#ifndef _XEXMLPARSER_HPP #define _XEXMLPARSER_HPP /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements Quality Program Test Executor * ------------------------------------------ * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief XML Parser. * * \todo [2012-06-07 pyry] Not supported / handled properly: * - xml namespaces () * - backslash escapes in strings * - " -style escapes * - utf-8 *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "xeDefs.hpp" #include "deRingBuffer.hpp" #include #include namespace xe { namespace xml { enum Token { TOKEN_INCOMPLETE = 0, //!< Not enough data to determine token. TOKEN_END_OF_STRING, //!< End of document string. TOKEN_DATA, //!< Block of data (anything outside tags). TOKEN_COMMENT, //!< TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, //!< Identifier (in tags). TOKEN_STRING, //!< String (in tags). TOKEN_TAG_START, //!< < TOKEN_TAG_END, //!< > TOKEN_END_TAG_START, //!< TOKEN_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_START, //!< TOKEN_EQUAL, //!< = TOKEN_ENTITY, //!< Entity reference, such as & TOKEN_LAST }; enum Element { ELEMENT_INCOMPLETE = 0, //!< Incomplete element. ELEMENT_START, //!< Element start. ELEMENT_END, //!< Element end. ELEMENT_DATA, //!< Data element. ELEMENT_END_OF_STRING, //!< End of document string. ELEMENT_LAST }; const char* getTokenName (Token token); // \todo [2012-10-17 pyry] Add line number etc. class ParseError : public xe::ParseError { public: ParseError (const std::string& message) : xe::ParseError(message) {} }; class Tokenizer { public: Tokenizer (void); ~Tokenizer (void); void clear (void); //!< Resets tokenizer to initial state. void feed (const deUint8* bytes, int numBytes); void advance (void); Token getToken (void) const { return m_curToken; } int getTokenLen (void) const { return m_curTokenLen; } deUint8 getTokenByte (int offset) const { DE_ASSERT(m_curToken != TOKEN_INCOMPLETE && m_curToken != TOKEN_END_OF_STRING); return m_buf.peekBack(offset); } void getTokenStr (std::string& dst) const; void appendTokenStr (std::string& dst) const; void getString (std::string& dst) const; private: Tokenizer (const Tokenizer& other); Tokenizer& operator= (const Tokenizer& other); int getChar (int offset) const; void error (const std::string& what); enum State { STATE_DATA = 0, STATE_TAG, STATE_IDENTIFIER, STATE_VALUE, STATE_COMMENT, STATE_ENTITY, STATE_LAST }; enum { END_OF_STRING = 0, //!< End of string (0). END_OF_BUFFER = 0xffffffff //!< End of current data buffer. }; Token m_curToken; //!< Current token. int m_curTokenLen; //!< Length of current token. State m_state; //!< Tokenization state. de::RingBuffer m_buf; }; class Parser { public: typedef std::map AttributeMap; typedef AttributeMap::const_iterator AttributeIter; Parser (void); ~Parser (void); void clear (void); //!< Resets parser to initial state. void feed (const deUint8* bytes, int numBytes); void advance (void); Element getElement (void) const { return m_element; } // For ELEMENT_START / ELEMENT_END. const char* getElementName (void) const { return m_elementName.c_str(); } // For ELEMENT_START. bool hasAttribute (const char* name) const { return m_attributes.find(name) != m_attributes.end(); } const char* getAttribute (const char* name) const { return m_attributes.find(name)->second.c_str(); } const AttributeMap& attributes (void) const { return m_attributes; } // For ELEMENT_DATA. int getDataSize (void) const; deUint8 getDataByte (int offset) const; void getDataStr (std::string& dst) const; void appendDataStr (std::string& dst) const; private: Parser (const Parser& other); Parser& operator= (const Parser& other); void parseEntityValue (void); void error (const std::string& what); enum State { STATE_DATA = 0, //!< Initial state - assuming data or tag open. STATE_ENTITY, //!< Parsed entity is stored - overrides data. STATE_IN_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, //!< In processing instruction. STATE_START_TAG_OPEN, //!< Start tag open. STATE_END_TAG_OPEN, //!< End tag open. STATE_EXPECTING_END_TAG_CLOSE, //!< Expecting end tag close. STATE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST, //!< Expecting attribute list. STATE_EXPECTING_ATTRIBUTE_EQ, //!< Got attribute name, expecting =. STATE_EXPECTING_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, //!< Expecting attribute value. STATE_YIELD_EMPTY_ELEMENT_END, //!< Empty element: start has been reported but not end. STATE_LAST }; Tokenizer m_tokenizer; Element m_element; std::string m_elementName; AttributeMap m_attributes; State m_state; std::string m_attribName; std::string m_entityValue; //!< Data override, such as entity value. }; // Inline implementations inline void Tokenizer::getTokenStr (std::string& dst) const { DE_ASSERT(m_curToken != TOKEN_INCOMPLETE && m_curToken != TOKEN_END_OF_STRING); dst.resize(m_curTokenLen); for (int ndx = 0; ndx < m_curTokenLen; ndx++) dst[ndx] = m_buf.peekBack(ndx); } inline void Tokenizer::appendTokenStr (std::string& dst) const { DE_ASSERT(m_curToken != TOKEN_INCOMPLETE && m_curToken != TOKEN_END_OF_STRING); size_t oldLen = dst.size(); dst.resize(oldLen+m_curTokenLen); for (int ndx = 0; ndx < m_curTokenLen; ndx++) dst[oldLen+ndx] = m_buf.peekBack(ndx); } inline int Parser::getDataSize (void) const { if (m_state != STATE_ENTITY) return m_tokenizer.getTokenLen(); else return (int)m_entityValue.size(); } inline deUint8 Parser::getDataByte (int offset) const { if (m_state != STATE_ENTITY) return m_tokenizer.getTokenByte(offset); else return (deUint8)m_entityValue[offset]; } inline void Parser::getDataStr (std::string& dst) const { if (m_state != STATE_ENTITY) return m_tokenizer.getTokenStr(dst); else dst = m_entityValue; } inline void Parser::appendDataStr (std::string& dst) const { if (m_state != STATE_ENTITY) return m_tokenizer.appendTokenStr(dst); else dst += m_entityValue; } } // xml } // xe #endif // _XEXMLPARSER_HPP