# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

import grp
import logging
import os
import pwd
import re
import shutil
import signal
import stat
import subprocess

import crash_test
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error

CRASHER = 'crasher_nobreakpad'

class UserCrashTest(crash_test.CrashTest):
    Base class for tests that verify crash reporting for user processes. Shared
    functionality includes installing a crasher executable, generating Breakpad
    symbols, running the crasher process, and verifying collection and sending.

    # Every crash report needs one of these to be valid.
    # Reports might have these and that's OK!
    REPORT_OPTIONAL_FILETYPES = {'dmp', 'log', 'proclog'}

    def setup(self):
        """Copy the crasher source code under |srcdir| and build it."""
        src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'crasher')
        dest = os.path.join(self.srcdir, 'crasher')
        shutil.copytree(src, dest)


    def initialize(self, expected_tag='user', expected_version=None,
        """Initialize and configure the test.

        @param expected_tag: Expected tag in crash_reporter log message.
        @param expected_version: Expected version included in the crash report,
                                 or None to use the Chrome OS version.
        @param force_user_crash_dir: Always look for crash reports in the crash
                                     directory of the current user session, or
                                     the fallback directory if no sessions.
        self._expected_tag = expected_tag
        self._expected_version = expected_version
        self._force_user_crash_dir = force_user_crash_dir

    def _prepare_crasher(self, root_path='/'):
        """Extract the crasher and set its permissions.

        crasher is only gzipped to subvert Portage stripping.

        @param root_path: Root directory of the chroot environment in which the
                          crasher is installed and run.
        self._root_path = root_path
        self._crasher_path = os.path.join(self.srcdir, 'crasher', CRASHER)
        utils.system('cd %s; tar xzf crasher.tgz-unmasked' %
        # Make sure all users (specifically chronos) have access to
        # this directory and its decendents in order to run crasher
        # executable as different users.
        utils.system('chmod -R a+rx ' + self.bindir)

    def _populate_symbols(self):
        """Set up Breakpad's symbol structure.

        Breakpad's minidump processor expects symbols to be in a directory
        self._symbol_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._crasher_path),
        utils.system('rm -rf %s' % self._symbol_dir)

        basename = os.path.basename(self._crasher_path)
        utils.system('/usr/bin/dump_syms %s > %s.sym' %
        sym_name = '%s.sym' % basename
        symbols = utils.read_file(sym_name)
        # First line should be like:
        # MODULE Linux x86 7BC3323FBDBA2002601FA5BA3186D6540 crasher_XXX
        #  or
        # MODULE Linux arm C2FE4895B203D87DD4D9227D5209F7890 crasher_XXX
        first_line = symbols.split('\n')[0]
        tokens = first_line.split()
        if tokens[0] != 'MODULE' or tokens[1] != 'Linux':
          raise error.TestError('Unexpected symbols format: %s',
        file_id = tokens[3]
        target_dir = os.path.join(self._symbol_dir, basename, file_id)
        os.rename(sym_name, os.path.join(target_dir, sym_name))

    def _is_frame_in_stack(self, frame_index, module_name,
                           function_name, file_name,
                           line_number, stack):
        """Search for frame entries in the given stack dump text.

        A frame entry looks like (alone on a line):
          16  crasher_nobreakpad!main [crasher.cc : 21 + 0xb]

          frame_index: number of the stack frame (0 is innermost frame)
          module_name: name of the module (executable or dso)
          function_name: name of the function in the stack
          file_name: name of the file containing the function
          line_number: line number
          stack: text string of stack frame entries on separate lines.

          Boolean indicating if an exact match is present.

          We do not care about the full function signature - ie, is it
          foo or foo(ClassA *).  These are present in function names
          pulled by dump_syms for Stabs but not for DWARF.
        regexp = (r'\n\s*%d\s+%s!%s.*\[\s*%s\s*:\s*%d\s.*\]' %
                  (frame_index, module_name,
                   function_name, file_name,
        logging.info('Searching for regexp %s', regexp)
        return re.search(regexp, stack) is not None

    def _verify_stack(self, stack, basename, from_crash_reporter):
        # Should identify cause as SIGSEGV at address 0x16.
        logging.debug('minidump_stackwalk output:\n%s', stack)

        # Look for a line like:
        # Crash reason:  SIGSEGV
        # Crash reason:  SIGSEGV /0x00000000
        match = re.search(r'Crash reason:\s+([^\s]*)', stack)
        expected_address = '0x16'
        if not match or match.group(1) != 'SIGSEGV':
            raise error.TestFail('Did not identify SIGSEGV cause')
        match = re.search(r'Crash address:\s+(.*)', stack)
        if not match or match.group(1) != expected_address:
            raise error.TestFail('Did not identify crash address %s' %

        # Should identify crash at *(char*)0x16 assignment line
        if not self._is_frame_in_stack(0, basename,
                                       'recbomb', 'bomb.cc', 9, stack):
            raise error.TestFail('Did not show crash line on stack')

        # Should identify recursion line which is on the stack
        # for 15 levels
        if not self._is_frame_in_stack(15, basename, 'recbomb',
                                       'bomb.cc', 12, stack):
            raise error.TestFail('Did not show recursion line on stack')

        # Should identify main line
        if not self._is_frame_in_stack(16, basename, 'main',
                                       'crasher.cc', 24, stack):
            raise error.TestFail('Did not show main on stack')

    def _run_crasher_process(self, username, cause_crash=True, consent=True,
                             crasher_path=None, run_crasher=None,
                             expected_uid=None, expected_gid=None,
                             expected_exit_code=None, expected_reason=None):
        """Runs the crasher process.

        Will wait up to 10 seconds for crash_reporter to report the crash.
        crash_reporter_caught will be marked as true when the "Received crash
        notification message..." appears. While associated logs are likely to be
        available at this point, the function does not guarantee this.

        @param username: Unix user of the crasher process.
        @param cause_crash: Whether the crasher should crash.
        @param consent: Whether the user consents to crash reporting.
        @param crasher_path: Path to which the crasher should be copied before
                             execution. Relative to |_root_path|.
        @param run_crasher: A closure to override the default |crasher_command|
                            invocation. It should return a tuple describing the
                            process, where |pid| can be None if it should be
                            parsed from the |output|:

            def run_crasher(username, crasher_command):
                return (exit_code, output, pid)

        @param expected_uid: The uid the crash happens under.
        @param expected_gid: The gid the crash happens under.
        @param expected_exit_code:
        @param expected_reason:
            Expected information in crash_reporter log message.

          A dictionary with keys:
            returncode: return code of the crasher
            crashed: did the crasher return segv error code
            crash_reporter_caught: did crash_reporter catch a segv
            output: stderr output of the crasher process
        if crasher_path is None:
            crasher_path = self._crasher_path
            dest = os.path.join(self._root_path,

            utils.system('cp -a "%s" "%s"' % (self._crasher_path, dest))


        crasher_command = []

        if username == 'root':
            if expected_exit_code is None:
                expected_exit_code = -signal.SIGSEGV
            if expected_exit_code is None:
                expected_exit_code = 128 + signal.SIGSEGV

            if not run_crasher:
                crasher_command.extend(['su', username, '-c'])

        basename = os.path.basename(crasher_path)
        if not cause_crash:

        logging.debug('Running crasher: %s', crasher_command)

        if run_crasher:
            (exit_code, output, pid) = run_crasher(username, crasher_command)

            crasher = subprocess.Popen(crasher_command,

            output = crasher.communicate()[1]
            exit_code = crasher.returncode
            pid = None

        logging.debug('Crasher output:\n%s', output)

        if pid is None:
            # Get the PID from the output, since |crasher.pid| may be su's PID.
            match = re.search(r'pid=(\d+)', output)
            if not match:
                raise error.TestFail('Missing PID in crasher output')
            pid = int(match.group(1))

        if expected_uid is None:
            expected_uid = pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_uid

        if expected_gid is None:
            expected_gid = pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_gid

        if expected_reason is None:
            expected_reason = 'handling' if consent else 'ignoring - no consent'

        expected_message = (
            ('[%s] Received crash notification for %s[%d] sig 11, user %d '
             'group %d (%s)') %
            (self._expected_tag, basename, pid, expected_uid, expected_gid,

        # Wait until no crash_reporter is running.
            lambda: utils.system('pgrep -f crash_reporter.*:%s' % basename,
                                 ignore_status=True) != 0,
                'Timeout waiting for crash_reporter to finish: ' +

        is_caught = False
                lambda: self._log_reader.can_find(expected_message),
                desc='Logs contain crash_reporter message: ' + expected_message)
            is_caught = True
        except utils.TimeoutError:

        result = {'crashed': exit_code == expected_exit_code,
                  'crash_reporter_caught': is_caught,
                  'output': output,
                  'returncode': exit_code}
        logging.debug('Crasher process result: %s', result)
        return result

    def _check_crash_directory_permissions(self, crash_dir):
        stat_info = os.stat(crash_dir)
        user = pwd.getpwuid(stat_info.st_uid).pw_name
        group = grp.getgrgid(stat_info.st_gid).gr_name
        mode = stat.S_IMODE(stat_info.st_mode)

        if crash_dir.startswith('/var/spool/crash'):
            if stat.S_ISDIR(stat_info.st_mode):
                utils.system('ls -l %s' % crash_dir)
                for f in os.listdir(crash_dir):
                        os.path.join(crash_dir, f))
                permitted_modes = set([0o2770])
                permitted_modes = set([0o660, 0o640, 0o644])
            expected_user = 'root'
            expected_group = 'crash-access'
            permitted_modes = set([0o2770])
            expected_user = 'chronos'
            expected_group = 'crash-user-access'

        if user != expected_user or group != expected_group:
            raise error.TestFail(
                'Expected %s.%s ownership of %s (actual %s.%s)' %
                (expected_user, expected_group, crash_dir, user, group))
        if mode not in permitted_modes:
            raise error.TestFail(
                'Expected %s to have mode in %s (actual %o)' %
                (crash_dir, ("%o" % m for m in permitted_modes), mode))

    def _check_minidump_stackwalk(self, minidump_path, basename,
        stack = utils.system_output('/usr/bin/minidump_stackwalk %s %s' %
                                    (minidump_path, self._symbol_dir))
        self._verify_stack(stack, basename, from_crash_reporter)

    def _check_generated_report_sending(self, meta_path, payload_path,
                                        exec_name, report_kind,
        # Now check that the sending works
        result = self._call_sender_one_crash(
        if (not result['send_attempt'] or not result['send_success'] or
            raise error.TestFail('Report not sent properly')
        if result['exec_name'] != exec_name:
            raise error.TestFail('Executable name incorrect')
        if result['report_kind'] != report_kind:
            raise error.TestFail('Expected a %s report' % report_kind)
        if result['report_payload'] != payload_path:
            raise error.TestFail('Sent the wrong minidump payload %s vs %s' % (
                result['report_payload'], payload_path))
        if result['meta_path'] != meta_path:
            raise error.TestFail('Used the wrong meta file %s vs %s' % (
               result['meta_path'], meta_path))
        if expected_sig is None:
            if result['sig'] is not None:
                raise error.TestFail('Report should not have signature')
            if not 'sig' in result or result['sig'] != expected_sig:
                raise error.TestFail('Report signature mismatch: %s vs %s' %
                                     (result['sig'], expected_sig))

        version = self._expected_version
        if version is None:
            lsb_release = utils.read_file('/etc/lsb-release')
            version = re.search(
                r'CHROMEOS_RELEASE_VERSION=(.*)', lsb_release).group(1)

        if not ('Version: %s' % version) in result['output']:
            raise error.TestFail('Missing version %s in log output' % version)

    def _run_crasher_process_and_analyze(self, username,
                                         cause_crash=True, consent=True,
                                         crasher_path=None, run_crasher=None,
                                         expected_uid=None, expected_gid=None,

        result = self._run_crasher_process(
            username, cause_crash=cause_crash, consent=consent,
            crasher_path=crasher_path, run_crasher=run_crasher,
            expected_uid=expected_uid, expected_gid=expected_gid,

        if not result['crashed'] or not result['crash_reporter_caught']:
            return result

        crash_dir = self._get_crash_dir(username, self._force_user_crash_dir)
        crash_dir = self._canonicalize_crash_dir(crash_dir)

        if not consent:
            if os.path.exists(crash_dir):
                raise error.TestFail('Crash directory should not exist')
            return result

        if not os.path.exists(crash_dir):
            raise error.TestFail('Crash directory does not exist')

        crash_contents = os.listdir(crash_dir)
        basename = os.path.basename(crasher_path or self._crasher_path)

        # A dict tracking files for each crash report.
        crash_report_files = {}


        logging.debug('Contents in %s: %s', crash_dir, crash_contents)

        # Variables and their typical contents:
        # basename: crasher_nobreakpad
        # filename: crasher_nobreakpad.20181023.135339.16890.dmp
        # ext: dmp
        for filename in crash_contents:
            if filename.endswith('.core'):
                # Ignore core files.  We'll test them later.
            elif filename.startswith(basename + '.'):
                ext = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1]
                logging.debug('Found crash report file (%s): %s', ext, filename)
                if ext in crash_report_files:
                    raise error.TestFail(
                            'Found multiple files with .%s: %s and %s' %
                            (ext, filename, crash_report_files[ext]))
                crash_report_files[ext] = filename
                # Flag all unknown files.
                raise error.TestFail('Crash reporter created an unknown file: '
                                     '%s' % (filename,))

        # Make sure we generated the exact set of files we expected.
        found_filetypes = set(crash_report_files.keys())
        missing_filetypes = self.REPORT_REQUIRED_FILETYPES - found_filetypes
        unknown_filetypes = (found_filetypes - self.REPORT_REQUIRED_FILETYPES -
        if missing_filetypes:
            raise error.TestFail('crash report is missing files: %s' % (
                    ['.' + x for x in missing_filetypes],))
        if unknown_filetypes:
            raise error.TestFail('crash report includes unknown files: %s' % (
                    [crash_report_files[x] for x in unknown_filetypes],))

        # Create full paths for the logging code below.
        for key in (self.REPORT_REQUIRED_FILETYPES |
            if key in crash_report_files:
                crash_report_files[key] = os.path.join(
                        crash_dir, crash_report_files[key])
                crash_report_files[key] = None

        result['minidump'] = crash_report_files['dmp']
        result['basename'] = basename
        result['meta'] = crash_report_files['meta']
        result['log'] = crash_report_files['log']
        return result

    def _check_crashed_and_caught(self, result):
        if not result['crashed']:
            raise error.TestFail('Crasher returned %d instead of crashing' %

        if not result['crash_reporter_caught']:
            logging.debug('Logs do not contain crash_reporter message:\n%s',
            raise error.TestFail('crash_reporter did not catch crash')

    def _check_crashing_process(self, username, consent=True,
                                crasher_path=None, run_crasher=None,
                                expected_uid=None, expected_gid=None,
        result = self._run_crasher_process_and_analyze(
            username, consent=consent,


        if not consent:

        if not result['minidump']:
            raise error.TestFail('crash reporter did not generate minidump')

        if not self._log_reader.can_find('Stored minidump to ' +
            raise error.TestFail('crash reporter did not announce minidump')
