/* * Copyright (c) 2019, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef VERIFY_PRINT_ERROR #define VERIFY_PRINT_ERROR #endif // VERIFY_PRINT_ERROR #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "apps_std.h" #include "AEEstd.h" #include "AEEStdErr.h" #include "verify.h" #include "remote_priv.h" #include "adsp_current_process.h" #include "adsp_current_process1.h" #include "adspmsgd_adsp.h" #include "adspmsgd_adsp1.h" #include "rpcmem.h" #define EVENT_SIZE ( sizeof (struct inotify_event) ) #define EVENT_BUF_LEN ( 1024 * ( EVENT_SIZE + 16 ) ) #ifndef AEE_EUNSUPPORTED #define AEE_EUNSUPPORTED 20 // API is not supported 50 #endif #define DEFAULT_ADSPMSGD_MEMORY_SIZE 8192 #define INVALID_HANDLE (remote_handle64)(-1) #define ERRNO (errno == 0 ? -1 : errno) struct log_config_watcher_params { int fd; int event_fd; // Duplicate fd to quit the poll _cstring1_t* paths; int* wd; uint32 numPaths; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_t thread; unsigned char stopThread; int asidToWatch; char* fileToWatch; char* asidFileToWatch; char* pidFileToWatch; boolean adspmsgdEnabled; }; static struct log_config_watcher_params log_config_watcher[NUM_DOMAINS_EXTEND]; extern const char* __progname; const char* get_domain_str(int domain); remote_handle64 get_adsp_current_process1_handle(int domain); remote_handle64 get_adspmsgd_adsp1_handle(int domain); static int parseLogConfig(int dom, unsigned short mask, char* filenames){ _cstring1_t* filesToLog = NULL; int filesToLogLen = 0; char* tempFiles = NULL; int nErr = AEE_SUCCESS; char *saveptr = NULL; char* path = NULL; char delim[] = {','}; int maxPathLen = 0; int i = 0; remote_handle64 handle; VERIFYC(filenames != NULL, AEE_EINVALIDFILENAME); VERIFYC(NULL!= (tempFiles = malloc(sizeof(char) * (std_strlen(filenames) + 1))), AEE_ENOMEMORY); std_strlcpy(tempFiles,filenames,std_strlen(filenames) + 1); // Get the number of folders and max size needed path = strtok_r (tempFiles, delim, &saveptr); while (path != NULL){ maxPathLen = STD_MAX(maxPathLen, std_strlen(path)) + 1; filesToLogLen++; path = strtok_r (NULL, delim, &saveptr); } VERIFY_IPRINTF("%s: #files: %d max_len: %d\n", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, filesToLogLen, maxPathLen); // Allocate memory VERIFYC(NULL != (filesToLog = malloc(sizeof(_cstring1_t)*filesToLogLen)), AEE_ENOMEMORY); for (i = 0; i < filesToLogLen; ++i){ VERIFYC(NULL != (filesToLog[i].data = malloc(sizeof(char) * maxPathLen)), AEE_ENOMEMORY); filesToLog[i].dataLen = maxPathLen; } // Get the number of folders and max size needed std_strlcpy(tempFiles,filenames,std_strlen(filenames) + 1); i = 0; path = strtok_r (tempFiles, delim, &saveptr); while (path != NULL){ VERIFYC((filesToLog != NULL) && (filesToLog[i].data != NULL) && filesToLog[i].dataLen >= (int)strlen(path), AEE_EBADSIZE); std_strlcpy(filesToLog[i].data, path, filesToLog[i].dataLen); VERIFY_IPRINTF("%s: %s\n", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, filesToLog[i].data); path = strtok_r (NULL, delim, &saveptr); i++; } handle = get_adsp_current_process1_handle(dom); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE) { VERIFY(AEE_SUCCESS == (nErr = adsp_current_process1_set_logging_params(handle, mask,filesToLog,filesToLogLen))); } else { VERIFY(AEE_SUCCESS == (nErr = adsp_current_process_set_logging_params(mask,filesToLog,filesToLogLen))); } bail: if (filesToLog){ for (i = 0; i < filesToLogLen; ++i){ if (filesToLog[i].data != NULL){ free (filesToLog[i].data); filesToLog[i].data = NULL; } } free(filesToLog); filesToLog = NULL; } if(tempFiles){ free(tempFiles); tempFiles = NULL; } if(nErr != AEE_SUCCESS) { VERIFY_EPRINTF("Error %x: parse log config failed. domain %d, mask %x, filename %s\n", nErr, dom, mask, filenames); } return nErr; } // Read log config given the filename static int readLogConfigFromPath(int dom, const char* base, const char* file){ int nErr = 0; apps_std_FILE fp = -1; uint64 len; byte* buf = NULL; int readlen = 0, eof; unsigned short mask = 0; char* path = NULL; char* filenames = NULL; boolean fileExists = FALSE; int buf_addr = 0; remote_handle64 handle; len = std_snprintf(0, 0, "%s/%s", base, file) + 1; VERIFYC(NULL != (path = malloc(sizeof(char) * len)), AEE_ENOMEMORY); std_snprintf(path, (int)len, "%s/%s", base, file); VERIFY(AEE_SUCCESS == (nErr = apps_std_fileExists(path,&fileExists))); if (fileExists == FALSE){ VERIFY_IPRINTF("%s: Couldn't find file: %s\n",log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, path); nErr = AEE_ENOSUCHFILE; goto bail; } if (log_config_watcher[dom].adspmsgdEnabled == FALSE){ handle = get_adspmsgd_adsp1_handle(dom); if(handle != INVALID_HANDLE) { adspmsgd_adsp1_init2(handle); } else if(AEE_EUNSUPPORTED == (nErr = adspmsgd_adsp_init2())) { nErr = adspmsgd_adsp_init(0, RPCMEM_HEAP_DEFAULT, 0, DEFAULT_ADSPMSGD_MEMORY_SIZE, &buf_addr); } if (nErr != AEE_SUCCESS){ VERIFY_EPRINTF("adspmsgd not supported. nErr=%x\n", nErr); }else{ log_config_watcher[dom].adspmsgdEnabled = TRUE; } VERIFY_EPRINTF("Found %s. adspmsgd enabled \n", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch); } VERIFY(AEE_SUCCESS == (nErr = apps_std_fopen(path, "r", &fp))); VERIFY(AEE_SUCCESS == (nErr = apps_std_flen(fp, &len))); VERIFYC(len < 511, AEE_EBADSIZE); VERIFYC(NULL != (buf = calloc(1, sizeof(byte) * (len + 1))), AEE_ENOMEMORY); // extra 1 byte for null character VERIFYC(NULL != (filenames = malloc(sizeof(byte) * len)), AEE_ENOMEMORY); VERIFY(AEE_SUCCESS == (nErr = apps_std_fread(fp, buf, len, &readlen, &eof))); VERIFYC((int)len == readlen, AEE_EFREAD); VERIFY_IPRINTF("%s: Config file %s contents: %s\n", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, path, buf); len = sscanf((const char*)buf, "0x%hx %511s", &mask, filenames); switch (len){ case 1: VERIFY_IPRINTF("%s: Setting log mask:0x%x", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, mask); handle = get_adsp_current_process1_handle(dom); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE) { VERIFY(AEE_SUCCESS == (nErr = adsp_current_process1_set_logging_params(handle,mask,NULL,0))); } else { VERIFY(AEE_SUCCESS == (nErr = adsp_current_process_set_logging_params(mask,NULL,0))); } break; case 2: VERIFY(AEE_SUCCESS == (nErr = parseLogConfig(dom, mask,filenames))); VERIFY_IPRINTF("%s: Setting log mask:0x%x, filename:%s", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, mask, filenames); break; default: VERIFY_EPRINTF("%s: No valid data found in config file %s", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, path); nErr = AEE_EUNSUPPORTED; goto bail; } bail: if (buf != NULL){ free(buf); buf = NULL; } if (filenames != NULL){ free(filenames); filenames = NULL; } if (fp != -1){ apps_std_fclose(fp); } if (path != NULL){ free(path); path = NULL; } if(nErr != AEE_SUCCESS) { VERIFY_IPRINTF("Error %x: fopen failed for %s/%s. (%s)\n", nErr, base, file, strerror(ERRNO)); } return nErr; } // Read log config given the watch descriptor static int readLogConfigFromEvent(int dom, struct inotify_event *event){ int i = 0; // Ensure we are looking at the right file for (i = 0; i < (int)log_config_watcher[dom].numPaths; ++i){ if (log_config_watcher[dom].wd[i] == event->wd ){ if(std_strcmp(log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, event->name) == 0){ return readLogConfigFromPath(dom, log_config_watcher[dom].paths[i].data, log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch); }else if (std_strcmp(log_config_watcher[dom].asidFileToWatch, event->name) == 0) { return readLogConfigFromPath(dom, log_config_watcher[dom].paths[i].data, log_config_watcher[dom].asidFileToWatch); }else if (std_strcmp(log_config_watcher[dom].pidFileToWatch, event->name) == 0){ return readLogConfigFromPath(dom, log_config_watcher[dom].paths[i].data, log_config_watcher[dom].pidFileToWatch); } } } VERIFY_IPRINTF("%s: Watch descriptor %d not valid for current process", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, event->wd); return AEE_SUCCESS; } // Read log config given the watch descriptor static int resetLogConfigFromEvent(int dom, struct inotify_event *event) { int i = 0; remote_handle64 handle; // Ensure we are looking at the right file for (i = 0; i < (int)log_config_watcher[dom].numPaths; ++i){ if (log_config_watcher[dom].wd[i] == event->wd ){ if( (std_strcmp(log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, event->name) == 0)|| (std_strcmp(log_config_watcher[dom].asidFileToWatch, event->name) == 0) || (std_strcmp(log_config_watcher[dom].pidFileToWatch, event->name) == 0) ) { if (log_config_watcher[dom].adspmsgdEnabled == TRUE){ handle = get_adspmsgd_adsp1_handle(dom); if(handle != INVALID_HANDLE) { adspmsgd_adsp1_deinit(handle); } else { adspmsgd_adsp_deinit(); } } handle = get_adsp_current_process1_handle(dom); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE) { return adsp_current_process1_set_logging_params(handle,0,NULL,0); } else { return adsp_current_process_set_logging_params(0,NULL,0); } } } } VERIFY_IPRINTF("%s: Watch descriptor %d not valid for current process", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, event->wd); return AEE_SUCCESS; } static void* file_watcher_thread(void *arg) { int dom = (int)(uintptr_t)arg; int ret = 0; int length = 0; int nErr = AEE_SUCCESS; int i = 0; char buffer[EVENT_BUF_LEN]; struct pollfd pfd[] = { {log_config_watcher[dom].fd, POLLIN, 0}, {log_config_watcher[dom].event_fd, POLLIN, 0} }; const char* fileExtension = ".farf"; int len = 0; remote_handle64 handle; // Check for the presence of the .farf file at bootup for (i = 0; i < (int)log_config_watcher[dom].numPaths; ++i){ if (0 == readLogConfigFromPath(dom, log_config_watcher[dom].paths[i].data, log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch)){ VERIFY_IPRINTF("%s: Log config File %s found.\n", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, log_config_watcher[dom].paths[i].data ); } } while(log_config_watcher[dom].stopThread == 0){ // Block forever ret = poll(pfd, 2, -1); if(ret < 0){ VERIFY_EPRINTF("%s: Error polling for file change. Runtime FARF will not work for this process. errno=%x !", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, errno); break; } else if (pfd[1].revents & POLLIN) { // Check for exit VERIFY_IPRINTF("Received exit.\n"); break; } else { length = read( log_config_watcher[dom].fd, buffer, EVENT_BUF_LEN ); i = 0; while ( i < length ) { struct inotify_event *event = ( struct inotify_event * ) &buffer[ i ]; if ( event->len ) { // Get the asiD for the current process // Do it once only if (log_config_watcher[dom].asidToWatch == -1){ handle = get_adsp_current_process1_handle(dom); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE) { VERIFY(AEE_SUCCESS == (nErr = adsp_current_process1_getASID(handle,(unsigned int*)&log_config_watcher[dom].asidToWatch ))); } else { VERIFY(AEE_SUCCESS == (nErr = adsp_current_process_getASID((unsigned int*)&log_config_watcher[dom].asidToWatch ))); } len = strlen(fileExtension) + strlen(__TOSTR__(INT_MAX)); VERIFYC(NULL != (log_config_watcher[dom].asidFileToWatch = malloc(sizeof(char) * len)), AEE_ENOMEMORY); snprintf(log_config_watcher[dom].asidFileToWatch, len, "%d%s", log_config_watcher[dom].asidToWatch, fileExtension); VERIFY_IPRINTF("%s: Watching ASID file %s\n", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, log_config_watcher[dom].asidFileToWatch); } VERIFY_IPRINTF("%s: %s %d.\n", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, event->name, event->mask ); if ( (event->mask & IN_CREATE) || (event->mask & IN_MODIFY)) { VERIFY_IPRINTF("%s: File %s created.\n", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, event->name ); if (0 != readLogConfigFromEvent(dom, event)){ VERIFY_EPRINTF("%s: Error reading config file %s", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, log_config_watcher[dom].paths[i].data); } } else if ( event->mask & IN_DELETE ) { VERIFY_IPRINTF("%s: File %s deleted.\n", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, event->name ); if (0 != resetLogConfigFromEvent(dom, event)){ VERIFY_EPRINTF("%s: Error resetting FARF runtime log config" ,log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch); } } } i += EVENT_SIZE + event->len; } } } bail: if (nErr != AEE_SUCCESS){ VERIFY_EPRINTF("Error %x: file watcher thread exited. Runtime FARF will not work for this process. filename %s\n", nErr, log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch); } return NULL; } void deinitFileWatcher(int dom) { int i = 0; uint64 stop = 10; remote_handle64 handle; log_config_watcher[dom].stopThread = 1; if (0 < log_config_watcher[dom].event_fd) { if (write(log_config_watcher[dom].event_fd, &stop, sizeof(uint64)) != sizeof(uint64)) { VERIFY_EPRINTF("Error: write failed: Cannot set exit flag to watcher thread.\n"); } } if (log_config_watcher[dom].thread) { pthread_join(log_config_watcher[dom].thread, NULL); log_config_watcher[dom].thread = 0; } if (log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch){ free (log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch); log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch = 0; } if (log_config_watcher[dom].asidFileToWatch){ free (log_config_watcher[dom].asidFileToWatch); log_config_watcher[dom].asidFileToWatch = 0; } if (log_config_watcher[dom].pidFileToWatch){ free (log_config_watcher[dom].pidFileToWatch); log_config_watcher[dom].pidFileToWatch = 0; } if (log_config_watcher[dom].wd){ for (i = 0; i < (int)log_config_watcher[dom].numPaths; ++i){ if (log_config_watcher[dom].wd[i] != 0){ inotify_rm_watch( log_config_watcher[dom].fd, log_config_watcher[dom].wd[i] ); } } free(log_config_watcher[dom].wd); log_config_watcher[dom].wd = NULL; } if (log_config_watcher[dom].paths){ for (i = 0; i < (int)log_config_watcher[dom].numPaths; ++i){ if (log_config_watcher[dom].paths[i].data){ free(log_config_watcher[dom].paths[i].data); log_config_watcher[dom].paths[i].data = NULL; } } free(log_config_watcher[dom].paths); log_config_watcher[dom].paths = NULL; } if(log_config_watcher[dom].fd != 0){ close(log_config_watcher[dom].fd); log_config_watcher[dom].fd = 0; } if (log_config_watcher[dom].adspmsgdEnabled == TRUE){ handle = get_adspmsgd_adsp1_handle(dom); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE) { adspmsgd_adsp1_deinit(handle); } else { adspmsgd_adsp_deinit(); } log_config_watcher[dom].adspmsgdEnabled = FALSE; } if(log_config_watcher[dom].event_fd != 0){ close(log_config_watcher[dom].event_fd); log_config_watcher[dom].event_fd = 0; } log_config_watcher[dom].numPaths = 0; } int initFileWatcher(int dom) { int nErr = AEE_SUCCESS; const char* fileExtension = ".farf"; uint32 len = 0; uint16 maxPathLen = 0; int i = 0; char* name = NULL; memset(&log_config_watcher[dom], 0, sizeof(struct log_config_watcher_params)); log_config_watcher[dom].asidToWatch = 0; VERIFYC(NULL != (name = std_basename(__progname)), AEE_EINVALIDPROCNAME); len = strlen(name) + strlen(fileExtension) + 1; VERIFYC(NULL != (log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch = malloc(sizeof(char) * len)), AEE_ENOMEMORY); snprintf(log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, len, "%s%s", name, fileExtension); len = strlen(fileExtension) + strlen(__TOSTR__(INT_MAX)); VERIFYC(NULL != (log_config_watcher[dom].pidFileToWatch = malloc(sizeof(char) * len)), AEE_ENOMEMORY); snprintf(log_config_watcher[dom].pidFileToWatch, len, "%d%s", getpid(), fileExtension); VERIFY_IPRINTF("%s: Watching PID file: %s\n", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, log_config_watcher[dom].pidFileToWatch); log_config_watcher[dom].fd = inotify_init(); if (log_config_watcher[dom].fd < 0){ nErr = AEE_EINVALIDFD; VERIFY_EPRINTF("Error %x: inotify_init failed. errno = %s\n", nErr, strerror(errno)); goto bail; } // Duplicate the fd, so we can use it to quit polling log_config_watcher[dom].event_fd = eventfd(0, 0); if (log_config_watcher[dom].event_fd < 0){ nErr = AEE_EINVALIDFD; VERIFY_EPRINTF("Error %x: eventfd in dup failed. errno %s\n", nErr, strerror(errno)); goto bail; } VERIFY_IPRINTF("fd = %d dupfd=%d\n", log_config_watcher[dom].fd, log_config_watcher[dom].event_fd); // Get the required size apps_std_get_search_paths_with_env("ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH", ";", NULL, 0, &log_config_watcher[dom].numPaths, &maxPathLen); maxPathLen += + 1; // Allocate memory VERIFYC(NULL != (log_config_watcher[dom].paths = malloc(sizeof(_cstring1_t) * log_config_watcher[dom].numPaths)), AEE_ENOMEMORY); VERIFYC(NULL != (log_config_watcher[dom].wd = malloc(sizeof(int) * log_config_watcher[dom].numPaths)), AEE_ENOMEMORY); for (i = 0; i < (int)log_config_watcher[dom].numPaths; ++i){ VERIFYC( NULL != (log_config_watcher[dom].paths[i].data = malloc(sizeof(char) * maxPathLen)), AEE_ENOMEMORY); log_config_watcher[dom].paths[i].dataLen = maxPathLen; } // Get the paths VERIFY(AEE_SUCCESS == (nErr = apps_std_get_search_paths_with_env("ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH", ";", log_config_watcher[dom].paths, log_config_watcher[dom].numPaths, &len, &maxPathLen))); maxPathLen += 1; VERIFY_IPRINTF("%s: Watching folders:\n", log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch); for (i = 0; i < (int)log_config_watcher[dom].numPaths; ++i){ // Watch for creation, deletion and modification of files in path VERIFY_IPRINTF("log file watcher: %s: %s\n",log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, log_config_watcher[dom].paths[i].data); if((log_config_watcher[dom].wd[i] = inotify_add_watch (log_config_watcher[dom].fd, log_config_watcher[dom].paths[i].data, IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE)) < 0) { VERIFY_EPRINTF("Unable to add watcher for folder %s : errno is %s\n", log_config_watcher[dom].paths[i].data, strerror(ERRNO)); } } // Create a thread to watch for file changes log_config_watcher[dom].asidToWatch = -1; log_config_watcher[dom].stopThread = 0; pthread_create(&log_config_watcher[dom].thread, NULL, file_watcher_thread, (void*)(uintptr_t)dom); bail: if (nErr!=AEE_SUCCESS){ VERIFY_EPRINTF("Error %x: Failed to register with inotify file %s. Runtime FARF will not work for the process %s!", nErr, log_config_watcher[dom].fileToWatch, name); deinitFileWatcher(dom); } return nErr; }