/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Marcin Koƛcielnicki * Copyright (C) 2010 Francisco Jerez * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "rnndec.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" struct rnndeccontext *rnndec_newcontext(struct rnndb *db) { struct rnndeccontext *res = calloc (sizeof *res, 1); res->db = db; res->colors = &envy_null_colors; return res; } int rnndec_varadd(struct rnndeccontext *ctx, char *varset, const char *variant) { struct rnnenum *en = rnn_findenum(ctx->db, varset); if (!en) { fprintf (stderr, "Enum %s doesn't exist in database!\n", varset); return 0; } int i, j; for (i = 0; i < en->valsnum; i++) if (!strcasecmp(en->vals[i]->name, variant)) { struct rnndecvariant *ci = calloc (sizeof *ci, 1); ci->en = en; ci->variant = i; ADDARRAY(ctx->vars, ci); return 1; } if (i == en->valsnum) { fprintf (stderr, "Variant %s doesn't exist in enum %s!\n", variant, varset); return 0; } for (j = 0; j < ctx->varsnum; j++) { if (ctx->vars[j]->en == en) { ctx->vars[j]->variant = i; break; } } if (i == ctx->varsnum) { struct rnndecvariant *ci = calloc (sizeof *ci, 1); ci->en = en; ci->variant = i; ADDARRAY(ctx->vars, ci); } return 1; } int rnndec_varmatch(struct rnndeccontext *ctx, struct rnnvarinfo *vi) { if (vi->dead) return 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < vi->varsetsnum; i++) { int j; for (j = 0; j < ctx->varsnum; j++) if (vi->varsets[i]->venum == ctx->vars[j]->en) break; if (j == ctx->varsnum) { fprintf (stderr, "I don't know which %s variant to use!\n", vi->varsets[i]->venum->name); } else { if (!vi->varsets[i]->variants[ctx->vars[j]->variant]) return 0; } } return 1; } /* see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Half-precision_floating-point_format */ static uint32_t float16i(uint16_t val) { uint32_t sign = ((uint32_t)(val & 0x8000)) << 16; uint32_t frac = val & 0x3ff; int32_t expn = (val >> 10) & 0x1f; if (expn == 0) { if (frac) { /* denormalized number: */ int shift = __builtin_clz(frac) - 21; frac <<= shift; expn = -shift; } else { /* +/- zero: */ return sign; } } else if (expn == 0x1f) { /* Inf/NaN: */ return sign | 0x7f800000 | (frac << 13); } return sign | ((expn + 127 - 15) << 23) | (frac << 13); } static float float16(uint16_t val) { union { uint32_t i; float f; } u; u.i = float16i(val); return u.f; } static const char *rnndec_decode_enum_val(struct rnndeccontext *ctx, struct rnnvalue **vals, int valsnum, uint64_t value) { int i; for (i = 0; i < valsnum; i++) if (rnndec_varmatch(ctx, &vals[i]->varinfo) && vals[i]->valvalid && vals[i]->value == value) return vals[i]->name; return NULL; } const char *rnndec_decode_enum(struct rnndeccontext *ctx, const char *enumname, uint64_t enumval) { struct rnnenum *en = rnn_findenum (ctx->db, enumname); if (en) { return rnndec_decode_enum_val(ctx, en->vals, en->valsnum, enumval); } return NULL; } /* The name UNK%u is used as a placeholder for bitfields that exist but * have an unknown function. */ static int is_unknown(const char *name) { unsigned u; return sscanf(name, "UNK%u", &u) == 1; } char *rnndec_decodeval(struct rnndeccontext *ctx, struct rnntypeinfo *ti, uint64_t value) { int width = ti->high - ti->low + 1; char *res = 0; int i; struct rnnvalue **vals; int valsnum; struct rnnbitfield **bitfields; int bitfieldsnum; char *tmp; const char *ctmp; uint64_t mask, value_orig; if (!ti) goto failhex; value_orig = value; value = (value & typeinfo_mask(ti)) >> ti->low; value <<= ti->shr; switch (ti->type) { case RNN_TTYPE_ENUM: vals = ti->eenum->vals; valsnum = ti->eenum->valsnum; goto doenum; case RNN_TTYPE_INLINE_ENUM: vals = ti->vals; valsnum = ti->valsnum; goto doenum; doenum: ctmp = rnndec_decode_enum_val(ctx, vals, valsnum, value); if (ctmp) { asprintf (&res, "%s%s%s", ctx->colors->eval, ctmp, ctx->colors->reset); if (ti->addvariant) { rnndec_varadd(ctx, ti->eenum->name, ctmp); } break; } goto failhex; case RNN_TTYPE_BITSET: bitfields = ti->ebitset->bitfields; bitfieldsnum = ti->ebitset->bitfieldsnum; goto dobitset; case RNN_TTYPE_INLINE_BITSET: bitfields = ti->bitfields; bitfieldsnum = ti->bitfieldsnum; goto dobitset; dobitset: mask = 0; for (i = 0; i < bitfieldsnum; i++) { if (!rnndec_varmatch(ctx, &bitfields[i]->varinfo)) continue; uint64_t type_mask = typeinfo_mask(&bitfields[i]->typeinfo); if (((value & type_mask) == 0) && is_unknown(bitfields[i]->name)) continue; mask |= type_mask; if (bitfields[i]->typeinfo.type == RNN_TTYPE_BOOLEAN) { const char *color = is_unknown(bitfields[i]->name) ? ctx->colors->err : ctx->colors->mod; if (value & type_mask) { if (!res) asprintf (&res, "%s%s%s", color, bitfields[i]->name, ctx->colors->reset); else { asprintf (&tmp, "%s | %s%s%s", res, color, bitfields[i]->name, ctx->colors->reset); free(res); res = tmp; } } continue; } char *subval; if (is_unknown(bitfields[i]->name) && (bitfields[i]->typeinfo.type != RNN_TTYPE_A3XX_REGID)) { uint64_t field_val = value & type_mask; field_val = (field_val & typeinfo_mask(&bitfields[i]->typeinfo)) >> bitfields[i]->typeinfo.low; field_val <<= bitfields[i]->typeinfo.shr; asprintf (&subval, "%s%#"PRIx64"%s", ctx->colors->err, field_val, ctx->colors->reset); } else { subval = rnndec_decodeval(ctx, &bitfields[i]->typeinfo, value & type_mask); } if (!res) asprintf (&res, "%s%s%s = %s", ctx->colors->rname, bitfields[i]->name, ctx->colors->reset, subval); else { asprintf (&tmp, "%s | %s%s%s = %s", res, ctx->colors->rname, bitfields[i]->name, ctx->colors->reset, subval); free(res); res = tmp; } free(subval); } if (value & ~mask) { if (!res) asprintf (&res, "%s%#"PRIx64"%s", ctx->colors->err, value & ~mask, ctx->colors->reset); else { asprintf (&tmp, "%s | %s%#"PRIx64"%s", res, ctx->colors->err, value & ~mask, ctx->colors->reset); free(res); res = tmp; } } if (!res) asprintf (&res, "%s0%s", ctx->colors->num, ctx->colors->reset); asprintf (&tmp, "{ %s }", res); free(res); return tmp; case RNN_TTYPE_SPECTYPE: return rnndec_decodeval(ctx, &ti->spectype->typeinfo, value); case RNN_TTYPE_HEX: asprintf (&res, "%s%#"PRIx64"%s", ctx->colors->num, value, ctx->colors->reset); break; case RNN_TTYPE_FIXED: if (value & UINT64_C(1) << (width-1)) { asprintf (&res, "%s-%lf%s", ctx->colors->num, ((double)((UINT64_C(1) << width) - value)) / ((double)(1 << ti->radix)), ctx->colors->reset); break; } /* fallthrough */ case RNN_TTYPE_UFIXED: asprintf (&res, "%s%lf%s", ctx->colors->num, ((double)value) / ((double)(1LL << ti->radix)), ctx->colors->reset); break; case RNN_TTYPE_A3XX_REGID: asprintf (&res, "%sr%"PRIu64".%c%s", ctx->colors->num, (value >> 2), "xyzw"[value & 0x3], ctx->colors->reset); break; case RNN_TTYPE_UINT: asprintf (&res, "%s%"PRIu64"%s", ctx->colors->num, value, ctx->colors->reset); break; case RNN_TTYPE_INT: if (value & UINT64_C(1) << (width-1)) asprintf (&res, "%s-%"PRIi64"%s", ctx->colors->num, (UINT64_C(1) << width) - value, ctx->colors->reset); else asprintf (&res, "%s%"PRIi64"%s", ctx->colors->num, value, ctx->colors->reset); break; case RNN_TTYPE_BOOLEAN: if (value == 0) { asprintf (&res, "%sFALSE%s", ctx->colors->eval, ctx->colors->reset); } else if (value == 1) { asprintf (&res, "%sTRUE%s", ctx->colors->eval, ctx->colors->reset); } break; case RNN_TTYPE_FLOAT: { union { uint64_t i; float f; double d; } val; val.i = value; if (width == 64) asprintf(&res, "%s%f%s", ctx->colors->num, val.d, ctx->colors->reset); else if (width == 32) asprintf(&res, "%s%f%s", ctx->colors->num, val.f, ctx->colors->reset); else if (width == 16) asprintf(&res, "%s%f%s", ctx->colors->num, float16(value), ctx->colors->reset); else goto failhex; break; } failhex: default: asprintf (&res, "%s%#"PRIx64"%s", ctx->colors->num, value, ctx->colors->reset); break; } if (value_orig & ~typeinfo_mask(ti)) { asprintf (&tmp, "%s | %s%#"PRIx64"%s", res, ctx->colors->err, value_orig & ~typeinfo_mask(ti), ctx->colors->reset); free(res); res = tmp; } return res; } static char *appendidx (struct rnndeccontext *ctx, char *name, uint64_t idx, struct rnnenum *index) { char *res; const char *index_name = NULL; if (index) index_name = rnndec_decode_enum_val(ctx, index->vals, index->valsnum, idx); if (index_name) asprintf (&res, "%s[%s%s%s]", name, ctx->colors->eval, index_name, ctx->colors->reset); else asprintf (&res, "%s[%s%#"PRIx64"%s]", name, ctx->colors->num, idx, ctx->colors->reset); free (name); return res; } /* This could probably be made to work for stripes too.. */ static int get_array_idx_offset(struct rnndelem *elem, uint64_t addr, uint64_t *idx, uint64_t *offset) { if (elem->offsets) { int i; for (i = 0; i < elem->offsetsnum; i++) { uint64_t o = elem->offsets[i]; if ((o <= addr) && (addr < (o + elem->stride))) { *idx = i; *offset = addr - o; return 0; } } return -1; } else { if (addr < elem->offset) return -1; *idx = (addr - elem->offset) / elem->stride; *offset = (addr - elem->offset) % elem->stride; if (elem->length && (*idx >= elem->length)) return -1; return 0; } } static struct rnndecaddrinfo *trymatch (struct rnndeccontext *ctx, struct rnndelem **elems, int elemsnum, uint64_t addr, int write, int dwidth, uint64_t *indices, int indicesnum) { struct rnndecaddrinfo *res; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < elemsnum; i++) { if (!rnndec_varmatch(ctx, &elems[i]->varinfo)) continue; uint64_t offset, idx; char *tmp, *name; switch (elems[i]->type) { case RNN_ETYPE_REG: if (addr < elems[i]->offset) break; if (elems[i]->stride) { idx = (addr-elems[i]->offset)/elems[i]->stride; offset = (addr-elems[i]->offset)%elems[i]->stride; } else { idx = 0; offset = addr-elems[i]->offset; } if (offset >= elems[i]->width/dwidth) break; if (elems[i]->length && idx >= elems[i]->length) break; res = calloc (sizeof *res, 1); res->typeinfo = &elems[i]->typeinfo; res->width = elems[i]->width; asprintf (&res->name, "%s%s%s", ctx->colors->rname, elems[i]->name, ctx->colors->reset); for (j = 0; j < indicesnum; j++) res->name = appendidx(ctx, res->name, indices[j], NULL); if (elems[i]->length != 1) res->name = appendidx(ctx, res->name, idx, elems[i]->index); if (offset) { asprintf (&tmp, "%s+%s%#"PRIx64"%s", res->name, ctx->colors->err, offset, ctx->colors->reset); free(res->name); res->name = tmp; } return res; case RNN_ETYPE_STRIPE: for (idx = 0; idx < elems[i]->length || !elems[i]->length; idx++) { if (addr < elems[i]->offset + elems[i]->stride * idx) break; offset = addr - (elems[i]->offset + elems[i]->stride * idx); int extraidx = (elems[i]->length != 1); int nindnum = (elems[i]->name ? 0 : indicesnum + extraidx); uint64_t nind[nindnum]; if (!elems[i]->name) { for (j = 0; j < indicesnum; j++) nind[j] = indices[j]; if (extraidx) nind[indicesnum] = idx; } res = trymatch (ctx, elems[i]->subelems, elems[i]->subelemsnum, offset, write, dwidth, nind, nindnum); if (!res) continue; if (!elems[i]->name) return res; asprintf (&name, "%s%s%s", ctx->colors->rname, elems[i]->name, ctx->colors->reset); for (j = 0; j < indicesnum; j++) name = appendidx(ctx, name, indices[j], NULL); if (elems[i]->length != 1) name = appendidx(ctx, name, idx, elems[i]->index); asprintf (&tmp, "%s.%s", name, res->name); free(name); free(res->name); res->name = tmp; return res; } break; case RNN_ETYPE_ARRAY: if (get_array_idx_offset(elems[i], addr, &idx, &offset)) break; asprintf (&name, "%s%s%s", ctx->colors->rname, elems[i]->name, ctx->colors->reset); for (j = 0; j < indicesnum; j++) name = appendidx(ctx, name, indices[j], NULL); if (elems[i]->length != 1) name = appendidx(ctx, name, idx, elems[i]->index); if ((res = trymatch (ctx, elems[i]->subelems, elems[i]->subelemsnum, offset, write, dwidth, 0, 0))) { asprintf (&tmp, "%s.%s", name, res->name); free(name); free(res->name); res->name = tmp; return res; } res = calloc (sizeof *res, 1); asprintf (&tmp, "%s+%s%#"PRIx64"%s", name, ctx->colors->err, offset, ctx->colors->reset); free(name); res->name = tmp; return res; default: break; } } return 0; } int rnndec_checkaddr(struct rnndeccontext *ctx, struct rnndomain *domain, uint64_t addr, int write) { struct rnndecaddrinfo *res = trymatch(ctx, domain->subelems, domain->subelemsnum, addr, write, domain->width, 0, 0); if (res) { free(res->name); free(res); } return res != NULL; } struct rnndecaddrinfo *rnndec_decodeaddr(struct rnndeccontext *ctx, struct rnndomain *domain, uint64_t addr, int write) { struct rnndecaddrinfo *res = trymatch(ctx, domain->subelems, domain->subelemsnum, addr, write, domain->width, 0, 0); if (res) return res; res = calloc (sizeof *res, 1); asprintf (&res->name, "%s%#"PRIx64"%s", ctx->colors->err, addr, ctx->colors->reset); return res; } static unsigned tryreg(struct rnndeccontext *ctx, struct rnndelem **elems, int elemsnum, int dwidth, const char *name, uint64_t *offset) { int i; unsigned ret; const char *suffix = strchr(name, '['); unsigned n = suffix ? (suffix - name) : strlen(name); const char *dotsuffix = strchr(name, '.'); unsigned dotn = dotsuffix ? (dotsuffix - name) : strlen(name); const char *child = NULL; unsigned idx = 0; if (suffix) { const char *tmp = strchr(suffix, ']'); idx = strtol(suffix+1, NULL, 0); child = tmp+2; } for (i = 0; i < elemsnum; i++) { struct rnndelem *elem = elems[i]; if (!rnndec_varmatch(ctx, &elem->varinfo)) continue; int match = elem->name && (strlen(elem->name) == n) && !strncmp(elem->name, name, n); switch (elem->type) { case RNN_ETYPE_REG: if (match) { assert(!suffix); *offset = elem->offset; return 1; } break; case RNN_ETYPE_STRIPE: if (elem->name) { if (!dotsuffix) break; if (strlen(elem->name) != dotn || strncmp(elem->name, name, dotn)) break; } ret = tryreg(ctx, elem->subelems, elem->subelemsnum, dwidth, elem->name ? dotsuffix : name, offset); if (ret) return 1; break; case RNN_ETYPE_ARRAY: if (match) { assert(suffix); ret = tryreg(ctx, elem->subelems, elem->subelemsnum, dwidth, child, offset); if (ret) { *offset += elem->offset + (idx * elem->stride); return 1; } } break; default: break; } } return 0; } uint64_t rnndec_decodereg(struct rnndeccontext *ctx, struct rnndomain *domain, const char *name) { uint64_t offset; if (tryreg(ctx, domain->subelems, domain->subelemsnum, domain->width, name, &offset)) { return offset; } else { return 0; } }