#!/usr/bin/python2 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import mox import socket import unittest from config import rpm_config import rpm_dispatcher DUT_SAME_RPM1 = 'chromeos-rack8e-hostbs1' DUT_SAME_RPM2 = 'chromeos-rack8e-hostbs2' RPM_HOSTNAME = 'chromeos-rack8e-rpm1' DUT_DIFFERENT_RPM = 'chromeos-rack1-hostbs1' FAKE_DISPATCHER_URI = 'fake-dispatcher' FAKE_DISPATCHER_PORT = 9999 FRONT_END_PORT = rpm_config.getint('RPM_INFRASTRUCTURE', 'frontend_port') PROPER_URI_FORMAT = 'http://%s:%d' class TestRPMDispatcher(mox.MoxTestBase): """ Simple unit tests to verify that the RPM Dispatcher properly registers with the frontend server, and also initializes and reuses the same RPM Controller for DUT requests on the same RPM. queue_request is the only public method of RPM Dispatcher, however its logic is simple and relies mostly on the private methods; therefore, I am testing primarily RPMDispatcher initialization and _get_rpm_controller (which calls _create_rpm_controller) to verify correct implementation. """ def setUp(self): super(TestRPMDispatcher, self).setUp() self.frontend_mock = self.mox.CreateMockAnything() expected_uri = PROPER_URI_FORMAT % (FAKE_DISPATCHER_URI, FAKE_DISPATCHER_PORT) self.frontend_mock.register_dispatcher(expected_uri) rpm_dispatcher.xmlrpclib.ServerProxy = self.mox.CreateMockAnything() frontend_uri = 'http://%s:%d' % (socket.gethostname(), FRONT_END_PORT) rpm_dispatcher.xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(frontend_uri).AndReturn( self.frontend_mock) rpm_dispatcher.atexit = self.mox.CreateMockAnything() rpm_dispatcher.atexit.register(mox.IgnoreArg()) self.mox.ReplayAll() self.dispatcher = rpm_dispatcher.RPMDispatcher(FAKE_DISPATCHER_URI, FAKE_DISPATCHER_PORT) def testRegistration(self): """ Make sure that as a dispatcher is initialized it properly registered with the frontend server. """ self.mox.VerifyAll() def testGetSameRPMController(self): """ Make sure that calls to _get_rpm_controller with DUT hostnames that belong to the same RPM device create and retrieve the same RPMController instance. """ controller1 = self.dispatcher._get_rpm_controller(RPM_HOSTNAME) controller2 = self.dispatcher._get_rpm_controller(RPM_HOSTNAME) self.assertEquals(controller1, controller2) def testGetDifferentRPMController(self): """ Make sure that calls to _get_rpm_controller with DUT hostnames that belong to the different RPM device create and retrieve different RPMController instances. """ controller1 = self.dispatcher._get_rpm_controller(DUT_SAME_RPM1) controller2 = self.dispatcher._get_rpm_controller(DUT_DIFFERENT_RPM) self.assertNotEquals(controller1, controller2) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()