/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/CpuMpPei/ |
D | CpuMpPei.uni | 2 // CPU driver installs CPU PI Multi-processor PPI. 4 // CPU driver installs CPU PI Multi-processor PPI. 19 #string STR_MODULE_ABSTRACT #language en-US "Installs CPU PI Multi-processor PPI" 21 #string STR_MODULE_DESCRIPTION #language en-US "CPU driver installs CPU PI Multi-processor…
/device/generic/goldfish/input/ |
D | goldfish_rotary.idc | 4 # Should be (number of ticks in full rotation) / (2 PI). 5 # Here, chosen arbirarily to be 360 / (2 PI)
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Lib/test/ |
D | double_const.py | 12 PI = 3.14159265358979324 variable 29 check_ok(PI, PI_str)
D | ieee754.txt | 7 >>> PI = pi 162 >>> tan(PI/2) > 1E10 164 >>> -tan(-PI/2) > 1E10 166 >>> tan(PI) < 1E-15 179 >>> equal(atan(INF), PI/2), equal(atan(NINF), -PI/2)
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/MpServicesOnFrameworkMpServicesThunk/ |
D | MpServicesOnFrameworkMpServicesThunk.inf | 2 # Produces PI MP Services Protocol on top of Framework MP Services Protocol. 4 # Intel's Framework MP Services Protocol is replaced by EFI_MP_SERVICES_PROTOCOL in PI 1.1. 5 # This module produces PI MP Services Protocol on top of Framework MP Services Protocol.
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/BootScriptSaveOnS3SaveStateThunk/ |
D | BootScriptSaveOnS3SaveStateThunk.inf | 2 # To implement Framework Boot Script Save protocol based on PI S3 Save State protocol 4 # Intel's Framework Boot Script Save Protocol is replaced by S3 Save State Protocol in PI. 5 # This module produces Framework Boot Script Save protocol by consuming PI S3 Save State protocol
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCommunication/ |
D | PiSmmCommunicationPei.uni | 2 // PI SMM Communication PEIM which produces PEI SMM Communication PPI. 19 #string STR_MODULE_ABSTRACT #language en-US "PI SMM Communication PEIM that produces PE…
D | PiSmmCommunicationSmm.uni | 2 // PI SMM Communication SMM driver that installs the SMM Communication ACPI Table. 21 #string STR_MODULE_ABSTRACT #language en-US "PI SMM Communication SMM driver that insta…
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Library/PeiRecoveryLib/ |
D | PeiRecoveryLib.uni | 6 // in PI 1.2 specification. 22 … should update to directly locate EFI_PEI_RECOVERY_MODULE_PPI defined in the PI 1.2 Specification."
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/PeiS3LibNull/ |
D | PeiS3LibNull.uni | 6 // in PI 1.2 specification. 23 …rary class should update to directly locate EFI_PEI_S3_RESUME_PPI defined in PI 1.2 Specification."
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Library/PeiRecoveryLibNull/ |
D | PeiRecoveryLibNull.uni | 6 // in PI 1.2 specification. 23 …lass should update to directly locate EFI_PEI_RECOVERY_MODULE_PPI defined in PI 1.2 Specification."
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Library/PeiS3Lib/ |
D | PeiS3Lib.uni | 6 // in PI 1.2 specification. 22 … class should update to directly locate EFI_PEI_S3_RESUME_PPI defined in the PI 1.2 Specification."
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/AppPkg/Applications/Lua/src/ |
D | lmathlib.c | 20 #undef PI 21 #define PI ((lua_Number)(3.1415926535897932384626433832795)) macro 22 #define RADIANS_PER_DEGREE ((lua_Number)(PI/180.0)) 273 lua_pushnumber(L, PI); in luaopen_math()
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/PciCfg2OnPciCfgThunk/ |
D | PciCfg2OnPciCfgThunk.inf | 51 # PIWG's PI specification replaces Inte's EFI Specification 1.10. 53 # EFI_PEI_PCI_CFG2_PPI in PI 1.0. 57 # 2) PI module that produces PCI CFG2 is not present
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/LegacyRegion2OnLegacyRegionThunk/ |
D | LegacyRegion2OnLegacyRegionThunk.inf | 4 # Intel's Framework Legacy Region Protocol is replaced by Legacy Region 2 Protocol in PI 1.2. 5 # This module produces PI Legacy Region 2 Protocol on top of Framework Legacy Region Protocol.
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/CpuIo2OnCpuIoThunk/ |
D | CpuIo2OnCpuIoThunk.inf | 4 # Intel's Framework CPU I/O Protocol is replaced by CPU I/O 2 Protocol in PI. 5 # This module produces PI CPU I/O 2 Protocol on top of Framework CPU I/O Protocol.
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/FvFileLoaderOnLoadFileThunk/ |
D | FvFileLoaderOnLoadFileThunk.inf | 4 # UEFI PI Spec supersedes Intel's Framework Specs. 10 # 2) The platform has PI modules that produce EFI_PEI_LOAD_FILE_PPI.
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/ReadOnlyVariable2OnReadOnlyVariableThunk/ |
D | ReadOnlyVariable2OnReadOnlyVariableThunk.inf | 4 # UEFI PI Spec supersedes Intel's Framework Specs. 10 # 2) The platform has PI modules that consumes EFI_PEI_READ_ONLY_VARIABLE2_PPI.
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/ReadOnlyVariableOnReadOnlyVariable2Thunk/ |
D | ReadOnlyVariableOnReadOnlyVariable2Thunk.inf | 4 # UEFI PI Spec supersedes Intel's Framework Specs. 10 # 2) The platform has a PI module that only produces EFI_PEI_READ_ONLY_VARIABLE2_PPI.
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Isa/IsaBusDxe/ |
D | IsaBusDxe.uni | 5 // in PI spec 1.2.1. It consumes the ISA Host Controller protocol produced by 26 "This driver follows UEFI driver model and layers on ISA HC protocol defined in PI spec 1.2.1. It c…
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxePcdLib/ |
D | DxePcdLib.uni | 8 // It is defined by PI specification 1.2, Vol 3 which only support dynamicEx 30 …that supporst Dynamic/DynamicEx PCDs. 2) EFI_PCD_PROTOCOL It is defined by PI Specification 1.2, V…
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Compatibility/PciCfgOnPciCfg2Thunk/ |
D | PciCfgOnPciCfg2Thunk.inf | 4 # PIWG's PI specification replaces Inte's EFI Specification 1.10. 6 # EFI_PEI_PCI_CFG2_PPI in PI 1.0.
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/MdePkg/Library/PeiPcdLib/ |
D | PeiPcdLib.uni | 8 // It is defined by PI specification 1.2, Vol 3 which only support dynamicEx 32 …which support Dynamic/DynamicEx Pcds. 2) EFI_PEI_PCD_PPI: It is defined by PI Specification 1.2, V…
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/LegacyRegion2Dxe/ |
D | LegacyRegion2Dxe.uni | 10 // Note: This module does not fully comply with PI Specification of Legacy Region 2 29 …of the legacy memory regions. Note: This module does not fully comply with PI Specification of Leg…
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Acpi/AcpiTableDxe/ |
D | AcpiTableDxe.uni | 19 …his driver initializes ACPI tables (Rsdp, Rsdt and Xsdt) and produces UEFI/PI services to install/…