# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. AUTHOR = "deymo, chromeos-installer@google.com" NAME = "platform_Powerwash" TIME = "SHORT" TEST_CATEGORY = "Functional" TEST_CLASS = "platform" TEST_TYPE = "server" ATTRIBUTES = "suite:bvt-installer" DOC = """ Tests that a device runs powerwash on the first reboot after the powerwash was signaled. The test verifies that a given file on the stateful partition is deleted during powerwash and that the powerwash counter is increased. We supply a job_repo_url to the test when running locally. In the lab this will be passed directly. The job_repo_url is a link to the autotest packages on a devserver. The test uses it to find and stage the stateful payload it needs to restore after performing the powerwash. To get a list of available devservers to use execute this command: atest server list | grep devserver Example usage: test_that platform_Powerwash --board= --args="job_repo_url=http://:8082/static/-release/RXX-XXXXX.X.X/autotest/packages" """ from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils args_dict = utils.args_to_dict(args) job_repo_url = args_dict.get('job_repo_url') def run_test(machine): host = hosts.create_host(machine) job.run_test("platform_Powerwash", host=host, job_repo_url=job_repo_url, disable_sysinfo=True) parallel_simple(run_test, machines)