// Copyright 2018 The Amber Authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef SRC_COMMAND_H_ #define SRC_COMMAND_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include "amber/shader_info.h" #include "amber/value.h" #include "src/buffer.h" #include "src/command_data.h" #include "src/pipeline_data.h" namespace amber { class BufferCommand; class ClearColorCommand; class ClearCommand; class ClearDepthCommand; class ClearStencilCommand; class CompareBufferCommand; class ComputeCommand; class CopyCommand; class DrawArraysCommand; class DrawRectCommand; class EntryPointCommand; class PatchParameterVerticesCommand; class Pipeline; class ProbeCommand; class ProbeSSBOCommand; class RepeatCommand; /// Base class for all commands. class Command { public: enum class Type : uint8_t { kClear = 0, kClearColor, kClearDepth, kClearStencil, kCompute, kCompareBuffer, kCopy, kDrawArrays, kDrawRect, kEntryPoint, kPatchParameterVertices, kPipelineProperties, kProbe, kProbeSSBO, kBuffer, kRepeat }; virtual ~Command(); Command::Type GetType() const { return command_type_; } bool IsDrawRect() const { return command_type_ == Type::kDrawRect; } bool IsDrawArrays() const { return command_type_ == Type::kDrawArrays; } bool IsCompareBuffer() const { return command_type_ == Type::kCompareBuffer; } bool IsCompute() const { return command_type_ == Type::kCompute; } bool IsCopy() const { return command_type_ == Type::kCopy; } bool IsProbe() const { return command_type_ == Type::kProbe; } bool IsProbeSSBO() const { return command_type_ == Type::kProbeSSBO; } bool IsBuffer() const { return command_type_ == Type::kBuffer; } bool IsClear() const { return command_type_ == Type::kClear; } bool IsClearColor() const { return command_type_ == Type::kClearColor; } bool IsClearDepth() const { return command_type_ == Type::kClearDepth; } bool IsClearStencil() const { return command_type_ == Type::kClearStencil; } bool IsPatchParameterVertices() const { return command_type_ == Type::kPatchParameterVertices; } bool IsEntryPoint() const { return command_type_ == Type::kEntryPoint; } bool IsRepeat() { return command_type_ == Type::kRepeat; } ClearCommand* AsClear(); ClearColorCommand* AsClearColor(); ClearDepthCommand* AsClearDepth(); ClearStencilCommand* AsClearStencil(); CompareBufferCommand* AsCompareBuffer(); ComputeCommand* AsCompute(); CopyCommand* AsCopy(); DrawArraysCommand* AsDrawArrays(); DrawRectCommand* AsDrawRect(); EntryPointCommand* AsEntryPoint(); PatchParameterVerticesCommand* AsPatchParameterVertices(); ProbeCommand* AsProbe(); ProbeSSBOCommand* AsProbeSSBO(); BufferCommand* AsBuffer(); RepeatCommand* AsRepeat(); virtual std::string ToString() const = 0; /// Sets the input file line number this command is declared on. void SetLine(size_t line) { line_ = line; } /// Returns the input file line this command was declared on. size_t GetLine() const { return line_; } protected: explicit Command(Type type); Type command_type_; size_t line_ = 1; }; /// Base class for commands which contain a pipeline. class PipelineCommand : public Command { public: ~PipelineCommand() override; Pipeline* GetPipeline() const { return pipeline_; } protected: explicit PipelineCommand(Type type, Pipeline* pipeline); Pipeline* pipeline_ = nullptr; }; /// Command to draw a rectangle on screen. class DrawRectCommand : public PipelineCommand { public: explicit DrawRectCommand(Pipeline* pipeline, PipelineData data); ~DrawRectCommand() override; const PipelineData* GetPipelineData() const { return &data_; } void EnableOrtho() { is_ortho_ = true; } bool IsOrtho() const { return is_ortho_; } void EnablePatch() { is_patch_ = true; } bool IsPatch() const { return is_patch_; } void SetX(float x) { x_ = x; } float GetX() const { return x_; } void SetY(float y) { y_ = y; } float GetY() const { return y_; } void SetWidth(float w) { width_ = w; } float GetWidth() const { return width_; } void SetHeight(float h) { height_ = h; } float GetHeight() const { return height_; } std::string ToString() const override { return "DrawRectCommand"; } private: PipelineData data_; bool is_ortho_ = false; bool is_patch_ = false; float x_ = 0.0; float y_ = 0.0; float width_ = 0.0; float height_ = 0.0; }; /// Command to draw from a vertex and index buffer. class DrawArraysCommand : public PipelineCommand { public: explicit DrawArraysCommand(Pipeline* pipeline, PipelineData data); ~DrawArraysCommand() override; const PipelineData* GetPipelineData() const { return &data_; } void EnableIndexed() { is_indexed_ = true; } bool IsIndexed() const { return is_indexed_; } void EnableInstanced() { is_instanced_ = true; } bool IsInstanced() const { return is_instanced_; } void SetTopology(Topology topo) { topology_ = topo; } Topology GetTopology() const { return topology_; } void SetFirstVertexIndex(uint32_t idx) { first_vertex_index_ = idx; } uint32_t GetFirstVertexIndex() const { return first_vertex_index_; } void SetVertexCount(uint32_t count) { vertex_count_ = count; } uint32_t GetVertexCount() const { return vertex_count_; } void SetInstanceCount(uint32_t count) { instance_count_ = count; } uint32_t GetInstanceCount() const { return instance_count_; } std::string ToString() const override { return "DrawArraysCommand"; } private: PipelineData data_; bool is_indexed_ = false; bool is_instanced_ = false; Topology topology_ = Topology::kUnknown; uint32_t first_vertex_index_ = 0; uint32_t vertex_count_ = 0; uint32_t instance_count_ = 0; }; /// A command to compare two buffers. class CompareBufferCommand : public Command { public: enum class Comparator { kEq, kRmse, kHistogramEmd }; CompareBufferCommand(Buffer* buffer_1, Buffer* buffer_2); ~CompareBufferCommand() override; Buffer* GetBuffer1() const { return buffer_1_; } Buffer* GetBuffer2() const { return buffer_2_; } void SetComparator(Comparator type) { comparator_ = type; } Comparator GetComparator() const { return comparator_; } void SetTolerance(float tolerance) { tolerance_ = tolerance; } float GetTolerance() const { return tolerance_; } std::string ToString() const override { return "CompareBufferCommand"; } private: Buffer* buffer_1_; Buffer* buffer_2_; float tolerance_ = 0.0; Comparator comparator_ = Comparator::kEq; }; /// Command to execute a compute command. class ComputeCommand : public PipelineCommand { public: explicit ComputeCommand(Pipeline* pipeline); ~ComputeCommand() override; void SetX(uint32_t x) { x_ = x; } uint32_t GetX() const { return x_; } void SetY(uint32_t y) { y_ = y; } uint32_t GetY() const { return y_; } void SetZ(uint32_t z) { z_ = z; } uint32_t GetZ() const { return z_; } std::string ToString() const override { return "ComputeCommand"; } private: uint32_t x_ = 0; uint32_t y_ = 0; uint32_t z_ = 0; }; /// Command to copy data from one buffer to another. class CopyCommand : public Command { public: CopyCommand(Buffer* buffer_from, Buffer* buffer_to); ~CopyCommand() override; Buffer* GetBufferFrom() const { return buffer_from_; } Buffer* GetBufferTo() const { return buffer_to_; } std::string ToString() const override { return "CopyCommand"; } private: Buffer* buffer_from_; Buffer* buffer_to_; }; /// Base class for probe commands. class Probe : public Command { public: /// Wrapper around tolerance information for the probe. struct Tolerance { Tolerance(bool percent, double val) : is_percent(percent), value(val) {} bool is_percent = false; double value = 0.0; }; ~Probe() override; Buffer* GetBuffer() const { return buffer_; } bool HasTolerances() const { return !tolerances_.empty(); } void SetTolerances(const std::vector& t) { tolerances_ = t; } const std::vector& GetTolerances() const { return tolerances_; } protected: explicit Probe(Type type, Buffer* buffer); private: Buffer* buffer_; std::vector tolerances_; }; /// Command to probe an image buffer. class ProbeCommand : public Probe { public: explicit ProbeCommand(Buffer* buffer); ~ProbeCommand() override; void SetWholeWindow() { is_whole_window_ = true; } bool IsWholeWindow() const { return is_whole_window_; } void SetProbeRect() { is_probe_rect_ = true; } bool IsProbeRect() const { return is_probe_rect_; } void SetRelative() { is_relative_ = true; } bool IsRelative() const { return is_relative_; } void SetIsRGBA() { color_format_ = ColorFormat::kRGBA; } bool IsRGBA() const { return color_format_ == ColorFormat::kRGBA; } void SetX(float x) { x_ = x; } float GetX() const { return x_; } void SetY(float y) { y_ = y; } float GetY() const { return y_; } void SetWidth(float w) { width_ = w; } float GetWidth() const { return width_; } void SetHeight(float h) { height_ = h; } float GetHeight() const { return height_; } // Colours are stored in the range 0.0 - 1.0 void SetR(float r) { r_ = r; } float GetR() const { return r_; } void SetG(float g) { g_ = g; } float GetG() const { return g_; } void SetB(float b) { b_ = b; } float GetB() const { return b_; } void SetA(float a) { a_ = a; } float GetA() const { return a_; } std::string ToString() const override { return "ProbeCommand"; } private: enum class ColorFormat { kRGB = 0, kRGBA, }; bool is_whole_window_ = false; bool is_probe_rect_ = false; bool is_relative_ = false; ColorFormat color_format_ = ColorFormat::kRGB; float x_ = 0.0; float y_ = 0.0; float width_ = 1.0; float height_ = 1.0; float r_ = 0.0; float g_ = 0.0; float b_ = 0.0; float a_ = 0.0; }; /// Command to probe a data buffer. class ProbeSSBOCommand : public Probe { public: enum class Comparator { kEqual, kNotEqual, kFuzzyEqual, kLess, kLessOrEqual, kGreater, kGreaterOrEqual }; explicit ProbeSSBOCommand(Buffer* buffer); ~ProbeSSBOCommand() override; void SetComparator(Comparator comp) { comparator_ = comp; } Comparator GetComparator() const { return comparator_; } void SetDescriptorSet(uint32_t id) { descriptor_set_id_ = id; } uint32_t GetDescriptorSet() const { return descriptor_set_id_; } void SetBinding(uint32_t id) { binding_num_ = id; } uint32_t GetBinding() const { return binding_num_; } void SetOffset(uint32_t offset) { offset_ = offset; } uint32_t GetOffset() const { return offset_; } void SetFormat(Format* fmt) { format_ = fmt; } Format* GetFormat() const { return format_; } void SetValues(std::vector&& values) { values_ = std::move(values); } const std::vector& GetValues() const { return values_; } std::string ToString() const override { return "ProbeSSBOCommand"; } private: Comparator comparator_ = Comparator::kEqual; uint32_t descriptor_set_id_ = 0; uint32_t binding_num_ = 0; uint32_t offset_ = 0; Format* format_; std::vector values_; }; /// Command to set the size of a buffer, or update a buffers contents. class BufferCommand : public PipelineCommand { public: enum class BufferType { kSSBO, kUniform, kPushConstant, }; explicit BufferCommand(BufferType type, Pipeline* pipeline); ~BufferCommand() override; bool IsSSBO() const { return buffer_type_ == BufferType::kSSBO; } bool IsUniform() const { return buffer_type_ == BufferType::kUniform; } bool IsPushConstant() const { return buffer_type_ == BufferType::kPushConstant; } void SetIsSubdata() { is_subdata_ = true; } bool IsSubdata() const { return is_subdata_; } void SetDescriptorSet(uint32_t set) { descriptor_set_ = set; } uint32_t GetDescriptorSet() const { return descriptor_set_; } void SetBinding(uint32_t num) { binding_num_ = num; } uint32_t GetBinding() const { return binding_num_; } void SetOffset(uint32_t offset) { offset_ = offset; } uint32_t GetOffset() const { return offset_; } void SetValues(std::vector&& values) { values_ = std::move(values); } const std::vector& GetValues() const { return values_; } void SetBuffer(Buffer* buffer) { buffer_ = buffer; } Buffer* GetBuffer() const { return buffer_; } std::string ToString() const override { return "BufferCommand"; } private: Buffer* buffer_ = nullptr; BufferType buffer_type_; bool is_subdata_ = false; uint32_t descriptor_set_ = 0; uint32_t binding_num_ = 0; uint32_t offset_ = 0; std::vector values_; }; /// Command to clear the colour attachments. class ClearCommand : public PipelineCommand { public: explicit ClearCommand(Pipeline* pipeline); ~ClearCommand() override; std::string ToString() const override { return "ClearCommand"; } }; /// Command to set the colour for the clear command. class ClearColorCommand : public PipelineCommand { public: explicit ClearColorCommand(Pipeline* pipeline); ~ClearColorCommand() override; // Colours are stored in the range 0.0 - 1.0 void SetR(float r) { r_ = r; } float GetR() const { return r_; } void SetG(float g) { g_ = g; } float GetG() const { return g_; } void SetB(float b) { b_ = b; } float GetB() const { return b_; } void SetA(float a) { a_ = a; } float GetA() const { return a_; } std::string ToString() const override { return "ClearColorCommand"; } private: float r_ = 0.0; float g_ = 0.0; float b_ = 0.0; float a_ = 0.0; }; /// Command to set the depth value for the clear command. class ClearDepthCommand : public PipelineCommand { public: explicit ClearDepthCommand(Pipeline* pipeline); ~ClearDepthCommand() override; void SetValue(float val) { value_ = val; } float GetValue() const { return value_; } std::string ToString() const override { return "ClearDepthCommand"; } private: float value_ = 0.0; }; /// Command to set the stencil value for the clear command. class ClearStencilCommand : public PipelineCommand { public: explicit ClearStencilCommand(Pipeline* pipeline); ~ClearStencilCommand() override; void SetValue(uint32_t val) { value_ = val; } uint32_t GetValue() const { return value_; } std::string ToString() const override { return "ClearStencilCommand"; } private: uint32_t value_ = 0; }; /// Command to set the patch parameter vertices. class PatchParameterVerticesCommand : public PipelineCommand { public: explicit PatchParameterVerticesCommand(Pipeline* pipeline); ~PatchParameterVerticesCommand() override; void SetControlPointCount(uint32_t count) { control_point_count_ = count; } uint32_t GetControlPointCount() const { return control_point_count_; } std::string ToString() const override { return "PatchParameterVerticesCommand"; } private: uint32_t control_point_count_ = 0; }; /// Command to set the entry point to use for a given shader type. class EntryPointCommand : public PipelineCommand { public: explicit EntryPointCommand(Pipeline* pipeline); ~EntryPointCommand() override; void SetShaderType(ShaderType type) { shader_type_ = type; } ShaderType GetShaderType() const { return shader_type_; } void SetEntryPointName(const std::string& name) { entry_point_name_ = name; } std::string GetEntryPointName() const { return entry_point_name_; } std::string ToString() const override { return "EntryPointCommand"; } private: ShaderType shader_type_ = kShaderTypeVertex; std::string entry_point_name_; }; /// Command to repeat the given set of commands a number of times. class RepeatCommand : public Command { public: explicit RepeatCommand(uint32_t count); ~RepeatCommand() override; uint32_t GetCount() const { return count_; } void SetCommands(std::vector> cmds) { commands_ = std::move(cmds); } const std::vector>& GetCommands() const { return commands_; } std::string ToString() const override { return "RepeatCommand"; } private: uint32_t count_ = 0; std::vector> commands_; }; } // namespace amber #endif // SRC_COMMAND_H_