 * Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
#include <gatekeeper/UniquePtr.h>
#include <gatekeeper/gatekeeper.h>

#include <endian.h>
#include <stddef.h>

#define DAY_IN_MS (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)

namespace gatekeeper {

void GateKeeper::Enroll(const EnrollRequest &request, EnrollResponse *response) {
    if (response == nullptr) return;

    if (!request.provided_password) {
        response->error = ERROR_INVALID;

    secure_id_t user_id = 0;// todo: rename to policy
    uint32_t uid = request.user_id;

    if (!request.password_handle) {
        // Password handle does not match what is stored, generate new SecureID
        GetRandom(&user_id, sizeof(secure_id_t));
    } else {
        const password_handle_t *pw_handle = request.password_handle.Data<password_handle_t>();

        if (!pw_handle || pw_handle->version > HANDLE_VERSION) {
            response->error = ERROR_INVALID;

        user_id = pw_handle->user_id;

        uint64_t timestamp = GetMillisecondsSinceBoot();

        uint32_t timeout = 0;
        bool throttle = (pw_handle->version >= HANDLE_VERSION_THROTTLE);
        if (throttle) {
            bool throttle_secure = pw_handle->flags & HANDLE_FLAG_THROTTLE_SECURE;
            failure_record_t record;
            if (!GetFailureRecord(uid, user_id, &record, throttle_secure)) {
                response->error = ERROR_UNKNOWN;

            if (ThrottleRequest(uid, timestamp, &record, throttle_secure, response)) return;

            if (!IncrementFailureRecord(uid, user_id, timestamp, &record, throttle_secure)) {
                response->error = ERROR_UNKNOWN;

            timeout = ComputeRetryTimeout(&record);

        if (!DoVerify(pw_handle, request.enrolled_password)) {
            // incorrect old password
            if (throttle && timeout > 0) {
            } else {
                response->error = ERROR_INVALID;

    uint64_t flags = 0;
    if (ClearFailureRecord(uid, user_id, true)) {
    } else {
        ClearFailureRecord(uid, user_id, false);

    salt_t salt;
    GetRandom(&salt, sizeof(salt));

    SizedBuffer password_handle;
    if (!CreatePasswordHandle(&password_handle,
            salt, user_id, flags, HANDLE_VERSION, request.provided_password)) {
        response->error = ERROR_INVALID;


void GateKeeper::Verify(const VerifyRequest &request, VerifyResponse *response) {
    if (response == nullptr) return;

    if (!request.provided_password || !request.password_handle) {
        response->error = ERROR_INVALID;

    const password_handle_t *password_handle = request.password_handle.Data<password_handle_t>();

    if (!password_handle || password_handle->version > HANDLE_VERSION) {
        response->error = ERROR_INVALID;

    secure_id_t user_id = password_handle->user_id;
    secure_id_t authenticator_id = 0;
    uint32_t uid = request.user_id;

    uint64_t timestamp = GetMillisecondsSinceBoot();

    uint32_t timeout = 0;
    bool throttle = (password_handle->version >= HANDLE_VERSION_THROTTLE);
    bool throttle_secure = password_handle->flags & HANDLE_FLAG_THROTTLE_SECURE;
    if (throttle) {
        failure_record_t record;
        if (!GetFailureRecord(uid, user_id, &record, throttle_secure)) {
            response->error = ERROR_UNKNOWN;

        if (ThrottleRequest(uid, timestamp, &record, throttle_secure, response)) return;

        if (!IncrementFailureRecord(uid, user_id, timestamp, &record, throttle_secure)) {
            response->error = ERROR_UNKNOWN;

        timeout = ComputeRetryTimeout(&record);
    } else {
        response->request_reenroll = true;

    if (DoVerify(password_handle, request.provided_password)) {
        // Signature matches
        SizedBuffer auth_token;
        response->error = MintAuthToken(&auth_token, timestamp,
                user_id, authenticator_id, request.challenge);

        if (response->error != ERROR_NONE) return;

        if (throttle) ClearFailureRecord(uid, user_id, throttle_secure);
    } else {
        // compute the new timeout given the incremented record
        if (throttle && timeout > 0) {
        } else {
            response->error = ERROR_INVALID;

bool GateKeeper::CreatePasswordHandle(SizedBuffer *password_handle_buffer, salt_t salt,
        secure_id_t user_id, uint64_t flags, uint8_t handle_version, const SizedBuffer & password) {
    if (password_handle_buffer == nullptr) return false;

    password_handle_t password_handle;

    password_handle.version = handle_version;
    password_handle.salt = salt;
    password_handle.user_id = user_id;
    password_handle.flags = flags;
    password_handle.hardware_backed = IsHardwareBacked();

    constexpr uint32_t metadata_length = sizeof(password_handle.version) +
                                         sizeof(password_handle.user_id) +
    static_assert(offsetof(password_handle_t, salt) == metadata_length,
            "password_handle_t does not appear to be packed");

    const size_t to_sign_size = password.size() + metadata_length;

    UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> to_sign(new(std::nothrow) uint8_t[to_sign_size]);
    if (!to_sign) return false;

    memcpy(to_sign.get(), &password_handle, metadata_length);
    memcpy(to_sign.get() + metadata_length, password.Data<uint8_t>(), password.size());

    const uint8_t *password_key = nullptr;
    uint32_t password_key_length = 0;
    GetPasswordKey(&password_key, &password_key_length);

    if (!password_key || password_key_length == 0) {
        return false;

    ComputePasswordSignature(password_handle.signature, sizeof(password_handle.signature),
            password_key, password_key_length, to_sign.get(), to_sign_size, salt);

    uint8_t *ph_buffer = new(std::nothrow) uint8_t[sizeof(password_handle_t)];
    if (ph_buffer == nullptr) return false;

    *password_handle_buffer = { ph_buffer, sizeof(password_handle_t) };
    memcpy(ph_buffer, &password_handle, sizeof(password_handle_t));

    return true;

bool GateKeeper::DoVerify(const password_handle_t *expected_handle, const SizedBuffer &password) {
    if (!password) return false;

    SizedBuffer provided_handle;
    if (!CreatePasswordHandle(&provided_handle, expected_handle->salt, expected_handle->user_id,
            expected_handle->flags, expected_handle->version, password)) {
        return false;

    const password_handle_t *generated_handle = provided_handle.Data<password_handle_t>();
    return memcmp_s(generated_handle->signature, expected_handle->signature,
            sizeof(expected_handle->signature)) == 0;

gatekeeper_error_t GateKeeper::MintAuthToken(SizedBuffer *auth_token,
        uint64_t timestamp, secure_id_t user_id, secure_id_t authenticator_id,
        uint64_t challenge) {
    if (auth_token == nullptr) return ERROR_INVALID;

    hw_auth_token_t token;

    token.version = HW_AUTH_TOKEN_VERSION;
    token.challenge = challenge;
    token.user_id = user_id;
    token.authenticator_id = authenticator_id;
    token.authenticator_type = htobe32(HW_AUTH_PASSWORD);
    token.timestamp = htobe64(timestamp);

    constexpr uint32_t hashable_length = sizeof(token.version) +
                                         sizeof(token.challenge) +
                                         sizeof(token.user_id) +
                                         sizeof(token.authenticator_id) +
                                         sizeof(token.authenticator_type) +

    static_assert(offsetof(hw_auth_token_t, hmac) == hashable_length,
            "hw_auth_token_t does not appear to be packed");

    const uint8_t *auth_token_key = nullptr;
    uint32_t key_len = 0;
    if (GetAuthTokenKey(&auth_token_key, &key_len)) {
        ComputeSignature(token.hmac, sizeof(token.hmac), auth_token_key, key_len,
                reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&token), hashable_length);
    } else {
        memset(token.hmac, 0, sizeof(token.hmac));

    uint8_t *token_buffer = new(std::nothrow) uint8_t[sizeof(hw_auth_token_t)];
    if (token_buffer == nullptr) return ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED;

    *reinterpret_cast<hw_auth_token_t*>(token_buffer) = token;

    *auth_token = { token_buffer, sizeof(hw_auth_token_t) };
    return ERROR_NONE;

 * Calculates the timeout in milliseconds as a function of the failure
 * counter 'x' as follows:
 * [0, 4] -> 0
 * 5 -> 30
 * [6, 10] -> 0
 * [11, 29] -> 30
 * [30, 139] -> 30 * (2^((x - 30)/10))
 * [140, inf) -> 1 day
uint32_t GateKeeper::ComputeRetryTimeout(const failure_record_t *record) {
    static const int failure_timeout_ms = 30000;
    if (record->failure_counter == 0) return 0;

    if (record->failure_counter > 0 && record->failure_counter <= 10) {
        if (record->failure_counter % 5 == 0) {
            return failure_timeout_ms;
        }  else {
            return 0;
    } else if (record->failure_counter < 30) {
        return failure_timeout_ms;
    } else if (record->failure_counter < 140) {
        return failure_timeout_ms << ((record->failure_counter - 30) / 10);

    return DAY_IN_MS;

bool GateKeeper::ThrottleRequest(uint32_t uid, uint64_t timestamp,
        failure_record_t *record, bool secure, GateKeeperMessage *response) {

    uint64_t last_checked = record->last_checked_timestamp;
    uint32_t timeout = ComputeRetryTimeout(record);

    if (timeout > 0) {
        // we have a pending timeout
        if (timestamp < last_checked + timeout && timestamp > last_checked) {
            // attempt before timeout expired, return remaining time
            response->SetRetryTimeout(timeout - (timestamp - last_checked));
            return true;
        } else if (timestamp <= last_checked) {
            // device was rebooted or timer reset, don't count as new failure but
            // reset timeout
            record->last_checked_timestamp = timestamp;
            if (!WriteFailureRecord(uid, record, secure)) {
                response->error = ERROR_UNKNOWN;
                return true;
            return true;

    return false;

bool GateKeeper::IncrementFailureRecord(uint32_t uid, secure_id_t user_id, uint64_t timestamp,
            failure_record_t *record, bool secure) {
    record->secure_user_id = user_id;
    record->last_checked_timestamp = timestamp;

    return WriteFailureRecord(uid, record, secure);
} // namespace gatekeeper