# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
from fontTools.misc.loggingTools import LogMixin
import collections
import os
import posixpath
from fontTools.misc import etree as ET
from fontTools.misc import plistlib
- read and write designspace files
__all__ = [
'DesignSpaceDocumentError', 'DesignSpaceDocument', 'SourceDescriptor',
'InstanceDescriptor', 'AxisDescriptor', 'RuleDescriptor', 'BaseDocReader',
# ElementTree allows to find namespace-prefixed elements, but not attributes
# so we have to do it ourselves for 'xml:lang'
XML_NS = "{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}"
XML_LANG = XML_NS + "lang"
def posix(path):
"""Normalize paths using forward slash to work also on Windows."""
new_path = posixpath.join(*path.split(os.path.sep))
if path.startswith('/'):
# The above transformation loses absolute paths
new_path = '/' + new_path
return new_path
def posixpath_property(private_name):
def getter(self):
# Normal getter
return getattr(self, private_name)
def setter(self, value):
# The setter rewrites paths using forward slashes
if value is not None:
value = posix(value)
setattr(self, private_name, value)
return property(getter, setter)
class DesignSpaceDocumentError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg, obj=None):
self.msg = msg
self.obj = obj
def __str__(self):
return str(self.msg) + (
": %r" % self.obj if self.obj is not None else "")
class AsDictMixin(object):
def asdict(self):
d = {}
for attr, value in self.__dict__.items():
if attr.startswith("_"):
if hasattr(value, "asdict"):
value = value.asdict()
elif isinstance(value, list):
value = [
v.asdict() if hasattr(v, "asdict") else v for v in value
d[attr] = value
return d
class SimpleDescriptor(AsDictMixin):
""" Containers for a bunch of attributes"""
# XXX this is ugly. The 'print' is inappropriate here, and instead of
# assert, it should simply return True/False
def compare(self, other):
# test if this object contains the same data as the other
for attr in self._attrs:
assert(getattr(self, attr) == getattr(other, attr))
except AssertionError:
print("failed attribute", attr, getattr(self, attr), "!=", getattr(other, attr))
class SourceDescriptor(SimpleDescriptor):
"""Simple container for data related to the source"""
flavor = "source"
_attrs = ['filename', 'path', 'name', 'layerName',
'location', 'copyLib',
'copyGroups', 'copyFeatures',
'muteKerning', 'muteInfo',
'familyName', 'styleName']
def __init__(self):
self.filename = None
"""The original path as found in the document."""
self.path = None
"""The absolute path, calculated from filename."""
self.font = None
"""Any Python object. Optional. Points to a representation of this
source font that is loaded in memory, as a Python object (e.g. a
``defcon.Font`` or a ``fontTools.ttFont.TTFont``).
The default document reader will not fill-in this attribute, and the
default writer will not use this attribute. It is up to the user of
``designspaceLib`` to either load the resource identified by
``filename`` and store it in this field, or write the contents of
this field to the disk and make ```filename`` point to that.
self.name = None
self.location = None
self.layerName = None
self.copyLib = False
self.copyInfo = False
self.copyGroups = False
self.copyFeatures = False
self.muteKerning = False
self.muteInfo = False
self.mutedGlyphNames = []
self.familyName = None
self.styleName = None
path = posixpath_property("_path")
filename = posixpath_property("_filename")
class RuleDescriptor(SimpleDescriptor):
_attrs = ['name', 'conditionSets', 'subs'] # what do we need here
def __init__(self):
self.name = None
self.conditionSets = [] # list of list of dict(name='aaaa', minimum=0, maximum=1000)
self.subs = [] # list of substitutions stored as tuples of glyphnames ("a", "a.alt")
def evaluateRule(rule, location):
""" Return True if any of the rule's conditionsets matches the given location."""
return any(evaluateConditions(c, location) for c in rule.conditionSets)
def evaluateConditions(conditions, location):
""" Return True if all the conditions matches the given location.
If a condition has no minimum, check for < maximum.
If a condition has no maximum, check for > minimum.
for cd in conditions:
value = location[cd['name']]
if cd.get('minimum') is None:
if value > cd['maximum']:
return False
elif cd.get('maximum') is None:
if cd['minimum'] > value:
return False
elif not cd['minimum'] <= value <= cd['maximum']:
return False
return True
def processRules(rules, location, glyphNames):
""" Apply these rules at this location to these glyphnames.minimum
- rule order matters
newNames = []
for rule in rules:
if evaluateRule(rule, location):
for name in glyphNames:
swap = False
for a, b in rule.subs:
if name == a:
swap = True
if swap:
glyphNames = newNames
newNames = []
return glyphNames
class InstanceDescriptor(SimpleDescriptor):
"""Simple container for data related to the instance"""
flavor = "instance"
_defaultLanguageCode = "en"
_attrs = ['path',
def __init__(self):
self.filename = None # the original path as found in the document
self.path = None # the absolute path, calculated from filename
self.name = None
self.location = None
self.familyName = None
self.styleName = None
self.postScriptFontName = None
self.styleMapFamilyName = None
self.styleMapStyleName = None
self.localisedStyleName = {}
self.localisedFamilyName = {}
self.localisedStyleMapStyleName = {}
self.localisedStyleMapFamilyName = {}
self.glyphs = {}
self.kerning = True
self.info = True
self.lib = {}
"""Custom data associated with this instance."""
path = posixpath_property("_path")
filename = posixpath_property("_filename")
def setStyleName(self, styleName, languageCode="en"):
self.localisedStyleName[languageCode] = tounicode(styleName)
def getStyleName(self, languageCode="en"):
return self.localisedStyleName.get(languageCode)
def setFamilyName(self, familyName, languageCode="en"):
self.localisedFamilyName[languageCode] = tounicode(familyName)
def getFamilyName(self, languageCode="en"):
return self.localisedFamilyName.get(languageCode)
def setStyleMapStyleName(self, styleMapStyleName, languageCode="en"):
self.localisedStyleMapStyleName[languageCode] = tounicode(styleMapStyleName)
def getStyleMapStyleName(self, languageCode="en"):
return self.localisedStyleMapStyleName.get(languageCode)
def setStyleMapFamilyName(self, styleMapFamilyName, languageCode="en"):
self.localisedStyleMapFamilyName[languageCode] = tounicode(styleMapFamilyName)
def getStyleMapFamilyName(self, languageCode="en"):
return self.localisedStyleMapFamilyName.get(languageCode)
def tagForAxisName(name):
# try to find or make a tag name for this axis name
names = {
'weight': ('wght', dict(en = 'Weight')),
'width': ('wdth', dict(en = 'Width')),
'optical': ('opsz', dict(en = 'Optical Size')),
'slant': ('slnt', dict(en = 'Slant')),
'italic': ('ital', dict(en = 'Italic')),
if name.lower() in names:
return names[name.lower()]
if len(name) < 4:
tag = name + "*" * (4 - len(name))
tag = name[:4]
return tag, dict(en=name)
class AxisDescriptor(SimpleDescriptor):
""" Simple container for the axis data
Add more localisations?
flavor = "axis"
_attrs = ['tag', 'name', 'maximum', 'minimum', 'default', 'map']
def __init__(self):
self.tag = None # opentype tag for this axis
self.name = None # name of the axis used in locations
self.labelNames = {} # names for UI purposes, if this is not a standard axis,
self.minimum = None
self.maximum = None
self.default = None
self.hidden = False
self.map = []
def serialize(self):
# output to a dict, used in testing
return dict(
def map_forward(self, v):
from fontTools.varLib.models import piecewiseLinearMap
if not self.map:
return v
return piecewiseLinearMap(v, {k: v for k, v in self.map})
def map_backward(self, v):
from fontTools.varLib.models import piecewiseLinearMap
if not self.map:
return v
return piecewiseLinearMap(v, {v: k for k, v in self.map})
class BaseDocWriter(object):
_whiteSpace = " "
ruleDescriptorClass = RuleDescriptor
axisDescriptorClass = AxisDescriptor
sourceDescriptorClass = SourceDescriptor
instanceDescriptorClass = InstanceDescriptor
def getAxisDecriptor(cls):
return cls.axisDescriptorClass()
def getSourceDescriptor(cls):
return cls.sourceDescriptorClass()
def getInstanceDescriptor(cls):
return cls.instanceDescriptorClass()
def getRuleDescriptor(cls):
return cls.ruleDescriptorClass()
def __init__(self, documentPath, documentObject):
self.path = documentPath
self.documentObject = documentObject
self.documentVersion = "4.0"
self.root = ET.Element("designspace")
self.root.attrib['format'] = self.documentVersion
self._axes = [] # for use by the writer only
self._rules = [] # for use by the writer only
def write(self, pretty=True, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True):
if self.documentObject.axes:
for axisObject in self.documentObject.axes:
if self.documentObject.rules:
for ruleObject in self.documentObject.rules:
if self.documentObject.sources:
for sourceObject in self.documentObject.sources:
if self.documentObject.instances:
for instanceObject in self.documentObject.instances:
if self.documentObject.lib:
tree = ET.ElementTree(self.root)
def _makeLocationElement(self, locationObject, name=None):
""" Convert Location dict to a locationElement."""
locElement = ET.Element("location")
if name is not None:
locElement.attrib['name'] = name
validatedLocation = self.documentObject.newDefaultLocation()
for axisName, axisValue in locationObject.items():
if axisName in validatedLocation:
# only accept values we know
validatedLocation[axisName] = axisValue
for dimensionName, dimensionValue in validatedLocation.items():
dimElement = ET.Element('dimension')
dimElement.attrib['name'] = dimensionName
if type(dimensionValue) == tuple:
dimElement.attrib['xvalue'] = self.intOrFloat(dimensionValue[0])
dimElement.attrib['yvalue'] = self.intOrFloat(dimensionValue[1])
dimElement.attrib['xvalue'] = self.intOrFloat(dimensionValue)
return locElement, validatedLocation
def intOrFloat(self, num):
if int(num) == num:
return "%d" % num
return "%f" % num
def _addRule(self, ruleObject):
# if none of the conditions have minimum or maximum values, do not add the rule.
ruleElement = ET.Element('rule')
if ruleObject.name is not None:
ruleElement.attrib['name'] = ruleObject.name
for conditions in ruleObject.conditionSets:
conditionsetElement = ET.Element('conditionset')
for cond in conditions:
if cond.get('minimum') is None and cond.get('maximum') is None:
# neither is defined, don't add this condition
conditionElement = ET.Element('condition')
conditionElement.attrib['name'] = cond.get('name')
if cond.get('minimum') is not None:
conditionElement.attrib['minimum'] = self.intOrFloat(cond.get('minimum'))
if cond.get('maximum') is not None:
conditionElement.attrib['maximum'] = self.intOrFloat(cond.get('maximum'))
if len(conditionsetElement):
for sub in ruleObject.subs:
subElement = ET.Element('sub')
subElement.attrib['name'] = sub[0]
subElement.attrib['with'] = sub[1]
if len(ruleElement):
def _addAxis(self, axisObject):
axisElement = ET.Element('axis')
axisElement.attrib['tag'] = axisObject.tag
axisElement.attrib['name'] = axisObject.name
axisElement.attrib['minimum'] = self.intOrFloat(axisObject.minimum)
axisElement.attrib['maximum'] = self.intOrFloat(axisObject.maximum)
axisElement.attrib['default'] = self.intOrFloat(axisObject.default)
if axisObject.hidden:
axisElement.attrib['hidden'] = "1"
for languageCode, labelName in sorted(axisObject.labelNames.items()):
languageElement = ET.Element('labelname')
languageElement.attrib[XML_LANG] = languageCode
languageElement.text = labelName
if axisObject.map:
for inputValue, outputValue in axisObject.map:
mapElement = ET.Element('map')
mapElement.attrib['input'] = self.intOrFloat(inputValue)
mapElement.attrib['output'] = self.intOrFloat(outputValue)
def _addInstance(self, instanceObject):
instanceElement = ET.Element('instance')
if instanceObject.name is not None:
instanceElement.attrib['name'] = instanceObject.name
if instanceObject.familyName is not None:
instanceElement.attrib['familyname'] = instanceObject.familyName
if instanceObject.styleName is not None:
instanceElement.attrib['stylename'] = instanceObject.styleName
# add localisations
if instanceObject.localisedStyleName:
languageCodes = list(instanceObject.localisedStyleName.keys())
for code in languageCodes:
if code == "en":
continue # already stored in the element attribute
localisedStyleNameElement = ET.Element('stylename')
localisedStyleNameElement.attrib[XML_LANG] = code
localisedStyleNameElement.text = instanceObject.getStyleName(code)
if instanceObject.localisedFamilyName:
languageCodes = list(instanceObject.localisedFamilyName.keys())
for code in languageCodes:
if code == "en":
continue # already stored in the element attribute
localisedFamilyNameElement = ET.Element('familyname')
localisedFamilyNameElement.attrib[XML_LANG] = code
localisedFamilyNameElement.text = instanceObject.getFamilyName(code)
if instanceObject.localisedStyleMapStyleName:
languageCodes = list(instanceObject.localisedStyleMapStyleName.keys())
for code in languageCodes:
if code == "en":
localisedStyleMapStyleNameElement = ET.Element('stylemapstylename')
localisedStyleMapStyleNameElement.attrib[XML_LANG] = code
localisedStyleMapStyleNameElement.text = instanceObject.getStyleMapStyleName(code)
if instanceObject.localisedStyleMapFamilyName:
languageCodes = list(instanceObject.localisedStyleMapFamilyName.keys())
for code in languageCodes:
if code == "en":
localisedStyleMapFamilyNameElement = ET.Element('stylemapfamilyname')
localisedStyleMapFamilyNameElement.attrib[XML_LANG] = code
localisedStyleMapFamilyNameElement.text = instanceObject.getStyleMapFamilyName(code)
if instanceObject.location is not None:
locationElement, instanceObject.location = self._makeLocationElement(instanceObject.location)
if instanceObject.filename is not None:
instanceElement.attrib['filename'] = instanceObject.filename
if instanceObject.postScriptFontName is not None:
instanceElement.attrib['postscriptfontname'] = instanceObject.postScriptFontName
if instanceObject.styleMapFamilyName is not None:
instanceElement.attrib['stylemapfamilyname'] = instanceObject.styleMapFamilyName
if instanceObject.styleMapStyleName is not None:
instanceElement.attrib['stylemapstylename'] = instanceObject.styleMapStyleName
if instanceObject.glyphs:
if instanceElement.findall('.glyphs') == []:
glyphsElement = ET.Element('glyphs')
glyphsElement = instanceElement.findall('.glyphs')[0]
for glyphName, data in sorted(instanceObject.glyphs.items()):
glyphElement = self._writeGlyphElement(instanceElement, instanceObject, glyphName, data)
if instanceObject.kerning:
kerningElement = ET.Element('kerning')
if instanceObject.info:
infoElement = ET.Element('info')
if instanceObject.lib:
libElement = ET.Element('lib')
libElement.append(plistlib.totree(instanceObject.lib, indent_level=4))
def _addSource(self, sourceObject):
sourceElement = ET.Element("source")
if sourceObject.filename is not None:
sourceElement.attrib['filename'] = sourceObject.filename
if sourceObject.name is not None:
if sourceObject.name.find("temp_master") != 0:
# do not save temporary source names
sourceElement.attrib['name'] = sourceObject.name
if sourceObject.familyName is not None:
sourceElement.attrib['familyname'] = sourceObject.familyName
if sourceObject.styleName is not None:
sourceElement.attrib['stylename'] = sourceObject.styleName
if sourceObject.layerName is not None:
sourceElement.attrib['layer'] = sourceObject.layerName
if sourceObject.copyLib:
libElement = ET.Element('lib')
libElement.attrib['copy'] = "1"
if sourceObject.copyGroups:
groupsElement = ET.Element('groups')
groupsElement.attrib['copy'] = "1"
if sourceObject.copyFeatures:
featuresElement = ET.Element('features')
featuresElement.attrib['copy'] = "1"
if sourceObject.copyInfo or sourceObject.muteInfo:
infoElement = ET.Element('info')
if sourceObject.copyInfo:
infoElement.attrib['copy'] = "1"
if sourceObject.muteInfo:
infoElement.attrib['mute'] = "1"
if sourceObject.muteKerning:
kerningElement = ET.Element("kerning")
kerningElement.attrib["mute"] = '1'
if sourceObject.mutedGlyphNames:
for name in sourceObject.mutedGlyphNames:
glyphElement = ET.Element("glyph")
glyphElement.attrib["name"] = name
glyphElement.attrib["mute"] = '1'
locationElement, sourceObject.location = self._makeLocationElement(sourceObject.location)
def _addLib(self, dict):
libElement = ET.Element('lib')
libElement.append(plistlib.totree(dict, indent_level=2))
def _writeGlyphElement(self, instanceElement, instanceObject, glyphName, data):
glyphElement = ET.Element('glyph')
if data.get('mute'):
glyphElement.attrib['mute'] = "1"
if data.get('unicodes') is not None:
glyphElement.attrib['unicode'] = " ".join([hex(u) for u in data.get('unicodes')])
if data.get('instanceLocation') is not None:
locationElement, data['instanceLocation'] = self._makeLocationElement(data.get('instanceLocation'))
if glyphName is not None:
glyphElement.attrib['name'] = glyphName
if data.get('note') is not None:
noteElement = ET.Element('note')
noteElement.text = data.get('note')
if data.get('masters') is not None:
mastersElement = ET.Element("masters")
for m in data.get('masters'):
masterElement = ET.Element("master")
if m.get('glyphName') is not None:
masterElement.attrib['glyphname'] = m.get('glyphName')
if m.get('font') is not None:
masterElement.attrib['source'] = m.get('font')
if m.get('location') is not None:
locationElement, m['location'] = self._makeLocationElement(m.get('location'))
return glyphElement
class BaseDocReader(LogMixin):
ruleDescriptorClass = RuleDescriptor
axisDescriptorClass = AxisDescriptor
sourceDescriptorClass = SourceDescriptor
instanceDescriptorClass = InstanceDescriptor
def __init__(self, documentPath, documentObject):
self.path = documentPath
self.documentObject = documentObject
tree = ET.parse(self.path)
self.root = tree.getroot()
self.documentObject.formatVersion = self.root.attrib.get("format", "3.0")
self._axes = []
self.rules = []
self.sources = []
self.instances = []
self.axisDefaults = {}
self._strictAxisNames = True
def fromstring(cls, string, documentObject):
f = BytesIO(tobytes(string, encoding="utf-8"))
self = cls(f, documentObject)
self.path = None
return self
def read(self):
def readRules(self):
# we also need to read any conditions that are outside of a condition set.
rules = []
for ruleElement in self.root.findall(".rules/rule"):
ruleObject = self.ruleDescriptorClass()
ruleName = ruleObject.name = ruleElement.attrib.get("name")
# read any stray conditions outside a condition set
externalConditions = self._readConditionElements(
if externalConditions:
"Found stray rule conditions outside a conditionset. "
"Wrapped them in a new conditionset."
# read the conditionsets
for conditionSetElement in ruleElement.findall('.conditionset'):
conditionSet = self._readConditionElements(
if conditionSet is not None:
for subElement in ruleElement.findall('.sub'):
a = subElement.attrib['name']
b = subElement.attrib['with']
ruleObject.subs.append((a, b))
self.documentObject.rules = rules
def _readConditionElements(self, parentElement, ruleName=None):
cds = []
for conditionElement in parentElement.findall('.condition'):
cd = {}
cdMin = conditionElement.attrib.get("minimum")
if cdMin is not None:
cd['minimum'] = float(cdMin)
# will allow these to be None, assume axis.minimum
cd['minimum'] = None
cdMax = conditionElement.attrib.get("maximum")
if cdMax is not None:
cd['maximum'] = float(cdMax)
# will allow these to be None, assume axis.maximum
cd['maximum'] = None
cd['name'] = conditionElement.attrib.get("name")
# # test for things
if cd.get('minimum') is None and cd.get('maximum') is None:
raise DesignSpaceDocumentError(
"condition missing required minimum or maximum in rule" +
(" '%s'" % ruleName if ruleName is not None else ""))
return cds
def readAxes(self):
# read the axes elements, including the warp map.
axisElements = self.root.findall(".axes/axis")
if not axisElements:
for axisElement in axisElements:
axisObject = self.axisDescriptorClass()
axisObject.name = axisElement.attrib.get("name")
axisObject.minimum = float(axisElement.attrib.get("minimum"))
axisObject.maximum = float(axisElement.attrib.get("maximum"))
if axisElement.attrib.get('hidden', False):
axisObject.hidden = True
axisObject.default = float(axisElement.attrib.get("default"))
axisObject.tag = axisElement.attrib.get("tag")
for mapElement in axisElement.findall('map'):
a = float(mapElement.attrib['input'])
b = float(mapElement.attrib['output'])
axisObject.map.append((a, b))
for labelNameElement in axisElement.findall('labelname'):
# Note: elementtree reads the "xml:lang" attribute name as
# '{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang'
for key, lang in labelNameElement.items():
if key == XML_LANG:
axisObject.labelNames[lang] = tounicode(labelNameElement.text)
self.axisDefaults[axisObject.name] = axisObject.default
def readSources(self):
for sourceCount, sourceElement in enumerate(self.root.findall(".sources/source")):
filename = sourceElement.attrib.get('filename')
if filename is not None and self.path is not None:
sourcePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.path), filename))
sourcePath = None
sourceName = sourceElement.attrib.get('name')
if sourceName is None:
# add a temporary source name
sourceName = "temp_master.%d" % (sourceCount)
sourceObject = self.sourceDescriptorClass()
sourceObject.path = sourcePath # absolute path to the ufo source
sourceObject.filename = filename # path as it is stored in the document
sourceObject.name = sourceName
familyName = sourceElement.attrib.get("familyname")
if familyName is not None:
sourceObject.familyName = familyName
styleName = sourceElement.attrib.get("stylename")
if styleName is not None:
sourceObject.styleName = styleName
sourceObject.location = self.locationFromElement(sourceElement)
layerName = sourceElement.attrib.get('layer')
if layerName is not None:
sourceObject.layerName = layerName
for libElement in sourceElement.findall('.lib'):
if libElement.attrib.get('copy') == '1':
sourceObject.copyLib = True
for groupsElement in sourceElement.findall('.groups'):
if groupsElement.attrib.get('copy') == '1':
sourceObject.copyGroups = True
for infoElement in sourceElement.findall(".info"):
if infoElement.attrib.get('copy') == '1':
sourceObject.copyInfo = True
if infoElement.attrib.get('mute') == '1':
sourceObject.muteInfo = True
for featuresElement in sourceElement.findall(".features"):
if featuresElement.attrib.get('copy') == '1':
sourceObject.copyFeatures = True
for glyphElement in sourceElement.findall(".glyph"):
glyphName = glyphElement.attrib.get('name')
if glyphName is None:
if glyphElement.attrib.get('mute') == '1':
for kerningElement in sourceElement.findall(".kerning"):
if kerningElement.attrib.get('mute') == '1':
sourceObject.muteKerning = True
def locationFromElement(self, element):
elementLocation = None
for locationElement in element.findall('.location'):
elementLocation = self.readLocationElement(locationElement)
return elementLocation
def readLocationElement(self, locationElement):
""" Format 0 location reader """
if self._strictAxisNames and not self.documentObject.axes:
raise DesignSpaceDocumentError("No axes defined")
loc = {}
for dimensionElement in locationElement.findall(".dimension"):
dimName = dimensionElement.attrib.get("name")
if self._strictAxisNames and dimName not in self.axisDefaults:
# In case the document contains no axis definitions,
self.log.warning("Location with undefined axis: \"%s\".", dimName)
xValue = yValue = None
xValue = dimensionElement.attrib.get('xvalue')
xValue = float(xValue)
except ValueError:
self.log.warning("KeyError in readLocation xValue %3.3f", xValue)
yValue = dimensionElement.attrib.get('yvalue')
if yValue is not None:
yValue = float(yValue)
except ValueError:
if yValue is not None:
loc[dimName] = (xValue, yValue)
loc[dimName] = xValue
return loc
def readInstances(self, makeGlyphs=True, makeKerning=True, makeInfo=True):
instanceElements = self.root.findall('.instances/instance')
for instanceElement in instanceElements:
self._readSingleInstanceElement(instanceElement, makeGlyphs=makeGlyphs, makeKerning=makeKerning, makeInfo=makeInfo)
def _readSingleInstanceElement(self, instanceElement, makeGlyphs=True, makeKerning=True, makeInfo=True):
filename = instanceElement.attrib.get('filename')
if filename is not None and self.documentObject.path is not None:
instancePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.documentObject.path), filename)
instancePath = None
instanceObject = self.instanceDescriptorClass()
instanceObject.path = instancePath # absolute path to the instance
instanceObject.filename = filename # path as it is stored in the document
name = instanceElement.attrib.get("name")
if name is not None:
instanceObject.name = name
familyname = instanceElement.attrib.get('familyname')
if familyname is not None:
instanceObject.familyName = familyname
stylename = instanceElement.attrib.get('stylename')
if stylename is not None:
instanceObject.styleName = stylename
postScriptFontName = instanceElement.attrib.get('postscriptfontname')
if postScriptFontName is not None:
instanceObject.postScriptFontName = postScriptFontName
styleMapFamilyName = instanceElement.attrib.get('stylemapfamilyname')
if styleMapFamilyName is not None:
instanceObject.styleMapFamilyName = styleMapFamilyName
styleMapStyleName = instanceElement.attrib.get('stylemapstylename')
if styleMapStyleName is not None:
instanceObject.styleMapStyleName = styleMapStyleName
# read localised names
for styleNameElement in instanceElement.findall('stylename'):
for key, lang in styleNameElement.items():
if key == XML_LANG:
styleName = styleNameElement.text
instanceObject.setStyleName(styleName, lang)
for familyNameElement in instanceElement.findall('familyname'):
for key, lang in familyNameElement.items():
if key == XML_LANG:
familyName = familyNameElement.text
instanceObject.setFamilyName(familyName, lang)
for styleMapStyleNameElement in instanceElement.findall('stylemapstylename'):
for key, lang in styleMapStyleNameElement.items():
if key == XML_LANG:
styleMapStyleName = styleMapStyleNameElement.text
instanceObject.setStyleMapStyleName(styleMapStyleName, lang)
for styleMapFamilyNameElement in instanceElement.findall('stylemapfamilyname'):
for key, lang in styleMapFamilyNameElement.items():
if key == XML_LANG:
styleMapFamilyName = styleMapFamilyNameElement.text
instanceObject.setStyleMapFamilyName(styleMapFamilyName, lang)
instanceLocation = self.locationFromElement(instanceElement)
if instanceLocation is not None:
instanceObject.location = instanceLocation
for glyphElement in instanceElement.findall('.glyphs/glyph'):
self.readGlyphElement(glyphElement, instanceObject)
for infoElement in instanceElement.findall("info"):
self.readInfoElement(infoElement, instanceObject)
for libElement in instanceElement.findall('lib'):
self.readLibElement(libElement, instanceObject)
def readLibElement(self, libElement, instanceObject):
"""Read the lib element for the given instance."""
instanceObject.lib = plistlib.fromtree(libElement[0])
def readInfoElement(self, infoElement, instanceObject):
""" Read the info element."""
instanceObject.info = True
def readKerningElement(self, kerningElement, instanceObject):
""" Read the kerning element."""
kerningLocation = self.locationFromElement(kerningElement)
def readGlyphElement(self, glyphElement, instanceObject):
Read the glyph element.
This is an instance from an anisotropic interpolation.
glyphData = {}
glyphName = glyphElement.attrib.get('name')
if glyphName is None:
raise DesignSpaceDocumentError("Glyph object without name attribute")
mute = glyphElement.attrib.get("mute")
if mute == "1":
glyphData['mute'] = True
# unicode
unicodes = glyphElement.attrib.get('unicode')
if unicodes is not None:
unicodes = [int(u, 16) for u in unicodes.split(" ")]
glyphData['unicodes'] = unicodes
except ValueError:
raise DesignSpaceDocumentError("unicode values %s are not integers" % unicodes)
for noteElement in glyphElement.findall('.note'):
glyphData['note'] = noteElement.text
instanceLocation = self.locationFromElement(glyphElement)
if instanceLocation is not None:
glyphData['instanceLocation'] = instanceLocation
glyphSources = None
for masterElement in glyphElement.findall('.masters/master'):
fontSourceName = masterElement.attrib.get('source')
sourceLocation = self.locationFromElement(masterElement)
masterGlyphName = masterElement.attrib.get('glyphname')
if masterGlyphName is None:
# if we don't read a glyphname, use the one we have
masterGlyphName = glyphName
d = dict(font=fontSourceName,
if glyphSources is None:
glyphSources = []
if glyphSources is not None:
glyphData['masters'] = glyphSources
instanceObject.glyphs[glyphName] = glyphData
def readLib(self):
"""Read the lib element for the whole document."""
for libElement in self.root.findall(".lib"):
self.documentObject.lib = plistlib.fromtree(libElement[0])
class DesignSpaceDocument(LogMixin, AsDictMixin):
""" Read, write data from the designspace file"""
def __init__(self, readerClass=None, writerClass=None):
self.path = None
self.filename = None
"""String, optional. When the document is read from the disk, this is
its original file name, i.e. the last part of its path.
When the document is produced by a Python script and still only exists
in memory, the producing script can write here an indication of a
possible "good" filename, in case one wants to save the file somewhere.
self.formatVersion = None
self.sources = []
self.instances = []
self.axes = []
self.rules = []
self.default = None # name of the default master
self.lib = {}
"""Custom data associated with the whole document."""
if readerClass is not None:
self.readerClass = readerClass
self.readerClass = BaseDocReader
if writerClass is not None:
self.writerClass = writerClass
self.writerClass = BaseDocWriter
def fromfile(cls, path, readerClass=None, writerClass=None):
self = cls(readerClass=readerClass, writerClass=writerClass)
return self
def fromstring(cls, string, readerClass=None, writerClass=None):
self = cls(readerClass=readerClass, writerClass=writerClass)
reader = self.readerClass.fromstring(string, self)
if self.sources:
return self
def tostring(self, encoding=None):
if encoding is unicode or (
encoding is not None and encoding.lower() == "unicode"
f = UnicodeIO()
xml_declaration = False
elif encoding is None or encoding == "utf-8":
f = BytesIO()
encoding = "UTF-8"
xml_declaration = True
raise ValueError("unsupported encoding: '%s'" % encoding)
writer = self.writerClass(f, self)
writer.write(encoding=encoding, xml_declaration=xml_declaration)
return f.getvalue()
def read(self, path):
if hasattr(path, "__fspath__"): # support os.PathLike objects
path = path.__fspath__()
self.path = path
self.filename = os.path.basename(path)
reader = self.readerClass(path, self)
if self.sources:
def write(self, path):
if hasattr(path, "__fspath__"): # support os.PathLike objects
path = path.__fspath__()
self.path = path
self.filename = os.path.basename(path)
writer = self.writerClass(path, self)
def _posixRelativePath(self, otherPath):
relative = os.path.relpath(otherPath, os.path.dirname(self.path))
return posix(relative)
def updatePaths(self):
Right before we save we need to identify and respond to the following situations:
In each descriptor, we have to do the right thing for the filename attribute.
case 1.
descriptor.filename == None
descriptor.path == None
-- action:
write as is, descriptors will not have a filename attr.
useless, but no reason to interfere.
case 2.
descriptor.filename == "../something"
descriptor.path == None
-- action:
write as is. The filename attr should not be touched.
case 3.
descriptor.filename == None
descriptor.path == "~/absolute/path/there"
-- action:
calculate the relative path for filename.
We're not overwriting some other value for filename, it should be fine
case 4.
descriptor.filename == '../somewhere'
descriptor.path == "~/absolute/path/there"
-- action:
there is a conflict between the given filename, and the path.
So we know where the file is relative to the document.
Can't guess why they're different, we just choose for path to be correct and update filename.
assert self.path is not None
for descriptor in self.sources + self.instances:
if descriptor.path is not None:
# case 3 and 4: filename gets updated and relativized
descriptor.filename = self._posixRelativePath(descriptor.path)
def addSource(self, sourceDescriptor):
def addInstance(self, instanceDescriptor):
def addAxis(self, axisDescriptor):
def addRule(self, ruleDescriptor):
def newDefaultLocation(self):
"""Return default location in design space."""
# Without OrderedDict, output XML would be non-deterministic.
# https://github.com/LettError/designSpaceDocument/issues/10
loc = collections.OrderedDict()
for axisDescriptor in self.axes:
loc[axisDescriptor.name] = axisDescriptor.map_forward(
return loc
def updateFilenameFromPath(self, masters=True, instances=True, force=False):
# set a descriptor filename attr from the path and this document path
# if the filename attribute is not None: skip it.
if masters:
for descriptor in self.sources:
if descriptor.filename is not None and not force:
if self.path is not None:
descriptor.filename = self._posixRelativePath(descriptor.path)
if instances:
for descriptor in self.instances:
if descriptor.filename is not None and not force:
if self.path is not None:
descriptor.filename = self._posixRelativePath(descriptor.path)
def newAxisDescriptor(self):
# Ask the writer class to make us a new axisDescriptor
return self.writerClass.getAxisDecriptor()
def newSourceDescriptor(self):
# Ask the writer class to make us a new sourceDescriptor
return self.writerClass.getSourceDescriptor()
def newInstanceDescriptor(self):
# Ask the writer class to make us a new instanceDescriptor
return self.writerClass.getInstanceDescriptor()
def getAxisOrder(self):
names = []
for axisDescriptor in self.axes:
return names
def getAxis(self, name):
for axisDescriptor in self.axes:
if axisDescriptor.name == name:
return axisDescriptor
return None
def findDefault(self):
"""Set and return SourceDescriptor at the default location or None.
The default location is the set of all `default` values in user space
of all axes.
self.default = None
# Convert the default location from user space to design space before comparing
# it against the SourceDescriptor locations (always in design space).
default_location_design = self.newDefaultLocation()
for sourceDescriptor in self.sources:
if sourceDescriptor.location == default_location_design:
self.default = sourceDescriptor
return sourceDescriptor
return None
def normalizeLocation(self, location):
from fontTools.varLib.models import normalizeValue
new = {}
for axis in self.axes:
if axis.name not in location:
# skipping this dimension it seems
value = location[axis.name]
# 'anisotropic' location, take first coord only
if isinstance(value, tuple):
value = value[0]
triple = [
axis.map_forward(v) for v in (axis.minimum, axis.default, axis.maximum)
new[axis.name] = normalizeValue(value, triple)
return new
def normalize(self):
# Normalise the geometry of this designspace:
# scale all the locations of all masters and instances to the -1 - 0 - 1 value.
# we need the axis data to do the scaling, so we do those last.
# masters
for item in self.sources:
item.location = self.normalizeLocation(item.location)
# instances
for item in self.instances:
# glyph masters for this instance
for _, glyphData in item.glyphs.items():
glyphData['instanceLocation'] = self.normalizeLocation(glyphData['instanceLocation'])
for glyphMaster in glyphData['masters']:
glyphMaster['location'] = self.normalizeLocation(glyphMaster['location'])
item.location = self.normalizeLocation(item.location)
# the axes
for axis in self.axes:
# scale the map first
newMap = []
for inputValue, outputValue in axis.map:
newOutputValue = self.normalizeLocation({axis.name: outputValue}).get(axis.name)
newMap.append((inputValue, newOutputValue))
if newMap:
axis.map = newMap
# finally the axis values
minimum = self.normalizeLocation({axis.name: axis.minimum}).get(axis.name)
maximum = self.normalizeLocation({axis.name: axis.maximum}).get(axis.name)
default = self.normalizeLocation({axis.name: axis.default}).get(axis.name)
# and set them in the axis.minimum
axis.minimum = minimum
axis.maximum = maximum
axis.default = default
# now the rules
for rule in self.rules:
newConditionSets = []
for conditions in rule.conditionSets:
newConditions = []
for cond in conditions:
if cond.get('minimum') is not None:
minimum = self.normalizeLocation({cond['name']: cond['minimum']}).get(cond['name'])
minimum = None
if cond.get('maximum') is not None:
maximum = self.normalizeLocation({cond['name']: cond['maximum']}).get(cond['name'])
maximum = None
newConditions.append(dict(name=cond['name'], minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum))
rule.conditionSets = newConditionSets
def loadSourceFonts(self, opener, **kwargs):
"""Ensure SourceDescriptor.font attributes are loaded, and return list of fonts.
Takes a callable which initializes a new font object (e.g. TTFont, or
defcon.Font, etc.) from the SourceDescriptor.path, and sets the
SourceDescriptor.font attribute.
If the font attribute is already not None, it is not loaded again.
Fonts with the same path are only loaded once and shared among SourceDescriptors.
For example, to load UFO sources using defcon:
designspace = DesignSpaceDocument.fromfile("path/to/my.designspace")
Or to load masters as FontTools binary fonts, including extra options:
designspace.loadSourceFonts(ttLib.TTFont, recalcBBoxes=False)
opener (Callable): takes one required positional argument, the source.path,
and an optional list of keyword arguments, and returns a new font object
loaded from the path.
**kwargs: extra options passed on to the opener function.
List of font objects in the order they appear in the sources list.
# we load fonts with the same source.path only once
loaded = {}
fonts = []
for source in self.sources:
if source.font is not None: # font already loaded
if source.path in loaded:
source.font = loaded[source.path]
if source.path is None:
raise DesignSpaceDocumentError(
"Designspace source '%s' has no 'path' attribute"
% (source.name or "")
source.font = opener(source.path, **kwargs)
loaded[source.path] = source.font
return fonts