_list); } EGLSync eglwCreateSync (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLenum type, const EGLAttrib *attrib_list) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLSync)0; return egl->createSync(dpy, type, attrib_list); } EGLSurface eglwCreateWindowSurface (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLNativeWindowType win, const EGLint *attrib_list) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLSurface)0; return egl->createWindowSurface(dpy, config, (void*)win, attrib_list); } EGLBoolean eglwDestroyContext (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->destroyContext(dpy, ctx); } EGLBoolean eglwDestroyImage (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLImage image) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->destroyImage(dpy, image); } EGLBoolean eglwDestroySurface (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->destroySurface(dpy, surface); } EGLBoolean eglwDestroySync (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSync sync) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->destroySync(dpy, sync); } EGLBoolean eglwGetConfigAttrib (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLint attribute, EGLint *value) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->getConfigAttrib(dpy, config, attribute, value); } EGLBoolean eglwGetConfigs (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig *configs, EGLint config_size, EGLint *num_config) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->getConfigs(dpy, configs, config_size, num_config); } EGLContext eglwGetCurrentContext (void) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLContext)0; return egl->getCurrentContext(); } EGLDisplay eglwGetCurrentDisplay (void) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLDisplay)0; return egl->getCurrentDisplay(); } EGLSurface eglwGetCurrentSurface (EGLint readdraw) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLSurface)0; return egl->getCurrentSurface(readdraw); } EGLDisplay eglwGetDisplay (EGLNativeDisplayType display_id) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLDisplay)0; return egl->getDisplay((void*)display_id); } EGLint eglwGetError (void) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLint)0; return egl->getError(); } EGLDisplay eglwGetPlatformDisplay (EGLenum platform, void *native_display, const EGLAttrib *attrib_list) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLDisplay)0; return egl->getPlatformDisplay(platform, native_display, attrib_list); } __eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType eglwGetProcAddress (const char *procname) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (__eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType)0; return egl->getProcAddress(procname); } EGLBoolean eglwGetSyncAttrib (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSync sync, EGLint attribute, EGLAttrib *value) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->getSyncAttrib(dpy, sync, attribute, value); } EGLBoolean eglwInitialize (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint *major, EGLint *minor) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->initialize(dpy, major, minor); } EGLBoolean eglwMakeCurrent (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface draw, EGLSurface read, EGLContext ctx) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->makeCurrent(dpy, draw, read, ctx); } EGLenum eglwQueryAPI (void) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLenum)0; return egl->queryAPI(); } EGLBoolean eglwQueryContext (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx, EGLint attribute, EGLint *value) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->queryContext(dpy, ctx, attribute, value); } const char * eglwQueryString (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint name) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (const char *)0; return egl->queryString(dpy, name); } EGLBoolean eglwQuerySurface (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint attribute, EGLint *value) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->querySurface(dpy, surface, attribute, value); } EGLBoolean eglwReleaseTexImage (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint buffer) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->releaseTexImage(dpy, surface, buffer); } EGLBoolean eglwReleaseThread (void) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->releaseThread(); } EGLBoolean eglwSurfaceAttrib (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint attribute, EGLint value) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->surfaceAttrib(dpy, surface, attribute, value); } EGLBoolean eglwSwapBuffers (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->swapBuffers(dpy, surface); } EGLBoolean eglwSwapInterval (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint interval) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->swapInterval(dpy, interval); } EGLBoolean eglwTerminate (EGLDisplay dpy) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->terminate(dpy); } EGLBoolean eglwWaitClient (void) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->waitClient(); } EGLBoolean eglwWaitGL (void) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->waitGL(); } EGLBoolean eglwWaitNative (EGLint engine) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->waitNative(engine); } EGLBoolean eglwWaitSync (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSync sync, EGLint flags) { const eglw::Library* egl = eglw::getCurrentThreadLibrary(); if (!egl) return (EGLBoolean)0; return egl->waitSync(dpy, sync, flags); }