Lines Matching refs:r
28 #string STR_GEN_NO_MEM #language en-US "%H%s%N: Memory is not available.\r\n"
29 #string STR_GEN_TOO_MANY #language en-US "%H%s%N: Too many arguments.\r\n"
30 #string STR_GEN_TOO_FEW #language en-US "%H%s%N: Too few arguments.\r\n"
31 #string STR_GEN_PARAM_INV #language en-US "%H%s%N: Invalid argument - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
32 #string STR_GEN_PROBLEM #language en-US "%H%s%N: Unknown flag - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
33 …ng STR_GEN_PROBLEM_VAL #language en-US "%H%s%N: Bad value - '%H%s%N' for flag - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
34 #string STR_GEN_ATTRIBUTE #language en-US "%H%s%N: Invalid argument - '%H-a%s%N'\r\n"
35 #string STR_GEN_NO_VALUE #language en-US "%H%s%N: Missing argument for flag - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
36 #string STR_GEN_ERR_AD #language en-US "%H%s%N: Access denied.\r\n"
37 #string STR_GEN_ERR_FILE #language en-US "%H%s%N: File '%H%s%N' error - %r\r\n"
38 #string STR_GEN_ERR_UK #language en-US "%H%s%N: Status: %r\r\n"
39 #string STR_GEN_PARAM_CON #language en-US "%H%s%N: Parameters conflict.\r\n"
40 …STR_GEN_PARAM_CONFLICT #language en-US "%H%s%N: Flags conflict with - '%H%s%N' and '%H%s%N'\r\n"
41 #string STR_GEN_FILE_OPEN_FAIL #language en-US "%H%s%N: Cannot open file - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
42 #string STR_GEN_FILE_CLOSE_FAIL #language en-US "%H%s%N: Cannot close file - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
43 #string STR_GEN_FILE_AD #language en-US "%H%s%N: File access error - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
44 #string STR_GEN_FILE_NF #language en-US "%H%s%N: File not found - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
45 #string STR_GEN_CRLF #language en-US "\r\n"
46 #string STR_GEN_NO_CWD #language en-US "%H%s%N: Current directory not specified.\r\n"
47 #string STR_GEN_NO_FILES #language en-US "%H%s%N: No matching files were found.\r\n"
48 #string STR_GEN_DIR_NF #language en-US "%H%s%N: Directory not found - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
49 #string STR_GEN_RES_OK #language en-US "- [ok]\r\n"
50 #string STR_GEN_NOT_DIR #language en-US "%H%s%N: '%H%s%N' is not a directory.\r\n"
51 #string STR_GEN_NOT_FILE #language en-US "%H%s%N: '%H%s%N' is not a file.\r\n"
52 #string STR_GEN_SFO_HEADER #language en-US "ShellCommand,"%s"\r\n"
53 #string STR_GEN_MARG_ERROR #language en-US "%H%s%N: The destination '%H%s%N' is ambiguous.\r…
54 …R_GEN_FILE_ERROR #language en-US "%H%s%N: The destination is an existing file '%H%s%N'.\r\n"
55 …OR #language en-US "%H%s%N: UEFI function '%H%s%N' returned an incorrect value for: %s (%x).\r\n"
56 #string STR_GEN_UEFI_FUNC_WARN #language en-US "%H%s%N: UEFI function '%H%s%N' returned: %r\r\n"
58 …IL #language en-US "%H%s%N: Copy failure: insufficient capacity on destination media.\r\n"
59 #string STR_GEN_CPY_READ_ERROR #language en-US "%H%s%N: reading '%B%s%N': IO Error \r\n"
60 #string STR_GEN_CPY_WRITE_ERROR #language en-US "%H%s%N: writing '%B%s%N': IO Error \r\n"
61 #string STR_GEN_OUT_MEM #language en-US "%H%s%N: Memory allocation was not successful.\r\…
63 #string STR_SET_DISP #language en-US "%V%8s %N= %H%s%N\r\n"
64 … STR_SET_NF #language en-US "%H%s%N: Environment Variable '%H%s%N' not defined.\r\n"
65 …ND #language en-US "%H%s%N: Environment Variable '%H%s%N' could not be deleted.\r\n"
66 #string STR_SET_ERROR_SET #language en-US "%H%s%N: Unable to set %H%s%N\r\n"
68 #string STR_CD_PRINT #language en-US "%s\r\n"
69 #string STR_CD_NF #language en-US "%H%s%N: No mapping found.\r\n"
71 #string STR_MAP_NF #language en-US "%H%s%N: Cannot find mapped device - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
72 #string STR_MAP_NOF #language en-US "%H%s%N: No mappable target found - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
73 #string STR_MAP_SFO_MAPPINGS #language en-US "Mappings,"%s","%s","%s"\r\n"
74 #string STR_MAP_HEADER #language en-US "%EMapping table%N\r\n"
75 #string STR_MAP_ENTRY #language en-US "%E%10s%N %HAlias(s):%N%s\r\n %s\r\n"
76 #string STR_MAP_ENTRY_VERBOSE #language en-US " Handle: [%H%02x%N]\r\n"
77 " Media Type: %s\r\n"
78 " Removable: %s\r\n"
79 " Current Dir: %s\r\n"
81 #string STR_ATTRIB_OUTPUT_LINE #language en-US "Attrib: %1c%1c%1c%1c%1c %s\r\n"
88 #string STR_MKDIR_ALREADY #language en-US "Directory '%B%s%N' already exists.\r\n"
89 #string STR_MKDIR_CREATEFAIL #language en-US "Directory '%B%s%N' unable to create.\r\n"
91 #string STR_DATE_FORMAT #language en-US "%02d/%02d/%04d\r\n"
92 #string STR_DATE_SFO_FORMAT #language en-US "Date,"%02d","%02d","%04d"\r\n"
96 #string STR_TIME_DST0 #language en-US " DST: Not Affected\r\n"
97 #string STR_TIME_DST1 #language en-US " DST: Affected\r\n"
98 #string STR_TIME_DST2 #language en-US " DST: Adjusted\r\n"
99 #string STR_TIME_DST3 #language en-US " DST: Affected and Adjusted\r\n"
101 #string STR_TIMEZONE_M12 #language en-US "UTC-12:00, International Date Line West\r\n"
102 #string STR_TIMEZONE_M11 #language en-US "UTC-11:00, Midway Island, Samoa\r\n"
103 #string STR_TIMEZONE_M10 #language en-US "UTC-10:00, Hawaii\r\n"
104 #string STR_TIMEZONE_M9 #language en-US "UTC-09:00, Alaska\r\n"
105 …TIMEZONE_M8 #language en-US "UTC-08:00, Pacific Time(US & Canada), Tijuana, Portland\r\n"
106 … #language en-US "UTC-07:00, Arizona, Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan, Mountain Time (US & Canada)\r\n"
107 …R_TIMEZONE_M6 #language en-US "UTC-06:00, Central America, Central Time(US & Canada)\r\n"
108 …MEZONE_M5 #language en-US "UTC-05:00, Bogota, Lima, Quito, Eastern Time(US & Canada)\r\n"
109 #string STR_TIMEZONE_M430 #language en-US "UTC-04:30, Caracas\r\n"
110 …STR_TIMEZONE_M4 #language en-US "UTC-04:00, Atlantic Time(Canada), Caracas, Santiago\r\n"
111 #string STR_TIMEZONE_M330 #language en-US "UTC-03:30, Newfoundland\r\n"
112 …IMEZONE_M3 #language en-US "UTC-03:00, Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Greenland\r\n"
113 #string STR_TIMEZONE_M2 #language en-US "UTC-02:00, Mid-Atlantic\r\n"
114 #string STR_TIMEZONE_M1 #language en-US "UTC-01:00, Azores, Cape Verde Is.\r\n"
115 … #language en-US "UTC , Greenwich Mean Time, Casablanca, Monrovia, Dublin, London\r\n"
116 … #language en-US "UTC+01:00, Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Paris, West Central Africa\r\n"
117 …IMEZONE_P2 #language en-US "UTC+02:00, Athens, Istanbul, Bucharest, Cairo, Jerusalem\r\n"
118 …STR_TIMEZONE_P3 #language en-US "UTC+03:00, Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh, Moscow, Nairobi\r\n"
119 #string STR_TIMEZONE_P330 #language en-US "UTC+03:30, Tehran\r\n"
120 …TR_TIMEZONE_P4 #language en-US "UTC+04:00, Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan\r\n"
121 #string STR_TIMEZONE_P430 #language en-US "UTC+04:30, Kabul\r\n"
122 …R_TIMEZONE_P5 #language en-US "UTC+05:00, Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent\r\n"
123 #string STR_TIMEZONE_P530 #language en-US "UTC+05:30, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi\r…
124 #string STR_TIMEZONE_P545 #language en-US "UTC+05:45, Kathmandu\r\n"
125 … #language en-US "UTC+06:00, Almaty, Novosibirsk, Astana, Dhaka, Sri Jayawardenepura\r\n"
126 #string STR_TIMEZONE_P630 #language en-US "UTC+06:30, Rangoon\r\n"
127 …ing STR_TIMEZONE_P7 #language en-US "UTC+07:00, Bangkok, Hanio, Jakarta, Krasnoyarsk\r\n"
128 …_P8 #language en-US "UTC+08:00, Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi, Taipei, Perth\r\n"
129 …ng STR_TIMEZONE_P9 #language en-US "UTC+09:00, Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo, Seoul, Yakutsk\r\n"
130 #string STR_TIMEZONE_P930 #language en-US "UTC+09:30, Adelaide, Darwin\r\n"
131 …10 #language en-US "UTC+10:00, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Guam, Hobart, Vladivostok\r\n"
132 #string STR_TIMEZONE_P11 #language en-US "UTC+11:00, Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia\r…
133 …E_P12 #language en-US "UTC+12:00, Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.\r\n"
134 #string STR_TIMEZONE_P13 #language en-US "UTC+13:00, Nuku'alofa\r\n"
135 #string STR_TIMEZONE_P14 #language en-US "UTC+14:00, Line Islands\r\n"
136 #string STR_TIMEZONE_LOCAL #language en-US "LOCAL , Local Time\r\n"
137 #string STR_TIMEZONE_SIMPLE #language en-US "UTC%1s%02d:%02d\r\n"
138 #string STR_TIMEZONE_SIMPLE_LOCAL #language en-US "LOCAL\r\n"
141 #string STR_LOAD_NOT_IMAGE #language en-US "Image '%s' is not an image.\r\n"
142 #string STR_LOAD_NOT_DRIVER #language en-US "Image '%s' is not a driver.\r\n"
143 #string STR_LOAD_LOADED #language en-US "Image '%s' loaded at %x - %r\r\n"
144 #string STR_LOAD_ERROR #language en-US "Image '%s' error in StartImage: %r\r\n"
147 #string STR_LS_LINE_END_FILE #language en-US "%s\r\n"
148 #string STR_LS_LINE_END_EXE #language en-US "%V%s%N\r\n"
149 #string STR_LS_LINE_END_DIR #language en-US "%B%s%N\r\n"
150 …ing STR_LS_FOOTER_LINE #language en-US "% ,L11d File(s) % ,L11d bytes\r\n% ,L11d Dir(s)\r\n"
151 #string STR_LS_HEADER_LINE1 #language en-US "Directory of: %H%s%N\r\n"
152 #string STR_LS_FILE_NOT_FOUND #language en-US "%H%s%N: File Not Found - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
153 #string STR_LS_SFO_VOLINFO #language en-US "VolumeInfo,"%s","%Ld","%5s","%Ld","%Ld"\r\n"
154 …02d:%02d","%02d.%02d.%04d","%02d:%02d:%02d","%02d.%02d.%04d","%02d:%02d:%02d","%02d.%02d.%04d"\r\n"
156 #string STR_VOL_VOLINFO #language en-US "Volume %s (%s)\r\n"
157 "%Ld bytes total disk space\r\n"
158 "%Ld bytes available on disk\r\n"
159 "%d bytes in each allocation unit\r\n"
162 #string STR_RM_LOG_DELETE #language en-US "Deleting '%B%s%N'\r\n"
163 #string STR_RM_LOG_DELETE_ERR #language en-US "Delete error: %r\r\n"
164 #string STR_RM_LOG_DELETE_ERR2 #language en-US "Delete error. Couldn't open file: %r\r\n"
165 #string STR_RM_LOG_DELETE_ERR3 #language en-US "Delete error. Invalid target '%B%s%N'\r\n"
166 #string STR_RM_LOG_DELETE_COMP #language en-US "Delete successful.\r\n"
167 #string STR_RM_LOG_DETELE_RO #language en-US "%H%s%N: '%H%s%N' is read-only\r\n"
169 #string STR_MV_OUTPUT #language en-US "Moving %s -> %s\r\n"
170 …V_INV_SUB #language en-US "Cannot move a directory into itself or its subdirectory.\r\n"
171 …_RO #language en-US "Cannot move to or from a read-only file or directory '%B%s%N'\r\n"
172 …INV_CWD #language en-US "Cannot move current working directory or its subdirectory.\r\n"
174 #string STR_CP_OUTPUT #language en-US "Copying %s -> %s\r\n"
175 #string STR_CP_ERROR #language en-US "%H%s%N: Could not copy - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
176 #string STR_CP_DIR_REQ #language en-US "%H%s%N: Copying a directory requires -r.\r\n"
177 …TR_CP_DIR_WNF #language en-US "%H%s%N: The specified path does not exist - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
178 …ng STR_CP_SD_SAME #language en-US "%H%s%N: The source and destination are the same.\r\n"
179 … STR_CP_SD_PARENT #language en-US "%H%s%N: The destination is a parent of the source.\r\n"
180 #string STR_CP_DEST_ERROR #language en-US "%H%s%N: The destination is read-only.\r\n"
181 …EN_FAIL #language en-US "%H%s%N: The destination file '%B%s%N' failed to open with create.\r\n"
182 …IR_FAIL #language en-US "%H%s%N: The destination directory '%B%s%N' could not be created.\r\n"
183 …_SRC_OPEN_FAIL #language en-US "%H%s%N: The source file '%B%s%N' failed to open with read.\r\n"
186 ".TH attrib 0 "Displays or modifies the attributes of files or directories."\r\n"
187 ".SH NAME\r\n"
188 "Displays or modifies the attributes of files or directories.\r\n"
189 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
190 " \r\n"
191 "ATTRIB [+a|-a] [+s|-s] [+h|-h] [+r|-r] [file...] [directory...]\r\n"
192 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
193 " \r\n"
194 " +a|-a - Sets or clears the 'archive' attribute.\r\n"
195 " +s|-s - Sets or clears the 'system' attribute.\r\n"
196 " +h|-h - Sets or clears the 'hidden' attribute.\r\n"
197 " +r|-r - Sets or clears the 'read-only' attribute.\r\n"
198 " file - Specifies the file name (wild cards are permitted).\r\n"
199 " directory - Specifies the directory name (wildcards are permitted).\r\n"
201 " \r\n"
202 "NOTES:\r\n"
203 " 1. Four attribute types are supported in the UEFI file system:\r\n"
204 " - Archive [A]\r\n"
205 " - System [S]\r\n"
206 " - Hidden [H]\r\n"
207 " - Read only [R]\r\n"
208 " 2. If a file (in general meaning) is a directory, then it is also shown\r\n"
209 " to have the attribute [D].\r\n"
210 " 3. If any file in the file list that is specified \r\n"
211 " does not exist, attrib will continue processing the remaining files\r\n"
212 " while reporting the error.\r\n"
213 " 4. If no attributes parameters are specified, the current attributes of\r\n"
214 " the specified files or directories are displayed.\r\n"
215 " 5. If no files or directories are specified, the command applies to\r\n"
216 " all files and sub-directories within the current directory.\r\n"
217 ".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
218 " \r\n"
219 "EXAMPLES:\r\n"
220 " * To display the attributes of a directory:\r\n"
221 " fs0:\> attrib fs0:\ \r\n"
222 " \r\n"
223 " * To display the attributes of all files and sub-directories in the current\r\n"
224 " directory:\r\n"
225 " fs0:\> attrib *\r\n"
226 " \r\n"
227 " * To add the system attribute to all files with extension '.efi':\r\n"
228 " fs0:\> attrib +s *.efi\r\n"
229 " \r\n"
230 " * To remove the read-only attribute from all files with extension '.inf':\r\n"
231 " fs0:\> attrib -r *.inf\r\n"
233 " \r\n"
234 "RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
235 " SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
236 " SHELL_NOT_FOUND The requested file was not found.\r\n"
237 " SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
238 " formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
239 " SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
240 " violation.\r\n"
241 " SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED The media that the action was to take place on is\r\n"
242 " write-protected.\r\n"
245 ".TH cd 0 "Displays or changes the current directory."\r\n"
246 ".SH NAME\r\n"
247 "Displays or changes the current directory.\r\n"
248 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
249 " \r\n"
250 "CD [path]\r\n"
251 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
252 " \r\n"
253 " path - Specifies the relative or absolute directory path.\r\n"
255 " \r\n"
256 "NOTES:\r\n"
257 " 1. This command changes the current working directory that is used by the\r\n"
258 " UEFI Shell environment. If a file system mapping is specified, then the\r\n"
259 " current working directory is changed for that device. Otherwise, the\r\n"
260 " current working directory is changed for the current device.\r\n"
261 " 2. If path is not present, then the current working directory (including\r\n"
262 " file system mapping) is displayed to standard out.\r\n"
263 " 3. The table below describes the conventions that are used to refer to the\r\n"
264 " directory, its parent, and the root directory in the UEFI Shell\r\n"
265 " environment.\r\n"
266 " Convention Description\r\n"
267 " '.' Refers to the current directory.\r\n"
268 " '..' Refers to the directory's parent.\r\n"
269 " '\\\' Refers to the root of the current file system.\r\n"
270 " 4. The current working directory is maintained in the environment\r\n"
271 " variable %cwd%.\r\n"
272 ".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
273 " \r\n"
274 "EXAMPLES:\r\n"
275 " * To change the current file system to the mapped fs0 file system:\r\n"
276 " Shell> fs0:\r\n"
277 " \r\n"
278 " * To change the current directory to subdirectory 'efi':\r\n"
279 " fs0:\> cd efi\r\n"
280 " \r\n"
281 " * To change the current directory to the parent directory (fs0:\):\r\n"
282 " fs0:\efi\> cd ..\r\n"
283 " \r\n"
284 " * To change the current directory to 'fs0:\efi\Tools':\r\n"
285 " fs0:\> cd efi\Tools\r\n"
286 " \r\n"
287 " * To change the current directory to the root of the current fs (fs0):\r\n"
288 " fs0:\efi\Tools\> cd \ \r\n"
289 " \r\n"
290 " * To move between volumes and maintain the current path, and then copy\r\n"
291 " all of files in fs0:\efi\Tools into the fs1:\Tmp directory:\r\n"
292 " fs0:\> cd \efi\Tools\r\n"
293 " fs0:\efi\Tools\> fs1:\r\n"
294 " fs1:\> cd Tmp\r\n"
296 " \r\n"
297 "RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
298 " SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
299 " SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
300 " violation.\r\n"
301 " SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
302 " formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
305 ".TH cp 0 "Copies files or directories."\r\n"
306 ".SH NAME\r\n"
307 "Copies one or more files or directories to another location.\r\n"
308 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
309 " \r\n"
310 "CP [-r] [-q] src [src...] [dst]\r\n"
311 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
312 " \r\n"
313 " -r - Makes a recursive copy.\r\n"
314 " -q - Makes a quiet copy (without a prompt).\r\n"
315 " src - Specifies a source file/directory name (wildcards are permitted).\r\n"
316 " dst - Specifies a destination file/directory name (wildcards are not permitted). \r\n"
317 " If more than one directory is specified, the last directory is\r\n"
318 " assumed to be the destination.\r\n"
320 " \r\n"
321 "NOTES:\r\n"
322 " 1. '-r' must be specified if src is a directory. If '-r' is specified,\r\n"
323 " the source directory is recursively copied to the destination.\r\n"
324 " 'src' itself is copied.\r\n"
325 " 2. If a destination is not specified, the current working directory is\r\n"
326 " assumed to be the destination.\r\n"
327 " 3. 'CP -r src1 src2 dst' copies all files and subdirectories in 'src1' and\r\n"
328 " 'src2' to the destination 'dst'. 'src1' and 'src2' themselves are also\r\n"
329 " copied. The 'dst' parameter is interpreted as a directory.\r\n"
330 " 4. Copying a directory or file to itself is not allowed.\r\n"
331 " 5. If an error occurs, this command exits immediately and the remaining files or\r\n"
332 " directories are not copied.\r\n"
333 " 6. When 'cp' is executed with a script file, it always performs quiet\r\n"
334 " copying, regardless of whether the '-q' option is specified.\r\n"
335 " 7. If you are copying multiple files, the destination must be an existing\r\n"
336 " directory.\r\n"
337 ".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
338 " \r\n"
339 "EXAMPLES:\r\n"
340 " * To display the contents of the current directory:\r\n"
341 " fs0:\> ls\r\n"
342 " \r\n"
343 " * To copy a file in the same directory and change the file name:\r\n"
344 " fs0:\> cp temp.txt readme.txt\r\n"
345 " \r\n"
346 " * To copy multiple files to another directory:\r\n"
347 " fs0:\> cp temp.txt isaBus.efi \Test\r\n"
348 " \r\n"
349 " * To copy multiple directories recursively to another directory:\r\n"
350 " fs0:\> cp -r test1 test2 boot \Test\r\n"
351 " \r\n"
352 " * To see the results of the above operations:\r\n"
353 " fs0:\> ls \Test\r\n"
355 " \r\n"
356 "RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
357 " SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
358 " SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly \r\n"
359 " formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
360 " SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There was insufficient space to save the \r\n"
361 " requested file at the destination.\r\n"
362 " SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security \r\n"
363 " violation.\r\n"
364 " SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED An attempt was made to create a file on media that\r\n"
365 " was write-protected.\r\n"
368 ".TH map 0 "Displays or defines file system mappings"\r\n"
369 ".SH NAME\r\n"
370 "Displays or defines file system mappings.\r\n"
371 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
372 " \r\n"
373 "MAP [-d <sname>]\r\n"
374 "MAP [[-r][-v][-c][-f][-u][-t <type[,type...]>][sname]]\r\n"
375 "MAP [sname handle | mapping]\r\n"
376 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
377 " \r\n"
378 " -d - Deletes a file system mapping.\r\n"
379 " -r - Resets file system mappings to default values.\r\n"
380 " -u - Adds file system mappings for newly-installed devices and\r\n"
381 " removes mappings for uninstalled devices. This does not change\r\n"
382 " the mappings of existing devices and preserves user-defined mappings.\r\n"
383 " -v - Displays verbose information about all file system mappings.\r\n"
384 " -c - Displays the consistent mappings.\r\n"
385 " -f - Displays the normal mappings (not the consistent mappings).\r\n"
386 " -t - Displays the device mappings, filtered according to the device type.\r\n"
387 " Supported types are:\r\n"
388 " fp - Floppy\r\n"
389 " hd - Hard Disk\r\n"
390 " cd - CD-ROM\r\n"
391 " Types can be combined by putting a comma between two types. Spaces\r\n"
392 " are not allowed between types.\r\n"
393 " -sfo - Displays information in Standard-Format Output.\r\n"
394 " sname - Specifies a mapping name.\r\n"
395 " handle - Specifies the number of a handle. Use the same value that is\r\n"
396 " displayed by the 'dh' command.\r\n"
397 " mapping - Specifies a new mapping name to assign to a device.\r\n"
398 " This value must end with a ':'.\r\n"
400 " \r\n"
401 "NOTES:\r\n"
402 " 1. This command creates a mapping between a user-defined name and a device.\r\n"
403 " The most common use of this command is to create a mapped name for\r\n"
404 " devices that support a file system protocol. After these mappings are\r\n"
405 " created, the names can be used with all the file manipulation commands.\r\n"
406 " 2. The UEFI Shell environment creates default mappings for all of the\r\n"
407 " devices that support a recognized file system.\r\n"
408 " 3. This command can be used to create additional mappings, or \r\n"
409 " when used with the -d option, to delete an existing mapping. If it is\r\n"
410 " used without any parameters, all of the current mappings are listed.\r\n"
411 " If the -v option is used, the mappings are shown with additional\r\n"
412 " information about each device.\r\n"
413 " 4. The -r option is used to reset all the default mappings in a system,\r\n"
414 " which is useful if the system configuration has changed since the\r\n"
415 " last boot.\r\n"
416 " 5. The -u option adds mappings for newly-installed devices and removes\r\n"
417 " mappings for uninstalled devices without changing the mappings of\r\n"
418 " existing devices. User-defined mappings are also preserved. A mapping\r\n"
419 " history is saved, which preserves the original mapping name for\r\n"
420 " a device with a specific device path. The current directory is also\r\n"
421 " preserved if the current device is not changed.\r\n"
422 " 6. Each device in the system has a consistent mapping. If the hardware\r\n"
423 " configuration has not changed, the device's consistent mappings do not\r\n"
424 " change. If two or more machines have the same hardware configurations,\r\n"
425 " the device's consistent mapping remains the same. Use the -c option to\r\n"
426 " list all the consistent mappings in the system.\r\n"
427 " 7. The mapping value must consist of digits and characters. Other\r\n"
428 " characters are illegal.\r\n"
429 " 8. This command support wildcards. You can use the wildcards to delete\r\n"
430 " or show the mapping. However, when you assign the mapping, wildcards\r\n"
431 " are forbidden.\r\n"
432 ".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
433 " \r\n"
434 "EXAMPLES:\r\n"
435 " * To display verbose mapping table information:\r\n"
436 " Shell> map -v\r\n"
437 " \r\n"
438 " * To assign a different name to fs0:\r\n"
439 " Shell> map floppy fs0:\r\n"
440 " \r\n"
441 " * To operate with the mapped name:\r\n"
442 " Shell> floppy:\r\n"
443 " \r\n"
444 " * To delete a mapped name:\r\n"
445 " Shell> map -d floppy:\r\n"
446 " \r\n"
447 " * To display all the mapped names starting with 'f': \r\n"
448 " Shell> map f* \r\n"
450 " \r\n"
451 "RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
452 " SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
453 " SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
454 " violation.\r\n"
455 " SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
456 " formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
459 ".TH mkdir 0 "Creates directories."\r\n"
460 ".SH NAME\r\n"
461 "Creates one or more new directories.\r\n"
462 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
463 " \r\n"
464 "MKDIR dir [dir...]\r\n"
465 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
466 " \r\n"
467 " dir - Specifies the name of a directory or directories to create. (Wildcards are not\r\n"
468 " allowed) \r\n"
470 " \r\n"
471 "NOTES:\r\n"
472 " 1. The parent directory must already exist.\r\n"
473 " 2. If the directory already exists, mkdir will abort.\r\n"
474 " 3. Specifying additional directory parameters dependent on previous\r\n"
475 " directory parameters is not allowed:\r\n"
476 " For example, mkdir new new\Test is not allowed.\r\n"
477 " 4. Redirecting output to a file that exists under the directory specified\r\n"
478 " by this command is not allowed.\r\n"
479 ".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
480 " \r\n"
481 "EXAMPLES:\r\n"
482 " * To create a new directory:\r\n"
483 " fs0:\> mkdir rafter\r\n"
484 " \r\n"
485 " * To create multiple directories:\r\n"
486 " fs0:\> mkdir temp1 temp2\r\n"
488 " \r\n"
489 "RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
490 " SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
491 " SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly \r\n"
492 " formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
493 " SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There was insufficient space on the destination \r\n"
494 " to create the requested directory.\r\n"
495 " SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security \r\n"
496 " violation.\r\n"
497 " SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED An attempt was made to create a directory when the\r\n"
498 " target media was write-protected.\r\n"
501 ".TH mv 0 "Moves files."\r\n"
502 ".SH NAME\r\n"
503 "Moves one or more files to a destination within or between file systems.\r\n"
504 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
505 " \r\n"
506 "MV src [src...] [dst]\r\n"
507 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
508 " \r\n"
509 " src - Specifies a source file/directory name (wildcards are permitted).\r\n"
510 " dst - Specifies a destination file/directory name (wildcards are permitted).\r\n"
512 " \r\n"
513 "NOTES:\r\n"
514 " 1. This command moves one or more files to a destination within or between\r\n"
515 " file systems.\r\n"
516 " 2. If the destination is an existing directory, the sources are moved\r\n"
517 " into that directory. You cannot move the sources to a non-existing\r\n"
518 " directory.\r\n"
519 " 3. If a destination is not specified, the current directory is assumed to be\r\n"
520 " the destination. If there is more than one argument on the command line,\r\n"
521 " the last one is assumed to be the destination.\r\n"
522 " 4. Attempting to move a read-only file/directory results in an error.\r\n"
523 " Moving a directory that contains read-only files is allowed.\r\n"
524 " 5. You cannot move a directory into itself or its subdirectories.\r\n"
525 " 6. You cannot move a directory if the current working directory is itself or\r\n"
526 " its subdirectories.\r\n"
527 " 7. If an error occurs, the remaining files or directories are still be\r\n"
528 " moved.\r\n"
529 ".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
530 " \r\n"
531 "EXAMPLES:\r\n"
532 " * To rename a file:\r\n"
533 " fs0:\> mv IsaBus.efi Bus.efi\r\n"
534 " \r\n"
535 " * To move a directory to the current directory:\r\n"
536 " fs0:\> mkdir Test1\Temp\r\n"
537 " fs0:\> mv Test1\Temp\r\n"
538 " \r\n"
539 " * To rename a directory:\r\n"
540 " fs0:\> mv efi efi1.1\r\n"
541 " \r\n"
542 " * To move multiple directories at a time:\r\n"
543 " fs0:\> mv Test1 Test2 Test\r\n"
544 " \r\n"
545 " * To attempt moving a read-only directory, which results in a failure:\r\n"
546 " fs0:\Test> attrib +r Temp1\r\n"
547 " DA R fs0:\Test\Temp1\r\n"
548 " fs0:\Test> mv Temp1 Temp2\r\n"
550 " \r\n"
551 "RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
552 " SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
553 " SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
554 " violation.\r\n"
555 " SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
556 " formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
557 " SHELL_NOT_FOUND The source file was not able to be found.\r\n"
558 " SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There was insufficient free space to move the\r\n"
559 " requested file to its destination.\r\n"
560 " SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED An attempt was made to create a file on media that\r\n"
561 " was write-protected.\r\n"
564 ".TH parse 0 "Parses standard format output files."\r\n"
565 ".SH NAME\r\n"
566 "Retrieves a value from a standard format output file.\r\n"
567 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
568 " \r\n"
569 "PARSE filename tablename column [-i <Instance>] [-s <Instance>]\r\n"
570 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
571 " \r\n"
572 " filename - Specifies a source file name.\r\n"
573 " tablename - Specifies the name of the table to be parsed.\r\n"
574 " column - Specifies the one-based column index to use to determine which value\r\n"
575 " from a particular record to parse.\r\n"
576 " -i <Instance> - Specifies an instance number to use to start parsing the ShellCommand table,\r\n"
577 … and then the specified tablename. If not specified, all instances are returned.\r\n"
578 " -s <Instance> - Specifies an instance number to use to start parsing the ShellCommand\r\n"
579 " table. If not present, then 1 is assumed.\r\n"
581 " \r\n"
582 "NOTES:\r\n"
583 " 1. This command enables you to parse data from a file that has been output\r\n"
584 " using the -sfo parameter.\r\n"
585 " 2. Since the standard formatted output has a well known means of parsing,\r\n"
586 " this command is intended to provide an easy way of enabling\r\n"
587 " scripts to consume retrieved data from such constructed output files, and\r\n"
588 " use it in the logic of scripts written for the UEFI shell.\r\n"
589 ".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
590 " \r\n"
591 "EXAMPLES:\r\n"
592 " * The following data is contained in a temporary file (temp.txt):\r\n"
593 " ShellCommand,"ls"\r\n"
594 " VolumeInfo,"MikesVolume","400000000","FALSE","32000000","16000000"\r\n"
595 …"45670","45900","arsh","08:30:12","01.08.2013","00:00:00","01.08.2013","08:30:12","01.08.2013"\r\n"
596 …txt","1250","1280","a","08:30:12","01.08.2013","00:00:00","01.08.2013","08:30:12","01.08.2013"\r\n"
597 …e.txt","795","900","a","08:30:12","01.08.2013","00:00:00","01.08.2013","08:30:12","01.08.2013"\r\n"
598 " \r\n"
599 " * To display VolumeInfo column 2 in temp.txt:\r\n"
600 " fs0:\> parse temp.txt VolumeInfo 2\r\n"
601 " MikesVolume\r\n"
602 " \r\n"
603 " * To display FileInfo column 3 in temp.txt, starting with instance 3:\r\n"
604 " fs0:\> parse temp.txt FileInfo 3 -i 3\r\n"
605 " 795\r\n"
607 " \r\n"
608 "RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
609 " SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
610 " SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
611 " violation.\r\n"
612 " SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
613 " formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
614 " SHELL_NOT_FOUND The source file was not able to be found.\r\n"
617 ".TH reset 0 "Reset the system."\r\n"
618 ".SH NAME\r\n"
619 "Resets the system.\r\n"
620 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
621 " \r\n"
622 "RESET [-w [string]]\r\n"
623 "RESET [-s [string]]\r\n"
624 "RESET [-c [string]]\r\n"
625 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
626 " \r\n"
627 " -s - Performs a shutdown.\r\n"
628 " -w - Performs a warm boot.\r\n"
629 " -c - Performs a cold boot.\r\n"
630 " string - Describes a reason for the reset.\r\n"
632 " \r\n"
633 "NOTES:\r\n"
634 " 1. This command resets the system.\r\n"
635 " 2. The default is to perform a cold reset unless the -w parameter is\r\n"
636 " specified.\r\n"
637 " 3. If a reset string is specified, it is passed into the Reset() \r\n"
638 " function, and the system records the reason for the system reset.\r\n"
640 " \r\n"
641 "RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
642 " SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly \r\n"
643 " formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
646 ".TH rm 0 "Deletes one or more files or directories."\r\n"
647 ".SH NAME\r\n"
648 "Deletes one or more files or directories.\r\n"
649 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
650 " \r\n"
651 "RM [-q] file/directory [file/directory ...]\r\n"
652 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
653 " \r\n"
654 " -q - Specifies quiet mode. Does not prompt for a confirmation.\r\n"
655 " file - Specifies a file name (wildcards are permitted).\r\n"
656 " directory - Specifies a directory name (wildcards are permitted).\r\n"
658 " \r\n"
659 "NOTES:\r\n"
660 " 1. This command deletes one or more files or directories.\r\n"
661 " 2. If the target is a directory, it deletes the directory, including all\r\n"
662 " its subdirectories.\r\n"
663 " 3. Redirecting a file whose parent directory (or the file\r\n"
664 " itself) is being deleted is not allowed.\r\n"
665 " 4. Removing a read-only file/directory results in a failure.\r\n"
666 " 5. Removing a directory containing read-only file(s) results in\r\n"
667 " a failure. If an error occurs, the command exits immediately and stops\r\n"
668 " removing files/directories.\r\n"
669 " 6. You cannot remove a directory when the current directory is itself or its\r\n"
670 " subdirectory. If a file contains wildcards, you are not prompted for\r\n"
671 " confirmation.\r\n"
672 " 7. The root directory cannot be removed.\r\n"
673 " 8. The current directory or its ancestor directories cannot be removed.\r\n"
674 ".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
675 " \r\n"
676 "EXAMPLES:\r\n"
677 " * To remove multiple directories at a time:\r\n"
678 " fs0:\> rm Test\Temp1 Temp2\r\n"
679 " \r\n"
680 " * To remove multiple directories with wildcards:\r\n"
681 " fs0:\> rm Test\Temp*\r\n"
682 " \r\n"
683 " * To attempt removing a directory that contains a read-only file,\r\n"
684 " which results in a failure:\r\n"
685 " fs0:\> attrib +r Test\Temp1\readme.txt\r\n"
686 " A R fs0:\Test\Temp1\readme.txt\r\n"
687 " fs0:\> rm Test\Temp1\r\n"
689 " \r\n"
690 "RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
691 " SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
692 " SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
693 " violation.\r\n"
694 " SHELL_NOT_FOUND The source file was not able to be found.\r\n"
695 " SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED The target was write protected.\r\n"
698 ".TH set 0 "Displays or modifies UEFI Shell environment variables."\r\n"
699 ".SH NAME\r\n"
700 "Displays or modifies UEFI Shell environment variables.\r\n"
701 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
702 " \r\n"
703 "SET [-v] [sname [value]]\r\n"
704 "SET [-d <sname>]\r\n"
705 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
706 " \r\n"
707 " -d - Deletes the environment variable.\r\n"
708 " -v - Displays or modifies a volatile variable.\r\n"
709 " sname - Specifies an environment variable name.\r\n"
710 " value - Specifies an environment variable value.\r\n"
712 " \r\n"
713 "NOTES:\r\n"
714 " 1. This command is used to maintain the UEFI Shell environment variables.\r\n"
715 " This command can do the following:\r\n"
716 " - Display environment variables.\r\n"
717 " - Create new environment variables.\r\n"
718 " - Change the value of existing environment variables.\r\n"
719 " - Delete environment variables.\r\n"
720 " 2. This command sets an environment variable to a specified \r\n"
721 " value. You can use it to create a new environment\r\n"
722 " variable or to modify an existing environment variable.\r\n"
723 " 3. If used without any parameters, all the environment variables\r\n"
724 " are displayed.\r\n"
725 " 4. If used with the -d option, the environment variable that\r\n"
726 " is specified by sname is deleted.\r\n"
727 ".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
728 " \r\n"
729 "EXAMPLES:\r\n"
730 " * To add an environment variable:\r\n"
731 " Shell> set DiagnosticPath fs0:\efi\diag;fs1:\efi\diag\r\n"
732 " \r\n"
733 " * To display environment variables:\r\n"
734 " Shell> set\r\n"
735 " \r\n"
736 " * To delete an environment variable:\r\n"
737 " Shell> set -d diagnosticpath\r\n"
738 " \r\n"
739 " * To change an environment variable:\r\n"
740 " fs0:\> set src efi\r\n"
741 " fs0:\> set src efi1.1\r\n"
742 " \r\n"
743 " * To append an environment variable:\r\n"
744 " Shell> set path %path%;fs0:\efi\Tools;fs0:\efi\boot;fs0:\\r\n"
745 " \r\n"
746 " * To set a volatile variable that will disappear at the next boot:\r\n"
747 " Shell> set -v EFI_SOURCE c:\project\EFI1.1\r\n"
749 " \r\n"
750 "RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
751 " SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
752 " SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
753 " violation.\r\n"
754 " SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES A request to set a variable in a non-volatile \r\n"
755 " fashion could not be completed. The resulting \r\n"
756 " non-volatile request has been converted into a \r\n"
757 " volatile request.\r\n"
760 ".TH date 0 "Displays and sets the current date for the system."\r\n"
761 ".SH NAME\r\n"
762 "Displays and sets the current date for the system.\r\n"
763 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
764 " \r\n"
765 "DATE [mm/dd/[yy]yy][-sfo]\r\n"
766 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
767 " \r\n"
768 " -sfo - Displays information in Standard-Format Output.\r\n"
769 " mm - Specifies the month of the date to be set. (1-12)\r\n"
770 " dd - Specifies the day of the date to be set (1-31)\r\n"
771 " yy/yyyy - Specifies the year of the date to be set. If only two digits,\r\n"
772 " then enter 9x = 199x. Otherwise enter 20xx.\r\n"
774 " \r\n"
775 "NOTES:\r\n"
776 " 1. This command displays and/or sets the current date for the system.\r\n"
777 " If no parameters are used, it shows the current date. If a valid month,\r\n"
778 " day, and year are specified, the system's date is updated.\r\n"
779 " The following rules apply:\r\n"
780 " - Except for numeric characters and /, all other characters in the\r\n"
781 " argument are invalid.\r\n"
782 " - The Shell reports an error if the number is in the wrong\r\n"
783 " month/date/year range.\r\n"
784 " - A space before or after the numeric character is not allowed. Inserting\r\n"
785 " a space into the number is invalid.\r\n"
786 " - Repeated zeros are allowed before the number. For example:\r\n"
787 " Shell > date 0000008/000004/000097\r\n"
788 " Shell > date\r\n"
789 " 08/04/2097\r\n"
790 " Shell >\r\n"
791 " - The year range must be greater than or equal to 1998.\r\n"
792 " - Two numeric characters indicate the year. Numbers below 98 are\r\n"
793 " regarded as 20xx, and numbers equal to or above 98 are regarded as\r\n"
794 " 19xx. 00 means 2000. For example:\r\n"
795 " Shell > date 8/4/97\r\n"
796 " Shell > date\r\n"
797 " 08/04/2097\r\n"
798 " Shell >\r\n"
799 " Shell > date 8/4/98\r\n"
800 " Shell > date\r\n"
801 " 08/04/1998\r\n"
802 " Shell >\r\n"
803 " 2. The range of valid years is from 1998-2099.\r\n"
804 ".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
805 " \r\n"
806 "EXAMPLES:\r\n"
807 " * To display the current date in the system:\r\n"
808 " fs0:\> date\r\n"
809 " \r\n"
810 " * To set the date with long year format:\r\n"
811 " fs0:\> date 01/01/2050\r\n"
812 " \r\n"
813 " * To set the date with short year format:\r\n"
814 " fs0:\> date 06/18/01\r\n"
816 " \r\n"
817 "RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
818 " SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
819 " SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR There was a hardware error preventing the\r\n"
820 " completion of this command.\r\n"
821 " SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
822 " violation.\r\n"
823 " SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
824 " formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
827 ".TH time 0 "Displays or sets the time for the system."\r\n"
828 ".SH NAME\r\n"
829 "Displays or sets the current time for the system.\r\n"
830 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
831 " \r\n"
832 "TIME [hh:mm[:ss]] [-tz tz] [-d dl]\r\n"
833 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
834 " \r\n"
835 " -d - Sets or displays a daylight savings time value.\r\n"
836 " -tz - Specifies a time zone adjustment, measured in minutes offset from UTC. Valid values\r\n"
837 " are between -1440 and 1440 or 2047. If not present or set to 2047,\r\n"
838 " time is interpreted as local time.\r\n"
839 " hh - Specifies a new hour (0-23) (required).\r\n"
840 " mm - Specifies a new minute (0-59) (required).\r\n"
841 " ss - Specifies a new second (0-59). If not specified, zero is used.\r\n"
842 " dl - Specifies a daylight saving time value to set.\r\n"
843 " 0 : Time is not affected.\r\n"
844 " 1 : Time is affected, and has not been adjusted for daylight\r\n"
845 " savings.\r\n"
846 " 3 : Time is affected, and has been adjusted for daylight savings.\r\n"
847 " All other values are invalid. If no value follows -d, the\r\n"
848 " current daylight savings time is displayed.\r\n"
850 " \r\n"
851 "NOTES:\r\n"
852 " 1. This command displays or sets the current time for the system.\r\n"
853 " If no parameters are used, it shows the current time. If valid hours, \r\n"
854 " minutes, and seconds are provided, the system time is\r\n"
855 " updated. Note the following rules:\r\n"
856 " - Except for numeric characters and the : character, all other\r\n"
857 " characters in the argument are invalid.\r\n"
858 " - The Shell reports an error if the number is in the wrong \r\n"
859 " hour/minute/second range.\r\n"
860 " - Spaces before or after the numeric character and spaces inserted into\r\n"
861 " the number are not allowed.\r\n"
862 " - Repeated zeros are allowed before the number. For example:\r\n"
863 " Shell> time 00000017:000004:0000\r\n"
864 " Shell> time\r\n"
865 " 17:04:00 (UTC+08:00)\r\n"
866 " 2. The seconds parameter is optional. If none is specified, it is\r\n"
867 " set to zero.\r\n"
868 ".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
869 " \r\n"
870 "EXAMPLES:\r\n"
871 " * To display current system time:\r\n"
872 " fs0:\> time\r\n"
873 " \r\n"
874 " * To set the system time:\r\n"
875 " fs0:\> time 9:51:30\r\n"
876 " \r\n"
877 " * To display the system time, including daylight savings time:\r\n"
878 " fs0:\> time -d\r\n"
880 " \r\n"
881 "RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
882 " SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
883 " SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR There was a hardware error preventing the\r\n"
884 " completion of this command\r\n"
885 " SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
886 " violation.\r\n"
887 " SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
888 " formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
891 ".TH timezone 0 "Displays or sets time zone information."\r\n"
892 ".SH NAME\r\n"
893 "Displays or sets time zone information.\r\n"
894 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
895 " \r\n"
896 "TIMEZONE [-s hh:mm | -l] [-b] [-f]\r\n"
897 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
898 " \r\n"
899 " -s - Sets the time zone associated with hh:mm offset from UTC.\r\n"
900 " -l - Displays a list of all time zones.\r\n"
901 " -b - Displays one screen at a time.\r\n"
902 " -f - Displays full information for the specified time zone.\r\n"
904 " \r\n"
905 "NOTES:\r\n"
906 " 1. This command displays and sets the current time zone for the system.\r\n"
907 " 2. If no parameters are used, it shows the current time zone.\r\n"
908 " 3. If a valid hh:mm parameter is provided, the time zone\r\n"
909 " information is updated.\r\n"
910 ".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
911 " \r\n"
912 "EXAMPLES:\r\n"
913 " * To display all available time zones:\r\n"
914 " Shell> timezone -l\r\n"
915 " \r\n"
916 " * To set the time zone:\r\n"
917 " Shell> timezone -s -7:00\r\n"
918 " \r\n"
919 " * To display detailed information for the current time zone:\r\n"
920 " Shell> timezone -f\r\n"
923 ".TH ls 0 "Lists the contents of a directory or file information."\r\n"
924 ".SH NAME\r\n"
925 "Lists the contents of a directory or file information.\r\n"
926 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
927 " \r\n"
928 "LS [-r] [-a[attrib]][-sfo][file]\r\n"
929 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
930 " \r\n"
931 " -r - Displays recursively (including subdirectories).\r\n"
932 " -a - Displays files with a specified attribute. If \r\n"
933 " attribute is not specified, all files are listed. If -a is not\r\n"
934 " specified, all non-system and non-hidden files are listed.\r\n"
935 " -sfo - Displays information in Standard-Format Output.\r\n"
936 " attrib - Specifies a file attribute list value:\r\n"
937 " a - Archive\r\n"
938 " s - System\r\n"
939 " h - Hidden\r\n"
940 " r - Read-only\r\n"
941 " d - Directory\r\n"
942 " file - Specifies a name of a file or directory (wildcards are permitted).\r\n"
944 " \r\n"
945 "NOTES:\r\n"
946 " 1. This command lists directory contents or file information. If no file\r\n"
947 " name or directory name is specified, the current working directory\r\n"
948 " is assumed.\r\n"
949 " 2. The contents of a directory are listed if all of the following are true:\r\n"
950 " - If option -r is not specified.\r\n"
951 " - If no wildcard characters are specified in the file parameter.\r\n"
952 " - If the file specified represents an existing directory.\r\n"
953 " 3. In all other cases, the command functions as follows:\r\n"
954 " - All files/directories that match the specified name are displayed.\r\n"
955 " - The -r flag determines whether a recursive search is performed.\r\n"
956 " - The option flag -a[attrib] only displays those\r\n"
957 " files with the attributes that are specified.\r\n"
958 " - If more than one attribute is specified, only the files that have all\r\n"
959 " those attributes are listed.\r\n"
960 " - If -a is followed by nothing, then all files/directories are\r\n"
961 " displayed, regardless of their attributes.\r\n"
962 " - If -a itself is not specified, then all files except system and\r\n"
963 " hidden files are displayed.\r\n"
964 ".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
965 " \r\n"
966 "EXAMPLES:\r\n"
967 " * To hide files by adding the hidden or system attribute to them:\r\n"
968 " fs0:\> attrib +s +h *.efi\r\n"
969 " \r\n"
970 " * To display all, except the files/directories with 'h' or 's' attribute:\r\n"
971 " fs0:\> ls\r\n"
972 " \r\n"
973 " * To display files with all attributes in the current directory:\r\n"
974 " fs0:\> ls -a\r\n"
975 " \r\n"
976 " * To display files with read-only attributes in the current directory:\r\n"
977 " fs0:\> ls -ar\r\n"
978 " \r\n"
979 " * To display the files with attribute of 's':\r\n"
980 " fs0:\> ls -as isabus.efi\r\n"
981 " \r\n"
982 " * To display all in fs0:\efi directory recursively:\r\n"
983 " fs0:\> ls -r -a efi\r\n"
984 " \r\n"
985 " * To display files with a specified type in the current directory: \r\n"
986 " recursively:\r\n"
987 " fs0:\> ls -r -a *.efi -b\r\n"
989 " \r\n"
990 "RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
991 " SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
992 " SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
993 " formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
994 " SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
995 " violation.\r\n"
996 " SHELL_NOT_FOUND The requested file or directory was not found.\r\n"
999 ".TH load 0 "Loads a UEFI driver into memory."\r\n"
1000 ".SH NAME\r\n"
1001 "Loads a UEFI driver into memory.\r\n"
1002 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
1003 " \r\n"
1004 "LOAD [-nc] file [file...]\r\n"
1005 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
1006 " \r\n"
1007 " -nc - Loads the driver, but does not connect the driver.\r\n"
1008 " File - Specifies a file that contains the image of the UEFI driver (wildcards are\r\n"
1009 " permitted).\r\n"
1010 ".SH DESCRIPTION\r\n"
1011 " \r\n"
1012 "NOTES:\r\n"
1013 " 1. This command loads a driver into memory. It can load multiple files at\r\n"
1014 " one time. The file name supports wildcards.\r\n"
1015 " 2. If the -nc flag is not specified, this command attempts to connect the\r\n"
1016 " driver to a proper device. It might also cause previously loaded drivers\r\n"
1017 " to be connected to their corresponding devices.\r\n"
1018 " 3. Use the 'UNLOAD' command to unload a driver.\r\n"
1019 ".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
1020 " \r\n"
1021 "EXAMPLES:\r\n"
1022 " * To load a driver:\r\n"
1023 " fs0:\> load Isabus.efi\r\n"
1024 " \r\n"
1025 " * To load multiple drivers:\r\n"
1026 " fs0:\> load Isabus.efi IsaSerial.efi\r\n"
1027 " \r\n"
1028 " * To load multiple drivers using file name wildcards:\r\n"
1029 " fs0:\> load Isa*.efi\r\n"
1030 " \r\n"
1031 " * To load a driver without connecting it to a device:\r\n"
1032 " fs0:\> load -nc IsaBus.efi\r\n"
1034 " \r\n"
1035 "RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
1036 " SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
1037 " SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
1038 " formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
1039 " SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
1040 " violation.\r\n"
1041 " SHELL_NOT_FOUND The requested file was not found.\r\n"
1044 ".TH vol 0 "Displays or modifies information about a disk volume."\r\n"
1045 ".SH NAME\r\n"
1046 "Displays or modifies information about a disk volume.\r\n"
1047 ".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
1048 " \r\n"
1049 "VOL [fs] [-n <VolumeLabel>]\r\n"
1050 "VOL [fs] [-d]\r\n"
1051 ".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
1052 " \r\n"
1053 " -n - Displays or modifies a new volume label.\r\n"
1054 " -d - Displays or modifies an empty volume label.\r\n"
1055 " fs - Specifies the name of the file system.\r\n"
1056 " VolumeLabel - Specifies a volume label.\r\n"
1057 ".SH DESCRIPTION\r\n"
1058 " \r\n"
1059 "NOTES:\r\n"
1060 " 1. The following characters cannot be used in a volume label:\r\n"
1061 " % ^ * + = [ ] | : ; \" < > ? / . \r\n"
1062 " 2. No spaces are allowed in a volume label.\r\n"
1063 " 3. This command displays the volume information for the specified file\r\n"
1064 " system. If fs is not specified, the current file system is used.\r\n"
1065 " 4. If -n is specified, the volume label for fs is set to\r\n"
1066 " VolumeLabel.\r\n"
1067 " 5. The maximum length for volume label is 11 characters.\r\n"
1068 ".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
1069 " \r\n"
1070 "EXAMPLES:\r\n"
1071 " * To display the volume of the current file system:\r\n"
1072 " fs0:\> vol\r\n"
1073 " \r\n"
1074 " * To change the label of fs0:\r\n"
1075 " Shell> vol fs0 -n help_test\r\n"
1076 " \r\n"
1077 " * To delete the volume label of fs0:\r\n"
1078 " fs0:\> vol fs0 -d\r\n"
1080 " \r\n"
1081 "RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
1082 " SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
1083 " SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
1084 " formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
1085 " SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
1086 " violation.\r\n"
1087 " SHELL_NOT_FOUND The target file-system was not found.\r\n"