Changes: 19.08.2008 Dependency check for composed grammars added. Might need some further improvements. 09.08.2008 Inspecting environment variable ANTLR_HOME to detect and add antlr- and stringtemplate libraries to the classpath 09.08.2008 Removed routine checkGenerateFile. It got feeble with the introduction of composed grammars, e.g. "import T.g". From now one it is always antlr itself via the depend option which decides about dependecies 31.12.2007 With option "depend=true" proceed even if first pass failed so that ANTLR can spit out its errors 31.12.2007 Support the -Xconversiontimeout option (Jim Idle) 21.10.2007 Evaluation of dependencies via ANTLRs 'depend' option. Added noprune and nocollapse option. 'grammar parser' will be recognized. 17.05.2007 Adapted the grammar type recognition to the changed naming conventions for tree parsers. Compiled the antlr3 taks with -source 5 -target 5 for compatibility with Java 5. Dropped trace, tracelexer and traceparser options as they are not supported by antlr any more. Added depend and dbgST options. Added project "SimpleTreeWalker" as an example for a multi grammar project. How to build the antlr3 task: Prerequisites: 1) apache-ant-1.7.0 installed 2) antlr jar files (antlr-3.1b1.jar, antlr-2.7.7.jar and stringtemplate-3.1b1.jar) contained in the CLASSPATH environment variable 3) Java 5 or Java 6 installed javac -source 5 -target 5 -classpath C:/Programme/apache-ant-1.7.0/lib/ant.jar org/apache/tools/ant/antlr/ jar cvf antlr3.jar org/apache/tools/ant/antlr/antlib.xml org/apache/tools/ant/antlr/ANTLR3.class a) Simple example on how to use the antlr3 task with ant b) Example on how to build a multi grammar project with ant. c) Example build file for polydiff example grammar added. d) Example build file for composite-java example grammar added