1 /* 2 Copyright 1999-2020 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization 3 dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available. 4 5 You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may 6 obtain a copy of the License at 7 8 https://imagemagick.org/script/license.php 9 10 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 limitations under the License. 15 16 MagickWand drawing wand methods. 17 */ 18 #ifndef MAGICKWAND_DRAWING_WAND_H 19 #define MAGICKWAND_DRAWING_WAND_H 20 21 #include "MagickWand/pixel-wand.h" 22 23 #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) 24 extern "C" { 25 #endif 26 27 typedef struct _DrawingWand 28 DrawingWand; 29 30 extern WandExport AlignType 31 DrawGetTextAlignment(const DrawingWand *); 32 33 extern WandExport char 34 *DrawGetClipPath(const DrawingWand *), 35 *DrawGetDensity(const DrawingWand *), 36 *DrawGetException(const DrawingWand *,ExceptionType *), 37 *DrawGetFont(const DrawingWand *), 38 *DrawGetFontFamily(const DrawingWand *), 39 *DrawGetTextEncoding(const DrawingWand *), 40 *DrawGetVectorGraphics(DrawingWand *); 41 42 extern WandExport ClipPathUnits 43 DrawGetClipUnits(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)); 44 45 extern WandExport DecorationType 46 DrawGetTextDecoration(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)); 47 48 extern WandExport DirectionType 49 DrawGetTextDirection(const DrawingWand *); 50 51 extern WandExport double 52 DrawGetFillOpacity(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)), 53 DrawGetFontSize(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)), 54 DrawGetOpacity(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)), 55 *DrawGetStrokeDashArray(const DrawingWand *,size_t *), 56 DrawGetStrokeDashOffset(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)), 57 DrawGetStrokeOpacity(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)), 58 DrawGetStrokeWidth(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)), 59 DrawGetTextKerning(DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)), 60 DrawGetTextInterlineSpacing(DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)), 61 DrawGetTextInterwordSpacing(DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)); 62 63 extern WandExport DrawInfo 64 *PeekDrawingWand(const DrawingWand *); 65 66 extern WandExport DrawingWand 67 *AcquireDrawingWand(const DrawInfo *,Image *), 68 *CloneDrawingWand(const DrawingWand *), 69 *DestroyDrawingWand(DrawingWand *), 70 *NewDrawingWand(void); 71 72 extern WandExport ExceptionInfo 73 *DrawCloneExceptionInfo(const DrawingWand *wand); 74 75 extern WandExport ExceptionType 76 DrawGetExceptionType(const DrawingWand *); 77 78 extern WandExport FillRule 79 DrawGetClipRule(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)), 80 DrawGetFillRule(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)); 81 82 extern WandExport GravityType 83 DrawGetGravity(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)); 84 85 extern WandExport LineCap 86 DrawGetStrokeLineCap(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)); 87 88 extern WandExport LineJoin 89 DrawGetStrokeLineJoin(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)); 90 91 extern WandExport MagickBooleanType 92 DrawClearException(DrawingWand *), 93 DrawComposite(DrawingWand *,const CompositeOperator,const double, 94 const double,const double,const double,MagickWand *), 95 DrawGetFontResolution(const DrawingWand *,double *,double *), 96 DrawGetStrokeAntialias(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)), 97 DrawGetTextAntialias(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)), 98 DrawGetTypeMetrics(const DrawingWand *,const char *,MagickBooleanType, 99 TypeMetric *), 100 DrawPopPattern(DrawingWand *), 101 DrawPushPattern(DrawingWand *,const char *,const double,const double, 102 const double,const double), 103 DrawRender(DrawingWand *), 104 DrawSetClipPath(DrawingWand *,const char *), 105 DrawSetDensity(DrawingWand *,const char *), 106 DrawSetFillPatternURL(DrawingWand *,const char *), 107 DrawSetFont(DrawingWand *,const char *), 108 DrawSetFontFamily(DrawingWand *,const char *), 109 DrawSetFontResolution(DrawingWand *,const double,const double), 110 DrawSetStrokeDashArray(DrawingWand *,const size_t,const double *), 111 DrawSetStrokePatternURL(DrawingWand *,const char *), 112 DrawSetVectorGraphics(DrawingWand *,const char *), 113 IsDrawingWand(const DrawingWand *), 114 PopDrawingWand(DrawingWand *), 115 PushDrawingWand(DrawingWand *); 116 117 extern WandExport StretchType 118 DrawGetFontStretch(const DrawingWand *); 119 120 extern WandExport StyleType 121 DrawGetFontStyle(const DrawingWand *); 122 123 extern WandExport size_t 124 DrawGetFontWeight(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)), 125 DrawGetStrokeMiterLimit(const DrawingWand *) magick_attribute((__pure__)); 126 127 extern WandExport void 128 ClearDrawingWand(DrawingWand *), 129 DrawAffine(DrawingWand *,const AffineMatrix *), 130 DrawAlpha(DrawingWand *,const double,const double,const PaintMethod), 131 DrawAnnotation(DrawingWand *,const double,const double,const unsigned char *), 132 DrawArc(DrawingWand *,const double,const double,const double,const double, 133 const double,const double), 134 DrawBezier(DrawingWand *,const size_t,const PointInfo *), 135 DrawGetBorderColor(const DrawingWand *,PixelWand *), 136 DrawCircle(DrawingWand *,const double,const double,const double,const double), 137 DrawColor(DrawingWand *,const double,const double,const PaintMethod), 138 DrawComment(DrawingWand *,const char *), 139 DrawEllipse(DrawingWand *,const double,const double,const double,const double, 140 const double,const double), 141 DrawGetFillColor(const DrawingWand *,PixelWand *), 142 DrawGetStrokeColor(const DrawingWand *,PixelWand *), 143 DrawSetTextKerning(DrawingWand *,const double), 144 DrawSetTextInterlineSpacing(DrawingWand *,const double), 145 DrawSetTextInterwordSpacing(DrawingWand *,const double), 146 DrawGetTextUnderColor(const DrawingWand *,PixelWand *), 147 DrawLine(DrawingWand *,const double, const double,const double,const double), 148 DrawPathClose(DrawingWand *), 149 DrawPathCurveToAbsolute(DrawingWand *,const double,const double,const double, 150 const double,const double,const double), 151 DrawPathCurveToRelative(DrawingWand *,const double,const double,const double, 152 const double,const double, const double), 153 DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute(DrawingWand *,const double, 154 const double,const double,const double), 155 DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative(DrawingWand *,const double, 156 const double,const double,const double), 157 DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute(DrawingWand *,const double, 158 const double), 159 DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative(DrawingWand *,const double, 160 const double), 161 DrawPathCurveToSmoothAbsolute(DrawingWand *,const double,const double, 162 const double,const double), 163 DrawPathCurveToSmoothRelative(DrawingWand *,const double,const double, 164 const double,const double), 165 DrawPathEllipticArcAbsolute(DrawingWand *,const double,const double, 166 const double,const MagickBooleanType,const MagickBooleanType,const double, 167 const double), 168 DrawPathEllipticArcRelative(DrawingWand *,const double,const double, 169 const double,const MagickBooleanType,const MagickBooleanType,const double, 170 const double), 171 DrawPathFinish(DrawingWand *), 172 DrawPathLineToAbsolute(DrawingWand *,const double,const double), 173 DrawPathLineToRelative(DrawingWand *,const double,const double), 174 DrawPathLineToHorizontalAbsolute(DrawingWand *,const double), 175 DrawPathLineToHorizontalRelative(DrawingWand *,const double), 176 DrawPathLineToVerticalAbsolute(DrawingWand *,const double), 177 DrawPathLineToVerticalRelative(DrawingWand *,const double), 178 DrawPathMoveToAbsolute(DrawingWand *,const double,const double), 179 DrawPathMoveToRelative(DrawingWand *,const double,const double), 180 DrawPathStart(DrawingWand *), 181 DrawPoint(DrawingWand *,const double,const double), 182 DrawPolygon(DrawingWand *,const size_t,const PointInfo *), 183 DrawPolyline(DrawingWand *,const size_t,const PointInfo *), 184 DrawPopClipPath(DrawingWand *), 185 DrawPopDefs(DrawingWand *), 186 DrawPushClipPath(DrawingWand *,const char *), 187 DrawPushDefs(DrawingWand *), 188 DrawRectangle(DrawingWand *,const double,const double,const double, 189 const double), 190 DrawResetVectorGraphics(DrawingWand *), 191 DrawRotate(DrawingWand *,const double), 192 DrawRoundRectangle(DrawingWand *,double,double,double,double,double,double), 193 DrawScale(DrawingWand *,const double,const double), 194 DrawSetBorderColor(DrawingWand *,const PixelWand *), 195 DrawSetClipRule(DrawingWand *,const FillRule), 196 DrawSetClipUnits(DrawingWand *,const ClipPathUnits), 197 DrawSetFillColor(DrawingWand *,const PixelWand *), 198 DrawSetFillOpacity(DrawingWand *,const double), 199 DrawSetFillRule(DrawingWand *,const FillRule), 200 DrawSetFontSize(DrawingWand *,const double), 201 DrawSetFontStretch(DrawingWand *,const StretchType), 202 DrawSetFontStyle(DrawingWand *,const StyleType), 203 DrawSetFontWeight(DrawingWand *,const size_t), 204 DrawSetGravity(DrawingWand *,const GravityType), 205 DrawSetOpacity(DrawingWand *,const double), 206 DrawSetStrokeAntialias(DrawingWand *,const MagickBooleanType), 207 DrawSetStrokeColor(DrawingWand *,const PixelWand *), 208 DrawSetStrokeDashOffset(DrawingWand *,const double dashoffset), 209 DrawSetStrokeLineCap(DrawingWand *,const LineCap), 210 DrawSetStrokeLineJoin(DrawingWand *,const LineJoin), 211 DrawSetStrokeMiterLimit(DrawingWand *,const size_t), 212 DrawSetStrokeOpacity(DrawingWand *, const double), 213 DrawSetStrokeWidth(DrawingWand *,const double), 214 DrawSetTextAlignment(DrawingWand *,const AlignType), 215 DrawSetTextAntialias(DrawingWand *,const MagickBooleanType), 216 DrawSetTextDecoration(DrawingWand *,const DecorationType), 217 DrawSetTextDirection(DrawingWand *,const DirectionType), 218 DrawSetTextEncoding(DrawingWand *,const char *), 219 DrawSetTextUnderColor(DrawingWand *,const PixelWand *), 220 DrawSetViewbox(DrawingWand *,const double,const double,const double, 221 const double), 222 DrawSkewX(DrawingWand *,const double), 223 DrawSkewY(DrawingWand *,const double), 224 DrawTranslate(DrawingWand *,const double,const double); 225 226 #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) 227 } 228 #endif 229 230 #endif 231