name: "GWP-ASan" description: "GWP-ASan is a sampled allocator framework that assists in finding " "use-after-free and heap-buffer-overflow bugs in production environments. " "It informally is a recursive acronym, 'GWP-ASan Will Provide Allocation " "SANity'. " "GWP-ASan is based on the classic Electric Fence Malloc Debugger " ", with a key adaptation. Notably, we " "only choose a very small percentage of allocations to sample, and apply " "guard pages to these sampled allocations only. The sampling is small " "enough to allow us to have very low performance overhead." third_party { url { type: GIT value: "" } version: "8f5e1755ca385566c0352a9bd292218cebfd3d0b" license_type: NOTICE last_upgrade_date { year: 2019 month: 8 day: 21 } }