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It returns the blob as an image.</p> 95 96<p>The format of the BlobToImage method is:</p> 97 98<pre class="text"> 99Image *BlobToImage(const ImageInfo *image_info,const void *blob, 100 const size_t length,ExceptionInfo *exception) 101</pre> 102 103<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 104 105<dd> 106</dd> 107 108<dd> </dd> 109<dl class="dl-horizontal"> 110<dt>image_info</dt> 111<dd>the image info. </dd> 112 113<dd> </dd> 114<dt>blob</dt> 115<dd>the address of a character stream in one of the image formats understood by ImageMagick. </dd> 116 117<dd> </dd> 118<dt>length</dt> 119<dd>This size_t integer reflects the length in bytes of the blob. </dd> 120 121<dd> </dd> 122<dt>exception</dt> 123<dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 124 125<dd> </dd> 126</dl> 127<h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/blob_8c.html" id="CustomStreamToImage">CustomStreamToImage</a></h2> 128 129<p>CustomStreamToImage() is the equivalent of ReadImage(), but reads the formatted "file" from the suplied method rather than to an actual file.</p> 130 131<p>The format of the CustomStreamToImage method is:</p> 132 133<pre class="text"> 134Image *CustomStreamToImage(const ImageInfo *image_info, 135 ExceptionInfo *exception) 136</pre> 137 138<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 139 140<dd> 141</dd> 142 143<dd> </dd> 144<dl class="dl-horizontal"> 145<dt>image_info</dt> 146<dd>the image info. </dd> 147 148<dd> </dd> 149<dt>exception</dt> 150<dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 151 152<dd> </dd> 153</dl> 154<h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/blob_8c.html" id="FileToBlob">FileToBlob</a></h2> 155 156<p>FileToBlob() returns the contents of a file as a buffer terminated with the '\0' character. The length of the buffer (not including the extra terminating '\0' character) is returned via the 'length' parameter. Free the buffer with RelinquishMagickMemory().</p> 157 158<p>The format of the FileToBlob method is:</p> 159 160<pre class="text"> 161void *FileToBlob(const char *filename,const size_t extent, 162 size_t *length,ExceptionInfo *exception) 163</pre> 164 165<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 166 167<dd> 168</dd> 169 170<dd> </dd> 171<dl class="dl-horizontal"> 172<dt>blob</dt> 173<dd> FileToBlob() returns the contents of a file as a blob. If an error occurs NULL is returned. </dd> 174 175<dd> </dd> 176<dt>filename</dt> 177<dd>the filename. </dd> 178 179<dd> </dd> 180<dt>extent</dt> 181<dd> The maximum length of the blob. </dd> 182 183<dd> </dd> 184<dt>length</dt> 185<dd>On return, this reflects the actual length of the blob. </dd> 186 187<dd> </dd> 188<dt>exception</dt> 189<dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 190 191<dd> </dd> 192</dl> 193<h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/blob_8c.html" id="FileToImage">FileToImage</a></h2> 194 195<p>FileToImage() write the contents of a file to an image.</p> 196 197<p>The format of the FileToImage method is:</p> 198 199<pre class="text"> 200MagickBooleanType FileToImage(Image *,const char *filename) 201</pre> 202 203<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 204 205<dd> 206</dd> 207 208<dd> </dd> 209<dl class="dl-horizontal"> 210<dt>image</dt> 211<dd>the image. </dd> 212 213<dd> </dd> 214<dt>filename</dt> 215<dd>the filename. </dd> 216 217<dd> </dd> 218</dl> 219<h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/blob_8c.html" id="GetBlobProperties">GetBlobProperties</a></h2> 220 221<p>GetBlobProperties() returns information about an image blob.</p> 222 223<p>The format of the GetBlobProperties method is:</p> 224 225<pre class="text"> 226const struct stat *GetBlobProperties(const Image *image) 227</pre> 228 229<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 230 231<dd> 232</dd> 233 234<dd> </dd> 235<dl class="dl-horizontal"> 236<dt>image</dt> 237<dd>the image. </dd> 238 239<dd> </dd> 240</dl> 241<h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/blob_8c.html" id="ImageToBlob">ImageToBlob</a></h2> 242 243<p>ImageToBlob() implements direct to memory image formats. It returns the image as a formatted blob and its length. The magick member of the Image structure determines the format of the returned blob (GIF, JPEG, PNG, etc.). This method is the equivalent of WriteImage(), but writes the formatted "file" to a memory buffer rather than to an actual file.</p> 244 245<p>The format of the ImageToBlob method is:</p> 246 247<pre class="text"> 248void *ImageToBlob(const ImageInfo *image_info,Image *image, 249 size_t *length,ExceptionInfo *exception) 250</pre> 251 252<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 253 254<dd> 255</dd> 256 257<dd> </dd> 258<dl class="dl-horizontal"> 259<dt>image_info</dt> 260<dd>the image info. </dd> 261 262<dd> </dd> 263<dt>image</dt> 264<dd>the image. </dd> 265 266<dd> </dd> 267<dt>length</dt> 268<dd>return the actual length of the blob. </dd> 269 270<dd> </dd> 271<dt>exception</dt> 272<dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 273 274<dd> </dd> 275</dl> 276<h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/blob_8c.html" id="ImageToFile">ImageToFile</a></h2> 277 278<p>ImageToFile() writes an image to a file. It returns MagickFalse if an error occurs otherwise MagickTrue.</p> 279 280<p>The format of the ImageToFile method is:</p> 281 282<pre class="text"> 283 MagickBooleanType ImageToFile(Image *image,char *filename, 284 ExceptionInfo *exception) 285</pre> 286 287<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 288 289<dd> 290</dd> 291 292<dd> </dd> 293<dl class="dl-horizontal"> 294<dt>image</dt> 295<dd>the image. </dd> 296 297<dd> </dd> 298<dt>filename</dt> 299<dd>Write the image to this file. </dd> 300 301<dd> </dd> 302<dt>exception</dt> 303<dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 304 305<dd> </dd> 306</dl> 307<h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/blob_8c.html" id="ImagesToBlob">ImagesToBlob</a></h2> 308 309<p>ImagesToBlob() implements direct to memory image formats. It returns the image sequence as a blob and its length. The magick member of the ImageInfo structure determines the format of the returned blob (GIF, JPEG, PNG, etc.)</p> 310 311<p>Note, some image formats do not permit multiple images to the same image stream (e.g. JPEG). in this instance, just the first image of the sequence is returned as a blob.</p> 312 313<p>The format of the ImagesToBlob method is:</p> 314 315<pre class="text"> 316void *ImagesToBlob(const ImageInfo *image_info,Image *images, 317 size_t *length,ExceptionInfo *exception) 318</pre> 319 320<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 321 322<dd> 323</dd> 324 325<dd> </dd> 326<dl class="dl-horizontal"> 327<dt>image_info</dt> 328<dd>the image info. </dd> 329 330<dd> </dd> 331<dt>images</dt> 332<dd>the image list. </dd> 333 334<dd> </dd> 335<dt>length</dt> 336<dd>return the actual length of the blob. </dd> 337 338<dd> </dd> 339<dt>exception</dt> 340<dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 341 342<dd> </dd> 343</dl> 344<h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/blob_8c.html" id="InjectImageBlob">InjectImageBlob</a></h2> 345 346<p>InjectImageBlob() injects the image with a copy of itself in the specified format (e.g. inject JPEG into a PDF image).</p> 347 348<p>The format of the InjectImageBlob method is:</p> 349 350<pre class="text"> 351MagickBooleanType InjectImageBlob(const ImageInfo *image_info, 352 Image *image,Image *inject_image,const char *format, 353 ExceptionInfo *exception) 354</pre> 355 356<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 357 358<dd> 359</dd> 360 361<dd> </dd> 362<dl class="dl-horizontal"> 363<dt>image_info</dt> 364<dd>the image info.. </dd> 365 366<dd> </dd> 367<dt>image</dt> 368<dd>the image. </dd> 369 370<dd> </dd> 371<dt>inject_image</dt> 372<dd>inject into the image stream. </dd> 373 374<dd> </dd> 375<dt>format</dt> 376<dd>the image format. </dd> 377 378<dd> </dd> 379<dt>exception</dt> 380<dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 381 382<dd> </dd> 383</dl> 384<h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/blob_8c.html" id="IsBlobExempt">IsBlobExempt</a></h2> 385 386<p>IsBlobExempt() returns true if the blob is exempt.</p> 387 388<p>The format of the IsBlobExempt method is:</p> 389 390<pre class="text"> 391 MagickBooleanType IsBlobExempt(const Image *image) 392</pre> 393 394<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 395 396<dd> 397</dd> 398 399<dd> </dd> 400<dl class="dl-horizontal"> 401<dt>image</dt> 402<dd>the image. </dd> 403 404<dd> </dd> 405</dl> 406<h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/blob_8c.html" id="IsBlobSeekable">IsBlobSeekable</a></h2> 407 408<p>IsBlobSeekable() returns true if the blob is seekable.</p> 409 410<p>The format of the IsBlobSeekable method is:</p> 411 412<pre class="text"> 413 MagickBooleanType IsBlobSeekable(const Image *image) 414</pre> 415 416<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 417 418<dd> 419</dd> 420 421<dd> </dd> 422<dl class="dl-horizontal"> 423<dt>image</dt> 424<dd>the image. </dd> 425 426<dd> </dd> 427</dl> 428<h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/blob_8c.html" id="IsBlobTemporary">IsBlobTemporary</a></h2> 429 430<p>IsBlobTemporary() returns true if the blob is temporary.</p> 431 432<p>The format of the IsBlobTemporary method is:</p> 433 434<pre class="text"> 435 MagickBooleanType IsBlobTemporary(const Image *image) 436</pre> 437 438<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 439 440<dd> 441</dd> 442 443<dd> </dd> 444<dl class="dl-horizontal"> 445<dt>image</dt> 446<dd>the image. </dd> 447 448<dd> </dd> 449</dl> 450</div> 451 </div> 452 </main><!-- /.container --> 453 <footer class="magick-footer"> 454 <p><a href="../../www/security-policy.html">Security</a> • 455 <a href="../../www/architecture.html">Architecture</a> 456 457 <a href="blob.html#"><img class="d-inline" id="wand" alt="And Now a Touch of Magick" width="16" height="16" src="../../images/wand.ico"/></a> 458 459 <a href="../../www/links.html">Related</a> • 460 <a href="../../www/sitemap.html">Sitemap</a> 461 <br/> 462 <a href="../../www/support.html">Donate</a> • 463 <a href="http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x89AB63D48277377A">Public Key</a> • 464 <a href="../../www/contact.html">Contact Us</a> 465 <br/> 466 <small>© 1999-2020 ImageMagick Studio LLC</small></p> 467 </footer> 468 469 <!-- Javascript assets --> 470 <script src="../assets/magick.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> 471 <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="https://localhost/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js"><\/script>')</script> 472</body> 473</html> 474<!-- Magick Cache 5th January 2020 00:27 -->