1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi"> 3 <?define exts=pyexpat;select;unicodedata;winsound;_bz2;_elementtree;_socket;_ssl;_msi;_ctypes;_hashlib;_multiprocessing;_lzma;_decimal;_overlapped;_sqlite3;_asyncio;_queue ?> 4 <Fragment> 5 <DirectoryRef Id="Lib_venv_scripts_nt" /> 6 7 <ComponentGroup Id="lib_extensions"> 8 <?foreach ext in $(var.exts)?> 9 10 <Component Id="$(var.ext).pyd" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*"> 11 <File Name="$(var.ext).pyd" KeyPath="yes" /> 12 </Component> 13 14 <?endforeach ?> 15 16 <Component Id="sqlite3.dll" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*"> 17 <File Name="sqlite3.dll" KeyPath="yes" /> 18 </Component> 19 <Component Id="libcrypto.dll" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*"> 20 <File Name="libcrypto$(var.ssltag).dll" KeyPath="yes" /> 21 </Component> 22 <Component Id="libssl.dll" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*"> 23 <File Name="libssl$(var.ssltag).dll" KeyPath="yes" /> 24 </Component> 25 <Component Id="libffi.dll" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*"> 26 <File Name="libffi-7.dll" KeyPath="yes" /> 27 </Component> 28 <Component Id="venvlauncher.exe" Directory="Lib_venv_scripts_nt" Guid="*"> 29 <File Name="python.exe" Source="venvlauncher.exe" KeyPath="yes" /> 30 </Component> 31 <Component Id="venvwlauncher.exe" Directory="Lib_venv_scripts_nt" Guid="*"> 32 <File Name="pythonw.exe" Source="venvwlauncher.exe" KeyPath="yes" /> 33 </Component> 34 </ComponentGroup> 35 </Fragment> 36 37 <Fragment> 38 <!-- The auto-generated directory is not available when building symbols --> 39 <DirectoryRef Id="Lib"> 40 <Directory Id="Lib_venv__pdbs" Name="venv"> 41 <Directory Id="Lib_venv_scripts__pdbs" Name="scripts"> 42 <Directory Id="Lib_venv_scripts_nt__pdbs" Name="nt" /> 43 </Directory> 44 </Directory> 45 </DirectoryRef> 46 47 <ComponentGroup Id="lib_extensions_symbols"> 48 <?foreach ext in $(var.exts)?> 49 50 <Component Id="$(var.ext).pdb" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*"> 51 <File Name="$(var.ext).pdb" /> 52 </Component> 53 54 <?endforeach ?> 55 56 <Component Id="sqlite3.pdb" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*"> 57 <File Name="sqlite3.pdb" /> 58 </Component> 59 <Component Id="libcrypto.pdb" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*"> 60 <File Name="libcrypto$(var.ssltag).pdb" KeyPath="yes" /> 61 </Component> 62 <Component Id="libssl.pdb" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*"> 63 <File Name="libssl$(var.ssltag).pdb" KeyPath="yes" /> 64 </Component> 65 <Component Id="venvlauncher.pdb" Directory="Lib_venv_scripts_nt__pdbs" Guid="*"> 66 <File Name="python.pdb" Source="venvlauncher.pdb" KeyPath="yes" /> 67 </Component> 68 <Component Id="venvwlauncher.pdb" Directory="Lib_venv_scripts_nt__pdbs" Guid="*"> 69 <File Name="pythonw.pdb" Source="venvwlauncher.pdb" KeyPath="yes" /> 70 </Component> 71 </ComponentGroup> 72 </Fragment> 73 74 <Fragment> 75 <!-- The auto-generated directory is not available when building debug binaries --> 76 <DirectoryRef Id="Lib"> 77 <Directory Id="Lib_venv__d" Name="venv"> 78 <Directory Id="Lib_venv_scripts__d" Name="scripts"> 79 <Directory Id="Lib_venv_scripts_nt__d" Name="nt" /> 80 </Directory> 81 </Directory> 82 </DirectoryRef> 83 84 <ComponentGroup Id="lib_extensions_d"> 85 <?foreach ext in $(var.exts)?> 86 87 <Component Id="$(var.ext)_d.pyd" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*"> 88 <File Name="$(var.ext)_d.pyd" /> 89 </Component> 90 <Component Id="$(var.ext)_d.pdb" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*"> 91 <File Name="$(var.ext)_d.pdb" /> 92 </Component> 93 94 <?endforeach ?> 95 96 <Component Id="sqlite3_d.dll" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*"> 97 <File Name="sqlite3_d.dll" KeyPath="yes" /> 98 </Component> 99 <Component Id="sqlite3_d.pdb" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*"> 100 <File Name="sqlite3_d.pdb" KeyPath="yes" /> 101 </Component> 102 <Component Id="venvlauncher_d.exe" Directory="Lib_venv_scripts_nt__d" Guid="*"> 103 <File Name="python_d.exe" Source="venvlauncher_d.exe" KeyPath="yes" /> 104 </Component> 105 <Component Id="venvwlauncher_d.exe" Directory="Lib_venv_scripts_nt__d" Guid="*"> 106 <File Name="pythonw_d.exe" Source="venvwlauncher_d.exe" KeyPath="yes" /> 107 </Component> 108 </ComponentGroup> 109 </Fragment> 110 <Fragment> 111 <PropertyRef Id="REGISTRYKEY" /> 112 113 <ComponentGroup Id="lib_files"> 114 <Component Id="PythonPathRegistry" Directory="Lib" Guid="*"> 115 <RegistryKey Root="HKMU" Key="[REGISTRYKEY]"> 116 <RegistryValue Key="PythonPath" Type="string" Value="[Lib];[DLLs]" /> 117 </RegistryKey> 118 </Component> 119 <Component Id="Lib2to3_pickle_remove" Directory="Lib_lib2to3" Guid="$(var.RemoveLib2to3PickleComponentGuid)"> 120 <RemoveFile Id="Lib2to3_pickle_remove_files" Name="*.pickle" On="uninstall" /> 121 <RemoveFolder Id="Lib2to3_pickle_remove_folder" On="uninstall" /> 122 </Component> 123 </ComponentGroup> 124 </Fragment> 125 <Fragment> 126 <ComponentGroup Id="lib_cat"> 127 <Component Id="lib_cat" Directory="Catalogs" Guid="*"> 128 <File Name="python_lib.cat" KeyPath="yes" /> 129 </Component> 130 </ComponentGroup> 131 </Fragment> 132</Wix> 133