1 /* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 limitations under the License.
14 ==============================================================================*/
16 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl_delegate.h"
18 #include <algorithm>
19 #include <cstdint>
20 #include <cstring>
21 #include <string>
22 #include <unordered_set>
23 #include <vector>
25 #include <EGL/egl.h>
26 #include <GLES3/gl31.h>
27 #include "absl/types/span.h"
28 #include "tensorflow/lite/builtin_ops.h"
29 #include "tensorflow/lite/c/common.h"
30 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/convert.h"
31 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/model.h"
32 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/model_builder.h"
33 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/model_transformer.h"
34 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/shape.h"
35 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/status.h"
36 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/tensor.h"
37 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/transformations/general_transformations.h"
38 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/api.h"
39 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/command_queue.h"
40 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/compiler.h"
41 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/converters/bhwc_to_phwc4.h"
42 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/converters/phwc4_to_bhwc.h"
43 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/egl_environment.h"
44 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/gl_call.h"
45 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/kernels/registry.h"
46 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/request_gpu_info.h"
47 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/workgroups/best_effort_calculator.h"
48 #include "tensorflow/lite/minimal_logging.h"
51 #include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h" // TF:flatbuffers
52 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/metadata_generated.h"
53 #include "tensorflow/lite/schema/schema_generated.h"
56 namespace tflite {
57 namespace gpu {
58 namespace gl {
59 namespace {
61 // Forward declarations.
62 TfLiteStatus DelegatePrepare(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteDelegate* delegate);
63 TfLiteStatus DelegateCopyFromBufferHandle(
64 TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteDelegate* delegate,
65 TfLiteBufferHandle buffer_handle, // ValueId
66 TfLiteTensor* tensor);
67 TfLiteStatus DelegateCopyToBufferHandle(
68 TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteDelegate* delegate,
69 TfLiteBufferHandle buffer_handle, // ValueId
70 TfLiteTensor* tensor);
IsPHWC4(const BHWC & shape)72 inline bool IsPHWC4(const BHWC& shape) {
73 return shape.c == 4 || (shape.h == 1 && shape.w == 1 && shape.c % 4 == 0);
74 }
76 class Delegate {
77 struct ValueRef {
78 BHWC shape;
79 int tensor_index;
80 };
82 public:
Delegate(const TfLiteGpuDelegateOptions * options)83 explicit Delegate(const TfLiteGpuDelegateOptions* options) {
84 if (options) {
85 options_ = *options;
86 } else {
87 // Default options.
88 options_.metadata = nullptr;
89 options_.compile_options.precision_loss_allowed = 0;
90 options_.compile_options.preferred_gl_object_type =
92 options_.compile_options.dynamic_batch_enabled = 0;
93 }
94 }
CopyFromBufferHandle(TfLiteBufferHandle handle,TfLiteTensor * tensor)96 Status CopyFromBufferHandle(TfLiteBufferHandle handle, TfLiteTensor* tensor) {
97 ValueRef ref;
98 RETURN_IF_ERROR(FindObject(handle, &ref));
99 auto buffer = phwc4_objects_.FindBuffer(handle);
100 return buffer->MappedRead<float>([&](absl::Span<const float> data) {
101 tensor->data_is_stale = false;
102 return ConvertFromPHWC4(
103 data, ref.shape,
104 absl::MakeSpan(tensor->data.f, tensor->bytes / sizeof(float)));
105 });
106 }
CopyToBufferHandle(TfLiteBufferHandle handle,TfLiteTensor * tensor) const108 Status CopyToBufferHandle(TfLiteBufferHandle handle,
109 TfLiteTensor* tensor) const {
110 ValueRef ref;
111 RETURN_IF_ERROR(FindObject(handle, &ref));
112 auto buffer = phwc4_objects_.FindBuffer(handle);
113 return buffer->MappedWrite<float>([&](absl::Span<float> data) {
114 return ConvertToPHWC4(
115 absl::MakeConstSpan(tensor->data.f, tensor->bytes / sizeof(float)),
116 ref.shape, data);
117 });
118 }
BindBufferToTensor(GLuint ssbo,int tensor_index)120 Status BindBufferToTensor(GLuint ssbo, int tensor_index) {
121 int64_t bytes_size;
122 RETURN_IF_ERROR(GetSSBOSize(ssbo, &bytes_size));
123 return bhwc_objects_.RegisterBuffer(
124 tensor_index, GlBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, ssbo, bytes_size,
125 /* offset = */ 0,
126 /* has_ownership = */ false));
127 }
Prepare(TfLiteContext * context,const TfLiteDelegateParams * delegate_params)129 Status Prepare(TfLiteContext* context,
130 const TfLiteDelegateParams* delegate_params) {
131 // Extract TFLite delegate execution plan from the context and convert it
132 // into FlowGraph32.
133 GraphFloat32 graph;
134 RETURN_IF_ERROR(BuildModel(context, delegate_params, &graph));
136 // Apply general transformations on the graph.
137 NullTransformationReporter reporter;
138 ModelTransformer transformer(&graph, &reporter);
139 if (!ApplyGeneralTransformations(&transformer)) {
140 return InternalError("Graph general transformations failed");
141 }
143 if (!env_) RETURN_IF_ERROR(EglEnvironment::NewEglEnvironment(&env_));
145 // TODO(impjdi): Remove code duplication.
146 auto values = graph.values();
147 auto find_value = [&](int tensor_index) -> Value<TensorRef<BHWC>>* {
148 for (auto value : values) {
149 if (value->tensor.ref == tensor_index) return value;
150 }
151 return nullptr;
152 };
153 tensors_.reserve(values.back()->id + 1);
154 for (auto value : values) {
155 if (tensors_.size() <= value->id) {
156 tensors_.resize(value->id + 1);
157 }
158 tensors_[value->id] = {value->tensor.shape, 0};
159 }
161 std::unordered_set<int> tflite_graph_io;
163 // Prepare graph inputs.
164 //
165 // Note that graph.inputs() cannot be used directly, as the notion of
166 // graph input has a different meaning in public API and GPU-internal API.
167 {
168 inputs_.clear();
169 inputs_.reserve(delegate_params->input_tensors->size);
170 for (int i = 0; i < delegate_params->input_tensors->size; ++i) {
171 const int tensor_index = delegate_params->input_tensors->data[i];
172 auto* tensor = context->tensors + tensor_index;
173 if (tensor->allocation_type == TfLiteAllocationType::kTfLiteMmapRo) {
174 continue;
175 }
176 tflite_graph_io.insert(tensor_index);
177 const auto* input = find_value(tensor_index);
178 if (!input || tensor->type != TfLiteType::kTfLiteFloat32) {
179 return NotFoundError("Input tensor is not found in the graph.");
180 }
182 inputs_.push_back(input->id);
183 tensor->buffer_handle = input->id;
184 tensor->delegate = &delegate_;
185 tensors_[input->id].tensor_index = tensor_index;
187 // Create phwc4 input buffer.
188 // Check whether there is externally provided object is already in
189 // PHWC4. If yes, we may skip conversion step.
190 // We need to keep same buffer in bhwc_objects_ to indicate there is
191 // externally provided buffer.
192 auto external_buffer = bhwc_objects_.FindBuffer(tensor_index);
193 GlBuffer buffer;
194 if (IsPHWC4(input->tensor.shape) && external_buffer) {
195 buffer = external_buffer->MakeRef();
196 } else {
197 RETURN_IF_ERROR(CreateReadWriteShaderStorageBuffer<float>(
198 GetElementsSizeForPHWC4(input->tensor.shape), &buffer));
199 }
201 phwc4_objects_.RegisterBuffer(input->id, std::move(buffer)));
202 }
203 }
205 // Prepare graph outputs.
206 //
207 // Note that graph.outputs() cannot be used directly, as the notion of
208 // graph output has a different meaning in public API and GPU-internal API.
209 {
210 outputs_.clear();
211 outputs_.reserve(delegate_params->output_tensors->size);
212 for (int i = 0; i < delegate_params->output_tensors->size; ++i) {
213 const int tensor_index = delegate_params->output_tensors->data[i];
214 auto* tensor = context->tensors + tensor_index;
215 tflite_graph_io.insert(tensor_index);
216 const auto* output = find_value(tensor_index);
217 if (!output || tensor->type != TfLiteType::kTfLiteFloat32) {
218 return NotFoundError("Output tensor is not found in the graph.");
219 }
221 outputs_.push_back(output->id);
222 tensor->buffer_handle = output->id;
223 tensor->delegate = &delegate_;
224 tensors_[output->id].tensor_index = tensor_index;
226 // Create phwc4 output buffer.
227 // Check whether there is externally provided object is already in
228 // PHWC4. If yes, we may skip conversion step.
229 auto external_buffer = bhwc_objects_.FindBuffer(tensor_index);
230 GlBuffer buffer;
231 if (IsPHWC4(output->tensor.shape) && external_buffer) {
232 buffer = external_buffer->MakeRef();
233 } else {
234 RETURN_IF_ERROR(CreateReadWriteShaderStorageBuffer<float>(
235 GetElementsSizeForPHWC4(output->tensor.shape), &buffer));
236 }
238 phwc4_objects_.RegisterBuffer(output->id, std::move(buffer)));
239 }
240 }
242 // Create shaders to convert from/to phwc4.
243 RETURN_IF_ERROR(ConverterBhwcToPhwc4::Create(&bhwc_to_phwc4_));
244 RETURN_IF_ERROR(ConverterPhwc4ToBhwc::Create(&phwc4_to_bhwc_));
246 // Compile model.
247 CompilationOptions compile_options;
248 compile_options.allow_precision_loss =
249 static_cast<bool>(options_.compile_options.precision_loss_allowed);
250 compile_options.preferred_obj_type = static_cast<ObjectType>(
251 options_.compile_options.preferred_gl_object_type);
252 compile_options.ref_obj_type = static_cast<ObjectType>(
253 options_.compile_options.preferred_gl_object_type);
254 compile_options.dynamic_batch =
255 static_cast<bool>(options_.compile_options.dynamic_batch_enabled);
256 compile_options.inline_parameters =
257 static_cast<bool>(options_.compile_options.inline_parameters);
258 auto shaders = NewNodeShaderRegistry();
259 GpuInfo gpu_info;
260 RETURN_IF_ERROR(RequestGpuInfo(&gpu_info));
261 command_queue_ = NewCommandQueue(gpu_info);
262 auto workgroups_calculator =
263 BestEffortWorkgroupsCalculator(options_.metadata, gpu_info);
264 std::unique_ptr<CompiledModel> compiled_model;
265 RETURN_IF_ERROR(Compile(compile_options, graph, tflite_graph_io, *shaders,
266 *workgroups_calculator, &compiled_model));
268 // Create inference context.
269 const RuntimeOptions runtime_options;
270 RETURN_IF_ERROR(compiled_model->NewRun(runtime_options, &phwc4_objects_,
271 command_queue_.get(),
272 &inference_context_));
273 return OkStatus();
274 }
Invoke(TfLiteContext * context)276 Status Invoke(TfLiteContext* context) {
277 const EGLContext egl_context_at_delegate_init = env_->context().context();
278 const EGLContext egl_context_at_delegate_invoke = eglGetCurrentContext();
279 if (egl_context_at_delegate_init != egl_context_at_delegate_invoke) {
280 return FailedPreconditionError(
281 "Delegate should run on the same thread where it was initialized.");
282 }
284 // Push input data from a tensor to GPU.
285 for (ValueId id : inputs_) {
286 const ValueRef& ref = tensors_[id];
287 auto external_object = bhwc_objects_.FindBuffer(ref.tensor_index);
288 if (external_object) {
289 // Use input from GPU.
290 // Conversion is needed only when external object is not phwc4.
291 if (!IsPHWC4(tensors_[id].shape)) {
292 RETURN_IF_ERROR(bhwc_to_phwc4_.Convert(
293 ref.shape, *external_object, command_queue_.get(),
294 phwc4_objects_.FindBuffer(id)));
295 }
296 } else {
297 // Copy from CPU to GPU
298 TfLiteTensor& tensor = context->tensors[ref.tensor_index];
299 RETURN_IF_ERROR(CopyToBufferHandle(id, &tensor));
300 }
301 }
303 // Run inference.
304 RETURN_IF_ERROR(inference_context_->Reset());
305 RETURN_IF_ERROR(inference_context_->Execute());
307 // Push output data from GPU to a tensor.
308 bool finished_gpu_processing = false;
309 for (ValueId id : outputs_) {
310 const ValueRef& ref = tensors_[id];
311 auto external_object = bhwc_objects_.FindBuffer(ref.tensor_index);
312 if (external_object) {
313 // Convert data from PHWC4 to BHWC and leave it in GPU object.
314 // Conversion is needed only when external object is not phwc4.
315 if (!IsPHWC4(tensors_[id].shape)) {
317 phwc4_to_bhwc_.Convert(ref.shape, *phwc4_objects_.FindBuffer(id),
318 command_queue_.get(), external_object));
319 }
320 } else {
321 // Wait until all GPU command are completed. This call leads to a lower
322 // processing latency because a buffer reading below will not stall if
323 // data is not yet ready.
324 if (!finished_gpu_processing) {
325 RETURN_IF_ERROR(command_queue_->WaitForCompletion());
326 finished_gpu_processing = true;
327 }
328 // Copy from GPU to CPU.
329 TfLiteTensor& tensor = context->tensors[ref.tensor_index];
330 RETURN_IF_ERROR(CopyFromBufferHandle(id, &tensor));
331 }
332 }
333 return OkStatus();
334 }
tflite_delegate()336 TfLiteDelegate* tflite_delegate() { return &delegate_; }
338 private:
FindObject(ValueId id,ValueRef * ref) const339 Status FindObject(ValueId id, ValueRef* ref) const {
340 if (id >= tensors_.size()) {
341 return InvalidArgumentError("Invalid buffer id");
342 }
343 *ref = tensors_[id];
344 return OkStatus();
345 }
347 TfLiteDelegate delegate_ = {
348 reinterpret_cast<void*>(this), // .data_
349 DelegatePrepare, // .Prepare
350 DelegateCopyFromBufferHandle, // .CopyFromBufferHandle
351 DelegateCopyToBufferHandle, // .CopyToBufferHandle
352 nullptr, // .FreeBufferHandle
353 kTfLiteDelegateFlagsNone, // .flags
354 };
356 TfLiteGpuDelegateOptions options_;
358 std::unique_ptr<EglEnvironment> env_;
359 std::vector<ValueRef> tensors_; // indexed by ValueId
360 std::vector<ValueId> inputs_;
361 std::vector<ValueId> outputs_;
362 ObjectManager phwc4_objects_;
363 ObjectManager bhwc_objects_; // key is tensor_index
364 ConverterPhwc4ToBhwc phwc4_to_bhwc_;
365 ConverterBhwcToPhwc4 bhwc_to_phwc4_;
366 std::unique_ptr<CommandQueue> command_queue_;
367 std::unique_ptr<InferenceContext> inference_context_;
368 };
GetGpuDelegate(TfLiteNode * node)370 inline Delegate* GetGpuDelegate(TfLiteNode* node) {
371 return reinterpret_cast<Delegate*>(node->user_data);
372 }
GetGpuDelegate(TfLiteDelegate * delegate)374 inline Delegate* GetGpuDelegate(TfLiteDelegate* delegate) {
375 return reinterpret_cast<Delegate*>(delegate->data_);
376 }
DelegatePrepare(TfLiteContext * context,TfLiteDelegate * delegate)378 TfLiteStatus DelegatePrepare(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteDelegate* delegate) {
379 const TfLiteRegistration kRegistration = {
380 // .init
381 [](TfLiteContext* context, const char* buffer, size_t) -> void* {
382 const auto* params =
383 reinterpret_cast<const TfLiteDelegateParams*>(buffer);
384 auto* gpu_delegate = GetGpuDelegate(params->delegate);
385 // Everything below should happen in prepare function call, but TFLite
386 // for whatever reason forbids that.
387 const auto status = gpu_delegate->Prepare(context, params);
388 if (status.ok()) return gpu_delegate;
389 context->ReportError(context, "TfLiteGpuDelegate Prepare: %s",
390 status.error_message().c_str());
391 return nullptr;
392 },
393 // .free
394 [](TfLiteContext*, void* buffer) -> void {},
395 // .prepare
396 [](TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node) -> TfLiteStatus {
397 return node->user_data ? kTfLiteOk : kTfLiteError;
398 },
399 // .invoke
400 [](TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node) -> TfLiteStatus {
401 const auto status = GetGpuDelegate(node)->Invoke(context);
402 if (status.ok()) return kTfLiteOk;
403 context->ReportError(context, "TfLiteGpuDelegate Invoke: %s",
404 status.error_message().c_str());
405 return kTfLiteError;
406 },
407 nullptr, // .profiling_string
408 0, // .builtin_code
409 "TfLiteGpuDelegate", // .custom_name
410 1, // .version
411 };
412 TfLiteIntArray* ops_to_replace = GetOpsToReplace(context);
413 const auto status = context->ReplaceNodeSubsetsWithDelegateKernels(
414 context, kRegistration, ops_to_replace, delegate);
415 TfLiteIntArrayFree(ops_to_replace);
416 return status;
417 }
DelegateCopyFromBufferHandle(TfLiteContext * context,TfLiteDelegate * delegate,TfLiteBufferHandle buffer_handle,TfLiteTensor * tensor)419 TfLiteStatus DelegateCopyFromBufferHandle(TfLiteContext* context,
420 TfLiteDelegate* delegate,
421 TfLiteBufferHandle buffer_handle,
422 TfLiteTensor* tensor) {
423 auto* gpu_delegate = GetGpuDelegate(delegate);
424 if (!gpu_delegate) return kTfLiteError;
425 const auto status = gpu_delegate->CopyFromBufferHandle(buffer_handle, tensor);
426 if (status.ok()) return kTfLiteOk;
427 context->ReportError(context, "TfLiteGpuDelegate CopyFromBufferHandle: %s",
428 status.error_message().c_str());
429 return kTfLiteError;
430 }
DelegateCopyToBufferHandle(TfLiteContext * context,TfLiteDelegate * delegate,TfLiteBufferHandle buffer_handle,TfLiteTensor * tensor)432 TfLiteStatus DelegateCopyToBufferHandle(TfLiteContext* context,
433 TfLiteDelegate* delegate,
434 TfLiteBufferHandle buffer_handle,
435 TfLiteTensor* tensor) {
436 auto* gpu_delegate = GetGpuDelegate(delegate);
437 if (!gpu_delegate) return kTfLiteError;
438 const auto status = gpu_delegate->CopyToBufferHandle(buffer_handle, tensor);
439 if (status.ok()) return kTfLiteOk;
440 context->ReportError(context, "TfLiteGpuDelegate CopyToBufferHandle: %s",
441 status.error_message().c_str());
442 return kTfLiteError;
443 }
445 } // namespace
446 } // namespace gl
447 } // namespace gpu
448 } // namespace tflite
TfLiteGlCompileOptionsDefault()450 TfLiteGlCompileOptions TfLiteGlCompileOptionsDefault() {
451 TfLiteGlCompileOptions options;
452 options.precision_loss_allowed = 0;
453 options.preferred_gl_object_type = TFLITE_GL_OBJECT_TYPE_FASTEST;
454 options.dynamic_batch_enabled = 0;
455 options.inline_parameters = 0;
456 return options;
457 }
TfLiteGpuDelegateOptionsDefault()459 TfLiteGpuDelegateOptions TfLiteGpuDelegateOptionsDefault() {
460 TfLiteGpuDelegateOptions options;
461 options.metadata = nullptr;
462 options.compile_options = TfLiteGlCompileOptionsDefault();
463 return options;
464 }
TfLiteGpuDelegateCreate(const TfLiteGpuDelegateOptions * options)466 TfLiteDelegate* TfLiteGpuDelegateCreate(
467 const TfLiteGpuDelegateOptions* options) {
469 "Created TensorFlow Lite delegate for GPU.");
470 auto* gpu_delegate = new tflite::gpu::gl::Delegate(options);
471 return gpu_delegate ? gpu_delegate->tflite_delegate() : nullptr;
472 }
TfLiteGpuDelegateDelete(TfLiteDelegate * delegate)474 void TfLiteGpuDelegateDelete(TfLiteDelegate* delegate) {
475 delete tflite::gpu::gl::GetGpuDelegate(delegate);
476 }
TfLiteGpuDelegateBindBufferToTensor(TfLiteDelegate * delegate,GLuint buffer,int tensor_index)478 TfLiteStatus TfLiteGpuDelegateBindBufferToTensor(TfLiteDelegate* delegate,
479 GLuint buffer,
480 int tensor_index) {
481 auto* gpu_delegate = tflite::gpu::gl::GetGpuDelegate(delegate);
482 return gpu_delegate &&
483 gpu_delegate->BindBufferToTensor(buffer, tensor_index).ok()
484 ? kTfLiteOk
485 : kTfLiteError;
486 }
TfLiteGpuDelegateGetModelMetadata(const void * tflite_model)489 const uint8_t* TfLiteGpuDelegateGetModelMetadata(const void* tflite_model) {
490 const auto* model = reinterpret_cast<const tflite::Model*>(tflite_model);
491 if (!model || !model->metadata_buffer() || !model->buffers()) return nullptr;
492 for (int32_t buffer_index : *model->metadata_buffer()) {
493 if (buffer_index < 0 && buffer_index >= model->buffers()->size()) continue;
494 const tflite::Buffer* buffer = model->buffers()->Get(buffer_index);
495 if (!buffer) continue;
496 const uint8_t* data = buffer->data()->data();
497 if (!flatbuffers::BufferHasIdentifier(
498 data, tflite::gpu::gl::data::FlowMetadataIdentifier())) {
499 continue;
500 }
501 flatbuffers::Verifier verifier(data, buffer->data()->size());
502 return tflite::gpu::gl::data::VerifyFlowMetadataBuffer(verifier) ? data
503 : nullptr;
504 }
505 return nullptr;
506 }