Lines Matching refs:no_argument
400 { { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, "Help plz.." }, in cmdlineParse()
402 …{ { "persistent", no_argument, NULL, 'P' }, "Enable persistent fuzzing (use hfuzz_cc/hfuzz-clang t… in cmdlineParse()
403 …{ { "instrument", no_argument, NULL, 'z' }, "*DEFAULT-MODE-BY-DEFAULT* Enable compile-time instrum… in cmdlineParse()
404 …{ { "noinst", no_argument, NULL, 'x' }, "Static mode only, disable any instrumentation (hw/sw) fee… in cmdlineParse()
405 …{ { "keep_output", no_argument, NULL, 'Q' }, "Don't close children's stdin, stdout, stderr; can be… in cmdlineParse()
408 …{ { "stdin_input", no_argument, NULL, 's' }, "Provide fuzzing input on STDIN, instead of ___FILE__… in cmdlineParse()
411 { { "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, "Disable ANSI console; use simple log output" }, in cmdlineParse()
412 { { "verifier", no_argument, NULL, 'V' }, "Enable crashes verifier" }, in cmdlineParse()
413 { { "debug", no_argument, NULL, 'd' }, "Show debug messages (level >= 4)" }, in cmdlineParse()
414 …{ { "quiet", no_argument, NULL, 'q' }, "Show only warnings and more serious messages (level <= 1)"… in cmdlineParse()
433 …{ { "clear_env", no_argument, NULL, 0x108 }, "Clear all environment variables before executing the… in cmdlineParse()
435 …{ { "save_all", no_argument, NULL, 'u' }, "Save all test-cases (not only the unique ones) by appen… in cmdlineParse()
436 …{ { "tmout_sigvtalrm", no_argument, NULL, 'T' }, "Use SIGVTALRM to kill timeouting processes (defa… in cmdlineParse()
437 { { "sanitizers", no_argument, NULL, 'S' }, "Enable sanitizers settings (default: false)" }, in cmdlineParse()
440 …{ { "exit_upon_crash", no_argument, NULL, 0x107 }, "Exit upon seeing the first crash (default: fal… in cmdlineParse()
441 { { "socket_fuzzer", no_argument, NULL, 0x10B }, "Instrument external fuzzer via socket" }, in cmdlineParse()
442 …{ { "netdriver", no_argument, NULL, 0x10C }, "Use netdriver (libhfnetdriver/). In most cases it wi… in cmdlineParse()
443 { { "only_printable", no_argument, NULL, 'o' }, "Only generate printable inputs" }, in cmdlineParse()
449 …{ { "linux_keep_aslr", no_argument, NULL, 0x501 }, "Don't disable ASLR randomization, might be use… in cmdlineParse()
451 { { "linux_perf_instr", no_argument, NULL, 0x510 }, "Use PERF_COUNT_HW_INSTRUCTIONS perf" }, in cmdlineParse()
452 …{ { "linux_perf_branch", no_argument, NULL, 0x511 }, "Use PERF_COUNT_HW_BRANCH_INSTRUCTIONS perf" … in cmdlineParse()
453 … { { "linux_perf_bts_edge", no_argument, NULL, 0x513 }, "Use Intel BTS to count unique edges" }, in cmdlineParse()
454 …{ { "linux_perf_ipt_block", no_argument, NULL, 0x514 }, "Use Intel Processor Trace to count unique… in cmdlineParse()
455 …{ { "linux_perf_kernel_only", no_argument, NULL, 0x515 }, "Gather kernel-only coverage with Intel … in cmdlineParse()
456 { { "linux_ns_net", no_argument, NULL, 0x0530 }, "Use Linux NET namespace isolation" }, in cmdlineParse()
457 { { "linux_ns_pid", no_argument, NULL, 0x0531 }, "Use Linux PID namespace isolation" }, in cmdlineParse()
458 { { "linux_ns_ipc", no_argument, NULL, 0x0532 }, "Use Linux IPC namespace isolation" }, in cmdlineParse()