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1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 //
19 #include <type_traits>
20 #include <algorithm>
21 #include <string>
22 #include <cmath>
24 #include "../common.hpp"
26 #include "detail/base_func_type.hpp"
27 #include "generate_inputs.hpp"
28 #include "compare.hpp"
30 template<class IN1, class OUT1>
31 struct unary_func : public detail::base_func_type<OUT1>
32 {
33     typedef IN1 in_type;
34     typedef OUT1 out_type;
~unary_funcunary_func36     virtual ~unary_func() {};
37     virtual std::string str() = 0;
39     // Return string with function type, for example: int(float).
decl_strunary_func40     std::string decl_str()
41     {
42         return type_name<OUT1>() + "(" + type_name<IN1>() + ")";
43     }
45     // Return true if IN1 type in OpenCL kernel should be treated
46     // as bool type; false otherwise.
is_in1_boolunary_func47     bool is_in1_bool()
48     {
49         return false;
50     }
52     // Return min value that can be used as a first argument.
min1unary_func53     IN1 min1()
54     {
55         return detail::get_min<IN1>();
56     }
58     // Return max value that can be used as a first argument.
max1unary_func59     IN1 max1()
60     {
61         return detail::get_max<IN1>();
62     }
64     // This returns a list of special cases input values we want to
65     // test.
in_special_casesunary_func66     std::vector<IN1> in_special_cases()
67     {
68         return { };
69     }
71     // Max error. Error should be raised if
72     // abs(result - expected) > delta(.., expected)
73     //
74     // Default value: 0.001 * expected
75     //
76     // (This effects how are_equal() function works,
77     // it may not have effect if verify() method in derived
78     // class does not use are_equal() function.)
79     //
80     // Only for FP numbers/vectors
81     template<class T>
82     typename make_vector_type<cl_double, vector_size<T>::value>::type
deltaunary_func83     delta(const IN1& in1, const T& expected)
84     {
85         typedef
86             typename make_vector_type<cl_double, vector_size<T>::value>::type
87             delta_vector_type;
88         // Take care of unused variable warning
89         (void) in1;
90         auto e = detail::make_value<delta_vector_type>(1e-3);
91         return detail::multiply<delta_vector_type>(e, expected);
92     }
93 };
95 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 // ------------- ONLY FOR OPENCL 22 CONFORMANCE TEST 22 DEVELOPMENT ------------------
97 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 #if defined(DEVELOPMENT) && defined(USE_OPENCLC_KERNELS)
99 template <class func_type, class in_type, class out_type>
generate_kernel_unary(func_type func)100 std::string generate_kernel_unary(func_type func)
101 {
102     std::string in1_value = "input[gid]";
103     // Convert uintN to boolN values
104     if(func.is_in1_bool())
105     {
106         std::string i = vector_size<in_type>::value == 1 ? "" : std::to_string(vector_size<in_type>::value);
107         in1_value = "(input[gid] != (int" + i + ")(0))";
108     }
109     std::string function_call = func.str() + "(" + in1_value + ");";
110     // Convert boolN result of funtion func_type to uintN
111     if(func.is_out_bool())
112     {
113         std::string i = vector_size<out_type>::value == 1 ? "" : std::to_string(vector_size<out_type>::value);
114         function_call = "convert_int" + i + "(" + func.str() + "(" + in1_value + "))";
115     }
116     return
117         "__kernel void " + func.get_kernel_name() + "(global " + type_name<in_type>() + " *input, global " + type_name<out_type>() + " *output)\n"
118         "{\n"
119         "    size_t gid = get_global_id(0);\n"
120         "    output[gid] = " + function_call + ";\n"
121         "}\n";
122 }
123 #else
124 template <class func_type, class in_type, class out_type>
generate_kernel_unary(func_type func)125 std::string generate_kernel_unary(func_type func)
126 {
127     std::string headers = func.headers();
128     std::string in1_value = "input[gid]";
129     if(func.is_in1_bool())
130     {
131         std::string i = vector_size<in_type>::value == 1 ? "" : std::to_string(vector_size<in_type>::value);
132         in1_value = "(input[gid] != (int" + i + ")(0))";
133     }
134     std::string function_call = func.str() + "(" + in1_value + ")";
135     if(func.is_out_bool())
136     {
137         std::string i = vector_size<out_type>::value == 1 ? "" : std::to_string(vector_size<out_type>::value);
138         function_call = "convert_cast<int" + i + ">(" + func.str() + "(" + in1_value + "))";
139     }
140     if(func.is_out_bool() || func.is_in1_bool())
141     {
142         if(headers.find("#include <opencl_convert>") == std::string::npos)
143         {
144             headers += "#include <opencl_convert>\n";
145         }
146     }
147     return
148         "" + func.defs() +
149         "" + headers +
150         "#include <opencl_memory>\n"
151         "#include <opencl_work_item>\n"
152         "using namespace cl;\n"
153         "__kernel void " + func.get_kernel_name() + "(global_ptr<" + type_name<in_type>() +  "[]> input,"
154                                               "global_ptr<" + type_name<out_type>() + "[]> output)\n"
155         "{\n"
156         "    size_t gid = get_global_id(0);\n"
157         "    output[gid] = " + function_call + ";\n"
158         "}\n";
159 }
160 #endif
162 template<class INPUT, class OUTPUT, class unary_op>
verify_unary(const std::vector<INPUT> & in,const std::vector<OUTPUT> & out,unary_op op)163 bool verify_unary(const std::vector<INPUT> &in, const std::vector<OUTPUT> &out, unary_op op)
164 {
165     for(size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); i++)
166     {
167         auto expected = op(in[i]);
168         if(!are_equal(expected, out[i], op.delta(in[i], expected), op))
169         {
170             print_error_msg(expected, out[i], i, op);
171             return false;
172         }
173     }
174     return true;
175 }
177 template <class unary_op>
test_unary_func(cl_device_id device,cl_context context,cl_command_queue queue,size_t count,unary_op op)178 int test_unary_func(cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, size_t count, unary_op op)
179 {
180     cl_mem buffers[2];
181     cl_program program;
182     cl_kernel kernel;
183     size_t work_size[1];
184     int err;
186     typedef typename unary_op::in_type INPUT;
187     typedef typename unary_op::out_type OUTPUT;
189     // Don't run test for unsupported types
190     if(!(type_supported<INPUT>(device) && type_supported<OUTPUT>(device)))
191     {
192         return CL_SUCCESS;
193     }
195     std::string code_str = generate_kernel_unary<unary_op, INPUT, OUTPUT>(op);
196     std::string kernel_name = op.get_kernel_name();
198 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
199 // ------------- ONLY FOR OPENCL 22 CONFORMANCE TEST 22 DEVELOPMENT ------------------
200 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
201 // Only OpenCL C++ to SPIR-V compilation
202 #if defined(DEVELOPMENT) && defined(ONLY_SPIRV_COMPILATION)
203     err = create_opencl_kernel(context, &program, &kernel, code_str, kernel_name);
204     RETURN_ON_ERROR(err)
205     return err;
206 // Use OpenCL C kernels instead of OpenCL C++ kernels (test C++ host code)
207 #elif defined(DEVELOPMENT) && defined(USE_OPENCLC_KERNELS)
208     err = create_opencl_kernel(context, &program, &kernel, code_str, kernel_name, "-cl-std=CL2.0", false);
209     RETURN_ON_ERROR(err)
210 #else
211     err = create_opencl_kernel(context, &program, &kernel, code_str, kernel_name);
212     RETURN_ON_ERROR(err)
213 #endif
215     std::vector<INPUT> input = generate_input<INPUT>(count, op.min1(), op.max1(), op.in_special_cases());
216     std::vector<OUTPUT> output = generate_output<OUTPUT>(count);
218     buffers[0] = clCreateBuffer(
219         context, (cl_mem_flags)(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE), sizeof(INPUT) * input.size(), NULL,  &err
220     );
221     RETURN_ON_CL_ERROR(err, "clCreateBuffer")
223     buffers[1] = clCreateBuffer(
224         context, (cl_mem_flags)(CL_MEM_READ_WRITE), sizeof(OUTPUT) * output.size(), NULL,  &err
225     );
226     RETURN_ON_CL_ERROR(err, "clCreateBuffer")
228     err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(
229         queue, buffers[0], CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(INPUT) * input.size(),
230         static_cast<void *>(input.data()), 0, NULL, NULL
231     );
232     RETURN_ON_CL_ERROR(err, "clEnqueueWriteBuffer");
234     err = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(buffers[0]), &buffers[0]);
235     err |= clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof(buffers[1]), &buffers[1]);
236     RETURN_ON_CL_ERROR(err, "clSetKernelArg");
238     work_size[0] = count;
239     err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, kernel, 1, NULL, work_size, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
240     RETURN_ON_CL_ERROR(err, "clEnqueueNDRangeKernel");
242     err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(
243         queue, buffers[1], CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(OUTPUT) * output.size(),
244         static_cast<void *>(output.data()), 0, NULL, NULL
245     );
246     RETURN_ON_CL_ERROR(err, "clEnqueueReadBuffer");
248     if (!verify_unary(input, output, op))
249     {
250         RETURN_ON_ERROR_MSG(-1, "test_%s %s(%s) failed", op.str().c_str(), type_name<OUTPUT>().c_str(), type_name<INPUT>().c_str());
251     }
252     log_info("test_%s %s(%s) passed\n", op.str().c_str(), type_name<OUTPUT>().c_str(), type_name<INPUT>().c_str());
254     clReleaseMemObject(buffers[0]);
255     clReleaseMemObject(buffers[1]);
256     clReleaseKernel(kernel);
257     clReleaseProgram(program);
258     return err;
259 }