# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. AUTHOR = 'chromeos-bluetooth' NAME = 'bluetooth_AdapterAdvHealth.adv_reboot_advertising_test' PURPOSE = 'Test bluetooth adapter advertising.' CRITERIA = 'Adapter should advertise with correct parameters.' ATTRIBUTES = 'suite:bluetooth_flaky' TIME = 'SHORT' # ~3 minutes on Eve MAX_RESULT_SIZE_KB = 128000 TEST_CATEGORY = 'Functional' TEST_CLASS = 'bluetooth' TEST_TYPE = 'server' DEPENDENCIES = 'bluetooth' DOC = """ This test case verifies that the Bluetooth adapter of the DUT can behave as a Bluetooth low-energy device and advertise correctly around the adapter being power-cycled. This autotest include the following test cases: self.test_case_SI200_RA3_CD_PC_CD_UA3() self.test_case_RA3_CD_SI200_CD_PC_CD_UA3() self.test_case_RA1_CD_SI200_CD_PC_CD_UA1() Mnemonics of the test cases: CD: check advertising duration and intervals RA: register advertisements UA: unregister advertisements SI: set advertising intervals RS: reset advertising FRA: fail to register extra advertisements when max ones have been registered. FSI: fail to set advertising intervals beyond legitimate range of [20 ms, 10,240 ms]. PC: power cycle the bluetooth adapter (controller). SR: suspend and resume the DUT (chromebook) """ def run(machine): host = hosts.create_host(machine) job.run_test('bluetooth_AdapterAdvHealth', host=host, num_iterations=1, test_name=NAME.split('.')[1], peer_required=False) parallel_simple(run, machines)