/* * \file trc_etmv4_stack_elem.h * \brief OpenCSD : * * \copyright Copyright (c) 2015, ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 'AS IS' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef ARM_TRC_ETMV4_STACK_ELEM_H_INCLUDED #define ARM_TRC_ETMV4_STACK_ELEM_H_INCLUDED #include "opencsd/etmv4/trc_pkt_types_etmv4.h" #include #include /* ETMv4 I trace stack elements Speculation requires that we stack certain elements till they are committed or cancelled. (P0 elements + other associated parts.) */ typedef enum _p0_elem_t { P0_UNKNOWN, P0_ATOM, P0_ADDR, P0_CTXT, P0_TRC_ON, P0_EXCEP, P0_EXCEP_RET, P0_EVENT, P0_TS, P0_CC, P0_TS_CC, P0_Q, P0_OVERFLOW, P0_FUNC_RET, } p0_elem_t; /************************************************************/ /***Trace stack element base class - record originating packet type and index in buffer*/ class TrcStackElem { public: TrcStackElem(const p0_elem_t p0_type, const bool isP0, const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index); virtual ~TrcStackElem() {}; const p0_elem_t getP0Type() const { return m_P0_type; }; const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type getRootPkt() const { return m_root_pkt; }; const ocsd_trc_index_t getRootIndex() const { return m_root_idx; }; const bool isP0() const { return m_is_P0; }; private: ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type m_root_pkt; ocsd_trc_index_t m_root_idx; p0_elem_t m_P0_type; protected: bool m_is_P0; // true if genuine P0 - commit / cancellable, false otherwise }; inline TrcStackElem::TrcStackElem(p0_elem_t p0_type, const bool isP0, ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, ocsd_trc_index_t root_index) : m_root_pkt(root_pkt), m_root_idx(root_index), m_P0_type(p0_type), m_is_P0(isP0) { } /************************************************************/ /** Address element */ class TrcStackElemAddr : public TrcStackElem { protected: TrcStackElemAddr(const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index); virtual ~TrcStackElemAddr() {}; friend class EtmV4P0Stack; public: void setAddr(const etmv4_addr_val_t &addr_val) { m_addr_val = addr_val; }; const etmv4_addr_val_t &getAddr() const { return m_addr_val; }; private: etmv4_addr_val_t m_addr_val; }; inline TrcStackElemAddr::TrcStackElemAddr(const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index) : TrcStackElem(P0_ADDR, false, root_pkt,root_index) { m_addr_val.val = 0; m_addr_val.isa = 0; } /************************************************************/ /** Q element */ class TrcStackQElem : public TrcStackElem { protected: TrcStackQElem(const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index); virtual ~TrcStackQElem() {}; friend class EtmV4P0Stack; public: void setInstrCount(const int instr_count) { m_instr_count = instr_count; }; const int getInstrCount() const { return m_instr_count; } void setAddr(const etmv4_addr_val_t &addr_val) { m_addr_val = addr_val; m_has_addr = true; }; const etmv4_addr_val_t &getAddr() const { return m_addr_val; }; const bool hasAddr() const { return m_has_addr; }; private: bool m_has_addr; etmv4_addr_val_t m_addr_val; int m_instr_count; }; inline TrcStackQElem::TrcStackQElem(const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index) : TrcStackElem(P0_Q , true, root_pkt, root_index) { m_addr_val.val = 0; m_addr_val.isa = 0; m_has_addr = false; m_instr_count = 0; } /************************************************************/ /** Context element */ class TrcStackElemCtxt : public TrcStackElem { protected: TrcStackElemCtxt(const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index); virtual ~TrcStackElemCtxt() {}; friend class EtmV4P0Stack; public: void setContext(const etmv4_context_t &ctxt) { m_context = ctxt; }; const etmv4_context_t &getContext() const { return m_context; }; void setIS(const uint8_t IS) { m_IS = IS; }; const uint8_t getIS() const { return m_IS; }; private: etmv4_context_t m_context; uint8_t m_IS; //!< IS value at time of generation of packet. }; inline TrcStackElemCtxt::TrcStackElemCtxt(const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index) : TrcStackElem(P0_CTXT, false, root_pkt,root_index) { } /************************************************************/ /** Exception element */ class TrcStackElemExcept : public TrcStackElem { protected: TrcStackElemExcept(const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index); virtual ~TrcStackElemExcept() {}; friend class EtmV4P0Stack; public: void setPrevSame(bool bSame) { m_prev_addr_same = bSame; }; const bool getPrevSame() const { return m_prev_addr_same; }; void setExcepNum(const uint16_t num) { m_excep_num = num; }; const uint16_t getExcepNum() const { return m_excep_num; }; private: bool m_prev_addr_same; uint16_t m_excep_num; }; inline TrcStackElemExcept::TrcStackElemExcept(const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index) : TrcStackElem(P0_EXCEP, true, root_pkt,root_index), m_prev_addr_same(false) { } /************************************************************/ /** Atom element */ class TrcStackElemAtom : public TrcStackElem { protected: TrcStackElemAtom(const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index); virtual ~TrcStackElemAtom() {}; friend class EtmV4P0Stack; public: void setAtom(const ocsd_pkt_atom &atom) { m_atom = atom; }; const ocsd_atm_val commitOldest(); int cancelNewest(const int nCancel); void mispredictNewest(); const bool isEmpty() const { return (m_atom.num == 0); }; private: ocsd_pkt_atom m_atom; }; inline TrcStackElemAtom::TrcStackElemAtom(const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index) : TrcStackElem(P0_ATOM, true, root_pkt,root_index) { m_atom.num = 0; } // commit oldest - get value and remove it from pattern inline const ocsd_atm_val TrcStackElemAtom::commitOldest() { ocsd_atm_val val = (m_atom.En_bits & 0x1) ? ATOM_E : ATOM_N; m_atom.num--; m_atom.En_bits >>= 1; return val; } // cancel newest - just reduce the atom count. inline int TrcStackElemAtom::cancelNewest(const int nCancel) { int nRemove = (nCancel <= m_atom.num) ? nCancel : m_atom.num; m_atom.num -= nRemove; return nRemove; } // mispredict newest - flip the bit of the newest atom inline void TrcStackElemAtom::mispredictNewest() { uint32_t mask = 0x1 << (m_atom.num - 1); if (m_atom.En_bits & mask) m_atom.En_bits &= ~mask; else m_atom.En_bits |= mask; } /************************************************************/ /** Generic param element */ class TrcStackElemParam : public TrcStackElem { protected: TrcStackElemParam(const p0_elem_t p0_type, const bool isP0, const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index); virtual ~TrcStackElemParam() {}; friend class EtmV4P0Stack; public: void setParam(const uint32_t param, const int nParamNum) { m_param[(nParamNum & 0x3)] = param; }; const uint32_t &getParam(const int nParamNum) const { return m_param[(nParamNum & 0x3)]; }; private: uint32_t m_param[4]; }; inline TrcStackElemParam::TrcStackElemParam(const p0_elem_t p0_type, const bool isP0, const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index) : TrcStackElem(p0_type, isP0, root_pkt,root_index) { } /************************************************************/ /* P0 element stack that allows push of elements, and deletion of elements when done. */ class EtmV4P0Stack { public: EtmV4P0Stack() {}; ~EtmV4P0Stack(); void push_front(TrcStackElem *pElem); void push_back(TrcStackElem *pElem); // insert element when processing void pop_back(bool pend_delete = true); void pop_front(bool pend_delete = true); TrcStackElem *back(); TrcStackElem *front(); size_t size(); // iterate through stack from front void from_front_init(); TrcStackElem *from_front_next(); void erase_curr_from_front(); // erase the element last returned void delete_all(); void delete_back(); void delete_front(); void delete_popped(); // creation functions - create and push if successful. TrcStackElemParam *createParamElem(const p0_elem_t p0_type, const bool isP0, const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index, const std::vector ¶ms); TrcStackElem *createParamElemNoParam(const p0_elem_t p0_type, const bool isP0, const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index, bool back = false); TrcStackElemAtom *createAtomElem (const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index, const ocsd_pkt_atom &atom); TrcStackElemExcept *createExceptElem(const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index, const bool bSame, const uint16_t excepNum); TrcStackElemCtxt *createContextElem(const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index, const etmv4_context_t &context, const uint8_t IS, const bool back = false); TrcStackElemAddr *createAddrElem(const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index, const etmv4_addr_val_t &addr_val); TrcStackQElem *createQElem(const ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type root_pkt, const ocsd_trc_index_t root_index, const int count); private: std::deque m_P0_stack; //!< P0 decode element stack std::vector m_popped_elem; //!< save list of popped but not deleted elements. std::deque::iterator m_iter; //!< iterate across the list w/o removing stuff }; inline EtmV4P0Stack::~EtmV4P0Stack() { delete_all(); delete_popped(); } // put an element on the front of the stack inline void EtmV4P0Stack::push_front(TrcStackElem *pElem) { m_P0_stack.push_front(pElem); } // put an element on the back of the stack inline void EtmV4P0Stack::push_back(TrcStackElem *pElem) { m_P0_stack.push_back(pElem); } // pop last element pointer off the stack and stash it for later deletion inline void EtmV4P0Stack::pop_back(bool pend_delete /* = true */) { if (pend_delete) m_popped_elem.push_back(m_P0_stack.back()); m_P0_stack.pop_back(); } inline void EtmV4P0Stack::pop_front(bool pend_delete /* = true */) { if (pend_delete) m_popped_elem.push_back(m_P0_stack.front()); m_P0_stack.pop_front(); } // pop last element pointer off the stack and delete immediately inline void EtmV4P0Stack::delete_back() { if (m_P0_stack.size() > 0) { TrcStackElem* pElem = m_P0_stack.back(); delete pElem; m_P0_stack.pop_back(); } } // pop first element pointer off the stack and delete immediately inline void EtmV4P0Stack::delete_front() { if (m_P0_stack.size() > 0) { TrcStackElem* pElem = m_P0_stack.front(); delete pElem; m_P0_stack.pop_front(); } } // get a pointer to the last element on the stack inline TrcStackElem *EtmV4P0Stack::back() { return m_P0_stack.back(); } inline TrcStackElem *EtmV4P0Stack::front() { return m_P0_stack.front(); } // remove and delete all the elements left on the stack inline void EtmV4P0Stack::delete_all() { while (m_P0_stack.size() > 0) delete_back(); m_P0_stack.clear(); } // delete list of popped elements. inline void EtmV4P0Stack::delete_popped() { while (m_popped_elem.size() > 0) { delete m_popped_elem.back(); m_popped_elem.pop_back(); } m_popped_elem.clear(); } // get current number of elements on the stack inline size_t EtmV4P0Stack::size() { return m_P0_stack.size(); } #endif // ARM_TRC_ETMV4_STACK_ELEM_H_INCLUDED /* End of File trc_etmv4_stack_elem.h */