/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Dagger Authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package dagger.internal.codegen; import static com.google.common.base.CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL; import static com.google.common.base.CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ConfigurationAnnotations.getNullableType; import static dagger.internal.codegen.DaggerStreams.toImmutableList; import static dagger.internal.codegen.FactoryGenerator.checkNotNullProvidesMethod; import static dagger.internal.codegen.RequestKinds.requestTypeName; import static dagger.internal.codegen.SourceFiles.generatedClassNameForBinding; import static dagger.internal.codegen.SourceFiles.membersInjectorNameForType; import static dagger.internal.codegen.javapoet.CodeBlocks.toConcatenatedCodeBlock; import static dagger.internal.codegen.javapoet.TypeNames.rawTypeName; import static dagger.internal.codegen.langmodel.Accessibility.isElementAccessibleFrom; import static dagger.internal.codegen.langmodel.Accessibility.isRawTypeAccessible; import static dagger.internal.codegen.langmodel.Accessibility.isRawTypePubliclyAccessible; import static dagger.internal.codegen.langmodel.Accessibility.isTypeAccessibleFrom; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList; import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.STATIC; import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.VOID; import com.google.auto.common.MoreElements; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.squareup.javapoet.ClassName; import com.squareup.javapoet.CodeBlock; import com.squareup.javapoet.ParameterSpec; import com.squareup.javapoet.TypeName; import dagger.internal.codegen.MembersInjectionBinding.InjectionSite; import dagger.internal.codegen.javapoet.Expression; import dagger.internal.codegen.langmodel.DaggerElements; import dagger.internal.codegen.langmodel.DaggerTypes; import dagger.model.DependencyRequest; import dagger.model.RequestKind; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.Function; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror; /** Convenience methods for creating and invoking {@link InjectionMethod}s. */ final class InjectionMethods { /** * A method that returns an object from a {@code @Provides} method or an {@code @Inject}ed * constructor. Its parameters match the dependency requests for constructor and members * injection. * *

For {@code @Provides} methods named "foo", the method name is "proxyFoo". If the * {@code @Provides} method and its raw parameter types are publicly accessible, no method is * necessary and this method returns {@link Optional#empty()}. * *

Example: * *

   * abstract class FooModule {
   *   {@literal @Provides} static Foo provideFoo(Bar bar, Baz baz) { … }
   * }
   * public static proxyProvideFoo(Bar bar, Baz baz) { … }
* *

For {@code @Inject}ed constructors, the method name is "newFoo". If the constructor and its * raw parameter types are publicly accessible, no method is necessary and this method returns * {@code Optional#empty()}. * *

Example: * *

   * class Foo {
   *   {@literal @Inject} Foo(Bar bar) {}
   * }
   * public static Foo newFoo(Bar bar) { … }
*/ static final class ProvisionMethod { /** * Names of methods that are already defined in factories and shouldn't be used for the proxy * method name. */ private static final ImmutableSet BANNED_PROXY_NAMES = ImmutableSet.of("get", "create"); /** * Returns a method that invokes the binding's {@linkplain ProvisionBinding#bindingElement() * constructor} and injects the instance's members. */ static InjectionMethod create( ProvisionBinding binding, CompilerOptions compilerOptions, DaggerElements elements) { ClassName proxyEnclosingClass = generatedClassNameForBinding(binding); ExecutableElement element = MoreElements.asExecutable(binding.bindingElement().get()); switch (element.getKind()) { case CONSTRUCTOR: return constructorProxy(proxyEnclosingClass, element, elements); case METHOD: return methodProxy( proxyEnclosingClass, element, methodName(element), ReceiverAccessibility.IGNORE, CheckNotNullPolicy.get(binding, compilerOptions), elements); default: throw new AssertionError(element); } } /** * Invokes the injection method for {@code binding}, with the dependencies transformed with the * {@code dependencyUsage} function. */ // TODO(ronshapiro): Further extract a ProvisionMethod type that composes an InjectionMethod, so // users can write ProvisionMethod.create().invoke() static CodeBlock invoke( ProvisionBinding binding, Function dependencyUsage, ClassName requestingClass, Optional moduleReference, CompilerOptions compilerOptions, DaggerElements elements) { ImmutableList.Builder arguments = ImmutableList.builder(); moduleReference.ifPresent(arguments::add); arguments.addAll( injectionMethodArguments( binding.provisionDependencies(), dependencyUsage, requestingClass)); // TODO(ronshapiro): make InjectionMethods @Injectable return create(binding, compilerOptions, elements).invoke(arguments.build(), requestingClass); } private static InjectionMethod constructorProxy( ClassName proxyEnclosingClass, ExecutableElement constructor, DaggerElements elements) { TypeElement enclosingType = MoreElements.asType(constructor.getEnclosingElement()); InjectionMethod.Builder injectionMethod = InjectionMethod.builder(elements) .name(methodName(constructor)) .returnType(enclosingType.asType()) .enclosingClass(proxyEnclosingClass); injectionMethod .copyTypeParameters(enclosingType) .copyThrows(constructor); CodeBlock arguments = injectionMethod.copyParameters(constructor); injectionMethod .methodBodyBuilder() .addStatement("return new $T($L)", enclosingType, arguments); return injectionMethod.build(); } /** * Returns {@code true} if injecting an instance of {@code binding} from {@code callingPackage} * requires the use of an injection method. */ static boolean requiresInjectionMethod( ProvisionBinding binding, ImmutableList arguments, CompilerOptions compilerOptions, String callingPackage, DaggerTypes types) { ExecutableElement method = MoreElements.asExecutable(binding.bindingElement().get()); return !binding.injectionSites().isEmpty() || binding.shouldCheckForNull(compilerOptions) || !isElementAccessibleFrom(method, callingPackage) || !areParametersAssignable(method, arguments, types) // This check should be removable once we drop support for -source 7 || method.getParameters().stream() .map(VariableElement::asType) .anyMatch(type -> !isRawTypeAccessible(type, callingPackage)); } private static boolean areParametersAssignable( ExecutableElement element, ImmutableList arguments, DaggerTypes types) { List parameters = element.getParameters(); checkArgument(parameters.size() == arguments.size()); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) { if (!types.isAssignable(arguments.get(i).type(), parameters.get(i).asType())) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns the name of the {@code static} method that wraps {@code method}. For methods that are * associated with {@code @Inject} constructors, the method will also inject all {@link * InjectionSite}s. */ private static String methodName(ExecutableElement method) { switch (method.getKind()) { case CONSTRUCTOR: return "newInstance"; case METHOD: String methodName = method.getSimpleName().toString(); return BANNED_PROXY_NAMES.contains(methodName) ? "proxy" + LOWER_CAMEL.to(UPPER_CAMEL, methodName) : methodName; default: throw new AssertionError(method); } } } /** * A static method that injects one member of an instance of a type. Its first parameter is an * instance of the type to be injected. The remaining parameters match the dependency requests for * the injection site. * *

Example: * *

   * class Foo {
   *   {@literal @Inject} Bar bar;
   *   {@literal @Inject} void setThings(Baz baz, Qux qux) {}
   * }
   * public static injectBar(Foo instance, Bar bar) { … }
   * public static injectSetThings(Foo instance, Baz baz, Qux qux) { … }
*/ static final class InjectionSiteMethod { /** * When a type has an inaccessible member from a supertype (e.g. an @Inject field in a parent * that's in a different package), a method in the supertype's package must be generated to give * the subclass's members injector a way to inject it. Each potentially inaccessible member * receives its own method, as the subclass may need to inject them in a different order from * the parent class. */ static InjectionMethod create(InjectionSite injectionSite, DaggerElements elements) { String methodName = methodName(injectionSite); ClassName proxyEnclosingClass = membersInjectorNameForType( MoreElements.asType(injectionSite.element().getEnclosingElement())); switch (injectionSite.kind()) { case METHOD: return methodProxy( proxyEnclosingClass, MoreElements.asExecutable(injectionSite.element()), methodName, ReceiverAccessibility.CAST_IF_NOT_PUBLIC, CheckNotNullPolicy.IGNORE, elements); case FIELD: return fieldProxy( proxyEnclosingClass, MoreElements.asVariable(injectionSite.element()), methodName, elements); } throw new AssertionError(injectionSite); } /** * Invokes each of the injection methods for {@code injectionSites}, with the dependencies * transformed using the {@code dependencyUsage} function. * * @param instanceType the type of the {@code instance} parameter */ static CodeBlock invokeAll( ImmutableSet injectionSites, ClassName generatedTypeName, CodeBlock instanceCodeBlock, TypeMirror instanceType, DaggerTypes types, Function dependencyUsage, DaggerElements elements) { return injectionSites .stream() .map( injectionSite -> { TypeMirror injectSiteType = types.erasure(injectionSite.element().getEnclosingElement().asType()); // If instance has been declared as Object because it is not accessible from the // component, but the injectionSite is in a supertype of instanceType that is // publicly accessible, the InjectionSiteMethod will request the actual type and not // Object as the first parameter. If so, cast to the supertype which is accessible // from within generatedTypeName CodeBlock maybeCastedInstance = !types.isSubtype(instanceType, injectSiteType) && isTypeAccessibleFrom(injectSiteType, generatedTypeName.packageName()) ? CodeBlock.of("($T) $L", injectSiteType, instanceCodeBlock) : instanceCodeBlock; return CodeBlock.of( "$L;", invoke( injectionSite, generatedTypeName, maybeCastedInstance, dependencyUsage, elements)); }) .collect(toConcatenatedCodeBlock()); } /** * Invokes the injection method for {@code injectionSite}, with the dependencies transformed * using the {@code dependencyUsage} function. */ private static CodeBlock invoke( InjectionSite injectionSite, ClassName generatedTypeName, CodeBlock instanceCodeBlock, Function dependencyUsage, DaggerElements elements) { List arguments = new ArrayList<>(); arguments.add(instanceCodeBlock); if (!injectionSite.dependencies().isEmpty()) { arguments.addAll( injectionSite .dependencies() .stream() .map(dependencyUsage) .collect(toList())); } return create(injectionSite, elements).invoke(arguments, generatedTypeName); } /* * TODO(ronshapiro): this isn't perfect, as collisions could still exist. Some examples: * * - @Inject void members() {} will generate a method that conflicts with the instance * method `injectMembers(T)` * - Adding the index could conflict with another member: * @Inject void a(Object o) {} * @Inject void a(String s) {} * @Inject void a1(String s) {} * * Here, Method a(String) will add the suffix "1", which will conflict with the method * generated for a1(String) * - Members named "members" or "methods" could also conflict with the {@code static} injection * method. */ private static String methodName(InjectionSite injectionSite) { int index = injectionSite.indexAmongAtInjectMembersWithSameSimpleName(); String indexString = index == 0 ? "" : String.valueOf(index + 1); return "inject" + LOWER_CAMEL.to(UPPER_CAMEL, injectionSite.element().getSimpleName().toString()) + indexString; } } /** * Returns an argument list suitable for calling an injection method. Down-casts any arguments * that are {@code Object} (or {@code Provider}) at the caller but not the method. * * @param dependencies the dependencies used by the method * @param dependencyUsage function to apply on each of {@code dependencies} before casting * @param requestingClass the class calling the injection method */ private static ImmutableList injectionMethodArguments( ImmutableSet dependencies, Function dependencyUsage, ClassName requestingClass) { return dependencies.stream() .map(dep -> injectionMethodArgument(dep, dependencyUsage.apply(dep), requestingClass)) .collect(toImmutableList()); } private static CodeBlock injectionMethodArgument( DependencyRequest dependency, CodeBlock argument, ClassName generatedTypeName) { TypeMirror keyType = dependency.key().type(); CodeBlock.Builder codeBlock = CodeBlock.builder(); if (!isRawTypeAccessible(keyType, generatedTypeName.packageName()) && isTypeAccessibleFrom(keyType, generatedTypeName.packageName())) { if (!dependency.kind().equals(RequestKind.INSTANCE)) { TypeName usageTypeName = accessibleType(dependency); codeBlock.add("($T) ($T)", usageTypeName, rawTypeName(usageTypeName)); } else if (dependency.requestElement().get().asType().getKind().equals(TypeKind.TYPEVAR)) { codeBlock.add("($T)", keyType); } } return codeBlock.add(argument).build(); } /** * Returns the parameter type for {@code dependency}. If the raw type is not accessible, returns * {@link Object}. */ private static TypeName accessibleType(DependencyRequest dependency) { TypeName typeName = requestTypeName(dependency.kind(), accessibleType(dependency.key().type())); return dependency .requestElement() .map(element -> element.asType().getKind().isPrimitive()) .orElse(false) ? typeName.unbox() : typeName; } /** * Returns the accessible type for {@code type}. If the raw type is not accessible, returns {@link * Object}. */ private static TypeName accessibleType(TypeMirror type) { return isRawTypePubliclyAccessible(type) ? TypeName.get(type) : TypeName.OBJECT; } /** * Returns the accessible type for {@code type}. If the raw type is not accessible, returns {@link * Object}. */ // TODO(ronshapiro): Can we use DaggerTypes.publiclyAccessibleType in place of this method? private static TypeMirror accessibleType(TypeMirror type, DaggerElements elements) { return isRawTypePubliclyAccessible(type) ? type : elements.getTypeElement(Object.class).asType(); } private enum ReceiverAccessibility { CAST_IF_NOT_PUBLIC { @Override TypeMirror parameterType(TypeMirror type, DaggerElements elements) { return accessibleType(type, elements); } @Override CodeBlock potentiallyCast(CodeBlock instance, TypeMirror instanceType) { return instanceWithPotentialCast(instance, instanceType); } }, IGNORE { @Override TypeMirror parameterType(TypeMirror type, DaggerElements elements) { return type; } @Override CodeBlock potentiallyCast(CodeBlock instance, TypeMirror instanceType) { return instance; } }, ; abstract TypeMirror parameterType(TypeMirror type, DaggerElements elements); abstract CodeBlock potentiallyCast(CodeBlock instance, TypeMirror instanceType); } private static CodeBlock instanceWithPotentialCast(CodeBlock instance, TypeMirror instanceType) { return isRawTypePubliclyAccessible(instanceType) ? instance : CodeBlock.of("(($T) $L)", instanceType, instance); } private enum CheckNotNullPolicy { IGNORE, CHECK_FOR_NULL; CodeBlock checkForNull(CodeBlock maybeNull) { if (this.equals(IGNORE)) { return maybeNull; } return checkNotNullProvidesMethod(maybeNull); } static CheckNotNullPolicy get(ProvisionBinding binding, CompilerOptions compilerOptions) { return binding.shouldCheckForNull(compilerOptions) ? CHECK_FOR_NULL : IGNORE; } } private static InjectionMethod methodProxy( ClassName proxyEnclosingClass, ExecutableElement method, String methodName, ReceiverAccessibility receiverAccessibility, CheckNotNullPolicy checkNotNullPolicy, DaggerElements elements) { TypeElement enclosingType = MoreElements.asType(method.getEnclosingElement()); InjectionMethod.Builder injectionMethod = InjectionMethod.builder(elements).name(methodName).enclosingClass(proxyEnclosingClass); ParameterSpec instance = null; if (!method.getModifiers().contains(STATIC)) { instance = injectionMethod.addParameter( "instance", receiverAccessibility.parameterType(enclosingType.asType(), elements)); } CodeBlock arguments = injectionMethod.copyParameters(method); if (!method.getReturnType().getKind().equals(VOID)) { injectionMethod .returnType(method.getReturnType()) .nullableAnnotation(getNullableType(method)); injectionMethod.methodBodyBuilder().add("return "); } CodeBlock.Builder proxyInvocation = CodeBlock.builder(); if (method.getModifiers().contains(STATIC)) { proxyInvocation.add("$T", rawTypeName(TypeName.get(enclosingType.asType()))); } else { injectionMethod.copyTypeParameters(enclosingType); proxyInvocation.add( receiverAccessibility.potentiallyCast( CodeBlock.of("$N", instance), enclosingType.asType())); } injectionMethod .copyTypeParameters(method) .copyThrows(method); proxyInvocation.add(".$N($L)", method.getSimpleName(), arguments); injectionMethod .methodBodyBuilder() .add(checkNotNullPolicy.checkForNull(proxyInvocation.build())) .add(";\n"); return injectionMethod.build(); } private static InjectionMethod fieldProxy( ClassName proxyEnclosingClass, VariableElement field, String methodName, DaggerElements elements) { TypeElement enclosingType = MoreElements.asType(field.getEnclosingElement()); InjectionMethod.Builder injectionMethod = InjectionMethod.builder(elements).name(methodName).enclosingClass(proxyEnclosingClass); injectionMethod.copyTypeParameters(enclosingType); ParameterSpec instance = injectionMethod.addParameter("instance", accessibleType(enclosingType.asType(), elements)); CodeBlock parameter = injectionMethod.copyParameter(field); injectionMethod .methodBodyBuilder() .addStatement( "$L.$L = $L", instanceWithPotentialCast(CodeBlock.of("$N", instance), enclosingType.asType()), field.getSimpleName(), parameter); return injectionMethod.build(); } }