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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17import logging
18import time
19from acts import utils
21from acts.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import bt_default_timeout
22from acts.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import default_bluetooth_socket_timeout_ms
23from acts.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import default_le_connection_interval_ms
24from acts.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import default_le_data_length
25from acts.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_phy
26from acts.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import gatt_transport
27from acts.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import l2cap_coc_header_size
28from acts.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import le_connection_event_time_step_ms
29from acts.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import le_connection_interval_time_step_ms
30from acts.test_utils.bt.bt_constants import le_default_supervision_timeout
31from acts.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import get_mac_address_of_generic_advertisement
32from acts.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import setup_gatt_connection
33from acts.test_utils.bt.bt_gatt_utils import disconnect_gatt_connection
35log = logging
38class BtCoCTestUtilsError(Exception):
39    pass
42def do_multi_connection_throughput(client_ad, list_server_ad,
43                                   list_client_conn_id, num_iterations,
44                                   number_buffers, buffer_size):
45    """Throughput measurements from one client to one-or-many servers.
47    Args:
48        client_ad: the Android device to perform the write.
49        list_server_ad: the list of Android server devices connected to this client.
50        list_client_conn_id: list of client connection IDs
51        num_iterations: the number of test repetitions.
52        number_buffers: the total number of data buffers to transmit per test.
53        buffer_size: the number of bytes per L2CAP data buffer.
55    Returns:
56        Throughput in terms of bytes per second, 0 if test failed.
57    """
59    total_num_bytes = 0
60    start_write_time = time.perf_counter()
61    client_ad.log.info(
62        "do_multi_connection_throughput: Before write. Start Time={:f}, "
63        "num_iterations={}, number_buffers={}, buffer_size={}, "
64        "number_buffers*buffer_size={}, num_servers={}".format(
65            start_write_time, num_iterations, number_buffers, buffer_size,
66            number_buffers * buffer_size, len(list_server_ad)))
68    if (len(list_server_ad) != len(list_client_conn_id)):
69        client_ad.log.error("do_multi_connection_throughput: invalid "
70                            "parameters. Num of list_server_ad({}) != "
71                            "list_client_conn({})".format(
72                                len(list_server_ad), len(list_client_conn_id)))
73        return 0
75    try:
76        for _, client_conn_id in enumerate(list_client_conn_id):
77            client_ad.log.info("do_multi_connection_throughput: "
78                               "client_conn_id={}".format(client_conn_id))
79            # Plumb the tx data queue with the first set of data buffers.
80            client_ad.droid.bluetoothConnectionThroughputSend(
81                number_buffers, buffer_size, client_conn_id)
82    except Exception as err:
83        client_ad.log.error("Failed to write data: {}".format(err))
84        return 0
86    # Each Loop iteration will write and read one set of buffers.
87    for _ in range(0, (num_iterations - 1)):
88        try:
89            for _, client_conn_id in enumerate(list_client_conn_id):
90                client_ad.droid.bluetoothConnectionThroughputSend(
91                    number_buffers, buffer_size, client_conn_id)
92        except Exception as err:
93            client_ad.log.error("Failed to write data: {}".format(err))
94            return 0
96        for _, server_ad in enumerate(list_server_ad):
97            try:
98                server_ad.droid.bluetoothConnectionThroughputRead(
99                    number_buffers, buffer_size)
100                total_num_bytes += number_buffers * buffer_size
101            except Exception as err:
102                server_ad.log.error("Failed to read data: {}".format(err))
103                return 0
105    for _, server_ad in enumerate(list_server_ad):
106        try:
107            server_ad.droid.bluetoothConnectionThroughputRead(
108                number_buffers, buffer_size)
109            total_num_bytes += number_buffers * buffer_size
110        except Exception as err:
111            server_ad.log.error("Failed to read data: {}".format(err))
112            return 0
114    end_read_time = time.perf_counter()
116    test_time = (end_read_time - start_write_time)
117    if (test_time == 0):
118        client_ad.log.error("Buffer transmits cannot take zero time")
119        return 0
120    data_rate = (1.000 * total_num_bytes) / test_time
121    log.info(
122        "Calculated using total write and read times: total_num_bytes={}, "
123        "test_time={}, data rate={:08.0f} bytes/sec, {:08.0f} bits/sec".format(
124            total_num_bytes, test_time, data_rate, (data_rate * 8)))
125    return data_rate
128def orchestrate_coc_connection(
129        client_ad,
130        server_ad,
131        is_ble,
132        secured_conn=False,
133        le_connection_interval=0,
134        le_tx_data_length=default_le_data_length,
135        accept_timeout_ms=default_bluetooth_socket_timeout_ms,
136        le_min_ce_len=0,
137        le_max_ce_len=0):
138    """Sets up the CoC connection between two Android devices.
140    Args:
141        client_ad: the Android device performing the connection.
142        server_ad: the Android device accepting the connection.
143        is_ble: using LE transport.
144        secured_conn: using secured connection
145        le_connection_interval: LE Connection interval. 0 means use default.
146        le_tx_data_length: LE Data Length used by BT Controller to transmit.
147        accept_timeout_ms: timeout while waiting for incoming connection.
148    Returns:
149        True if connection was successful or false if unsuccessful,
150        client connection ID,
151        and server connection ID
152    """
153    server_ad.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper()
154    client_ad.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper()
156    adv_callback = None
157    mac_address = None
158    if is_ble:
159        try:
160            # This will start advertising and scanning. Will fail if it could
161            # not find the advertisements from server_ad
162            client_ad.log.info(
163                "Orchestrate_coc_connection: Start BLE advertisement and"
164                "scanning. Secured Connection={}".format(secured_conn))
165            mac_address, adv_callback, scan_callback = (
166                get_mac_address_of_generic_advertisement(client_ad, server_ad))
167        except BtTestUtilsError as err:
168            raise BtCoCTestUtilsError(
169                "Orchestrate_coc_connection: Error in getting mac address: {}".
170                format(err))
171    else:
172        mac_address = server_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress()
173        adv_callback = None
175    # Adjust the Connection Interval (if necessary)
176    bluetooth_gatt_1 = -1
177    gatt_callback_1 = -1
178    gatt_connected = False
179    if is_ble and (le_connection_interval != 0 or le_min_ce_len != 0 or le_max_ce_len != 0):
180        client_ad.log.info(
181            "Adjusting connection interval={}, le_min_ce_len={}, le_max_ce_len={}"
182            .format(le_connection_interval, le_min_ce_len, le_max_ce_len))
183        try:
184            bluetooth_gatt_1, gatt_callback_1 = setup_gatt_connection(
185                client_ad,
186                mac_address,
187                False,
188                transport=gatt_transport['le'],
189                opportunistic=False)
190            client_ad.droid.bleStopBleScan(scan_callback)
191        except GattTestUtilsError as err:
192            client_ad.log.error(err)
193            if (adv_callback != None):
194                server_ad.droid.bleStopBleAdvertising(adv_callback)
195            return False, None, None
196        client_ad.log.info("setup_gatt_connection returns success")
197        if (le_connection_interval != 0):
198            minInterval = le_connection_interval / le_connection_interval_time_step_ms
199            maxInterval = le_connection_interval / le_connection_interval_time_step_ms
200        else:
201            minInterval = default_le_connection_interval_ms / le_connection_interval_time_step_ms
202            maxInterval = default_le_connection_interval_ms / le_connection_interval_time_step_ms
203        if (le_min_ce_len != 0):
204            le_min_ce_len = le_min_ce_len / le_connection_event_time_step_ms
205        if (le_max_ce_len != 0):
206            le_max_ce_len = le_max_ce_len / le_connection_event_time_step_ms
208        return_status = client_ad.droid.gattClientRequestLeConnectionParameters(
209            bluetooth_gatt_1, minInterval, maxInterval, 0,
210            le_default_supervision_timeout, le_min_ce_len, le_max_ce_len)
211        if not return_status:
212            client_ad.log.error(
213                "gattClientRequestLeConnectionParameters returns failure")
214            if (adv_callback != None):
215                server_ad.droid.bleStopBleAdvertising(adv_callback)
216            return False, None, None
217        client_ad.log.info(
218            "gattClientRequestLeConnectionParameters returns success. Interval={}"
219            .format(minInterval))
220        gatt_connected = True
221        # For now, we will only test with 1 Mbit Phy.
222        # TODO: Add explicit tests with 2 MBit Phy.
223        client_ad.droid.gattClientSetPreferredPhy(
224            bluetooth_gatt_1, gatt_phy['1m'], gatt_phy['1m'], 0)
226    server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnBeginAcceptThreadPsm(
227        accept_timeout_ms, is_ble, secured_conn)
229    psm_value = server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnGetPsm()
230    client_ad.log.info("Assigned PSM value={}".format(psm_value))
232    client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnBeginConnectThreadPsm(
233        mac_address, is_ble, psm_value, secured_conn)
235    if (le_tx_data_length != default_le_data_length) and is_ble:
236        client_ad.log.info("orchestrate_coc_connection: call "
237                           "bluetoothSocketRequestMaximumTxDataLength")
238        client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketRequestMaximumTxDataLength()
240    end_time = time.time() + bt_default_timeout
241    test_result = False
242    while time.time() < end_time:
243        if len(server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()) > 0:
244            server_ad.log.info("CoC Server Connection Active")
245            if len(client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()) > 0:
246                client_ad.log.info("CoC Client Connection Active")
247                test_result = True
248                break
249        time.sleep(1)
251    if (adv_callback != None):
252        server_ad.droid.bleStopBleAdvertising(adv_callback)
254    if not test_result:
255        client_ad.log.error("Failed to establish an CoC connection")
256        return False, None, None
258    if len(client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()) > 0:
259        server_ad.log.info(
260            "CoC client_ad Connection Active, num=%d",
261            len(client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()))
262    else:
263        server_ad.log.info("Error CoC client_ad Connection Inactive")
264        client_ad.log.info("Error CoC client_ad Connection Inactive")
266    # Wait for the client to be ready
267    client_conn_id = None
268    while (client_conn_id == None):
269        client_conn_id = client_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLastConnId()
270        if (client_conn_id != None):
271            break
272        time.sleep(1)
274    # Wait for the server to be ready
275    server_conn_id = None
276    while (server_conn_id == None):
277        server_conn_id = server_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLastConnId()
278        if (server_conn_id != None):
279            break
280        time.sleep(1)
282    client_ad.log.info(
283        "orchestrate_coc_connection: client conn id={}, server conn id={}".
284        format(client_conn_id, server_conn_id))
286    if gatt_connected:
287        disconnect_gatt_connection(client_ad, bluetooth_gatt_1,
288                                   gatt_callback_1)
289        client_ad.droid.gattClientClose(bluetooth_gatt_1)
291    return True, client_conn_id, server_conn_id